338 research outputs found

    Analysis of the conduction mechanism through InSb quantum dot by tunnel CVC method

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    This work was supported by grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research Projects No. 16-07-00093 and No. 16-07-00185

    Sverdlovsk-Yekaterinburg Musical and Poetic School

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    Поступила в редакцию 12.09.2017. Принята к печати 30.01.2018.Submitted on 12 September, 2017. Accepted on 30 January, 2018.Песенная поэзия стала неотъемлемой частью русскоязычной художественной словесности. Преимущественно это работы филологов. На Западе интерес к песенной поэзии стимулировало присуждение Нобелевской премии по литературе Бобу Дилану. Автор статьи выделяет три парадигмы в развитии российской поэтической песенности: авторская («бардовская») песня, советский рок, Третья песенность (или Песенный постмодернизм). Свердловско-екатеринбургская поэтическая песенность рассматривается через призму первых двух парадигм, так как формирование третьей происходит в наши дни. В статье отмечается, что Свердловск-Екатеринбург является одним из крупнейших в стране центров поэтической песенности. Свердловские «барды», в первую очередь А. Дольский, внесли заметный вклад в развитие отечественной авторской («бардовской») песни. Свердловск имел солидное представительство на Первом всесоюзном фестивале (авторской) песни. Уже в 1960-е гг. местная песенно-поэтическая сцена была известна далеко за пределами Урала. С развитием рок-поэзии широкую известность приобрели авторы, представлявшие свердловский рок-клуб. Наибольшую популярность у исследователей получило творчество группы «Nautilus Pompilius» и ее поэтического лидера Ильи Кормильцева. Среди других свердловчан академического внимания были удостоены группы «Чайф» и «Агата Кристи», кроме того, в научной литературе есть упоминания о других членах местного рок-клуба, это: «Водопад имени Вахтанга Кикабидзе», «Настя», «Урфин Джюс», «Апрельский марш», «Отражение». Цель статьи — обобщить научный опыт изучения свердловско-екатеринбургской песенности и типологизировать ее направления, группы, персоналии. Это первая попытка рассмотреть поющих поэтов Свердловска-Екатеринбурга как обособленную региональную поэтическую школу.Song lyrics have become an integral part of Russian artistic literature. Most of them are works of philologists. In the West, the Nobel prize in literature awarded to Bob Dylan stimulated interest in song lyrics. The author identifies three paradigms in the development of Russian poetic songs: the bard song, Soviet rock, and that of the Third song (or Song post-modernism). Sverdlovsk-Yekaterinburg poetic songs are considered through the prism of the first and second paradigms as the third one is being formed at present. The author maintains that Sverdlovsk-Yekaterinburg is one of the country’s largest centres of poetic songs. “Bards” from Sverdlovsk (especially A. Dolsky) have made a significant contribution to the development of the Russian bard song. A considerable number of Sverdlovsk bards took part in the First all-Union Festival of (Bard) Songs. The authors of the Sverdlovsk rock club have gained a wide popularity with the development of rock poetry. The Nautilus Pompilius group and their poetic leader Ilya Kormiltsev have won immense popularity with researchers. Besides, researchers have been studying lyrics by Chaif, Agatha Christie, and other groups such as Vodopad imeni Vakhtanga Kikabidze, Nastya, Urfin Dzhyus, Aprelskiy Marsh, Otrazheniye. The author aims to generalise the existing research material concerning Sverdlovsk-Yekaterinburg song lyrics and draw a typology of its song schools, bands, and poets. This is the first attempt to consider the singing poets of Sverdlovsk-Yekaterinburg as a separate regional poetic school

    First observation of proton reflection from bent crystals

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    We recently suggested using short bent crystals as primary collimators in a two stage cleaning system for hadron colliders, with the aim of providing larger impact parameters in the secondary bulk absorber, through coherent beam-halo deflection [1]. Tests with crystals a few mm long, performed with 70 GeV proton beams at IEHP in Protvino, showed a channeling efficiency exceeding 85 %. We also observed disturbing phenomena such as dechannelling at large impact angle, insufficient bending induced by volume capture inside the crystal, multiple scattering of non-channeled protons and, for the first time, a proton flux reflected by the crystalline planes. Indeed, protons with a tangent path to the curved planes somewhere inside the crystal itself are deflected in the opposite direction with respect to the channeled particles, with an angle almost twice as large as the critical angle. This effect, up to now only predicted by computer simulations [2], produces a flux of particles in the wrong direction with respect to the absorber, which may hamper the collimation efficiency if neglected

    Investigation of the properties of quantum-dimensional semiconductor particles A3B5 by scanning probe microscopy, obtained by liquid chemical etching

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    The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research in the framework of scientific projects 17-07-00407-а and 17-07-00139


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    This paper represents the results of measuring thermal resistance of solar modules and inhomogeneity of current and heat distribution on their surface during the measurements and heating.Работа выполнена в рамках государственного задания № 075-00629-19-00/УФИРЭ и при поддержке гранта РФФИ и Правительства Ульяновской области, номер проекта № 18-48-730018

    A model of direction selectivity in the starburst amacrine cell network

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    Displaced starburst amacrine cells (SACs) are retinal interneurons that exhibit GABAA receptor-mediated and Cl− cotransporter-mediated, directionally selective (DS) light responses in the rabbit retina. They depolarize to stimuli that move centrifugally through the receptive field surround and hyperpolarize to stimuli that move centripetally through the surround (Gavrikov et al, PNAS 100(26):16047–16052, 2003, PNAS 103(49):18793–18798, 2006). They also play a key role in the activity of DS ganglion cells (DS GC; Amthor et al, Vis Neurosci 19:495–509 2002; Euler et al, Nature 418:845–852, 2002; Fried et al, Nature 420:411– 414, 2002; Gavrikov et al, PNAS 100(26):16047–16052, 2003, PNAS 103(49):18793–18798, 2006; Lee and Zhou, Neuron 51:787–799 2006; Yoshida et al, Neuron 30:771–780, 2001). In this paper we present a model of strong DS behavior of SACs which relies on the GABA-mediated communication within a tightly interconnected network of these cells and on the glutamate signal that the SACs receive from bipolar cells (a presynaptic cell that receives input from cones). We describe how a moving light stimulus can produce a large, sustained depolarization of the SAC dendritic tips that point in the direction that the stimulus moves (i.e., centrifugal motion), but produce a minimal depolarization of the dendritic tips that point in the opposite direction (i.e., centripetal motion). This DS behavior, which is quantified based on the relative size and duration of the depolarizations evoked by stimulus motion at dendritic tips pointing in opposite directions, is robust to changes of many different parameter values and consistent with experimental data. In addition, the DS behavior is strengthened under the assumptions that the Cl− cotransporters Na + -K + -Cl − and K + -Cl − are located in different regions of the SAC dendritic tree (Gavrikov et al, PNAS 103(49):18793–18798, 2006) and that GABA evokes a long-lasting response (Gavrikov et al, PNAS 100(26):16047–16052, 2003, PNAS 103(49):18793–18798, 2006; Lee and Zhou, Neuron 51:787–799, 2006). A possible mechanism is discussed based on the generation of waves of local glutamate and GABA secretion, and their postsynaptic interplay as the waves travel between cell compartments

    Study of Thermoelectric Properties of Integrated Power Amplifiers

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    The results of studies of the thermoelectric properties of an analog IC of a microwave power amplifier are presented. Two methods for measuring the "transition-to-case" thermal resistance are proposed: standard and modulation