807 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Transferability and Adversarial Discrimination of Convolutional Neural Networks for Threat Object Detection and Classification within X-Ray Security Imagery

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    X-ray imagery security screening is essential to maintaining transport security against a varying profile of threat or prohibited items. Particular interest lies in the automatic detection and classification of weapons such as firearms and knives within complex and cluttered X-ray security imagery. Here, we address this problem by exploring various end-to-end object detection Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures. We evaluate several leading variants spanning the Faster R-CNN, Mask R-CNN, and RetinaNet architectures to explore the transferability of such models between varying X-ray scanners with differing imaging geometries, image resolutions and material colour profiles. Whilst the limited availability of X-ray threat imagery can pose a challenge, we employ a transfer learning approach to evaluate whether such inter-scanner generalisation may exist over a multiple class detection problem. Overall, we achieve maximal detection performance using a Faster R-CNN architecture with a ResNet101 classification network, obtaining 0.88 and 0.86 of mean Average Precision (mAP) for a three-class and two class item from varying X-ray imaging sources. Our results exhibit a remarkable degree of generalisability in terms of cross-scanner performance (mAP: 0.87, firearm detection: 0.94 AP). In addition, we examine the inherent adversarial discriminative capability of such networks using a specifically generated adversarial dataset for firearms detection - with a variable low false positive, as low as 5%, this shows both the challenge and promise of such threat detection within X-ray security imagery

    Aplikasi Metode Importancae Performance Analysis Dalan Analisa Tingkat Pelayanan Mode Speedboat

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    Speedboat merupakan salah satu moda yang mengbungkan pusat kota Ternate dengan pusat kota Tidore Kepulauan. Meningkatnya pelaku perjalanan menggunakan moda ini menuntut perlunya perhatian terhadap aspek Kenyamanan dan keselamatan pengguna moda. Kondisi di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa moda speedboat beraktivitas pada siang maupun malam hari, pada berbagai cuaca dan mengangkut bukan hanya manusia namun juga barang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat pelayanan speedboat menurut penilain pengguna moda menggunakan metode analisis Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). IPA digunakan untuk memetakan hubungan antara importance (kepentingan) dengan performance (kinerja) dari masing-masing atribut pelayanan menurut penilaian penumpang speedboat Ternate-Tidore. Tingkat pelayanan moda transportasi speedboat Ternate-Tidore menggunakan metode IPA didapatkan variabel yang memiliki kepentingan/Harapan yang tinggi namun pada kinerja/realita tidak cukup baik, yaitu variabel penerangan di malam hari, ketersediaan baju pelampung/life jacket dan ketersediaan kotak P3K. Sedangkan variabel yang dianggap kurang penting oleh penumpang, tetapi kinerjanya baik sehingga penumpang menganggap kinerja tersebut berlebihan, yaitu variabel layanan informasi dan tarif speedboat, ketersediaan pelontar . Kata kunciβ€” Speedboat, Moda Transportasi, Importance Performance Analysi

    1980 Missouri commercial grape spray schedule

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    "MP 263, 1/80, 2M

    1980 Missouri commercial apple spray schedule

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    "MP 264, 1/80, 3M


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    Background and Objective: Concerning current clinical practice, laser-assisted lipoplasty is still secondary to other procedures. In order to evaluate effects of thermal interaction with fatty-tissue, a near infrared diode laser was examined under reproducible conditions. Methods: Based on optical spectroscopy of fatty-tissue, a high-powered diode laser (lambda = 940 nm) was used to irradiate n = 59 fat samples of fresh corpses in non-contact mode. Thermal effects were histologically evaluated by computer based metric measurements. Calculated values included ablation rate (AR) and the ratio of cavity diameter to diameter of collateral damage (CCDratio). Pearson's correlation and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) were used for statistical evaluation. P values of less than 0.05 were considered to indicate statistical significance. Results: Regarding the conditions examined, irradiances from 250 to 400 W/cm(2) revealed both increased ablation capacities and decreased collateral damages. An average irradiance of 370 +/- 0 W/cm(2) shows an average CCDratio of 2:1 and an average AR of 9.98 +/- 7.65 mm(3)/second. Conclusion: Near infrared high-powered diode laser energy proved to be eligible for tissue protective ablation of fat in vitro. Further studies are necessary to improve efficiency and safety of this procedure

    Missouri commercial strawberry spray schedule, 1982

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    1980 Missouri commercial strawberry spray schedule

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    "MP 266, 1/80, 1.5M

    1980 Missouri commercial peach spray schedule

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    "MP 265, 1/80, 2.5M
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