128 research outputs found

    Pneumatic device of the preload and dynamic loads balancing to reduce the intensity of thermal processes in the metal cutting process

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    Improved reliability of the technological system "machine-tool-instrument-detail" is an important current task. Backlashes and insufficient stiffness of technological system lead to intensive wear of the cutting tool, increasing the heat in the cutting zone. Due to high temperature in the thin surface layers of the workpiece and tool thermal processes may occur which are similar to release and can cause the structural changes of the material. The current article presents the final design of the device which has been developed to reduce the intensity of thermal processes in metal cutting

    Investigations on the interaction between the low energy heavy ion beams and hydrogen plasma

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    The investigations on the interaction between ion beam and matter is one of the most important topics in atomic physics and nuclear physics. It is indeed a requirement for a deeper understanding of the interaction processes. Especially the energy deposition by an intense heavy ion beam with the low energy impinging into a degenerate matter, which is related to the topics of warm dense matter, fast ignition process and helium ions selfheating in the fusion process..

    Energy Deposition and Excitation of Wakefield in Case of 100keV/u Ion Beam Passing through a Plasma Target

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    Recently our team investigated the energy deposition and excitation of wakefield in case of hundreds keV proton/helium ion beams passing a gas-discharged plasma target..

    Physico-chemical Modification of the Fibrous Filter Nozzles for Purification Processes of Water and Air

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    A set of experiments to study physical and chemical modification of the surface of fibers is conducted to expand the area of their application for purification of water, gas and air (including that in conditions of space). The possibility of modification of filter nozzles in the process of fiber formation by particles of coal of BAU type, copper sulfide and silver chloride is experimentally shown. The fraction of the copper sulfide powder less than 50 microns in size was crushed in a spherical mill; it was deposited on fiber at air temperature of 50° C and powder consumption of 0.5 g/l of air. The resulting material contained 6–18 CuS particles per 1 cm of the fiber length. An effective bactericidal fibrous material can be produced using rather cheap material – CuS and relatively cheap natural compounds of sulphides and oxides of heavy metals

    Microarray Analysis of Human Monocytes Infected with Francisella tularensis Identifies New Targets of Host Response Subversion

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    Francisella tularensis is a gram-negative facultative bacterium that causes the disease tularemia, even upon exposure to low numbers of bacteria. One critical characteristic of Francisella is its ability to dampen or subvert the host immune response. In order to help understand the mechanisms by which this occurs, we performed Affymetrix microarray analysis on transcripts from blood monocytes infected with the virulent Type A Schu S4 strain. Results showed that expression of several host response genes were reduced such as those associated with interferon signaling, Toll-like receptor signaling, autophagy and phagocytosis. When compared to microarrays from monocytes infected with the less virulent F. tularensis subsp. novicida, we found qualitative differences and also a general pattern of quantitatively reduced pro-inflammatory signaling pathway genes in the Schu S4 strain. Notably, the PI3K / Akt1 pathway appeared specifically down-regulated following Schu S4 infection and a concomitantly lower cytokine response was observed. This study identifies several new factors potentially important in host cell subversion by the virulent Type A F. tularensis that may serve as novel targets for drug discovery

    Justified Concern or Exaggerated Fear: The Risk of Anaphylaxis in Percutaneous Treatment of Cystic Echinococcosis—A Systematic Literature Review

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    Percutaneous treatment (PT) emerged in the mid-1980s as an alternative to surgery for selected cases of abdominal cystic echinococcosis (CE). Despite its efficacy and widespread use, the puncture of echinococcal cysts is still far from being universally accepted. One of the main reasons for this reluctance is the perceived risk of anaphylaxis linked to PTs. To quantify the risk of anaphylactic reactions and lethal anaphylaxis with PT, we systematically searched MEDLINE for publications on PT of CE and reviewed the PT-related complications. After including 124 publications published between 1980 and 2010, we collected a total number of 5943 PT procedures on 5517 hepatic and non-hepatic echinococcal cysts. Overall, two cases of lethal anaphylaxis and 99 reversible anaphylactic reactions were reported. Lethal anaphylaxis occurred in 0.03% of PT procedures, corresponding to 0.04% of treated cysts, while reversible allergic reactions complicated 1.7% of PTs, corresponding to 1.8% of treated echinococcal cysts. Analysis of the literature shows that lethal anaphylaxis related to percutaneous treatment of CE is an extremely rare event and is observed no more frequently than drug-related anaphylactic side effects