1,236 research outputs found

    Online Interdisciplinary STEM Education: A Case of Co-teaching for Social Justice

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    This paper presents the process two professors engaged in to develop a co-taught model for two online graduate courses taught concurrently as part of a justice-oriented STEM education curriculum. Students in the courses, who are k-12 teachers, contributed to the development of the courses across iterations through feedback and discussions with the professors. Our previous co-teaching experiences in face-to-face courses supported by literature on co-teaching in higher education online environments were instrumental in preparing for the initial semester and ongoing development of these two co-taught courses. Development of the courses also relied on extensive cogenerative dialogue that resulted in a merged calendar tool and revised discussion assignment strategies. Integration of content across STEM disciplines was enacted and modeled in both courses, in part through assignments that were connected across the two courses

    A feasibility study for a remote laser water turbidity meter

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    A technique to remotely determine the attenuation coefficient (alpha) of the water was investigated. The backscatter energy (theta = 180 deg) of a pulse laser (lambda = 440 - 660 nm) was found directly related to the water turbidity. The greatest sensitivity was found to exist at 440 nm. For waters whose turbidity was adjusted using Chesapeake Bay sediment, the sensitivity in determining alpha at 440 nm was found to be approximately 5 - 10%. A correlation was also found to exist between the water depth (time) at which the peak backscatter occurs and alpha

    On de-Sitter geometry in crater statistics

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    The cumulative size-frequency distributions of impact craters on planetary bodies in the solar system appear to approximate a universal inverse square power-law for small crater radii. In this article, we show how this distribution can be understood easily in terms of geometrical statistics, using a de-Sitter geometry of the configuration space of circles on the Euclidean plane and on the unit sphere. The effect of crater overlap is also considered.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted by MNRAS. Version 2: title modified, appendix added, some small change

    Mass spectrometry captures off-target drug binding and provides mechanistic insights into the human metalloprotease ZMPSTE24.

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    Off-target binding of hydrophobic drugs can lead to unwanted side effects, either through specific or non-specific binding to unintended membrane protein targets. However, distinguishing the binding of drugs to membrane proteins from that of detergents, lipids and cofactors is challenging. Here, we use high-resolution mass spectrometry to study the effects of HIV protease inhibitors on the human zinc metalloprotease ZMPSTE24. This intramembrane protease plays a major role in converting prelamin A to mature lamin A. We monitored the proteolysis of farnesylated prelamin A peptide by ZMPSTE24 and unexpectedly found retention of the C-terminal peptide product with the enzyme. We also resolved binding of zinc, lipids and HIV protease inhibitors and showed that drug binding blocked prelamin A peptide cleavage and conferred stability to ZMPSTE24. Our results not only have relevance for the progeria-like side effects of certain HIV protease inhibitor drugs, but also highlight new approaches for documenting off-target drug binding

    Consequences of asteroid fragmentation during impact hazard mitigation

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    The consequences of the fragmentation of an Earth-threatening asteroid due to an attempted deflection are examined in this paper. The minimum required energy for a successful impulsive deflection of a threatening object is computed and compared to the energy required to break up a small size asteroid. The results show that the fragmentation of an asteroid that underwent an impulsive deflection, such as a kinetic impact or a nuclear explosion, is a very plausible event.Astatistical model is used to approximate the number and size of the fragments as well as the distribution of velocities at the instant after the deflection attempt takes place. This distribution of velocities is a function of the energy provided by the deflection attempt, whereas the number and size of the asteroidal fragments is a function of the size of the largest fragment. The model also takes into account the gravity forces that could lead to a reaggregation of the asteroid after fragmentation. The probability distribution of the pieces after the deflection is then propagated forward in time until the encounter with Earth. A probability damage factor (i.e., expected damage caused by a given size fragment multiplied by its impact probability) is then computed and analyzed for different plausible scenarios, characterized by different levels of deflection energies and lead times


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    Prior to the flight of the Mariner 10 spacecraft, Mercury was the least investigated and most poorly known terrestrial planet (Kuiper 1970, Devine 1972). Observational difficulties caused by its proximity to the Sun as viewed from Earth caused the planet to remain a small, vague disk exhibiting little surface contrast or details, an object for which only three major facts were known: 1. its bulk density is similar to that of Venus and Earth, much greater than that of Mars and the Moon; 2. its surface reflects electromagnetic radiation at all wavelengths in the same manner as the Moon (taking into account differences in their solar distances); and 3. its rotation period is in 2/3 resonance with its orbital period. Images obtained during the flyby by Mariner 10 on 29 March 1974 (and the two subsequent flybys on 21 September 1974 and 16 March 1975) revealed Mercury's surface in detail equivalent to that available for the Moon during the early 1960's from Earth-based telescopic views. Additionally, however, information was obtained on the planet's mass and size, atmospheric composition and density, charged-particle environment, and infrared thermal radiation from the surface, and most significantly of all, the existence of a planetary magnetic field that is probably intrinsic to Mercury was established. In the following, this new information is summarized together with results from theoretical studies and ground-based observations. In the quantum jumps of knowledge that have been characteristic of "space-age" exploration, the previously obscure body of Mercury has suddenly come into sharp focus. It is very likely a differentiated body, probably contains a large Earth-like iron-rich core, and displays a surface remarkably similar to that of the Moon, which suggests a similar evolutionary history

    Subcellular distribution of carbonic anhydrase in Solanum tuberosum L. leaves

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    The intracellular compartmentation of carbonic anhydrase (CA; EC, an enzyme that catalyses the reversible hydration of CO2 to bicarbonate, has been investigated in potato (#Solanum tuberosum$ L.) leaves. Although enzyme activity was mainly located in chloroplasts (87% of total cellular activity), significant activity (13%) was also found in the cytosol. The corresponding CA isoforms were purified either from chloroplasts or crude leaf extracts, respectively. The cytosolic isoenzyme has a molecular mass of 255 000 and is composed of eight identical subunits with an estimated Mr of 30 000. The chloroplastic isoenzyme (Mr 220 000) is also an octamer composed of two different subunits with Mr estimated at 27 000 and 27 500, respectively. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of both chloroplastic CA subunits demonstrated that they were identical except that the Mr-27 000 subunit was three amino acids shorter than that of the Mr-27 500 subunit. Cytosolic and chloroplastic CA isoenzymes were found to be similarly inhibited by monovalent anions (Cl-, I-, N3- and NO3-) and by sulfonamides (ethoxyzolamide and acetozolamide). Both CA isoforms were found to be dependent on a reducing agent such as cysteine or dithiothreitol in order to retain the catalytic activity, but 2-mercaptoethanol was found to be a potent inhibitor. A polyclonal antibody directed against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the chloroplastic CA monomers also recognized the cytosolic CA isoform. This antibody was used for immunocytolocalization experiments which confirmed the intracellular compartmentation of CA : within chloroplasts, CA is restricted to the stroma and appears randomly distributed in the cytosol. (Résumé d'auteur

    Note and Comment

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    Special Assessments Upon Cemetaries - Though the power to tax cemeteries would seem to be\u27entirely clear, very commonly land devoted to such purpose is declared by constitution or statute to be exempt. See CooLY, TAxATION, (3rd ed.) 354. So also in the case of special assessments such land, in the absence of a clear exemption, is liable thereto. Bloomington Cemetery Assoc. v. People, i39 IIl. 16, 28 N. E. io76; Mullins v. Cemetery Assoc., 239 Mo. 681, i44 S. W. iog; Buffalo City Cemetery v. Buffalo, 46 N. Y. 5o3; Lima v. Lima Cemetery Assoc., 42 Oh. St. 128, 5! Am. Rep. 8ag. It may be suggested, in view of the theory upon which special assessments go; that the owner of the land gets back the amount assessed in benefits from an enhanced value of the property, land dedicated to cemetery purposes perpetually would not be subject to such assessments. This contention wa urged in Garden Cemetery Corporation v. Baker, 218 Mass. 339, 105 N. E. io7o (x9r4), and under the facts there presented was rejected, the court distinguishing Mount Auburn Cemetery v. Cambridge, i5o Mass. 12. Where all the lots are sold and used for burial and under the law the company cannot divert the land to other uses, perhaps the argument might be difficult to meet. Exemption from special assessment, then, in general, it would seem, must be found, if at all, in some provision or provisions of the conititution, statutes, or charter, or in some inherent difficulty in the collection of the assessments

    Spinodal decomposition in alkali feldspar studied by atom probe tomography

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    We used atom probe tomography to complement electron microscopy for the investigation of spinodal decomposition in alkali feldspar. To this end, gem-quality alkali feldspar of intermediate composition with a mole fraction of aK=0.43 of the K end-member was prepared from Madagascar orthoclase by ion-exchange with (NaK)Cl molten salt. During subsequent annealing at 550∘C and close to ambient pressure the ion-exchanged orthoclase unmixed producing a coherent lamellar intergrowth of Na-rich and K-rich lamellae. The chemical separation was completed, and equilibrium Na–K partitioning between the different lamellae was attained within four days, which was followed by microstructural coarsening. After annealing for 4 days, the wavelength of the lamellar microstructure was ≈17nm and it increased to ≈30nm after annealing for 16 days. The observed equilibrium compositions of the Na-rich and K-rich lamellae are in reasonable agreement with an earlier experimental determination of the coherent solvus. The excess energy associated with compositional gradients at the lamellar interfaces was quantified from the initial wavelength of the lamellar microstructure and the lamellar compositions as obtained from atom probe tomography using the Cahn–Hilliard theory. The capability of atom probe tomography to deliver quantitative chemical compositions at nm resolution opens new perspectives for studying the early stages of exsolution. In particular, it helps to shed light on the phase relations in nm scaled coherent intergrowth
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