3,749 research outputs found

    Evaluation of bermudagrasses in south Louisiana on recent alluvial soil

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    Monensin, Tylosin and Protein Supplementation With Finishing Cattle

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    Antibiotic supplementation for feedlot cattle is a common practice as a means of decreasing diesease problems, improving feedlot performance and reducing the incidence of abscessed livers in cattle fed high-concentrate diets. Use of monensin in rations for feedlot cattle has rather consistently improved feed utilization. The use of monensin in combination with an antibiotic has not been extensively studied

    Spring Regrowth and Steer Performance on Tifton 85 and Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures Following Sod-Seeding with Ryegrass

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    Effects of autumn sod-seeded ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum; cv. Passerel; 37.7 kg/ha) in bermudagrass pastures (Cynodon spp.; cv. Coastal and cv. Tifton 85) on grazing steer performance were determined. Ryegrass was sod-seeded in three of six .81 ha pastures of each bermudagrass. Forage height was adjusted to10 cm during spring. Stocking rates were unaffected by ryegrass in Tifton 85 pastures, but they were higher (P \u3c .05) for Tifton 85 than Coastal. Ryegrass increased tester steer average daily gains by 34% (.86 vs .64 kg/day; P \u3c .01), and gain/ha by 26% (387 vs 306 kg/ha; P \u3c .05). Higher stocking rates resulted in 22% more grazing days (515 vs 421 days/ha; P \u3c .01), and 30% higher gain/ha (391 vs 301 kg/ha; P \u3c .05) for Tifton 85 than Coastal pastures. Ryegrass did not affect stocking rates or steer performance on Tifton 85, but it depressed both on Coastal pastures

    Roughage Quality and Protein Supplementation with High-Concentrate Rations for Finishing Cattle

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    Feedlot cattle have been shown to make high rates of gain with low feed requirements when fed all-concentrate rations during finishing periods up to 6 months or more. However, some roughage has frequently been reported to improve weight gain and to reduce digestive problems associated with all-concentrate rations. Roughage levels of 8 to 10% have appeared adequate for these purposes and are considered to be about optimum on basis of weight gain and feed efficiency. Questions are often raised as to the importance of roughage quality when included in rations at these low levels

    Soybean Meal or Urea During Feedlot Adaptation and Growing of Calves

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    This experiment investigated the response by calves to different levels of protein during the first four weeks of feedlot adaptation using soybean meal, urea or a combination of the two sources. Following the adaptation period, the calves were continued on experiment for a growing phase to compare soybean meal and urea as supplements to corn silage

    Diethylstilbestrol, Synovex or Zeranol Implants for Finishing Steers

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    Comparisons between DES, Synovex and zeranol implants and a nonimplanted control under various conditions of growing and finishing are more limited. The experiment reported here is a continuation of research comparing implants of the three products during feedlot finishing of steers

    Effects of Monensin on Dietary Protein Needs and Nonprotein Nitrogen Utilization by Growing Feedlot Cattle

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    The objectives of this experiment were to study the possible protein sparing effects of monensin in a growin ration composed primarily of corn silage and to determine its effects on the utilization of urea

    Current and future graphics requirements for LaRC and proposed future graphics system

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    The findings of an investigation to assess the current and future graphics requirements of the LaRC researchers with respect to both hardware and software are presented. A graphics system designed to meet these requirements is proposed