20 research outputs found

    Filtering News from Document Streams: Evaluation Aspects and Modeled Stream Utility

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    Events like hurricanes, earthquakes, or accidents can impact a large number of people. Not only are people in the immediate vicinity of the event affected, but concerns about their well-being are shared by the local government and well-wishers across the world. The latest information about news events could be of use to government and aid agencies in order to make informed decisions on providing necessary support, security and relief. The general public avails of news updates via dedicated news feeds or broadcasts, and lately, via social media services like Facebook or Twitter. Retrieving the latest information about newsworthy events from the world-wide web is thus of importance to a large section of society. As new content on a multitude of topics is continuously being published on the web, specific event related information needs to be filtered from the resulting stream of documents. We present in this thesis, a user-centric evaluation measure for evaluating systems that filter news related information from document streams. Our proposed evaluation measure, Modeled Stream Utility (MSU), models users accessing information from a stream of sentences produced by a news update filtering system. The user model allows for simulating a large number of users with different characteristic stream browsing behavior. Through simulation, MSU estimates the utility of a system for an average user browsing a stream of sentences. Our results show that system performance is sensitive to a user population's stream browsing behavior and that existing evaluation metrics correspond to very specific types of user behavior. To evaluate systems that filter sentences from a document stream, we need a set of judged sentences. This judged set is a subset of all the sentences returned by all systems, and is typically constructed by pooling together the highest quality sentences, as determined by respective system assigned scores for each sentence. Sentences in the pool are manually assessed and the resulting set of judged sentences is then used to compute system performance metrics. In this thesis, we investigate the effect of including duplicates of judged sentences, into the judged set, on system performance evaluation. We also develop an alternative pooling methodology, that given the MSU user model, selects sentences for pooling based on the probability of a sentences being read by modeled users. Our research lays the foundation for interesting future work for utilizing user-models in different aspects of evaluation of stream filtering systems. The MSU measure enables incorporation of different user models. Furthermore, the applicability of MSU could be extended through calibration based on user behavior

    Community structure determines the predictability of population collapse

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    1. Early warning signals (EWS) are phenomenological tools that have been proposed as predictors of the collapse of biological systems. Although a growing body of work has shown the utility of EWS based on either statistics derived from abundance data or shifts in phenotypic traits such as body size, so far this work has largely focused on single species populations. 2. However, to predict reliably the future state of ecological systems, which inherently could consist of multiple species, understanding how reliable such signals are in a community context is critical. 3. Here, reconciling quantitative trait evolution and Lotka–Volterra equations, which allow us to track both abundance and mean traits, we simulate the collapse of populations embedded in mutualistic and multi‐trophic predator–prey communities. Using these simulations and warning signals derived from both population‐ and community‐level data, we showed the utility of abundance‐based EWS, as well as metrics derived from stability‐landscape theory (e.g. width and depth of the basin of attraction), were fundamentally linked. Thus, the depth and width of such stability‐landscape curves could be used to identify which species should exhibit the strongest EWS of collapse. 4. The probability a species displays both trait and abundance‐based EWS was dependent on its position in a community, with some species able to act as indicator species. In addition, our results also demonstrated that in general trait‐based EWS were less reliable in comparison with abundance‐based EWS in forecasting species collapses in our simulated communities. Furthermore, community‐level abundance‐based EWS were fairly reliable in comparison with their species‐level counterparts in forecasting species‐level collapses. 5. Our study suggests a holistic framework that combines abundance‐based EWS and metrics derived from stability‐landscape theory that may help in forecasting species loss in a community context

    Acoustic Feature Identification to Recognize Rag Present in Borgit

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    In the world of Indian classical music, raga recognition is a crucial undertaking. Due to its particular sound qualities, the traditional wind instrument known as the borgit presents special difficulties for automatic raga recognition. In this research, we investigate the use of auditory feature identification methods to create a reliable raga recognition system for Borgit performances. Each of the Borgits, the devotional song of Assam is enriched with rag and each rag has unique melodious tune. This paper has carried out few experiments on the audio samples of rags and a few Borgits sung with those rugs. In this manuscript three mostly used rags and a few Borgits  with these rags are considered for the experiment. Acoustic features considred here are FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), ZCR (Zero Crossing Rates), Mean and Standard deviation of pitch contour and RMS(Root Mean Square). After evaluation and analysis it is seen that FFT  and ZCR are two noteworthy acoustic features that helps to identify the rag present in Borgits. At last K-means clustering was applied on the FFT and ZCR values of the Borgits and were able to find correct grouping according to rags present there. This research validates FFT and ZCR as most precise acoustic parameters for rag identification in Borgit. Here researchers had observed roles of Standard deviation of pitch contour and RMS values of the audio samples in rag identification. &nbsp

    Community and species-specific responses of plant traits to 23 years of experimental warming across subarctic tundra plant communities

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    To improve understanding of how global warming may affect competitive interactions among plants, information on the responses of plant functional traits across species to long-term warming is needed. Here we report the effect of 23 years of experimental warming on plant traits across four different alpine subarctic plant communities: tussock tundra, Dryas heath, dry heath and wet meadow. Open-top chambers (OTCs) were used to passively warm the vegetation by 1.5–3 °C. Changes in leaf width, leaf length and plant height of 22 vascular plant species were measured. Long-term warming significantly affected all plant traits. Overall, plant species were taller, with longer and wider leaves, compared with control plots, indicating an increase in biomass in warmed plots, with 13 species having significant increases in at least one trait and only three species having negative responses. The response varied among species and plant community in which the species was sampled, indicating community-warming interactions. Thus, plant trait responses are both species- and community-specific. Importantly, we show that there is likely to be great variation between plant species in their ability to maintain positive growth responses over the longer term, which might cause shifts in their relative competitive ability.Scopu

    Transitions and its indicators in mutualistic meta-networks: effects of network topology, size of metacommunities and species dispersal

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    Baruah G. Transitions and its indicators in mutualistic meta-networks: effects of network topology, size of metacommunities and species dispersal. Evolutionary Ecology . 2023.Gradual changes in the environment could cause dynamical ecological networks to suddenly shift from one state to an alternative state. When this happens ecosystem functions and services provided by ecological networks get disrupted. We, however, know very little about how the topology of such interaction networks can play a role in the transition of ecological networks when spatial interactions come into play. In the event of such unwanted transitions, little is known about how statistical metrics used to inform such impending transitions, measured at the species-level or at the community-level could relate to network architecture and the size of the metacommunity. Here, using hundred and one empirical plant-pollinator networks in a spatial setting, I evaluated the impact of network topology and spatial scale of species interactions on transitions, and on statistical metrics used as predictors to forecast such transitions. Using generalized Lotka-Volterra equations in a meta-network framework, I show that species dispersal rate and the size of the metacommunity can impact when a transition can occur. In addition, forecasting such unwanted transitions of meta-networks using statistical metrics of instability was also consequently dependent on the topology of the network, species dispersal rate, and the size of the metacommunity. The results indicated that the plant-pollinator meta-networks that could exhibit stronger statistical signals before collapse than others were dependent on their network architecture and on the spatial scale of species interactions

    Effect of habitat quality and phenotypic variation on abundance‐ and trait‐based early warning signals of population collapses

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    Loss of resilience in population numbers in response to environmental perturbations may be predicted with statistical metrics called early warning signals (EWS) that are derived from abundance time series. These signals, however, have been shown to have limited success, leading to the development of trait-based EWS that are based on information collected from phenotypic traits such as body size. Experimental work assessing the efficacy of EWS under varying ecological and environmental factors are rare. In addition, disentangling how such warning signals are affected under varying ecological and environmental factors is key to their application in biological conservation. Here, we experimentally test how different rates of environmental forcing (i.e. warming) and varying ecological factors (i.e. habitat quality and phenotypic diversity) affected population stability and predictive power of early warning signals of population collapse. We analyzed population density and body size time series data from three phenotypically different populations of a protozoan ciliate Askenasia volvox in two levels of habitat quality subjected to three different treatments of warming (i.e. no warming, fast warming and slow warming). We then evaluated how well abundance- and trait-based EWS predicted population collapses under different levels of phenotypic diversity, habitat quality and warming treatments. Our results suggest that habitat quality and warming treatments had more profound effects than phenotypic diversity had on both population stability and on the performance of abundance-based signals of population collapse. In addition, trait-based EWS generally performed well, were reliable and more robust in forecasting population collapse than abundance-based EWS, regardless of variation in environmental and ecological factors. Our study points towards the development of a predictive framework that includes information from phenotypic traits such as body size as an indicator of loss of resilience of ecological systems in response to environmental perturbations

    Eco‐evolutionary processes underlying early warning signals of population declines

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    Environmental change can impact the stability of ecological systems and cause rapid declines in populations. Abundance‐based early warning signals have been shown to precede such declines, but detection prior to wild population collapses has had limited success, leading to the development of warning signals based on shifts in distribution of fitness‐related traits such as body size. The dynamics of population abundances and traits in response to external environmental perturbations are controlled by a range of underlying factors such as reproductive rate, genetic variation and plasticity. However, it remains unknown how such ecological and evolutionary factors affect the stability landscape of populations and the detectability of abundance and trait‐based early warning signals. Here, we apply a trait‐based demographic approach and investigate both trait and population dynamics in response to gradual and increasing changes in the environment. We explore a range of ecological and evolutionary constraints under which stability of a population may be affected. We show both analytically and with simulations that strength of abundance‐ and trait‐based warning signals are affected by ecological and evolutionary factors. Finally, we show that combining trait‐ and abundance‐based information improves our ability to predict population declines. Our study suggests that the inclusion of trait dynamic information alongside generic warning signals should provide more accurate forecasts of the future state of biological systems