30 research outputs found

    From "Periodical Observations” to "Anthochronology” and "Phenology” - the scientific debate between Adolphe Quetelet and Charles Morren on the origin of the word "Phenology”

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    Mankind has observed and documented life cycle stages of plants and animals for a long time. However, it was comparatively recently that the newly emerging science was given its name. The name of Charles Morren and the year 1853 are being cited, although not frequently. Exact information is hardly known among present-day phenologists, yet new evidence shows that the term "phenology” was already in use in 1849. In the early 1840s, physicist and astronomer Adolphe Quetelet set up an observational network named "Observations of periodical Phenomena of the Animal and Vegetable Kingdom” and issued instructions for it. Even though biologist Charles Morren welcomed Quetelet's initiative, differences between Morren and Quentlet regarding the instructions for the observations and the potential results soon arose and a debate started, which lasted for nearly 10years. In the wake of these disagreements, Morren was compelled to create a new term to denote his ideas on "periodical phenomena”. At first, he temporally used the word anthochronology, but in the end he coined the word phenology. The term was first used in a public lecture at the AcadĂ©mie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique' in Brussels on 16 December 1849, and simultaneously in the December 1849 issue of volume V of the Annales de la SociĂ©tĂ© royale d'Agriculture et de Botanique de Gand. One had to wait until 1853 before the new name appeared in the title of one of Morren's publications. Based on evidence from archives and original publications, we trace the 10-year-long scientific debate between Morren and Quetelet. Morren states his biologist's view on the subject and extends the more climate-related definition of Quetelet of "periodical phenomena

    La sĂ©cheresse sahĂ©lienne pourrait s'ĂȘtre terminĂ©e durant les annĂ©es 1990

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    peer reviewedThe severe drought that affects the Sahel since the late 1960s has been very closely studied and monitored during the last three decades. Recently, after several wet years, it was questioned from a statistical point of view whether the drought was over. The conclusions of a recent study were that the rainfall deficit was not over at the end of 2000 and that the drought continues. The analysis of the change points in the station rainfall time series suggests differentiating these findings. There is now growing evidence that there is a potential shift towards a more humid state. However, the present analysis shows that the assumption that a significant increase in rainfall may have occurred around the early 1990s could only be verified at the customary confidence level in about 10 years from now.La sĂ©cheresse qui touche la rĂ©gion sahĂ©lienne depuis la fin des annĂ©es soixante a Ă©tĂ© extrĂȘmement bien Ă©tudiĂ©e et suivie au cours des trois derniĂšres dĂ©cennies. RĂ©cemment, Ă  la suite de quelques annĂ©es fortement pluvieuses, certaines recherches ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es pour tenter de voir si cette sĂ©cheresse Ă©tait statistiquement terminĂ©e. Les conclusions d’une rĂ©cente Ă©tude montrent que ce dĂ©ficit pluviomĂ©trique n’est pas terminĂ© en fin 2000 et que la sĂ©cheresse continue. Sur la base de l’analyse de la premiĂšre rupture pluviomĂ©trique, nous pensons qu’il est nĂ©cessaire de nuancer ces propos. Plusieurs signes suggĂšrent qu’une tendance vers une pĂ©riode plus humide pourrait s’ĂȘtre amorcĂ©e aux alentours des annĂ©es 1990. Cependant, la continuitĂ© de la pĂ©riode de sĂ©cheresse ou l’identification d’une rupture pluviomĂ©trique vers des conditions plus humides ne pourra se vĂ©rifier statistiquement que dans une dizaine d’annĂ©es

    Origins of the word "phenology"

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    Observing and documenting life cycle stages of plants and animals have been tradition and necessity for humans throughout history. Phenological observations—as called by their modern scientific name—were key to successful hunting and farming because the precise knowledge of animal behavior and plant growth, as well as their timing with changing seasons, was critical for survival. In today's context of environmental awareness and climate change research, phenological observations have become prime indicators of documenting altered life cycles due to environmental change in disciplines from biology to climatology, geography, and environmental history. Observations on the ground, from space, and from models of different complexity describe intra-annual and interannual changes of life cycles at individual, pixel, or grid box scale

    Walthùre Victor Spring – A Forerunner in the Study of the Greenhouse Effect

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    : In 1886, an article by WalthĂšre Spring and LĂ©on Roland, two scientists from the University of LiĂšge, dealing with the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere in LiĂšge appeared in the “Máș»moires” of the Royal Academy of Belgium. In order to explain the difference between temperatures in the city of LiĂšge and those observed in that city’s environs, the authors invoked the high level of atmospheric CO2. Although the climatological argument was rather weak and the article concerned only a local impact, it is obvious that Spring can be viewed as a precursor of Svante Arrhenius who foresaw global warming in 1895–1896

    The eruption of Lakagígar in Islande or 'Annus Mirabilis 1783' – Chronicle of an extraordinary year

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    Durant l’annĂ©e 1783, un grand brouillard sec enveloppa l’HĂ©misphĂšre Nord pendant plusieurs mois. A l’origine de celui-ci, l’éruption volcanique du LakagĂ­gar en Islande qui dĂ©buta le 8 juin 1783. La nouvelle de cette Ă©ruption ne fut connue Ă  Copenhague qu’au 1er septembre 1783 ; elle fut ensuite rĂ©percutĂ©e, dans le reste de l’Europe, par le courrier des gazettes. Les naturalistes europĂ©ens Ă©taient dans l’ignorance complĂšte quant Ă  l’origine du phĂ©nomĂšne. Cependant, comme l’annĂ©e 1783 fut trĂšs riche en phĂ©nomĂšnes mĂ©tĂ©orologiques, hydrologiques, gĂ©ophysiques et Ă©pidĂ©miques, ils ne manquĂšrent pas d’y trouver lĂ  une explication. Les scientifiques de l’époque rĂ©pondirent par des interprĂ©tations se rattachant Ă  la thĂ©orie, dĂ©jĂ  dĂ©passĂ©e, de la Meteorologica d’ArchimĂšde ou bien Ă  des thĂ©ories nouvelles comme l’électricitĂ© atmosphĂ©rique.Benjamin Franklin fut un des premiers scientifiques Ă  Ă©tablir la relation entre l’éruption volcanique et l’hiver long et rude qui a suivi. L’hypothĂšse selon laquelle il y aurait une relation potentielle entre l’éruption du LakagĂ­gar et le niveau du Nil au Caire, en Egypte, est discutĂ©e. Il s’avĂšre plutĂŽt que les phĂ©nomĂšnes mĂ©tĂ©orologiques et hydrologiques de l’annĂ©e 1783 s’inscrivent tout Ă  fait dans le cadre d’un Ă©vĂ©nement ENSO chaud pluriannuel.During 1783 a Great Dry Fog (GDF) enveloped the Northern Hemisphere for several months. The origin of this was the fissure eruption associated with the volcano Laki in Iceland which began on 8 June 1783. However, news of the eruption did not reach Europe until 1 September 1783 when ships from Iceland reached Copenhagen. News then spread to the rest of Europe where scientists had not known the exact origin of the fog. As there had been so many recent events in the form of meteorological, hydrological, and geophysical phenomena, as well as many epidemics, many explanations had been offered for it. At that time, scientists responded in line with the classical, but already outmoded, theory of Archimedes’ Meteorologica, as well as new ideas regarding electricity in the atmosphere. Benjamin Franklin was one of the first scientists to establish the connection between a volcanic eruption and a long and severe winter following this. The hypothesis that there is a connection between the LakagĂ­gar eruption and the level of the Nile River in Egypt will be discussed. In this regard, the meteorological and hydrological phenomena of the year 1783 may be seen in the context of a multi-year warming ENSO event

    Weather typing based flood frequency analysis validated for exceptional historical events of past 500 years along the Meuse river

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    Governments, policy makers, and water managers are pushed by recent socioeconomic developments such as population growth and increased urbanization inclusive of occupation of floodplains to impose very stringent regulations on the design of hydrological structures. These structures need to withstand storms with return periods typically ranging between 1,250 and 10,000 years. Such quantification involves extrapolations of systematically measured instrumental data, possibly complemented by quantitative and/or qualitative historical data and paleoflood data. The accuracy of the extrapolations is, however, highly unclear in practice. In order to evaluate extreme river peak flow extrapolation and accuracy, we studied historical and instrumental data of the past 500 years along the Meuse River. We moreover propose an alternative method for the estimation of the extreme value distribution of river peak flows, based on weather types derived by sea level pressure reconstructions. This approach results in a more accurate estimation of the tail of the distribution, where current methods are underestimating the design levels related to extreme high return periods. The design flood for a 1,250 year return period is estimated at 4,800 m3 s−1 for the proposed method, compared with 3,450 and 3,900 m3 s−1 for a traditional method and a previous study.status: publishe

    Tropical climatology, meteorology and hydrology: climate-related risk analysis and sustainable development in tropical areas

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