970 research outputs found

    Monotonicity and the Roy Model

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    In this note we study the implications on a bivariate normal Roy Model of two sets of monotonicity hypotheses proposed recently by Manski and Pepper (2000). In that simple context, we show that these hypotheses imply strong restrictions on the correlations structure between the decision and the rewards.Roy Model; Monotonicity Conditions

    Improving rotation behaviour of robotic structures for micro-assembly.

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    International audienceSerial micro-assembly requires high precision robots able to produce translations and rotations to position and orient objects during assembly. In micro-scale, the translation ranges required are typically up to the millimeter and can be obtained with smart devices (piezomotor, etc...). In the other hand, the rotation ranges stay identical to the macroscale (eg. 90°) and require standard guidings like ball bearings which induce disturbances on the linear position. Thus, the ability to produce high precision robots where translations and rotations are découpled is currently one of the major stake in microassembly. This paper deals with an original modeling of the coupling between rotation and linear position. The geometrical model is presented and two calibration methods are discussed. Our method were tested on a 3 DOF planar robotic systems and the coupling was reduced by 93 %

    La cicatrisation du tendon et la récupération des amplitudes articulaires aprÚs chirurgie de la coiffe des rotateurs par arthroscopie: influence d'un protocole de rééducation précoce comparé à un protocole d'immobilisation : revue de la littérature : travail de Bachelor

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    Introduction : Dans le domaine des pathologies de l’épaule, la plus rencontrĂ©e est la rupture de/des tendons de la coiffe des rotateurs. AprĂšs chirurgie rĂ©paratrice par arthroscopie diffĂ©rents protocoles de rĂ©Ă©ducation sont appliquĂ©s. RĂ©cemment citĂ©s comme la cause des rĂ©cidives, ces protocoles de rĂ©Ă©ducation sont au cƓur d’une controverse sur les rĂ©sultats cliniques post-opĂ©ratoires. L’objectif de cette revue est d’identifier les rĂ©percussions d’un protocole de rĂ©Ă©ducation incluant de la mobilisation passive prĂ©coce (J1) comparĂ© Ă  un protocole d’immobilisation, aprĂšs chirurgie rĂ©paratrice de la coiffe des rotateurs par arthroscopie, sur la cicatrisation tendineuse et les amplitudes articulaires, avec un recul d’une annĂ©e. ProblĂ©matique : «La mobilisation immĂ©diate passive (J1) aprĂšs chirurgie de la coiffe des rotateurs par arthroscopie, est-elle prĂ©judiciable Ă  la cicatrisation complĂšte du/des tendon(s), augmente t-elle le risque de rĂ©cidive et est-elle bĂ©nĂ©fique Ă  la rĂ©cupĂ©ration des amplitudes articulaires ?» MĂ©thode : Nous avons effectuĂ© notre recherche sur les bases de donnĂ©es suivantes : Medline, Cochrane library, PEDro, et KinĂ©doc. Nous avons inclus 4 Ă©tudes de design RCT analysant des patients ayant bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’une chirurgie rĂ©paratrice effectuĂ©e par arthroscopie et comprenant la comparaison d’un protocole de rĂ©Ă©ducation prĂ©coce avec un protocole d’immobilisation. RĂ©sultats : Ces 4 publications ne reportent aucun avantage significatif dans l’application d’un protocole prĂ©coce comparĂ© Ă  un protocole d’immobilisation. Cependant, l’application d’un protocole d’immobilisation a tendance Ă  induire une meilleure cicatrisation sans effets nĂ©fastes sur la rĂ©cupĂ©ration des amplitudes articulaires. Conclusion : Des rĂ©sultats presque similaires sont obtenus avec les deux protocoles de rĂ©Ă©ducation aprĂšs une annĂ©e. Les auteurs se questionnent maintenant sur l’application de protocoles individualisĂ©s Ă  chaque patient.Introduction : The most common pathologies encountered in the area of shoulder disorders are rotators cuff’s tendons tears. After reconstructive surgery by arthroscopy, several rehabilitation protocols can be applied. Those protocols have been identified by some in the literature as the cause of recurrence and are therefore at the heart of a controversy about the post-operation outcomes. The goal of this review is to identify the effects of two types of protocols. The two protocols differ in terms of the timing of the mobilization after reconstructive surgery of the cuff by arthroscopy. We will discuss the effects of an early mobilization versus immobilization on the healing of the tendon and the range of motion one year after the operation. Main questions : "Is the immediate passive mobilization (J1) detrimental to the complete healing of the tendon? Does an immediate mobilization increase the risk of recurrence and is it beneficial in terms of the amplitude of the shoulder motion?” Methods : We reviewed the literature by including publications found in the following databases: Cochrane library, PEDro and Kinedoc. We have concentrated in particular on four design RCT studies that analyze patients having benefited from a reconstructive surgery by arthroscopy. Those studies compare an early versus late mobilization protocol in the rehabilitation stage. Results : In all four studies there is no evidence of a significant improvement of an early mobilization versus immobilization protocol. Nevertheless, late protocols tend to result in a better healing with no negative impact on the range motion at one year. Conclusion : Based on those four studies, it is not possible to favor one rehabilitation protocol. The authors therefore discuss a future area of research, mainly the establishment of a protocol specific to each patient

    Conversion d'Energie Magnéto-Thermo-Mécanique dans les Alliages à Mémoire de Forme Magnétiques.

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    National audienceLes alliages à mémoire de forme magnétiques sont des matériaux actifs dont les caractéristiques combinent celles des alliages à mémoire de forme classiques et celles des matériaux magnétostrictifs. Ces matériaux relativement récents sont actuellement assez peu utilisés pour des applications pratiques telles que les actionneurs et les capteurs en raison des difficultés de conception et de contrÎle résultant d'un comportement complexe. Cet article se propose de présenter le mode de conversion d'énergie à l'oeuvre dans ces matériaux ainsi qu'un état de l'art des principaux travaux en termes d'actionneurs. Il se propose ensuite de présenter les réalisations des auteurs ainsi que les modÚles de comportement développés pour finir par une présentation des rÚgles de conception et de contrÎle mis en évidence

    Magnetic shape memory alloy and actuator design.

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    International audienceIn the field of micromechatronics, microrobotics and specially microfactories, active materials are used in most cases. They permit high resolution and distributed actuation. In this area, Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys (MSMA) are possible candidates. If a lot of studies deal with MSMA, only few applications use them until now. MSMA are attractive active materials because they have large strain (about 10%) as the classical shape memory alloys (SMA), but can provide a 100 times shorter time response. The main disadvantages of MSMA based actuators are the brittleness of the single-crystal material, the difficulty to apply the strong magnetic field required to obtain sufficient strain and the nonlinear behaviour. We propose in this paper a novel MSMA based actuator changing the disadvantage of the hysteretic behaviour into an advantage. This device is a push-pull actuator: two pieces of MSMA material act in an opposite way. The magnetic fields are created by coils and concentrated by ferromagnetic circuits. In order to move the central part of the actuator, a current pulse in the first coil is generated. The hysteretic behaviour of the material permits to keep a stable position when no current is applied. A current pulse in the second coil permits to displace the central part in the opposite direction. The stable position depends on the magnitude and the time duration of the current pulses and an infinity of stable positions can be reached. The use of current pulses permits also a reduction of the coil heating (Joule effect losses) and a reduction of the magnetic circuit size. The performances and characteristics of MSMA are between these of classical SMA and these of piezo-electric materials. A thermo-magneto-mechanical model of our actuator is currently in development in order to design an efficient control law welladapted to the specific MSMA properties

    Original hybrid control for robotic structures using magnetic shape memory alloys actuators.

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    International audienceMagnetic Shape Memory Alloys (MSMA) are relatively new active materials but at this time they are not actually very used as actuators despite a high strain and a small response time. This is probably due in part to a large hysteresis and a strong non-linear behaviour. In this paper, an original hybrid control is designed taking into account dynamical effects and hysteretic behaviour in order to increase static gain of the system. After a short presentation of MSMA behaviour, a modelling is proposed to obtain two different control strategies. Some experimental results are also given

    Conversion d'énergie magnéto-thermo-mécanique dans les alliages à mémoire de forme magnétiques.

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    National audienceLes matériaux actifs sont de plus en plus utilisés en tant qu'actionneurs dans les systÚmes mécatroniques et micro-mécatroniques. Les matériaux piézoélectriques et les alliages à mémoire de forme sont les deux exemples les plus représentatifs à l'heure actuelle dans ces domaines. Les alliages à mémoire de forme magnétiques sont des matériaux relativement récents et ils apparaissent trÚs intéressants de par leur rapidité d'actionnement et leur grande déformation ; cependant, leur comportement fortement non-linéaire reste un frein à leur développement et les méthodes de conception et de commande les concernant se doivent d'évoluer

    Nonlinear Hamiltonian modelling of magnetic shape memory alloy based actuators.

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    International audienceThis paper proposes an application of the Lagrangian formalism and its Hamiltonian extension to design, model and control a mechatronic system using Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys. In this aim, an original dynamical modelling of a Magnetic Shape Memory Alloy based actuator is presented. Energy-based techniques are used to obtain a coherent modelling of the magnetical, mechanical and thermodynamic phenomena. The Lagrangian formalism, well suited in such a case, is introduced and used to take into account the dynamical effects. Hamilton equations are deduced and used for the computation of the theoretical behaviour of this actuator. These numerical simulations are compared with some experimental measurements permitting the validation of the proposed modelling. Beyond the work presented here, these results will be used to design an energy shaping nonlinear control well-adapted for a strongly nonlinear active material
