27 research outputs found
Caractérisation acoustico-phonétique de parole provenant de patients atteints de paralysies faciales
National audienceLa caractĂ©risation de la parole pathologique est un problĂšme important pour la dĂ©tection et le diagnostic prĂ©coces. La parole pathologique Ă©tudiĂ©e dans cet article, provient de patients paralysĂ©s faciaux, souffrant notamment de problĂšmes de prononciation des plosives. Plusieurs paramĂštres sont extraits dâun dĂ©tecteur automatique de bursts en vue de caractĂ©riser cette altĂ©ration. Lâune des autres hypothĂšses Ă©tudiĂ©es ici est que les cibles vocaliques souffrent de la mauvaise prononciation des consonnes, et ont une rĂ©alisation approximative. Une analyse des voyelles et des bursts est donc proposĂ©e en fonction des diffĂ©rents grades de sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© de la paralysie des patients. Une diminution significative du nombre de bursts, des Ă©cart-type des durĂ©es de ceux-ci et du F2 des voyelles /i, e, E, a/ ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s pour les patients du corpus. Le F3 des voyelles /i, y/ est affectĂ©, montrant que les patients ont du mal Ă produire ces voyelles, faisant intervenir les lĂšvres
Automatic Assessment of Speech Capability Loss in Disordered Speech
International audienceIn this article, we report on the use of an automatic technique to assess pronunciation in the context of several types of speech disorders. Even if such tools already exist, they are more widely used in a different context, namely, Computer-Assisted Language Learning, in which the objective is to assess nonnative pronunciation by detecting learners' mispronunciations at segmental and/or suprasegmental levels. In our work, we sought to determine if the Goodness of Pronunciation (GOP) algorithm, which aims to detect phone-level mispronunciations by means of automatic speech recognition, could also detect segmental deviances in disordered speech. Our main experiment is an analysis of speech from people with unilateral facial palsy. This pathology may impact the realization of certain phonemes such as bilabial plosives and sibilants. Speech read by 32 speakers at four different clinical severity grades was automatically aligned and GOP scores were computed for each phone realization. The highest scores, which indicate large dissimilarities with standard phone realizations, were obtained for the most severely impaired speakers. The corresponding speech subset was manually transcribed at phone level; 8.3% of the phones differed from standard pronunciations extracted from our lexicon. The GOP technique allowed the detection of 70.2% of mispronunciations with an equal rate of about 30% of false rejections and false acceptances. Finally, to broaden the scope of the study, we explored the correlation between GOP values and speech comprehensibility scores on a second corpus, composed of sentences recorded by six people with speech impairments due to cancer surgery or neurological disorders. Strong correlations were achieved between GOP scores and subjective comprehensibility scores (about 0.7 absolute). Results from both experiments tend to validate the use of GOP to measure speech capability loss, a dimension that could be used as a complement to physiological measures in pathologies causing speech disorders
Langage et gliomes de bas grade (étude des modalités d accÚs lexical en fonction du temps opératoire)
La chirurgie des gliomes, tumeurs cĂ©rĂ©brales primitives intra-parenchymateuses, reste controversĂ©e, en raison de ses possibles consĂ©quences fonctionnelles lorsque la lĂ©sion est situĂ©e dans des zones dites Ă©loquentes du langage. Les perturbations aphasiques peuvent ĂȘtre dues au dĂ©veloppement de la tumeur, et/ou au traitement mĂ©dical, le manque du mot Ă©tant le symptĂŽme le plus frĂ©quent. Nous avons abordĂ© l accĂšs lexical selon plusieurs modalitĂ©s (visuelle Ă l oral et Ă l Ă©crit, auditive et liĂ©e Ă la mĂ©moire Ă court terme), en analysant sur un mode longitudinal les facteurs susceptibles d influencer la performance de 32 sujets atteints de gliomes de bas grade. Nous leur avons proposĂ© un protocole de dix Ă©preuves Ă trois reprises : avant, pendant et aprĂšs l intervention. Nos recherches ont montrĂ© : (a) la prĂ©sence de troubles dĂšs le prĂ©opĂ©ratoire, notamment dans deux Ă©preuves (Ă©preuve de dĂ©nomination orale d images et Ă©preuve de fluence sĂ©mantique), leur aggravation en postopĂ©ratoire immĂ©diat quelle que soit la localisation lĂ©sionnelle et hĂ©misphĂ©rique, et leur rĂ©cupĂ©ration progressive ; (b) la grande variabilitĂ© interindividuelle des performances, non rĂ©ductibles Ă leur localisation. Elles confirment Ă©galement la nĂ©cessitĂ© d une Ă©valuation longitudinale visant Ă adapter les traitements de maniĂšre de plus en plus individualisĂ©e, pour minimiser les risques d atteinte langagiĂšre dĂ©finitive.PARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF
Superior longitudinal fasciculus subserves vestibular network in humans.
Vestibular function is known to be represented in a large-scale network within the brain. Although much is known about the topography of this cortical network, the subcortical anatomo-functional connectivity has received less attention. We present three patients operated on while conscious for cerebral low-grade gliomas, in which we elicited vestibular symptoms during subcortical stimulation. Anatomo-functional correlations between postoperative imaging and intraoperative findings suggest the involvement of the superior longitudinal fasciculus in the spreading of the vestibular symptoms. We argue that this fasciculus plays a major role in the functional connectivity of the areas involved in the complex multimodal network that controls vestibular function
The insular lobe and brain plasticity: Lessons from tumor surgery.
OBJECTIVES: Despite recent literature supporting the likely role of the insula in many functions, the actual participation of this multimodal lobe in the brain functioning remains unclear, i.e. has the insula an essential or compensable role? PATIENTS AND METHODS: We surgically resected an insular low-grade glioma, using intraoperative electrical stimulation, in 42 patients who experienced seizures, but who presented no or only a slight neurological deficit. Surgery was performed under local anesthesia in patients with a lesion in the dominant hemisphere. The resection was systematically stopped according to cortico-subcortical functional boundaries. RESULTS: Intraoperative electrical mapping induced language disturbances, pain and vertigo, but no other side effects were observed. Post-operatively, the patients experienced a transient hemiparesis in 21 cases, language disorders in 10 cases, an athymhormic syndrome in 7 cases, a Foix-Chavany-Marie syndrome in 3 cases, and micturition disturbances in one case. Despite this immediate post-surgical worsening, all the patients recovered their preoperative neurological status within 3 months, except in three cases due to a deep stroke. CONCLUSION: These results show that the insula, a complex associative multimodal structure poorly studied until now, can be functionally compensated. Such a plastic potential may have important fundamental and clinical implications, in particular in the field of oncological neurosurgery
Functional compensation of the claustrum: lessons from low-grade glioma surgery.
In functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data analysis, effective connectivity investigates the influence that brain regions exert on one another. Structural equation modeling (SEM) has been the main approach to examine effective connectivity. In this paper, we propose a method that, given a set of regions, performs partial correlation analysis. This method provides an approach to effective connectivity that is data driven, in the sense that it does not require any prior information regarding the anatomical or functional connections. To demonstrate the practical relevance of partial correlation analysis for effective connectivity investigation, we reanalyzed data previously published [Bullmore, Horwitz, Honey, Brammer, Williams, Sharma, 2000. How good is good enough in path analysis of fMRI data? NeuroImage 11, 289-301]. Specifically, we show that partial correlation analysis can serve several purposes. In a pre-processing step, it can hint at which effective connections are structuring the interactions and which have little influence on the pattern of connectivity. As a post-processing step, it can be used both as a simple and visual way to check the validity of SEM optimization algorithms and to show which assumptions made by the model are valid, and which ones should be further modified to better fit the data
IntĂ©rĂȘt dâun dispositif pĂ©dagogique de type
Contexte : La mĂ©thode Jigsaw ou « classe puzzle » est une approche pĂ©dagogique dĂ©veloppĂ©e aux Ătats-Unis qui redĂ©finit les rĂŽles de chacun, enseignants et apprenants, dans lâapprentissage. Nous lâavons appliquĂ©e Ă la formation Ă la lecture labiale des Ă©tudiantes de troisiĂšme annĂ©e dâorthophonie. But : Le but Ă©tait dâĂ©valuer lâefficacitĂ© en termes dâamĂ©lioration des compĂ©tences et la perception de lâintĂ©rĂȘt pĂ©dagogique de cette mĂ©thode par les Ă©tudiantes de troisiĂšme annĂ©e du premier cycle dâĂ©tudes en orthophonie. Cet enseignement a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ© en visioconfĂ©rence pendant la crise sanitaire. MĂ©thodes : Six groupes de 18âĂ©tudiantes ont participĂ© aux enseignements sous forme de deux sĂ©ances de travaux dirigĂ©s. LâĂ©valuation et lâauto-Ă©valuation de la lecture labiale, ainsi que le retour sur le procĂ©dĂ© pĂ©dagogique ont Ă©tĂ© recueillis de façon anonyme. RĂ©sultats : La compĂ©tence en lecture labiale et le sentiment dâauto-efficacitĂ© sâamĂ©liorent aprĂšs les deux sĂ©ances de travaux dirigĂ©s. Le procĂ©dĂ© pĂ©dagogique est jugĂ© intĂ©ressant, dynamique et concret par les Ă©tudiantes. Conclusion : Lâapproche Jigsaw a permis de rendre lâenseignement de lecture labiale plus vivant et dâamĂ©liorer les compĂ©tences des Ă©tudiantes de troisiĂšme annĂ©e dâorthophonie. Des Ă©tudes ultĂ©rieures permettront de comparer lâefficacitĂ© de cette approche par rapport aux mĂ©thodes pĂ©dagogiques traditionnellement utilisĂ©es en formation paramĂ©dicale, Ă savoir lâenseignement magistral et les travaux dirigĂ©s axĂ©s sur la discussion de cas cliniques
A discrete area within the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex involved in visual-verbal incongruence judgment
The role of the frontal lobe in cross-modal visual--auditory processing has been documented in experiments using incongruent/ congruent paradigms. In this study, 4 patients with left frontal World Health Organization Grade II glioma were assessed during pre-, intra-, and postoperative sessions with picture-naming and verbal--visual task requiring judgment of congruence between pictures and words. During awake brain surgery, the naming and crossmodal tasks were coupled with electrical stimulation inactivating restricted specific regions. For all patients, focal brain stimulation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex elicited picture--word matching disturbances but no naming impairment, and the elicited errors exclusively appeared in incongruent and not congruent conditions. The dissociation observed between correct picture naming and disturbed cross-modal judgment shows that electrical stimulation of a discrete cortical area within the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex can inhibit the simultaneous processing of visual--verbal information without disturbing larger networks involved in the naming process