486 research outputs found

    Perspetivas de Jovens Adultos com Diabetes Tipo 1 Sobre a Sua Vida e a Diabetes

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    Introdução As constantes mudanças sociais, ocupacionais, familiares e emocionais na vida dos jovens adultos com diabetes tipo 1 podem afetar a adesão ao tratamento da diabetes e a qualidade de vida dos jovens. Objectivo Conhecer as perceções e opiniões dos jovens adultos com diabetes tipo 1 em relação à sua vida e à diabetes. Métodos Estudo qualitativo com a metodologia dos grupos focais. Participaram 30 jovens adultos com diabetes tipo 1, dos 18 aos 34 anos. Resultados Os jovens consideram as atividades de lazer e o suporte social da família, amigos, no trabalho e na instituição de saúde muito importantes, para apoio emocional e cuidados na diabetes. Debateram as dificuldades na alimentação, exercício físico, insulinoterapia e controlo metabólico. Realçaram os benefícios das sessões de educação em grupo e campos de férias com os pares, assim como o apoio da equipa de saúde. Conclusões Os jovens partilharam as suas experiências e perceções nos grupos focais. Os participantes abordaram as dificuldades na adesão ao tratamento e na compensação da diabetes. Os jovens adultos realçam a importância da rede de suporte social e os benefícios das atividades de grupo com os pares, que os ajudam a viver melhor com a diabetes

    Competências pessoais e sociais e representações sobre a diabetes dos jovens adultos com diabetes tipo 1

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    A maioria dos jovens apresenta boas competências pessoais e sociais e bom suporte social. Média de satisfação com a vida 6,6 ±1,7. A maioria dos jovens (64 a 99,6%) manifestou concordar com as representações positivas sobre a diabetes. Na análise fatorial encontraram-se 2 fatores, que explicam 49% da variância total: instrumentais e recursos (34%), perspetivas de vida (15%). Conclusões Apesar das dificuldades inerentes a esta fase da vida, os jovens com diabetes tipo 1 têm boas competências pessoais e sociais, bom suporte social e satisfação com a vida e manifestam concordar com as representações positivas sobre a diabetes


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    -As mudanças sociais, ocupacionais, familiares e emocionais na vida dos jovens com diabetes tipo 1 podem afetar a adesão ao tratamento e a sua qualidade de vida. Uma das ferramentas mais úteis, e que poderá constituir uma importante mais-valia para ultrapassar estas dificuldades, é a educação para a saúde providenciada pela equipa multidisciplinar que acompanha os jovens.O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar os comportamentos, estilos de vida e suporte social dos jovens com diabetes tipo 1 e avaliar a satisfação em relação às atividades de educação que lhes são proporcionadas.Foram realizados estudos quantitativos com 91 adolescentes e 278 jovens adultos, um estudo qualitativo com41 adolescentes e estudos de avaliação de satisfação dos jovens. A média de "satisfação com a vida" nos adolescentes é 7,2 ± 1,7 e nos jovens adultos é 6,6 ± 1,7 (escala 0-10).A maior parte dos jovens evidencia hábitos alimentares saudáveis e adesão satisfatória à atividade física, insulinoterapia e vigilância glicemica. Contudo,a média de HbA1c é superior ao recomendado. Consideram ter bom suporte da equipa de saúde e referem os benefícios das atividades com outros jovens.Podemos concluir que os participantes têm estilos de vida satisfatórios, bom suporte social e satisfação com a vida, valorizam as atividades com os pares e têm razoável adesão ao tratamento da diabetes, mas um controlo metabólico inferior ao esperado. Recomenda-se a continuidade do investimento da equipa de saúde na motivação dos jovens para melhor adesão ao tratamento

    A Adaptação Psicológica à Diabetes dos Jovens Adultos com Diabetes Tipo 1

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    Introduction: Quality of life of young adults can be affected by the social, occupational, familiar and emotional changes. Aims: Evaluation of life satisfaction, social support, treatment adherence and psychological adaptation of young adults with type 1 diabetes. Methods: Quantitative study with questionnaires Àlled by 278 young adults with type 1 diabetes (18-35 years). Results: Participants consider having good social support. Satisfaction with life was 6.6 ±1.7 (scale 0-10). Most of youngsters show good dietary intake, one third practice recommended physical activity. Adherence to insulin therapy and glucose monitoring is satisfactory. They present 8.7±1.6% as mean value for HbA1c. Factorial analysis relating psychological adjustment to diabetes scale allowed to Ànd 4 factors explaining 50% of total variance: diabetes adaptation (29%), diabetes control (8%), diabetes management competences (7%) e attitudes relating to diabetes (6%). Youngsters with better psychological adaptation to diabetes have better adherence to diabetes treatment relating to nutrition, insulin therapy and glucose monitoring. Conclusions: Young adults showed good social support and satisfaction with life, a reasonable global adherence to diabetes treatment, good psychological adaptation to diabetes, however with a less optimal metabolic control of diabetes. Youngsters with better psychological adaptation to diabetes present better adherence to diabetes treatment

    Managing English language teaching resource centres in the Mozambican context.

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    Thesis (M.Ed.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2000.This report seeks ways to improve the management of the existing English Language Teaching Resource Centres (ELT-R/C) in Mozambique. Suggestions are made so as to define clearly the place of the ELT-R/C and their managers in the education system organizational structure; introduce other activities in the ELT-R/C; enlarge the number ofELT-R/C users and improve the communication system and consequently the relationships between the ELT-R/C and other education stakeholders. The report also suggests the optional number of staff for the ELT-R/C and what should be done for the Provincial English Advisors (PEA) to run the ELT-R/C more effectively and efficiently

    Small-size MEMS accelerometer encapsulated in vacuum using Sigma-Delta modulation

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    A vacuum encapsulated MEMS accelerometer using Sigma-Delta modulation is here presented. Three different modulation orders (second, third, and fourth) were implemented in a field-programable gate array (FPGA), enabling flexibility for tuning the loop parameters in real-time. Three devices were measured, and the results are in good agreement with simulations performed in Simulink. A noise figure of 123 μg/√Hz for a bandwidth of 400 Hz and a range of at least ±1 g was experimentally measured. A figure of merit considering device size and bandwidth is proposed, highlighting the relevance of the results for the current state of the art.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PDE/BDE/114563/2016

    Some results involving the AαA_\alpha-eigenvalues for graphs and line graphs

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    Let GG be a simple graph with adjacency matrix A(G)A(G), signless Laplacian matrix Q(G)Q(G), degree diagonal matrix D(G)D(G) and let l(G)l(G) be the line graph of GG. In 2017, Nikiforov defined the AαA_\alpha-matrix of GG, Aα(G)A_\alpha(G), as a linear convex combination of A(G)A(G) and D(G)D(G), the following way, Aα(G):=αA(G)+(1α)D(G),A_\alpha(G):=\alpha A(G)+(1-\alpha)D(G), where α[0,1]\alpha\in[0,1]. In this paper, we present some bounds for the eigenvalues of Aα(G)A_\alpha(G) and for the largest and smallest eigenvalues of Aα(l(G))A_\alpha(l(G)). Extremal graphs attaining some of these bounds are characterized.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Optimization of seasonality and mother plant nutrition for vegetative propagation of Pinus pinaster Ait

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    Due to the high economic importance of Pinus pinaster Ait., there is considerable interest in developing, improving and extending the use of its families for mass clonal propagation and in breeding programmes. In the current study, we evaluated shoot growth, rooting ability and mini-cuttings production of P. pinaster in response to nitrogen fertilization and seasons. We compared eight half-sib families of P. pinaster from Asturias and Galicia (Northern Iberian Peninsula), searching for useful parameters and growing conditions to be included in a mass propagation program for clonal family forestry. We fertilized P. pinaster seedling mother plants kept in a greenhouse with three levels of nitrogen: high (HN), medium (MN) and low (LN) to evaluate rooting ability of mini-cuttings. In addition, we evaluated the maximal potential production of rooted mini-cuttings considering nine cycles of propagation over 1 year, also using three levels of nitrogen. The HN treatment significantly influenced the rooting process, with length, area and volume of roots all being positively affected. Spring was the most favourable season for mini-cuttings in the HN treatment. This study provides valuable new information to optimize the clonal propagation protocol for P. pinaster and shows that the mini-cuttings technique has great potential in mass scale cloning, providing high quality sprout production and well-formed new plants

    Anti-Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HepG2) activities of Monoterpene Hydroxy Lactones isolated from the Marine Microalga Tisochrysis Lutea

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    Tisochrysis lutea is a marine haptophyte rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (e.g., docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)) and carotenoids (e.g., fucoxanthin). Because of the nutraceutical applications of these compounds, this microalga is being used in aquaculture to feed oyster and shrimp larvae. In our earlier report, T. lutea organic crude extracts exhibited in vitro cytotoxic activity against human hepatocarcinoma (HepG2) cells. However, so far, the compound(s) accountable for the observed bioactivity have not been identified. Therefore, the aim of this study was to isolate and identify the chemical component(s) responsible for the bioactivity observed. Bioassay-guided fractionation through a combination of silica-gel column chromatography, followed by preparative thin layer chromatography (PTLC), led to the isolation of two diastereomers of a monoterpenoid lactone, namely, loliolide (1) and epi-loliolide (2), isolated for the first time in this species. The structural elucidation of both compounds was carried out by GC-MS and 1D (1H and 13C APT) and 2D (COSY, HMBC, HSQC-ed, and NOESY) NMR analysis. Both compounds significantly reduced the viability of HepG2 cells and were considerably less toxic towards a non-tumoral murine stromal (S17) cell line, although epi-loliolide was found to be more active than loliolide.FCT, Portugal: UID/Multi/04326/2019, UID/MAR/04292/2020 (MARE), UID/Multi/04046/2020 (BioISI) and from the grant of 0055 ALGARED +5E—INTERREG V-A; SFRH/BD/116604/2016; SFRH/BD/105541/2014info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of mechanical stress in a packaged frequency-modulated MEMS accelerometer

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    Frequency modulated accelerometers composed of two double-ended tuning fork (DETF) resonators on a differential configuration were characterized for their sensitivity to force applied to their package. Commonly, differential architectures are employed to cancel common mode errors, such as the mechanical stress or temperature dependency. The device dependence to mechanical stress was experimentally measured for forces up to 15 N and a reduction of about 5.6 times was obtained on the differential measurement. Additionally, the silicon dies were glued to chip-carriers using two different glues with distinct properties, and their sensitivity to stress was compared. The effectiveness of a viscoelastic glue over an epoxy-based glue for stress decoupling was tested. Long-term measurements under constant force were experimentally performed and for a time period of approximately 100 min, the stress relaxation and creeping of the viscoelastic glue enabled the recovery to the initial output of the sensor.The first author is supported by FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia through the grant PDE/BDE/114564/2016. This work is supported by FCT with the reference project UID/EEA/04436/2019