44 research outputs found

    Analysis on the Issue of East Financial Integration

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    在1997年金融危机发生后,东亚各国和地区意识到过分依赖外国的资金存在着巨大的风险。因此,为了避免对外国资金的过分依赖防止危机再次发生,东亚各国和地区通过完善金融体系,加强金融合作以推进金融一体化。 在此背景下,本文对东亚金融的一体化程度做出分析。本文对东亚各国和地区金融一体化的必要前提:东亚货币金融合作,东亚各国和地区资本市场放松管制情况、各国和地区的资本流动以及各国和地区股票及债券市场的发展进行了定性分析和描述,同时对各国投资与储蓄的相关性、各国消费者通过金融市场分散风险的程度、各国股票市场以及各国债券市场与两大国际市场间的联系,对东亚各国和地区金融市场一体化程度进行了实证分析。本文的研...East Asia has realized that it has great risk to depend on the foreign capital, after 1997 financial crisis. East Asia tried to improve the financial system and strengthen financial cooperation, so as to avoid the recurrence of financial crisis. This thesis tries to address the issue of the financial integration of East Asia. First of all, the basis of financial integration of East Asia was anal...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院国际贸易系_世界经济学号:2005140292

    Measurement of the dechanneling length for high-energy negative pions

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    We studied the dechanneling length of 150 GeV/c π− interacting with a short bent silicon crystal. Dechanneling length measures the rate and the strength of incoherent interactions of channeled particles in a crystal. The mechanism of dechanneling of negatively charged particles has been elucidated through simulation and experiment. It was found that the dechanneling length for negative particles is comparable to the nuclear dechanneling length for positive charges. Indeed, dechanneling of negative particles occurs as a result of incoherent interactions with the nuclei because the trajectories of such particles always intersect atomic planes, explaining the lower channeling efficiency for such particles. Obtained results can be useful for the design of crystals for manipulating high-energy negative particle beams through channeling

    Fragment-mass distributions in neutron-induced fission of Th232 and U238 at 33, 45, and 60 MeV

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    We have measured fission fragment-mass yields for neutron-induced fission of Th232 and U238 at energies 32.8, 45.3, and 59.9 MeV. The experiments were done at quasimonoenergetic neutron beams of the Cyclotron Research Center at Louvain-la-Neuve. To detect the fission fragments, a multisection Frisch-gridded ionization chamber was used. The measurement and data analysis techniques are discussed in detail. The obtained mass yields are compared to model calculations with the intermediate-energy nuclear reaction code MCFX. The MCFX code is used to calculate the fraction of fissioning nuclei after cascade, preequilibrium, and statistical reaction stages. The formation of mass distributions is considered as a result of oscillations of the mass-asymmetry degree of freedom in the potential well calculated with the temperature-dependent shell correction method. The experimental results as well as the results of the model calculations demonstrate that the probability of symmetric fission increases with incident neutron energy for both nuclei. The comparison also shows that the symmetric fission is more enhanced for thorium than for uranium with increasing neutron energy. We also compare U238 results with available experimental data; the Th232 data were measured for the first time. © 2011 American Physical Society

    The CpFM, an in-vacuum Cherenkov beam monitor for UA9 at SPS

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    International audienceThe use of bent crystals for beam manipulation in particle accelerators is a well-assessed concept rapidly evolving into practical application. The experiments of the UA9 collaboration at the CERN-SPS have played a key role for a quantitative understanding of channeling and volume reflection mechanisms. Investigation of the channeling process close to a circulating beam ideally requires in vacuum detectors resolving the single particle, which should be located inside the vacuum pipe itself. Cherenkov radiators are potential candidates for such functionality due the reduced electro-magnetic interaction of the radiator material with the circulating charges and their compatibility with vacuum requirements in the beam pipe. For this purpose, we developed a device called Cherenkov detector for proton Flux Measurement (CpFM) that aims at counting the number of deflected protons of the beam halo surrounding the circulating beam with an accuracy of 15%. After a detailed description of the detection chain and its simulation, we present results of beam tests of different configurations, the calibration of the final device and the results of its first operation in the SPS