18 research outputs found

    Carcinome adenoide kystique sous-glottique

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    Introduction: Laryngeal adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is unusual. It accounts for 0.25% of all malignant tumors in the larynx, and only about 120 cases have been reported in the literature until now.Purpose: We report a case of subglottic ACC and examine the clinical, diagnostic, histological and therapeutic features and the outcome of this tumor in this location.Case report: A 75-year-old man, presented with a laryngeal dyspnea. The computed tomography of the larynx showed a posterior subglottic tumor. The panendoscopy revealed a large nonulcerated submucosal tumor in the posterior wall of the subglottic area. Biopsies made the diagnosis of laryngeal ACC. The patient had total laryngectomy with total thyroidectomyand bilateral lateral neck dissection. Histological examination didn't find neck metastases. The surgery was followed by a postoperative radiotherapy. There were no local recurrence or distant metastases during one year and half of follow-up.Conclusions: ACC shows a very slow growth pattern. Its diagnosis is often delayed and its treatment is based on surgery and postoperative radiotherapy. This tumor is characterized by the occurrence of local recurrence and distant metastases often several years after treatment of the primary tumor.Keywords: adenoid cystic carcinoma, subglottic, surgery, postoperative radiotherapy, survival

    Geometrical optimization of spin clusters for the preservation of quantum coherence

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    We investigate the influence of geometry on the preservation of quantum coherence in spin clusters subjected to a thermal environment. Assuming weak inter-spin coupling, we explore the various buffer network configurations that can be embedded in a plane. Our findings reveal that the connectivity of the buffer network is crucial in determining the preservation duration of quantum coherence in an individual central spin. Specifically, we observe that the maximal planar graph yields the longest preservation time for a given number of buffer spins. Interestingly, our results demonstrate that the preservation time does not consistently increase with an increasing number of buffer spins. Employing a quantum master equation in our simulations, we further demonstrate that a tetrahedral geometry comprising a four-spin buffer network provides optimal protection against environmental effects

    Energy management based on a fuzzy controller of a photovoltaic/fuel cell/Li-ion battery/supercapacitor for unpredictable, fluctuating, high-dynamic three-phase AC load

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    Introduction. Nowadays, environmental pollution becomes an urgent issue that undoubtedly influences the health of humans and other creatures living in the world. The growth of hydrogen energy increased 97.3 % and was forecast to remain the world’s largest source of green energy. It can be seen that hydrogen is one of the essential elements in the energy structure as well as has great potential to be widely used in the 21st century. Purpose. This paper aims to propose an energy management strategy based a fuzzy logic control, which includes a hybrid renewable energy sources system dedicated to the power supply of a three-phase AC variable load (unpredictable high dynamic). Photovoltaic (PV), fuel cell (FC), Li-ion battery, and supercapacitor (SC) are the four sources that make up the renewable hybrid power system; all these sources are coupled in the DC-link bus. Unlike usual the SC was connected to the DC-link bus directly in this research work in order to ensure the dominant advantage which is a speedy response during load fast change and loads transient. Novelty. The power sources (PV/FC/Battery/SC) are coordinated based on their dynamics in order to keep the DC voltage around its reference. Among the main goals achieved by the fuzzy control strategy in this work are to reduce hydrogen consumption and increase battery lifetime. Methods. This is done by controlling the FC current and by state of charge (SOC) of the battery and SC. To verify the fuzzy control strategy, the simulation was carried out with the same system and compared with the management flowchart strategy. The results obtained confirmed that the hydrogen consumption decreased to 26.5 g and the SOC for the battery was around 62.2-65 and this proves the desired goal.Вступ. В даний час забруднення навколишнього середовища стає актуальною проблемою, яка, безперечно, впливає на здоров’я людини та інших істот, які живуть у світі. Зростання водневої енергетики збільшилося на 97,3 %, і прогнозувалося, що вона залишиться найбільшим у світі джерелом зеленої енергії. Видно, що водень є одним із найважливіших елементів у структурі енергетики, а також має великий потенціал для широкого використання у 21 столітті. Мета. У цій статті пропонується стратегія управління енергоспоживанням, заснована на нечіткому логічному управлінні, яка включає гібридну систему відновлюваних джерел енергії, призначену для живлення трифазного змінного навантаження змінного струму (непередбачувана висока динаміка). Фотоелектричні (PV), паливні елементи (FC), літій-іонні батареї та суперконденсатори (SC) – це чотири джерела, з яких складається відновлювана гібридна енергосистема; всі ці джерела підключені до шини постійного струму. На відміну від звичайних застосувань,ув цій дослідницькій роботі SC був підключений до шини постійного струму безпосередньо, щоб забезпечити домінуючу перевагу, що полягає в швидкому реагуванні при швидкій зміні навантаження та перехідних режимах навантаження. Новизна. Джерела живлення (PV/FC/батареї/SC) координуються на основі їхньої динаміки, щоб підтримувати напругу постійного струму біля свого еталонного значення. Серед основних цілей, досягнутих стратегією нечіткого управління у цій роботі, - зниження споживання водню та збільшення терміну служби батареї. Методи. Це робиться шляхом керування струмом FC та станом заряду (SOC) батареї та SC. Для перевірки стратегії нечіткого управління було проведено моделювання з тією самою системою та порівняння зі стратегією блок-схеми керування. Отримані результати підтвердили, що споживання водню знизилося до 26,5 г, а SOC для батареї становило близько 62,2-65, що доводить досягнення бажаної мети

    Adenome pleomorphe a localisation extra-parotidienne

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    Objectives : Pleormorphic adenoma is a benign tumor of salivary gland. It mainly occurs in the parotid gland. The submandibular and minor salivary glands are rarely sites of occurrence. We describe the features of pleomorphic adenoma occurring at these sites.Material and methods: Between 2000 and 2009, 15 cases of pleomorphic adenoma occurring externly to the parotid have been collected.Results: Tumors were seen in the submandibular gland in 40 % of cases, in the hard palate in 33 % of cases, in the upper lip in 20 % of cases and in the parapharyngeal space in 7 % of cases. The mean age of patients was 48 years. The majority of cases were female. All patients were operated. We didn't report recurrence or malignants tumors after one year follow-up.Conclusion: After the parotid gland, the most common site of a pleomorphic adenoma is the submandibular gland followedby minor salivary gland of palate and lips. Each localisation has his clinical and therapeutic particularities.Key words : pleomorphic adenoma, submandibular gland, minor salivary glan

    Carcinome parathyroidien

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    Parathyroid cancer is uncommon and its etiology is largely unknown. It is difficult to diagnose. The preoperative syndrome is unusually severe primary hyperparathyroidism. Intraoperatively, many characteristics of the tumor may be highly suggestive. Confirmation requires pathological analysis of the operative specimens and the diagnosis is strengthened in the presence of associated Shantz and Castelman criteria. Specific immunohistochemical techniques have been shown to be contributive. The diagnosis can be further supported by the clinical course of local recurrence or metastatic spread.Treatment of this tumor is primarly surgical. In some cases, postoperative radiotherapy may improve locoregional control of the tumor. The disease control can be monitored by regula assay of serum calcium and the parathormone. We report a case of parathyroid carcinoma, with special emphasis on the diagnostic modalities of this tumor, its treatmentand its prognosis.Keywords: Hypercalcemia, Primary Hyperparathyroidism, Parathyroid carcinoma, Surgery

    Fistule carotido-caverneuse post-traumatique

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    Introduction : La fistule carotido-caverneuse (FCC) est une complication rare, mais grave des traumatismes craniofaciaux pouvant engager le pronostic fonctionnel oculaire et le pronostic vital. elle réalise une communication anormale entre le système artériel carotidien et le sinus caverneux.Buts : Rapporter un cas de FCC directe post-traumatique et étudier les aspects cliniques, diagnostiques et thérapeutiques de cette pathologie.Observation : Nous rapportons un cas de FCC apparue dans les suites d’un traumatisme craniofacial et survenue chez un homme de 25 ans ayant été victime d’un accident de la voie publique. Le diagnostic a été suspecté devant l’apparition, au 19ème jour d’hospitalisation, d’une exophtalmie unilatérale gauche pulsatile associée à un important chémosis et à une pupille aréflectique. Une artériographie cérébrale pratiquée 9 jours après la constatation de l’exophtalmie a objectivé une large FCC gauche. Une embolisation au moyen de deux ballonnets intravasculaires largables et de l’injection de colle biologique a été réalisée au même temps sans incidents permettant d’obtenir l’occlusion complète de la fistule. L’évolution a été marquée par la régression de l’exophtalmie et du chémosis et par l’amélioration partielle de l’acuité visuelle.Conclusion : Le traitement des FCC est urgent et est principalement basé sur la neuroradiologie interventionnelle. en effet, l’angiographie cérébrale constitue l’examen clé et possède un double intérêt diagnostique et thérapeutique.Mots clés : fistule carotido-caverneuse, traumatisme craniofacial, artériographie cérébrale, embolisation

    Teratome mature de la parotide : a propos d’une observation

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    Le tératome de la parotide est une malformation tumorale vestigiale rare contenant des dérivés plus ou moins différenciés, des trois feuillets embryonnaires. A la lumière d’une nouvelle observation et des données de la littérature, on se propose de mettre l’accent sur les aspects cliniques, histologiques et thérapeutiques de cette affection exceptionnelle dans cette localisation.Mots-clés : tératome, glande parotide, chirurgie, matureTeratoma of the parotid is a rare remnant malformation tumor containing undifferenciated derivatives of three germ layers. Through a new observation and literature review, authors proposed to focus on the clinical, histological and treatment of this lesion in this exceptionallocation.Key-words : teratoma, parotid gland, sugery, matur

    Litiase paratidienne

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    Objectives: Parotid lithiasis is uncommon. Revelled usually by an acute relapsing sialoadenitis.Purpose: analyze of the different clinical and radiological presentation and specify the surgical indication.Patients and methods: five cases of parotid lithiasis were carried over 10 years, between 2000 and 2009.Results: there were 2 males and 3 females, aged between 32 and 73 years. All patients had presented with unilateral acute relapsing sialoadenitis. Sonography had led to diagnosis in 2 cases. Scannography was performed in 4 cases. Treatment was medical and surgical. No recurrence has occurred after a follow-up of 4 years (6 months – 9 years).Conclusion: Actually mini-invasive methods are considered as an alternative to surgical procedures in management of parotid lithiasis.Key words: lithiasis, parotid, sialography, parotidectom

    Tuberculose extra ganglionnaire de la t&#234te et du cou

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    Objective : ENT extra-nodal localisation of tuberculosis is an uncommon condition. Clinical symptomatology is misleading, so having the problem of differential diagnosis with tumoral disease. We report 12 cases of extra-nodal localisations of tuberculosis treated in ENT department of the Fattouma Bourguiba hospital of Monastir between 1995 and 2009. The mean patients age is 38 years. Topographic analysis shows 3 laryngeal localisations, 3 on the salivary glands, 2 tonsillar, 2 on the nasopharynx and 2 rhinosinusal. The diagnosis was in all cases histo-pathological. All our patients received anantitubercular treatment with favorable evolution.Keywords : Tuberculosis, larynx, nasopharynx, salivary glands, tonsi

    Quantum Estimation of the Stokes Vector Rotation for a General Polarimetric Transformation

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    Classical polarimetry is a rich and well established discipline within classical optics with many applications in different branches of science. Ever-growing interest in utilizing quantum resources in order to make highly sensitive measurements, prompted the researchers to describe polarized light in a quantum mechanical framework and build a quantum theory of polarimetry within this framework. In this work, inspired by the polarimetric studies in biological tissues, we study the ultimate limit of rotation angle estimation with a known rotation axis in a quantum polarimetric process, which consists of three quantum channels. The rotation angle to be estimated is induced by the retarder channel on the Stokes vector of the probe state. However, the diattenuator and depolarizer channels act on the probe state, which effectively can be thought of as a noise process. Finally the quantum Fisher information (QFI) is calculated and the effect of these noise channels and their ordering is studied on the estimation error of the rotation angle