18 research outputs found


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    The biggest problem found in writing English text is that there are errors in English grammar. Therefore, the effort in this study was carried out with the aim of analyzing errors in English grammar through writing English texts as well as measuring the increase in the ability to analyze writing errors using the group discussion method. This research was conducted using Classroom Action Research (CAR) which is part of the qualitative descriptive method in research using the Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. The object of research in eleventh grade students are fifteen students. Based on the research conducted, the results of the study found three errors in English grammar including: 1) Verbs, 2) To Be, and 3) Personal Pronouns. The errors in the three types of grammar are mostly writing errors, subtraction and even exaggerating words, as well as students' incomprehension in placing grammar in the correct position. Thus the research conducted at the pre-test stage of cycle 1. Cycle and cycle 2 reached the final result, namely 60% of student learning outcomes were in the very high category, which indicates that the minimum completeness standard of e-learning is for students in schools

    The Use of Serial Picture Media to Improve English Speaking Ability at SMP YPK Syaloom Klademak Sorong City

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    The purpose of this research is to see the improvement of English speaking ability of students at SMP YPK Syaloom Klademak Sorong City.Sample in this research centered on class VIIB. While the research instrument is serial picture media that is inserted into the learning device and used as a guide in learning. Therefore, an effective learning media is needed, namely serial picture media to hone the mindset and encourage students at SMP YPK Syaloom Klademak Sorong City to enrich vocabulary so that they can communicate using English fluently. This research uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) and uses the research model of Kemmis and Mc. Taggart is made into two cycles in which each cycle the researcher uses planning, action, observation and reflection. Thus the form taken is to look at pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency. Based on the research that has been done, it can be obtained that the research results have significant changes in the application of this learning media is 31% where the results of the implementation of serial picture media in the first cycle are categorized as good is 44% and the second cycle which is categorized as good is 75%. Thus students have the opportunity to improve their own quality, especially in increasing the ability to speak English with the learning media used by the teacher in the teaching and learning process

    Phrases of Maybrat

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    The objectives of the study are to describe (1) Attributive endocentric phrases, (2) Appositive endocentric phrases, (3) Coordinative endocentric phrases, and, (4) Exocentric phrases. The research methodology used in this research is qualitative descriptive method. Techniques for collecting data in this research are the observation and interviewing the informants. In analyzing the data, the researcher used the tagmemic methods. The informants of this research are the people of Maybrat region who lived in Jl. Tanjung Dofior Belakang Unamin. The informants have fulfilled the requirements given by the researcher. The approach used in this study was bilingual approach, instead of monolingual approach, that is, by asking the informants to translate the words (phrases) from Bahasa Indonesia to Maybrat language. The result of this research is the phrase of Maybrat language divided into two kinds as general, they are endocentric and exocentric phrase. It is also classified into noun phrase, pronoun phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase and pre(post) position phrase. Each phrase has its own pattern. Some of them are similar into English and Indonesian, but some are really different

    Attitude of Bank Employees towards The Role of English Language at Mandiri Bank

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    The English language plays an important role in communication in the global community. The role of English language skills in service industries is significant. It is necessary or desirable for people who work in the service business and frequently deal with foreigners, such as front-liners at banks. The aim of this study is to know the extent of Mandiri Bank employees awareness of the importance of English and the challenges that they face in the use of English in their field of work. This study used a mixed method, and the subjects of this study were the 33 employees of two branches of Mandiri Bank in Ambon, which are Mandiri Cabang Ambon Pantai Mardika and Mandiri Cabang Ambon Pattimura. Questionnaires, interviews, and reviews of documents are used to collect the data. The result of this research shows that there is a very high level of awareness of the need for English among Mandiri bank employees because it is needed in various bank functions, especially when dealing with foreign customers. Although the English language is indispensable in banks’ work, in reality, it is in contrast to the real condition in the office. The result shows the frequency of using the English language in their field of work is low, and it is becoming a challenge faced by bank employees. Insufficient or limited vocabularies, a lack of self-confidence, highly considered errors in using English, and different educational backgrounds also become problems for Mandiri bank employees

    The Pedagogical Implication of Maybrat Oral Literature (Elements and Value of Character Education)

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    This research aimed to know the elements in the folklore of Maybrat Regency and value of character education contained in the folklore of Maybrat Regency. The data obtained in this study were three stories from Maybrat Regency which were obtained through the results of interviews with informants who came and were in Maybrat Regency. The research method used is descriptive research method with procedures: conducted interviews, record the interview process, rewrite the results of interviews in this case folklore, analyzed elements in folklore, and analyzing the value of character education in folklore. The results in this research include three stories of Maybrat Regency entitled: (1) The origin of Arus Village, (2) The Origin of Way Clan, and (3) the Origin of Howay Clan. Here the result of analyze elements: (1) the theme of love and hard work, (2) the location of the story in the Maybrat Regency, (3) the characters that appear in family life (husband, wife, siblings, and a group of village people) their life character respects one another, (4) contains a degeneration plot, and (5) contains a positive message to work hard and maintain harmony in life. Furthermore, the value of character education is also contained in this story, namely: discipline, hard work, independence, caring for the environment, responsibility, tolerance and caring for others

    The Analysis of Netspeak Used on Instagram

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    Analyzing netspeak used on Instagram involves examining the linguistic and communicative features that are common on the platform. Instagram is a highly visual social media platform, and while it primarily revolves around sharing images and videos, text-based communication in the form of captions, comments, and direct messages plays a crucial role in enhancing the user experience and conveying meaning. This study attempts to discover the use of written communication features on researchers Instagram explore bar. The qualitative method is applied and the data was gathered through observation and documentation and then analyzed in terms of graphology, typography, grammar, vocabulary, and discourse features. This research found some distinctive graphic features such as emojis, correct spelling, lack of punctuation, hashtags, and turn-taking that presents unique coherence and chronological order. The result highlights the complex aspects available in the data, including informality and anomalies that frequently break the rules of conventional language enforced by internet users. Furthermore, the discovery demonstrates that written language development on Netspeak is a method for overcoming expressive obstacles in Instagram communication

    Karakteristik Kepemimpinan Ideal di Era Generasi Milenial

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    Berbicara soal kepemimpinan adalah sebuah isu yang menarik untuk diperbincangkan, oleh karena  kepemimpinan  sangat dibutuhkan dalam setiap generasi. Itu artinya, dalam sebuah kepemimpinan butuh seorang pemimpin yang berkarakter yang mampu memimpin, mampu memahami perubahan dan perkembangan setiap jaman. Seiring perkembangan zaman, banyak pemimpin  muncul akibat tuntutan dan kondisi lingkungan pada saat itu. Pemimpin pada generasi masyarakat milenial saat ini, menjadi satu   tantangan yang kritis. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk  mendeskripsikan karakter kepemimpinan ideal pada era generasi milenial. Bertujuan mengulas tentang teori kepemimpinan dan tipe kepemimpinan, karakter Generasi Milenial, serta karakter kepemimpinan ideal pada era Generasi Milenial. Penelitian ini adalah studi kepustakaan dalam bentuk pengumpulan data melalui referensi teoritis yang relevan dengan karakter kepemimpinan ideal pada era generasi milenial. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Kepemimpinan pada era milenial memiliki pendekatan yang khas karena         digitalisasi yang merambah dunia kerja tidak memungkinkan bagi pemimpin untuk bertindak secara konvensional. Pemimpin pada era melenial perlu mengaplikasikan karakter kepemimpinan yang ideal pada  era generasi milenial, yaitu pemimpin berkemampuan digital yang handal, pembangun hubungan harmoni dan ideal, demikian juga sebagai pemimpin yang selalu memberi tantangan, serta pendorong kolaborasi untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan kepuasan. Menyesuaikan dengan pola dan gaya hidup generasi milenial yang suka serba cepat dan instan serta cepat mengadaptasikan diri, maka seorang pemimpin ideal pada era   milenial adalah pemimpin yang lincah dan cepat beradaptasi


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    Kegiatan pelatihan Technopreneurship bagi generasi muda di era digital adalah salah satu kegiatan Pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) yang dilakukan oleh tim dosen yang terdiri dari 5 orang dosen,  mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu komputer, program studi sistem informasi, Universitas Victory Sorong. Adapun, Sasaran dari kegiatan ini untuk para pelajar katekisasi, jemaat GKI Kasih Perumnas, tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk pengembangan mentalitas Technopreneur mahasiswa dan juga peningkatan pengetahuan generasi muda dalam pemanfaatan teknologi dalam berbisnis di era digital, sehingga generasi muda dapat lebih optimis melihat masa depannya. Hasil dari pelatihan ini, bahwa terjadi adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan sebagai seorang  technopreneurship oleh para pelajar katekisasi jemaat GKI Kasih Perumnas, karena  teknologi digital dapat memberikan peluang terbangunnya wirausaha pada generasi muda. Dengan memanfaatkan media sosial mereka dapat menjalankan bisnis dan mempunyai penghasilan sendiri, dan dapat mencukupi kebutuhan


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    Generasi milenial adalah sebuah generasi yang lahir antara tahun 1980an sampai sekarang. Generasi ini amat akrab dengan dunia teknologi berbasis digital. Penggunaan gadget merupakan bahagian dari lifestyle mereka. Pemanfaatan teknologi yang instan telah memudahkan beragam aktivitas generasi milenial ini. penggunaan media, khsusunya media sosial dikalangan generasi milenial sering menjadi perhatian dan sorotan dari beragam kalangan mulai dari kalangan eksekutif, legislatif, yudikatif, juga sejumlah elemen masyarakat seperti para guru, dosen, pemerhati pendidikan dan tentunya tidak ketinggalan para orang tua. Jumlah pengguna media sosial dikalangan milenial ini cukup besar yakni mencapai 93%, karena itu perlu dicermati bagaimana pemanfaatannya agar lebih bisa mengarah ke hal yang positif diantaranya untuk lebih mengoptimalkan sumber daya generasi milenia


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    Karakter anak yang terbentuk sejak awal akan sangat menentukan karakter bangsa kedepan. Karakter anak  akan terbentuk dengan baik, jika dalam proses tumbuh kembang anak itu sendiri, mereka mendapatkan cukup ruang untuk mengekspresikan diri mereka secara leluasa. Naskah drama dalam bentuk Tablo, memungkinkan penanaman nilai-nilai karakter yang diajarkan kepada anak secara lebih dalam dan komprehensif sehingga pembelajaran karakter berjalan dengan lebih menyenangkan dan lebih  maksimal. Selain itu, melalui pentasan drama dalam bentuk tablo, karakter anak akan terbentuk lebih baik, cerdas,  minat dan bakatnya lebih terasah, adanya peningkatan kreatifitas dalam diri seorang anak terdidik melalui proses menghayati peran-peran yang diperankan pada tablo. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini diharapkan dapat memberikan nilai-nilai karakter yang baik kepada anak-anak, khususnya di taman baca EGAD, kota Sorong, Papua Barat