362 research outputs found


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    Purpose: Sustainable development is referred to as the idea that human beings should sustain by meeting their basic needs, while also making sure that the future generations are able to meet their basic needs. For sustainable development, factors such as preserving the environment and natural resources along with maintaining social and economic equality need to be followed.The main objective of the study was to find out the concept of green washing and consumer perception regarding green washing tactics used by marketers. Methodology/Approach: The purpose of this paper was to understand the perception of consumers towards Green washing. We collected primary data from 250 respondents from Nainital district of Kumaun division. The target population for the study was from the urban consumers resides in Nainital district. Findings: The findings of the study are the majority of consumers buy Green products, indicating a high degree of awareness in Kumaun division and, more importantly, this leads to the conversion of potential purchasers into real shoppers.The majority of customers are male category. Automobiles sector is the most rampant sector where greenwashing is in top with 25.2 per cent consumers agreed upon that. Consumers perceive ‘fluffy language used by the marketers’ as the most frequently used Greenwashing communication tactic with 36.4 percent. Future Implications and limitations: The study will be helpful for marketers who targeting the consumers of Uttarakhand about Green products and investigating the behaviors of consumers. This study is confined to only one district of one division of Uttarakhand. This study may be extended in Garhwal division or any other area

    A case of suspected delirious mania treated with benzodiazepines

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    Delirious mania is a life-threatening syndrome characterized by rapid onset of delirium, mania, psychosis, and catatonia. It is crucial to include this in a differential as this condition responds poorly to traditional pharmacotherapeutic management of delirium or mania. Here, we present the case of a 71-year-old African American woman who was hospitalized with symptoms presenting as hyperactive delirium. She was found to have a UTI, which was treated, and she was discharged. However, due to the persistence of her psychiatric symptoms, she was brought back to the hospital. To target symptoms of hyperactive delirium, haloperidol was utilized as needed. However, the symptoms exacerbated and then included paranoia, psychomotor agitation, and eventually catatonia. Extensive medical workup was unrevealing. Eventually, benzodiazepines were utilized as monotherapy which led to gradual resolution of her symptoms. Although benzodiazepines are thought to exacerbate most cases of delirium, they are uniquely beneficial in cases of delirious mania.https://scholarlycommons.henryford.com/merf2020caserpt/1067/thumbnail.jp

    Psychotic Features and Behavioral Dysregulation in a Patient with Tumefactive Multiple Sclerosis

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    Tumefactive multiple sclerosis (TMS) is a rare variant of multiple sclerosis (MS), mimicking features of infectious, inflammatory, neoplastic, and vascular neurological phenomena1-3. TMS can present asymptomatically, as well as with higher cortical, motor, sensory, cerebellar, and brainstem symptoms4-6. However, there have not been reported TMS cases presenting with psychiatric features. We describe the case of a 42-year-old woman with a chart reported history of schizoaffective disorder who was first admitted for worsening aggression in the context of divalproex and haloperidol non-adherence. She was not psychotic on initial encounter; hallucinations and paranoia last occurred three years prior to admission. She seemed to have improved on divalproex alone and was discharged. The patient was later re-admitted, this time appearing acutely psychotic and aggressive. She demonstrated predominately positive psychotic symptoms, without evident medical abnormalities or concomitant substance intoxication. There was no improvement in symptoms upon re-initiation of divalproex and trials of olanzapine and paliperidone. Due to concern for catatonia, aripiprazole was initiated. Interval development of focal deficits prompted medical hospital admission. Imaging revealed an enhancing, diffusion restricted mass at the left basal ganglia and frontal lobe, which was biopsied. Pathology was consistent with TMS. Primary malignancy, seizures, and infections were ruled out, and following a short course of methylprednisolone, vasogenic edema convalesced. Psychotic behavior progressively improved after administration of high-dose prednisone and re-initiation of divaloproex, and aripiprazole. To our knowledge, this is the first case study to demonstrate psychotic features and aggression as a possible manifestation of TMS. As psychiatric illnesses may occur in the prodromal period or at onset of MS7-8, this patient’s presentation may have been consistent with flares of a unique demyelinating process.https://scholarlycommons.henryford.com/merf2020caserpt/1099/thumbnail.jp

    2D and 3D convective Brinkman-Forchheimer equations perturbed by a subdifferential and applications to control problems

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    The following convective Brinkman-Forchheimer (CBF) equations (or damped Navier-Stokes equations) with potential \begin{equation*} \frac{\partial \boldsymbol{y}}{\partial t}-\mu \Delta\boldsymbol{y}+(\boldsymbol{y}\cdot\nabla)\boldsymbol{y}+\alpha\boldsymbol{y}+\beta|\boldsymbol{y}|^{r-1}\boldsymbol{y}+\nabla p+\Psi(\boldsymbol{y})\ni\boldsymbol{g},\ \nabla\cdot\boldsymbol{y}=0, \end{equation*} in a dd-dimensional torus is considered in this work, where d∈{2,3}d\in\{2,3\}, μ,α,β>0\mu,\alpha,\beta>0 and r∈[1,∞)r\in[1,\infty). For d=2d=2 with r∈[1,∞)r\in[1,\infty) and d=3d=3 with r∈[3,∞)r\in[3,\infty) (2βμ≥12\beta\mu\geq 1 for d=r=3d=r=3), we establish the existence of \textsf{\emph{a unique global strong solution}} for the above multi-valued problem with the help of the \textsf{\emph{abstract theory of mm-accretive operators}}. %for nonlinear differential equations of accretive type in Banach spaces. Moreover, we demonstrate that the same results hold \textsf{\emph{local in time}} for the case d=3d=3 with r∈[1,3)r\in[1,3) and d=r=3d=r=3 with 2βμ<12\beta\mu<1. We explored the mm-accretivity of the nonlinear as well as multi-valued operators, Yosida approximations and their properties, and several higher order energy estimates in the proofs. For r∈[1,3]r\in[1,3], we {quantize (modify)} the Navier-Stokes nonlinearity (y⋅∇)y(\boldsymbol{y}\cdot\nabla)\boldsymbol{y} to establish the existence and uniqueness results, while for r∈[3,∞)r\in[3,\infty) (2βμ≥12\beta\mu\geq1 for r=3r=3), we handle the Navier-Stokes nonlinearity by the nonlinear damping term β∣y∣r−1y\beta|\boldsymbol{y}|^{r-1}\boldsymbol{y}. Finally, we discuss the applications of the above developed theory in feedback control problems like flow invariance, time optimal control and stabilization

    A prospective observational study of vitamin D3 level in reproductive age group women with uterine leiomyoma

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    Background: Uterine leiomyomas are the commonest benign tumours of the uterus with the incidence between 5.4 to 77% in Indian women. Vitamin D deficiency is a proven risk factor in the pathogenesis of uterine fibroid in many studies conducted in different parts of the world but not many studies have been conducted on Indian women. Methods: A total of 200 women of age group 18 to 45 years attending District Hospital, Howrah, West Bengal, were included in the study. Out of which, 100 had leiomyoma and rest healthy women without leiomyoma serves as controls. Routine ultrasound examination and serum hormone analysis of Vitamin D3 were done. Serum FSH, LH were done on day 2 of menstruation. Statistical analysis of data was performed using SPSS Version 22 software. Results: The mean serum concentration of vitamin D3 was significantly lower in women with uterine fibroids compared to controls (12.66±5.42 versus 25.91±14.18, p&lt;0.003). On further analysis, 68.4% of cases were found to be severely deficient (vitamin D3 &lt;9 ng/ml) as compared to 27.12% of controls (p&lt;0.0002). Besides that, only 3.67% of cases had sufficient vitamin D level as compared to 22.16% of controls (p&lt;0.0002). The odds ratio (OR) of occurrence of fibroid with serum vitamin D3 level of &lt;12 ng/dl compared to that level &gt;12 ng/dl was 5.38 (95% CI- 2.12-9.45) (p&lt;0.0001). Conclusions: Serum vitamin D3 level inversely correlated with the burden of leiomyoma and possibly its deficiency is a causative factor for the occurrence of uterine fibroid in the reproductive age group women

    A Novel Technique to Detect and Track Multiple Objects in Dynamic Video Surveillance Systems

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    Video surveillance is one of the important state of the art systems to be utilized in order to monitor different areas of modern society surveillance like the general public surveillance system, city traffic monitoring system, and forest monitoring system. Hence, surveillance systems have become especially relevant in the digital era. The needs of the video surveillance systems and its video analytics have become inevitable due to an increase in crimes and unethical behavior. Thus enabling the tracking of individuals object in video surveillance is an essential part of modern society. With the advent of video surveillance, performance measures for such surveillance also need to be improved to keep up with the ever increasing crime rates. So far, many methodologies relating to video surveillance have been introduced ranging from single object detection with a single or multiple cameras to multiple object detection using single or multiple cameras. Despite this, performance benchmarks and metrics need further improvements. While mechanisms exist for single or multiple object detection and prediction on videos or images, none can meet the criteria of detection and tracking of multiple objects in static as well as dynamic environments. Thus, real-world multiple object detection and prediction systems need to be introduced that are both accurate as well as fast and can also be adopted in static and dynamic environments. This paper introduces the Densely Feature selection Convolutional neural Network – Hyper Parameter tuning (DFCNHP) and it is a hybrid protocol with faster prediction time and high accuracy levels. The proposed system has successfully tracked multiple objects from multiple channels and is a combination of dense block, feature selection, background subtraction and Bayesian methods. The results of the experiment conducted demonstrated an accuracy of 98% and 1.11 prediction time and these results have also been compared with existing methods such as Kalman Filtering (KF) and Deep Neural Network (DNN)

    Burning Mouth Syndrome: Case Report

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    Allium stracheyi (Baker), the endangered and traditional medicinally important herb of Uttarakhand Himalaya, India: A Review

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    &nbsp;Allium stracheyi (Alliaceae), is the high-altitude growing plant, commonly known as Jamboo, and Dhungar in Uttarakhand, India. It is a good source of income for the tribal communities and cultivars of Uttarakhand with medicinally and economically importance. A. stracheyi has higher amount of fibre and protein contents with lower fat and carbohydrates. It is used in various ailments. Considering phytoconstituents studies revealed different types of compounds like hydrocarbons, terpenes, terpenoids and sulfur-containing components as volatile constituents. The present study aimed to provide a general review of the available literature of A. stracheyi on phytochemistry, biological activities and pharmacological uses with special reference to traditional and economic importance

    Detecting Security Leaks in Hybrid Systems with Information Flow Analysis

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    Information flow analysis is an effective way to check useful security properties, such as whether secret information can leak to adversaries. Despite being widely investigated in the realm of programming languages, information-flow- based security analysis has not been widely studied in the domain of cyber-physical systems (CPS). CPS provide interesting challenges to traditional type-based techniques, as they model mixed discrete-continuous behaviors and are usually expressed as a composition of state machines. In this paper, we propose a lightweight static analysis methodology that enables information security properties for CPS models.We introduce a set of security rules for hybrid automata that characterizes the property of non-interference. Based on those rules, we propose an algorithm that generates security constraints between each sub-component of hybrid automata, and then transforms these constraints into a directed dependency graph to search for non-interference violations. The proposed algorithm can be applied directly to parallel compositions of automata without resorting to model-flattening techniques. Our static checker works on hybrid systems modeled in Simulink/Stateflow format and decides whether or not the model satisfies non-interference given a user-provided security annotation for each variable. Moreover, our approach can also infer the security labels of variables, allowing a designer to verify the correctness of partial security annotations. We demonstrate the potential benefits of the proposed methodology on two case studies
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