2,468 research outputs found

    Achievement and Integration of Students with Special Needs (SEN) in the Fifth Grade

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    In Styria 77.3% of all students with special needs are educated in integrated classrooms. Currently, it is not known much either about the school performance nor the active class participation of these students. This study examined 230 fifth grade students – 43 with and 187 students without special educational needs (SEN). Moreover, it is important to acknowledge that the available data for this study represents the first wave of larger longitudinal study. The school performance of the students with SEN ranged one standard deviation below the level of the students without SEN. All students felt emotionally well integrated in the school settings, but the differences in the degree of social integration were evident. In fact, the students with SEN mentioned that they got along well with their classmates less frequently than the students without SEN

    Pi Charge Distribution from Molecular Topology and Pi Orbital Electronegativity

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    The automatic and computer-aided prediction of reactivity by means of a few basic atomic parameters is achieved. Considering that only the topology of a molecule is required for the computation it is evident that PEOE (partial equalization of orbital electronegativity) and SD-POE (sigma dependent POE) models proposed by the authors together establish a valid alternative to the presently available, time consuming quantum mechanical procedures. Furthermore, this approach gives a new insight into the interaction between a and it electrons which seems worthy of further investigation. In addition, we have revived the concept of orbital electronegativity, especially in the case of the Jt electrons for which no calculation based on POE (pi orbital electronegativy) has, up to now, ever been performed

    Characterization of the airborne aerosol inlet and transport system used during the A-LIFE aircraft field experiment

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    Atmospheric aerosol particles have a profound impact on Earth's climate by scattering and absorbing solar and terrestrial radiation and by impacting the properties of clouds. Research aircraft such as the Deutsches Zentrum fĂŒr Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) Falcon are widely used to study aerosol particles in the troposphere and lower stratosphere. However, transporting a representative sample to the instrumentation inside the aircraft remains a challenge due to high airspeeds and changing ambient conditions. In particular, for high-quality coarse-mode aerosol measurements, knowledge about losses or enhancements in the aerosol sampling system is crucial. In this study, the sampling efficiency of the aerosol inlet aboard the Falcon research aircraft is characterized for the first time with state-of-the art in situ measurements including sizing instruments operated behind the Falcon aerosol inlet and mounted at the aircraft wing not affected by the aerosol inlet. Sampling efficiencies were derived for different true airspeed ranges by comparing the in-cabin and ”full”-size-range particle number size distributions during 174 flight sequences with a major contribution of mineral dust particles during the ”Absorbing aerosol layers in a changing climate: aging, lifetime and dynamics” project (A-LIFE). Additionally, experimentally derived Stokes numbers were used to calculate the cutoff diameter of the aerosol sampling system for different particle densities as a function of true airspeed. As expected, the results show that the velocity of the research aircraft has a major impact on the sampling of coarse-mode aerosol particles with in-cabin instruments. For true airspeeds up to about 190 m s−1, aerosol particles larger than about 1 ”m are depleted in the sampling system of the Falcon during the A-LIFE project. In contrast, for true airspeeds higher than 190 m s−1, an enhancement of particles up to a diameter of 4 ”m is observed. For even larger particles, the enhancement effect at the inlet is still present, but inertial and gravitational particle losses in the transport system get more and more pronounced, which leads to a decreasing overall sampling efficiency. In summary, aerosol particles are either depleted or enhanced in the Falcon aerosol inlet, whereas transport in sampling lines always leads to a loss of particles. Here, we have considered both effects and determined the cutoff diameter for the A-LIFE transport system (i.e., the sampling lines only), the cutoff diameter of the Falcon aerosol inlet (i.e., the effect of the inlet only), and the combined effect of the inlet and sampling lines.</p

    What is the benefit of ceilometers for aerosol remote sensing? An answer from EARLINET

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    With the establishment of ceilometer networks by national weather services, a discussion commenced to which extent these simple backscatter lidars can be used for aerosol research. Though primarily designed for the detection of clouds it was shown that at least observations of the vertical structure of the boundary layer might be possible. However, an assessment of the potential of ceilometers for the quantitative retrieval of aerosol properties is still missing. In this paper we discuss different retrieval methods to derive the aerosol backscatter coefficient beta(p),with special focus on the calibration of the ceilometers. Different options based on forward and backward integration methods are compared with respect to their accuracy and applicability. It is shown that advanced lidar systems such as those being operated in the framework of the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET) are excellent tools for the calibration, and thus beta(p) retrievals based on forward integration can readily be implemented and used for real-time applications. Furthermore, we discuss uncertainties introduced by incomplete overlap, the unknown lidar ratio, and water vapor absorption. The latter is relevant for the very large number of ceilometers operating in the spectral range around lambda = 905-910 nm. The accuracy of the retrieved beta(p) mainly depends on the accuracy of the calibration and the long-term stability of the ceilometer. Under favorable conditions, a relative error of beta(p) on the order of 10% seems feasible. In the case of water vapor absorption, corrections assuming a realistic water vapor distribution and laser spectrum are indispensable;otherwise errors on the order of 20% could occur. From case studies it is shown that ceilometers can be used for the reliable detection of elevated aerosol layers below 5 km, and can contribute to the validation of chemistry transport models, e. g.,the height of the boundary layer. However, the exploitation of ceilometer measurements is still in its infancy, so more studies are urgently needed to consolidate the present state of knowledge, which is based on a limited number of case studies
