2,139 research outputs found

    The Influence of the Lower Ionospheric Disturbances on the Operating Conditions of Navigation Satellite Systems

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    The study of the impact of ionospheric disturbances on the conditions of functioning of satellite communication and navigation systems and the development of methods to reduce this effect requires the development of methods for evaluating the parameters of ionospheric disturbances and their spatial and temporal distribution. Studies show that electron concentration disturbances, which can have a significant impact on the functioning of transionospheric radio channels, can occur both in the upper and lower ionosphere. At the same time, the methods of studying the dynamics of ionospheric disturbances in the lower ionosphere are not enough developed, and the interrelation of the lower and upper perturbations of the ionosphere is insufficiently studied. The aim of the work is an experimental study of disturbances of the upper and lower ionosphere in order to clarify the mechanisms of their relationship and study the spatiotemporal distribution of mid-latitude disturbances. The results obtained show that the contribution of the electron density disturbances in the D region to the total electron content of the ionosphere can be significant and considerably depends on the type of heliogeophysical processes

    Tendencias del complejo jurídico-penal en relación a la consolidación legislativa de la categoría de contraversión

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    The study aims to consider scientific opinions on the feasibility and effectiveness of introducing the misdemeanor category into the Russian criminal-legal complex and conduct a comparative legal analysis within the framework of foreign legislation and a historical retrospective. The authors use the comparative-legal, historical-legal, and statistical methods, as well as the method of systemic analysis. The article studies the issues relevant to criminal and criminal procedure law and related to the legislative consolidation of misdemeanors. Over the past few decades, the main vector of developing and improving modern criminal justice policy has been a course towards the liberalization of criminal liability, which includes discussions on the further decriminalization of certain types of crimes and mitigation of criminal sanctions for some unlawful acts. A key task of modern criminal law is the urgent problem associated with the possibility of reintroducing the misdemeanor category into Russian criminal legislation. The division of criminal acts into misdemeanors and crimes fully corresponds to objective conditions and modern needs. There are several approaches to consolidating the misdemeanor category into Russian criminal legislation. The first approach is to adopt a new Code of Misdemeanor Offenses and the second approach is to include the relevant section into the existing Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.sobre la viabilidad de la introducción de la categoría de contraversión en el ordenamiento jurídico penal ruso, así como realizar un análisis jurídico comparativo en el marco de la legislación extranjera y de la retrospectiva histórica. Los autores utilizan los métodos comparativo-jurídico, histórico-jurídico y estadístico, así como el método de análisis sistémico. El artículo estudia las cuestiones pertinentes al derecho penal y procesal penal y las relacionadas con la consolidación legislativa de la contraversión. En las últimas tres décadas, el principal vector del desarrollo y perfeccionamiento de la política moderna de justicia penal ha conducido a la liberalización de la responsabilidad penal, que incluye debates sobre la ulterior despenalización de ciertos tipos de delitos y la mitigación de las sanciones penales por algunos actos ilícitos. Una tarea clave del derecho penal moderno es el problema urgente asociado con la posibilidad de reintroducir la categoría de contraversión en la legislación penal rusa. La división de los actos delictivos en contraversión y delitos responde plenamente a las condiciones objetivas y a las necesidades modernas. Hay varios enfoques sobre la consolidación de la categoría de contraversión en la legislación penal rusa. El primer enfoque se trata de adoptar un nuevo Código de Contraversiones y el segundo enfoque está a favor de incluir la sección pertinente en el Código Penal vigente de la Federación de Rusia


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    Idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus is a chronic steadily progressing disease. Nowadays a vital and acute socially significant problem still has not been solved. The etiology and pathogenesis of this disease remain so far poorly understood. Variable clinical manifestations, as well as difficulties in differential diagnosis with other neurodegenerative diseases - lead to unde r- diagnosing of the illness that causes a significant decrease in patient’s quality of life and even results in disability. The n umber of patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus has been steadily increasing. That is why, the coverage and a full study of this problem is of great interest for a broad circle of medical professionals

    Feeding Spray-Dried Porcine Plasma to Pigs Improves the Protection Afforded by the African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) BA71∆CD2 Vaccine Prototype against Experimental Challenge with the Pandemic ASFV—Study 2

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effects of feeding spray-dried porcine plasma (SDPP) on the protection afforded by the BA71∆CD2 African swine fever virus (ASFV) vaccine prototype. Two groups of pigs acclimated to diets without or with 8% SDPP were intranasally inoculated with 105 plaque-forming units (PFU) of live attenuated ASFV strain BA71∆CD2 and, three weeks later, left in direct contact with pigs infected with the pandemic Georgia 2007/01 ASFV strain. During the post-exposure (pe) period, 2/6 from the conventional diet group showed a transient peak rectal temperature >40.5 °C before day 20 pe, and some tissue samples collected at 20 d pe from 5/6 were PCR+ for ASFV, albeit showing Ct values much higher than Trojan pigs. Interestingly, the SDPP group did not show fever, neither PCR+ in blood nor rectal swab at any time pe, and none of the postmortem collected tissue samples were PCR+ for ASFV. Differential serum cytokine profiles among groups at vaccination, and a higher number of ASFV-specific IFNϒ-secreting T cells in pigs fed with SDPP soon after the Georgia 2007/01 encounter, confirmed the relevance of Th1-like responses in ASF protection. We believe that our result shows that nutritional interventions might contribute to improving future ASF vaccination strategies.Funding for this study was provided by APC Europe, S.L.U., Granollers, Spain and APC LLc, Ankeny, US. Both companies manufacture animal blood products for animal consumption. The companies provided support in the form of salaries for authors E.B., J.C., and J.P. (Javier Polo) retrospectively. However, none of these companies had any additional role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The specific roles of these authors are articulated in the ‘author contributions’ section. We also acknowledge the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grant reference PID2019-107616RB-I00).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Alteration of court charges: ways of legislative solution of the problem

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    The article deals with the issues relevant for the criminal proceedings of Russia, connected with the practical need of legislative consolidation of procedural rules fixed in the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation (CCP RF) that provide a possibility for the court to alter charges brought by preliminary investigation bodies. The current procedural rules, to change accusation for a graver verdict, establish the procedure enshrined in Article 237 of the CCP RF, according to which the court must return a criminal case to the prosecutor, while the latter has to return the same to the investigator (interrogating officer). This practice in fact returns the law enforcer to the provisions of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic Code of Criminal Procedure that maintained the existence of the institute of supplementary investigation; the court annually returned from 40 to 55 thousand cases to investigators within the framework of this institute. Having set the goal to explore the problematic issues of amending a faulty accusation in court and finding an optimal legal mechanism for the court’s amending a charge towards its stiffening, the authors, using the methods of scientific knowledge – dialectical approach, comparative legal method, statistical and systemic analysis – analysed the scholarly views on the said problem and the practice of enforcing Article 237 of the CCP RF by Russian courts; made a comparative research of foreign laws governing the issues of alteration of court charges. The authors, on the basis of the research results, made a conclusion on the need to develop an efficient legislative procedure in terms of altering indictment towards a more serious verdict by the prosecution – directly at the court session, under supervision of the court and without returning a case for supplementary investigation

    32-Channel Single Photon Counting Module For Ultra-sensitive Detection of DNA Sequences

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    ABSTRACT We continue our work on the design and implementation of multi-channel single photon detection systems for highly sensitive detection of ultra-weak fluorescence signals, for high-performance, multi-lane DNA sequencing instruments. A fiberized, 32-channel single photon detection (SPD) module based on single photon avalanche diode (SPAD), model C30902S-DTC, from Perkin Elmer Optoelectronics (PKI) has been designed and implemented. Unavailability of high performance, large area SPAD arrays and our desire to design high performance photon counting systems drives us to use individual diodes. Slight modifications in our quenching circuit has doubled the linear range of our system from 1MHz to 2MHz, which is the upper limit for these devices and the maximum saturation count rate has increased to 14 MHz. The detector module comprises of a single board computer PC-104 that enables data visualization, recording, processing, and transfer. Very low dark count (300-1000 counts/s), robust, efficient, simple data collection and processing, ease of connectivity to any other application demanding similar requirements and similar performance results to the best commercially available single photon counting module (SPCM from PKI) are some of the features of this system

    Thawing of permafrost may disturb historic cattle burial grounds in East Siberia

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    Climate warming in the Arctic may increase the risk of zoonoses due to expansion of vector habitats, improved chances of vector survival during winter, and permafrost degradation. Monitoring of soil temperatures at Siberian cryology control stations since 1970 showed correlations between air temperatures and the depth of permafrost layer that thawed during summer season. Between 1900s and 1980s, the temperature of surface layer of permafrost increased by 2–4°C; and a further increase of 3°C is expected. Frequent outbreaks of anthrax caused death of 1.5 million deer in Russian North between 1897 and 1925. Anthrax among people or cattle has been reported in 29,000 settlements of the Russian North, including more than 200 Yakutia settlements, which are located near the burial grounds of cattle that died from anthrax. Statistically significant positive trends in annual average temperatures were established in 8 out of 17 administrative districts of Yakutia for which sufficient meteorological data were available. At present, it is not known whether further warming of the permafrost will lead to the release of viable anthrax organisms. Nevertheless, we suggest that it would be prudent to undertake careful monitoring of permafrost conditions in all areas where an anthrax outbreak had occurred in the past

    Cross-protection against African swine fever virus upon intranasal vaccination is associated with an adaptive-innate immune crosstalk

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    African swine fever virus (ASFV) is causing a worldwide pandemic affecting the porcine industry and leading to important global economic consequences. The virus causes a highly lethal hemorrhagic disease in wild boars and domestic pigs. Lack of effective vaccines hampers the control of virus spread, thus increasing the pressure on the scientific community for urgent solutions. However, knowledge on the immune components associated with protection is very limited. Here we characterized the in vitro recall response induced by immune cells from pigs intranasally vaccinated with the BA71ΔCD2 deletion mutant virus. Vaccination conferred dose-dependent cross-protection associated with both ASFV-specific antibodies and IFNγ-secreting cells. Importantly, bulk and single-cell transcriptomics of blood and lymph node cells from vaccinated pigs revealed a positive feedback from adaptive to innate immunity. Indeed, activation of Th1 and cytotoxic T cells was concomitant with a rapid IFNγ-dependent triggering of an inflammatory response characterized by TNF-producing macrophages, as well as CXCL10-expressing lymphocytes and cross-presenting dendritic cells. Altogether, this study provides a detailed phenotypic characterization of the immune cell subsets involved in cross-protection against ASFV, and highlights key functional immune mechanisms to be considered for the development of an effective ASF vaccine.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cross-protection against African swine fever virus upon intranasal vaccination is associated with an adaptive-innate immune crosstalk

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    African swine fever virus (ASFV) is causing a worldwide pandemic affecting the porcine industry and leading to important global economic consequences. The virus causes a highly lethal hemorrhagic disease in wild boars and domestic pigs. Lack of effective vaccines hampers the control of virus spread, thus increasing the pressure on the scientific community for urgent solutions. However, knowledge on the immune components associated with protection is very limited. Here we characterized the in vitro recall response induced by immune cells from pigs intranasally vaccinated with the BA71ΔCD2 deletion mutant virus. Vaccination conferred dose-dependent cross-protection associated with both ASFV-specific antibodies and IFNγ-secreting cells. Importantly, bulk and single-cell transcriptomics of blood and lymph node cells from vaccinated pigs revealed a positive feedback from adaptive to innate immunity. Indeed, activation of Th1 and cytotoxic T cells was concomitant with a rapid IFNγ-dependent triggering of an inflammatory response characterized by TNF-producing macrophages, as well as CXCL10-expressing lymphocytes and cross-presenting dendritic cells. Altogether, this study provides a detailed phenotypic characterization of the immune cell subsets involved in cross-protection against ASFV, and highlights key functional immune mechanisms to be considered for the development of an effective ASF vaccine. African swine fever (ASF) pandemic is currently the number one threat for the porcine industry worldwide. Lack of treatments hampers its control, and the insufficient knowledge regarding the immune effector mechanisms required for protection hinders rational vaccine design. Here we present the first comprehensive study characterizing the complex cellular immune response involved in cross-protection against ASF. We show that, upon in vitro reactivation, cells from immune pigs induce a Th1-biased recall response that in turn enhances the antiviral innate response. Our results suggest that this positive feedback regulation of innate immunity plays a key role in the early control of ASF virus infection. Altogether, this work represents a step forward in the understanding of ASF immunology and provide critical immune components that should be considered to more rationally design future ASF vaccines

    The Use of Chemically Modified Hydrolytic Lignins as Binders in the Obtaining of Wood Composites

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    Проведено исследование по возможности использования образцов химически модифицированного щелочной и окислительной обработкой гидролизного лигнина в качестве связующих при получении древесных композитов. Изучен функциональный состав и термостабильность исходного и химически модифицированных образцов гидролизного лигнина. Установлено, что для получения топливных брикетов с высокой плотностью и водостойкостью целесообразно использовать связующее из лигнина, обработанного пероксидом водорода. Для получения древесных плитных материалов с высокой прочностью на изгиб и низким водопоглощением предложено использовать в качестве связующего гидролизный лигнин, обработанный щелочью. Путем экспериментальной и математической оптимизации определены параметры процесса прессования, обеспечивающие получение древесных плитных материалов с высокими физико-механическими характеристиками при использовании в качестве связующего гидролизного лигнина модифицированного NaOHA study on the possibility of using samples of hydrolytic lignin chemically modified by alkaline and oxidative treatment as a binder in the production of wood composites was carried out. The functional composition and thermal stability of samples of initial and hydrolyzed lignin treated with alkali and hydrogen peroxide have been studied. It was found that in order to obtain fuel briquettes with high density and water resistance, it is advisable to use a binder from lignin treated with hydrogen peroxide. To obtain wood-based board materials with high bending strength and low water absorption, it is proposed to use hydrolytic lignin treated with alkali as a binder. By experimental and mathematical optimization, the parameters of the pressing process, which ensure the production of wood-based board materials with high physical and mechanical characteristics using hydrolytic lignin modified with NaOH as a binder, were determine