90 research outputs found

    Persistent airway inflammation and high exacerbation rate in asthma that starts at menopause

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    Background and Aim. Asthma that begins around the time of menopause is frequently characterised by marked clinical severity and poor response to treatment. We sought to assess the clinical characteristics, bronchial responsiveness, perception of induced bronchoconstriction and airway inflammation in women with menopausal asthma, as compared to women of a similar age with pre-existing asthma. Methods. Nine women with pre-existing asthma were selected for clinical severity (symptoms, lung function and medication requirements) similar to that in 11 women with menopausal asthma. Anti-asthmatic treatment in all of the study patients included high dose inhaled (with or without oral) corticosteroids. Results. The women with menopausal asthma demonstrated less atopy, more chronic recurrent sinusitis, similar airway responsiveness, and similar perception of induced bronchoconstriction, but a significantly higher sputum eosinophil count (19.5 ± 10.8 versus 3.3 ± 4.3%; p < 0.001) and a higher severe exacerbation rate during the 1-year follow-up period (5.09 ± 4.85 versus 0.78 ± 0.97; p < 0.05). Sputum eosinophil count and severe asthma exacerbation rate correlated well in both groups considered as a whole (r = 0.65; p < 0.005). Conclusion. The eosinophilic airway inflammation present in women with menopausal asthma is poorly responsive to anti-inflammatory treatment with corticosteroids and predisposes to frequent severe exacerbations. Airway inflammation should be monitored in women with menopausal asthma

    “I luoghi di Mercalli”: a travelling exhibition as a tool for scientists to dialogue with the public on volcanoes and earthquakes

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    On March 19, 1914 Giuseppe Mercalli, a seismologist and volcanologist, well-known around the world for the Intensity scale of earthquakes bearing his name, died tragically. A hundred years after, the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) has promoted a variety of activities and cultural events that will take place under the Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic within a year, the so called “Anno Mercalliano” (the Year of Mercalli). The opening ceremony took place in Naples, Italy, on March 19, 2014, in the Convitto Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele II. A scientific conference was held with the participation of experts from INGV and the university of Milano – Bicocca, and presentations of students. On that day the exhibition entitled “I luoghi di Mercalli” (Mercalli's places) was also inaugurated, at the presence of local authorities. The exhibition, organized by INGV, was realized in collaboration with the high school Vittorio Emanuele II, where Mercalli has been teaching for 19 years, and the Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa, where he was professor of natural sciences. A biographical and geographical description of the places where Mercalli operated introduces the exhibition, which is organized in sections: - Mercalli educator (he taught at high schools in Reggio Calabria and Naples); - Mercalli volcanologist (Mercalli studied Vesuvius volcanic activity for more than twenty years, he was a scientific witness of the Vesuvius 1906 eruption, and of the eruptions occurred at Vulcano (1888-90) and Stromboli (1891) islands. - Mercalli seismologist (Mercalli Intensity scale definition, based on his experience as witness of catastrophic earthquakes, such as Casamicciola in 1883 and Messina in 1908). Another section deals with the Vesuvius Observatory, directed by Mercalli between 1911 and 1914, and the description of the three active volcanoes of the Campania region (Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei and Ischia island), which have been the subject of studies by the well-known scientist. The exhibition is enriched by documents, manuscripts, photos and field notebooks of Mercalli. It is not intended to be only a celebratory exhibition; rather it is designed as a tool for dissemination of scientific culture and to raise awareness about seismic and volcanic hazards. In the exhibition path a continuous thread between the figure of Mercalli as a researcher and the role of an Earth Science researcher today is highlighted, pointing to the development of scientific knowledge in the past century. The goal is to improve the capability of learning from the disasters occurred in the past to implement preventive actions to safely deal with future events. The exhibition is travelling and will be provided on request to institutions and schools.PublishedMilano, Italia1V. Storia e struttura dei sistemi vulcaniciope

    PERL: a dataset of geotechnical, geophysical, and hydrogeological parameters for earthquake-induced hazards assessment in Terre del Reno (Emilia-Romagna, Italy)

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    In 2012, the Emilia-Romagna region (Italy) was struck by a seismic crisis characterized by two main shocks (ML 5.9 and 5.8) which triggered relevant liquefaction events. Terre del Reno is one of the municipalities that experienced the most extensive liquefaction effects due to its complex geostratigraphic and geomorphological setting. This area is indeed located in a floodplain characterized by lenticular fluvial channel bodies associated with crevasse and levee clay–sand alternations, related to the paleo-Reno River. Therefore, it was chosen as a case study for the PERL project, which aims to define a new integrated methodology to assess the liquefaction susceptibility in complex stratigraphic conditions through a multi-level approach. To this aim, about 1800 geotechnical, geophysical, and hydrogeological investigations from previous studies and new realization surveys were collected and stored in the PERL dataset. This dataset is here publicly disclosed, and some possible applications are reported to highlight its potential.</p

    A photographic dataset of the coseismic geological effects induced on the environment by the 2012 Emilia (Northern Italy) earthquake sequence

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    We present a collection of pictures of the coseismic secondary geological effects produced on the environment by the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence in northern Italy. The May-June 2012 sequence struck a broad area located in the Po Plain region, causing 26 deaths and hundreds of injured, 15.000 homeless, severe damage of historical centres and industrial areas, and an estimated economic toll of ~2 billion of euros. The sequence included two mainshocks (Figure 1): the first one, with ML 5.9, occurred on May 20 between Finale Emilia, S. Felice sul Panaro and S. Martino Spino; the second one, with ML 5.8, occurred 12 km southwest of the previous mainshock on May 29. Both the mainshocks occurred on about E-W trending, S dipping blind thrust faults; the whole aftershocks area extends in an E-W direction for more than 50 km and includes five ML≥5.0 events and more than 1800 ML>1.5 events. Ground cracks and liquefactions were certainly the most relevant coseismic geological effects observed during the Emilia sequence. In particular, extensive liquefaction was observed over an area of ~1200 km2 following the May 20 and May 29 events. We collected all the coseismic geological evidence through field survey, helicopter and powered hang-glider trike survey, and reports from local people directly checked in the field. On the basis of their morphologic and structural characteristics the 1362 effects surveyed were grouped into three main categories: a) liquefactions related to overpressure of aquifers, occurring through several aligned vents forming coalescent flat cones (485 effects); b) liquefactions with huge amounts of liquefied sand and fine sand ejected from fractures tens of meters long (768); c) extensional fractures with small vertical throws, apparently organized in an en-echelon pattern, with no effects of liquefaction (109). The photographic dataset consists of 99 pictures of coseismic geological effects observed in 17 localities concentrated in the epicentral area. The pictures are sorted and presented by locality of observation; each photo reports several information such as the name of the site, the geographical coordinates and the type of effect observed. Figure 1 shows a map of the pictures sites along with the location of the two mainshocks; Figure 2 shows a detail of the distribution of the liquefactions in the area of S. Carlo. The complete description of the coseismic geological effects induced by the Emilia sequence, their relation with the aftershock area, the InSAR deformation area and the I>6 EMS felt area, along with the description of the technologies used for data sourcing and processing are shown in Emergeo Working Group [2012a and 2012b].Published1-703.2. Tettonica attivaN/A or not JCRope

    Geodynamics, geophysical and geochemical observations, and the role of CO2 degassing in the Apennines

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    An accurate survey of old and new datasets allowed us to probe the nature and role of fluids in the seismogenic processes of the Apennines mountain range in Italy. New datasets include the 1985–2021 instrumented seismicity catalog, the computed seismogenic thickness, and geodetic velocities and strains, whereas data from the literature comprise focal mechanism solutions, CO2 release, Moho depth, tomographic seismic velocities, heat flow and Bouguer gravity anomalies. Most of the inspected datasets highlight differences between the western and eastern domains of the Apennines, while the transition zone is marked by high geodetic strain, prevailing uplift at the surface and high seismic release, and spatially corresponds with the overlapping Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Mohos. Published tomographic models suggest the presence of a large hot asthenospheric mantle wedge which intrudes beneath the western side of the Apennines and disappears at the southern tip of the southern Apennines. This wedge modulates the thermal structure and rheology of the overlying crust as well as the melting of carbonate-rich sediments of the subducting Adriatic lithosphere. As a result, CO2-rich fluids of mantle-origin have been recognized in association with the occurrence of destructive seismic sequences in the Apennines. The stretched western domain of the Apennines is characterized by a broad pattern of emissions from CO2-rich fluids that vanishes beneath the axial belt of the chain, where fluids are instead trapped within crustal overpressurized reservoirs, favoring their involvement in the evolution of destructive seismic sequences in that region. In the Apennines, areas with high mantle He are associated with different degrees of metasomatism of the mantle wedge from north to south. Beneath the chain, the thickness and permeability of the crust control the formation of overpressurized fluid zones at depth and the seismicity is favored by extensional faults that act as high permeability pathways. This multidisciplinary study aims to contribute to our understanding of the fluid-related mechanisms of earthquake preparation, nucleation and evolution encouraging a multiparametric monitoring system of different geophysical and geochemical observables that could lead the creation of a data-constrained and reliable conceptual model of the role of fluids in the preparatory phase of earthquakes in the Apennines

    Una metodologia di indagine basata su tecniche NDT per la mitigazione del rischio sismico di beni storici soggetti a tutela

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    Sommario In questo lavoro viene presentata una metodologia di indagine NDT (acronimo inglese di Non Destructing Testing), basata su tecniche classiche di misura, telerilevamento prossimale e satellitare ad alta risoluzione spaziale, analisi sismogenetiche ed indagini geofisiche, per la mitigazione del rischio sismico di edifici storici monumentali soggetti a tutela. I risultati sperimentali, ottenuti per il caso di studio del complesso monumentale di Sant’Agostino ubicato nella città di Cosenza, dimostrano l’efficacia dell’approccio proposto sia per applicazioni correnti (il monitoraggio materiale e strutturale di un manufatto), sia per applicazioni emergenti (mitigazione del rischio sismico di beni storici)

    A database of the coseismic effects following the 30 October 2016 Norcia earthquake in Central Italy

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    We provide a database of the coseismic geological surface effects following the Mw 6.5 Norcia earthquake that hit central Italy on 30 October 2016. This was one of the strongest seismic events to occur in Europe in the past thirty years, causing complex surface ruptures over an area of >400 km 2. The database originated from the collaboration of several European teams (Open EMERGEO Working Group; about 130 researchers) coordinated by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia. The observations were collected by performing detailed field surveys in the epicentral region in order to describe the geometry and kinematics of surface faulting, and subsequently of landslides and other secondary coseismic effects. The resulting database consists of homogeneous georeferenced records identifying 7323 observation points, each of which contains 18 numeric and string fields of relevant information. This database will impact future earthquake studies focused on modelling of the seismic processes in active extensional settings, updating probabilistic estimates of slip distribution, and assessing the hazard of surface faulting
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