7 research outputs found

    Exploring female students' perceptions of the use of digital technologies in managing academic stress

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    ObjectiveThe purpose of this research is to explore the perceptions of female students regarding the implementation of digital technologies for academic stress management. We aim to determine if the contribution of these technologies could offer to female students a better management of the stress related to their studies and thus, a better deployment of strategies to cope with academic difficulties.MethodA qualitative study using the focus group methodology was conducted. Our inductive and exploratory approach allowed us to focus on the experience and perception of eleven female students from the University of Mons. The cohort was divided into two groups according to their score on the Perceived Stress Scale-10.ResultsThe data collected was analyzed using the thematic analysis of which allowed us to identify fourteen sub-themes divided into three axes: coping strategies used to manage academic stress, students' needs to improve their management of academic stress, and the implementation of technology for managing academic stress.ConclusionOur results show that the issues present in the academic context lead students to use various coping strategies, some of which are harmful to their physical and mental health. The implementation of digital technologies and biofeedback seems to be an approach that could help students adopt more functional coping strategies and alleviate their daily difficulties in managing academic stress

    Development of trait emotional intelligence in response to childbirth: A longitudinal couple perspective

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    The aim of the current paper was to investigate the influence of childbirth on parents' trait emotional intelligence (EI). A three-wave longitudinal research program (during the second trimester of pregnancy, at 6 months postpartum, and at 1 year postpartum) using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model with a hierarchical linear modeling was conducted on 204 parental couples with parental group (i.e., primiparous and multiparous parents) as a time-invariant predictor and the partner's EI development as a time-varying covariate. Results showed that parents' EI was stable, except for Self-Control that increases after childbirth. Moreover, there was a significant negative association between the actor's and the partner's development around childbirth. Childbirth pushes parents to function in dyad rather than individually. Compensatory effects may be observed between both parents in terms of emotional management of parenting: When one partner cannot cope emotionally with parenting, the other partner would compensate and better manage the emotional aspects of parenting. The discussion underlined the importance of the dyadic perspective in understanding the childbirth experience, specifically the parents' receptivity to variation in their partners' emotional levels

    Souffrance et soin spécifiques du bébé dans un contexte de troubles des interactions mÚre-bébé

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    À partir d’un travail de recherche qualitative sur une population de dyades mĂšre-bĂ©bĂ© hospitalisĂ©es en unitĂ© parents-bĂ©bĂ©, nous Ă©tudions les rĂ©sonances entre deux approches de la souffrance du bĂ©bĂ©. La premiĂšre correspond Ă  une recherche clinique au contact direct de la famille, la seconde Ă  une analyse Ă  distance sur base de vidĂ©os du bĂ©bĂ© et d’une cotation standardisĂ©e (ADBB) du retrait relationnel. Les rĂ©sultats mettent en Ă©vidence que, lorsque l’observateur menant la recherche connaĂźt l’histoire de la famille, un regard neutre sur le bĂ©bĂ© n’est pas toujours possible, de par l’identification Ă  la souffrance parentale. Lorsqu’une ou plusieurs personnes tierces observent le bĂ©bĂ© « à l’aveugle », sans connaĂźtre le contexte familial, se dĂ©gage alors un accĂšs Ă  la souffrance du bĂ©bĂ© plus objectif. Les auteurs proposent de multiplier ce type d’interventions, au sein des Ă©quipes ou entre les Ă©quipes afin de garantir un soin spĂ©cifique au bĂ©bĂ©. Enfin, il apparaĂźt que le corps du bĂ©bĂ© se fait le traducteur au moins partiel et pour certaines dyades, d’une part des interactions fantasmatiques. C’est pourquoi les auteures proposent de parler plutĂŽt d’interactions tonico-fantasmatiques.This qualitative research project proposes to study the resonances between two approaches to infant distress in a population of mother-baby dyads, hospitalized in a parent-infant unit. The first step corresponds to clinical research conducted through direct contact with the family, while the second involves remote analysis based on videos of the baby and standardized rating (ADBB) of relational withdrawal. The evidence shows that, when the observer conducting the research is familiar with the family’s history, it is not always possible to maintain a neutral stance in observing the baby, due to identification with parental distress. However, when the baby is observed “blindly”, by one or more observers who have no prior knowledge of the family context, the baby’s distress can be assessed more objectively. The authors suggest increasing this type of intervention within the teams themselves or between teams in order to ensure a type of care tailored to each baby. Finally, the evidence shows that, in some ways and in certain dyads, the baby’s body can be seen as “translating” certain fantasy interactions. For this reason, the authors propose to use the term “tonic fantasy interactions.

    The impact of prior medical termination of pregnancy on the mothers early relationship with a subsequent infant

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    Objective: There is insufficient research on the mothers early relationship with a child born subsequent to a previous medical termination of pregnancy (TOP). This study explores mother-infant interactions following prior TOP and the impact on the infants development.Methods: Being an exploratory research comprising 12 mother-infant (6-7 months old) couples, following prior TOP, and five controls, this study uses a descriptive methodology and a qualitative approach. The Greenspan and Lieberman Observation Scale (GLOS) and the Sterns "R"-Interview were employed to investigate the mother-infant relationship. We used the Brunet-LĂ©zines Revised Scales (BL-R) and the Projective Kit for Early Childhood (PKEC) to assess the infants development. Grief resolution was taken into account (Perinatal Grief Scale, semi-structured interview).Results: The later the perinatal loss, the less likely children are to express their emotions and respond contingently (GLOS). Their psychomotor (BL-R) and emotional (PKEC) development remains adequate. Unresolved grief is associated with more pronounced disturbances: no dyadic exchange (GLOS), language disruptions (BL-R), and withdrawal from the environment (PKEC).Conclusions: This study suggests that mother-infant interactions following a prior late TOP could undergo disturbances, which do not lead systematically to pathogenic effect on the subsequent child. Nevertheless, unresolved grief could lead to adverse effects.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Intimate relationships in times of COVID-19 : a descriptive study of Belgian partners and their perceived well-being

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    How did couples in Belgium cope during the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic? In this study, grounded in relationship science, we investigated in a descriptive manner several factors that could affect how couples perceived individual and relational wellbeing during this time. Specifically, we examined the associations between gender, sexual orientation, parental status, and relationship duration on participants' self-reported individual and relational well-being after the first lockdown (more generally and more specific in response to COVID-19). Additionally, we investigated if relational well-being predicted perceived change in individual well-being from pre-to post-COVID-19 regulations. To test these hypotheses, self-report data was collected during the Summer of 2020 in both the Dutch and French speaking part of Belgium. Data from 679 participants suggested that individual and relational well-being only differed based on parental status (and not by gender nor sexual orientation). Importantly, parents reported lower relational well-being than participants without children, while participants without children reported higher perceived increases in depression. People that had been in a relationship for longer also reported lower relational well-being, but this relationship was explained by other confounding factors. Relational well-being buffered increases in individual distress that people perceived to have occurred pre-COVID-19 regulations to after COVID-19 regulations went into effect. These findings might inform practice and policy for individuals in a romantic relationship during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Coping with global uncertainty:Perceptions of COVID-19 psychological distress, relationship quality, and dyadic coping for romantic partners across 27 countries

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    Coping with global uncertainty: Perceptions of COVID-19 psychological distress, relationship quality, and dyadic coping for romantic partners across 27 countries

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    Article first published online: August 26, 2021Following the global outbreak of COVID-19 in March 2020, individuals report psychological distress associated with the “new normal”—social distancing, financial hardships, and increased responsibilities while working from home. Given the interpersonal nature of stress and coping responses between romantic partners, based on the systemic transactional model this study posits that perceived partner dyadic coping may be an important moderator between experiences of COVID-19 psychological distress and relationship quality. To examine these associations, self-report data from 14,020 people across 27 countries were collected during the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic (March–July, 2020). It was hypothesized that higher symptoms of psychological distress would be reported post-COVID-19 compared to pre-COVID-19 restrictions (Hypothesis 1), reports of post-COVID-19 psychological distress would be negatively associated with relationship quality (Hypothesis 2), and perceived partner DC would moderate these associations (Hypothesis 3). While hypotheses were generally supported, results also showed interesting between-country variability. Limitations and future directions are presented