14 research outputs found

    Rapid and Recoverable in vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Adult Zebrafish at 7 T

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    Increasing scientific interest in the zebrafish as a model organism across a range of biomedical and biological research areas raises the need for the development of in vivo imaging tools appropriate to this subject. Development of the embryonic and early stage forms of the subject can currently be assessed using optical based techniques due to the transparent nature of the species at these early stages. However this is not an option during the juvenile and adult stages when the subjects become opaque. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) techniques would allow for the longitudinal and non-invasive assessment of development and health in these later life stages. However, the small size of the zebrafish and its aquatic environment represent considerable challenges for the technique. We have developed a suitable flow cell system that incorporates a dedicated MRI imaging coil to solve these challenges. The system maintains and monitors a zebrafish during a scan and allows for it to be fully recovered. The imaging properties of this system compare well with those of other preclinical MRI coils used in rodent models. This enables the rapid acquisition of MRI data which is comparable in terms of quality and acquisition time. This would allow the many unique opportunities of the zebrafish as a model organism to be combined with the benefits of non-invasive MRI

    Application of kt-BLAST acceleration to reduce cardiac MR imaging time in healthy and infarcted mice

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    OBJECT: We evaluated the use of kt-broad-use linear acquisition speed-up technique (kt-BLAST) acceleration of mouse cardiac imaging in order to reduce scan times, thereby minimising physiological variation and improving animal welfare. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Conventional cine cardiac MRI data acquired from healthy mice (n = 9) were subsampled to simulate kt-BLAST acceleration. Cardiological indices (left ventricular volume, ejection fraction and mass) were determined as a function of acceleration factor. kt-BLAST threefold undersampling was implemented on the scanner and applied to a second group of mice (n = 6 healthy plus 6 with myocardial infarct), being compared with standard cine imaging (3 signal averages) and cine imaging with one signal average. RESULTS: In the simulations, sufficient accuracy was achieved for undersampling factors up to three. Cardiological indices determined from the implemented kt-BLAST scanning showed no significant differences compared with the values determined from the standard sequence, and neither did indices derived from the cine scan with only one signal average despite its lower signal-to-noise ratio. Both techniques were applied successfully in the infarcted hearts. CONCLUSION: For cardiac imaging of mice, threefold undersampling of kt-space, or a similar reduction in the number of signal averages, are both feasible with subsequent reduction in imaging time

    Assessment of MRI scanner performance for preclinical functional studies

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    Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) based studies are rapidly expanding in the field of preclinical research. The majority of these studies use Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) to measure Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent (BOLD) signal contrasts in the brain. In such studies the magnitude and statistical significances of these contrasts are then related to brain function and cognition. It is assumed that any observed signal contrast is ultimately due to differences in biological state and that scanner performance is stable and repeatable between subjects and studies. However, due to confounding issues introduced by in vivo subjects, little work has been undertaken to test this basic assumption. As the BOLD signal contrasts generated in such experiments are often very low, even small changes in scanner performance may dominate the BOLD contrast, distorting any biological conclusions drawn. A series of fMRI phantoms were produced to measure scanner performance independent of biological subjects. These phantoms produce specified signal contrast levels on demand during an fMRI scan by means of current-induced magnetic field gradients. These were used to generate data sets that emulated the BOLD signal contrast of in vivo imaging. Two studies examining scanner performance were then conducted on high-field preclinical MRI scanners. Firstly, in a longitudinal study on a single scanner, measurements were taken over a number of days across a week long period and then every two months over a year long period. Secondly, the behaviour of four preclinical scanners (three at 7T, one at 9.4T) was comparatively assessed. Measurements of several imaging parameters including contrast generated and functional contrast to noise ratio (fCNR) were obtained in both studies. If the scanners involved are truly comparable then they should generate similar measurement values. Across both studies parameter measurements showed significant differences for identical contrast settings on the phantom. Although signal contrast itself proved very comparable across the studies fCNR proved to be highly variable. As well as these measurements of longer tem behaviour proving variable, short and mid-term signal stability displayed a wide range of variability. Variations in the level and quality of both signal and noise were observed. Modelling of signal changes based on fundamental physical principles was also performed for comparison. The impact of these behaviours and variations on in vivo studies could result in skewed biological conclusions at any single site, with some sites exhibiting greater problems than others. The multisite results suggest potential difficulties when comparing biological conclusions between sites, even when using identical imaging parameters. In summary, these results suggest that a cautious approach should be taken with the conclusions of both fMRI and associated resting state connectivity studies that use EPI as their acquisition sequence. Improvements to both the experimental design of studies and regular quality monitoring of scanners should be undertaken to minimise these effects. Clinical MRI scanners should also be assessed for similar aberrations in behaviour

    Hypertension fails to disrupt white matter integrity in young or aged Fisher (F44) Cyp1a1Ren2 transgenic rats

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    Hypertension is linked with an increased risk of white matter hyperintensities; however, recent findings have questioned this association. We examined whether hypertension and additional cerebrovascular risk factors impacted on white matter integrity in an inducible hypertensive rat. No white matter hyperintensities were observed on magnetic resonance imaging either alone or in conjunction with ageing and high-fat diet. Aged hypertensive rats that were fed a high-fat diet had moderately reduced fractional anisotropy in the corpus callosum with no overt pathological features. Herein we show that moderate hypertension alone or with additional risk factors has minimal impact on white matter integrity in this model

    Effects of early life stress on brain activation.

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    <p>Within and between group analysis comparing BOLD response to first CS presentation over baseline in rats previously exposed to early life stress (ELS) compared to unstressed controls (CON). KE  =  cluster extent in voxels. T  =  peak voxel t-statistic. Clusters reaching <i>P</i><sub>corrected</sub> <0.05 are shown. R =  right, L =  left, RSG =  retrospenial granular cortex. CON, n =  14; ELS, n = 8.</p

    Brain activation maps in response to a fear conditioned stimulus.

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    <p>(a) Activation in PG in response to CS presentation is observed in right lateral amygdala (LA) and hypothalamus (Hyp). (b) Comparison of response between groups (PG:UG) confirms LA, Hyp and granular insular cortex (GI) activation in PG in response to the CS presentation. Extinction modeling of (c) the response across CS presentations within the PG or (d) between PG and UG groups reveals right LA, Hyp, GI and somatosensory cortex activation (SSC). PG, n = 14; UG, n = 10.</p

    Consequence of early life stress on fear associated brain activation.

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    <p>Greater activation in response to CS presentation is observed in right and left lateral amygdalae (LA), hypothalamus (Hyp) and optic grey (optic) when ELS is compared to CON. (a) Coronal, (b) axial and (c) sagittal sections of rat brain. Control, n = 14; ELS, n = 8.</p