217 research outputs found

    Identidad escolar en las preparatorias de Nuevo León / School identity in Nuevo Leon preps

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    Los procesos identitarios en la educación cobran interés científico dados los retos que acarrea el desarrollo del transporte y las comunicaciones, los cuales exponen a los jóvenes a continuas influencias de culturas foráneas. Este artículo presenta un estudio del proceso formativo en el desarrollo de la identidad cultural en la Preparatoria No. 1 de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México, en el que se tuvo cuenta la dinámica particular del proceso en el nivel medio superior. El objetivo del artículo es fundamentar de manera conceptual las características de la educación de la identidad como resultado del proceso formativo y la interacción entre la cultura global, regional y escolar. Se parte de un estudio epistemológico de dichos elementos, a través de un análisis lógico-histórico y metodológico que permitió identificar indicadores e implementar un plan efectivo para lograr el desarrollo cultural de los estudiantes del nivel medio superior. Mediante su instrumentación en la práctica educativa, se propicia la aplicación de mejores vías de solución a los problemas relativos a la formación de la identidad.ABSTRACTThe education of identity is increasingly gaining scientific interest due to the challenges brought about by the development of transport and communications, which exposes young people to a continuous influence of foreign cultures. The paper describes a study on the formative process within the development of cultural identity, considering it as dynamic, particularly in senior high school level, at Preparatory School 1 at the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon. The article aims at theoretically arguing the features characterizing identity as a result of the formative process and the interaction between global, regional and school influences. The study starts by constructing a theoretical framework and identifying indicators, finally, an effective plan intended to develop students’ cultural development was devised as a better solution for the education of identity.

    Expectativas de los estudiantes de primer ingreso en la Maestria en Contaduría: Caso FACPYA (Expectations of first year students in the master of accounting: Case FACPYA)

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    Abstract. In this article we present the expectations in learning, employment and economic interest of the future students of the Master of Accounting in the School of Accounting and Business Administration (FACPYA) of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL). Also, the profile of the graduate of the Master of Accounting is presented from the perspective of the students. The methodology used to conduct this study was to apply surveys to such students, and the data were analized with the method of Expertons using Fuzzy Logic. The results indicate, among other things, that the two main areas of interest for future work to students are the Finance and Taxation, and that their interest is directed to work in the private sector in a corporate or large firm, practically leaving out the public sector. Experton points out that the learning process is easier to students through laboratory practical situations followed by lectures given by the professor, and videos of case studies. Palabras clave: estudiantes de primer ingreso, expectativas laborales, expectativas de aprendizaje, expertones, maestria en contaduría Resumen. En este artículo se presentan las expectativas en materia de aprendizaje, interés laboral y económico que tienen los futuros estudiantes de la Maestria en Contaduría en la Facultad de Contaduría Pública y Administración (FACPYA) de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL). Asimismo, se presenta el perfil que, desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes, debe tener un egresado de la Maestría en Contaduría. La metodología empleada para llevar a cabo éste estudio consistió en aplicar encuestas a los estudiantes de dicha maestría y se analizaron los datos que arrojaron las mismas utilizando, principalmente, la metodología de Expertones con Lógica Borrosa. Los resultados indican, entre otras cosas, que las dos principales áreas de interés laboral para los futuros estudiantes son las Finanzas y los Impuestos, y que su interés está dirigido a laborar en la iniciativa privada en un Corporativo o Empresa Grande dejando fuera prácticamente al Sector Público como área de interés. Por su parte, el expertón señala que a los estudiantes se les facilitaría su aprendizaje a través de laboratorios de casos prácticos reales, seguido por clases impartidas por el catedrático y videos de casos prácticos

    Was Bretton Woods Working for the Common Good? Mexico's Advocacy to Consider the Human Implications of the International Monetary and Financial Systems at the Bretton Woods Conference

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    This research develops a critical reframing that locates Mexico’s articulation for a fairer, more inclusive, and more sustainable approach to the international economic system at the Bretton Woods Conference. This summit is important because it was the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference (July of 1944) that established the bases for the international postwar economic system. This dissertation analyzes Mexico’s participation by drawing on the archival evidence issued by the US government in 1948 and the Mexican officials involved at the time. In addition, a study of Mexican history is presented to provide greater context to the current state of the literature, and specifically an intervention to the literature in North America that considers Mexico’s position at the Bretton Woods Conference. That literature has been based uniquely on Mexico’s foreign relations during a few decades of the 20th century, ignoring the principles that guided Mexican foreign policy since the early 19th century. In this way, this research stresses the broader significance of the Mexican delegation’s claims for Bretton Woods as well as for the fairness and inclusiveness of the multilateral world order itself. Unfortunately, the current state of the literature focuses mainly on Latin America’s contributions from the perspective of what the United States instrumentalized or used to develop the multilateral postwar order. Therefore, this dissertation conscientiously details the ways in which the Mexican delegation advocated for building a more flexible and inclusive international monetary system of the postwar world. This advocacy can be seen in Mexico’s proposals on the quotas for voting the currency exchanges and the inclusion of silver to be considered as collateral for loans. Additionally, Mexico advocated for economic development through its proposals for the IBRD, both for including the goal of development alongside that of reconstruction in the purpose of the bank, as well as questioning the veto power of lending countries. All these proposals lead to reflections that ask Was Bretton Woods Working for the Common Good? Mexico’s Advocacy to Consider the Human Implications of the International Monetary and Financial Systems at the Bretton Woods Conference

    Estudio para evaluar la eficacia de radiofrecuencia guiada por ultrasonido intrauterino en pacientes con miomatosis uterina.

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    El presente es un estudio prospectivo, longitudinal no comparativo para evaluar la seguridad y efectividad de la radiofrecuencia guiada por ultrasonido para el tratamiento de la miomatosis uterina. Los fibromas uterinos son los tumores benignos uterinos mas frecuentes, con una incidencia en los Estados Unidos de cerca del 70 % en la población general (1). A pesar de la disponibilidad de alternativas de tratamiento , se realizan más de 200,000 histerectomías por año por fibromas uterinos en los Estados unidos de América (1;2). Han pasado más de 150 años de la primera histerectomía abdominal realizada para el tratamiento de fibromas uterinos y aun no hay consenso de cual es el tratamiento ideal para esta patología (3). Recientemente se han desarrollado nuevas alternativas de mínima invasión para el tratamiento de los fibromas uterinos debido a la demanda de las pacientes en busca de alternativas más conservadoras. La radiofrecuencia se ha usado para el tratamiento de los fibromas uterinos desde 1990, con múltiples estudios confirmando su eficacia y seguridad (4-10). La ablación con radiofrecuencia produce una fijación térmica y necrosis coagulativa en los fibromas tratados (9;11). Estudios recientes han demostrado que la radiofrecuencia guiada por ultrasonido en tiempo real puede producir ablaciones en los fibromas uterinos que resultan en una disminución del volumen del mioma y de la sintomatología de las pacientes (8-10). El sistema VizAblate es un nuevo dispositivo que combina ablación por radiofrecuencia con ultrasonido intrauterino con un acceso transcervical (13). Este estudio fue diseñado para evaluar la seguridad y eficacia de la ablación transcervical con radiofrecuencia guiada por ultrasonido en fibromas uterinos. Aquí se presentan los resultados de las primeras 48 pacientes tratadas y su seguimiento a seis meses

    Post-Ablation Cavity Evaluation: A Prospective Multicenter Observational Clinical Study to Evaluate Hysteroscopic Access to the Uterine Cavity 4 Years after Water Vapor Endometrial Ablation for the Treatment of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

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    Study Objective: Patients who have undergone endometrial ablation may present a diagnostic challenge when they subsequently develop vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, or postmenopausal bleeding. Extensive scarring of the uterine cavity often precludes evaluation and/or conservative treatment. For further research on this topic, we performed hysteroscopic examination in study subjects a mean duration of 4 years after they had undergone water vapor endometrial ablation. Design: Prospective, multicenter, observational clinical study. Setting: Eight private practice or outpatient sites in the United States and Mexico. Patients: Seventy subjects who had completed their 36-month follow-up in the AEGEA Pivotal Trial. Interventions: Diagnostic hysteroscopy. Measurements and Main Results: The subjects were screened for general health and infection and underwent diagnostic hysteroscopy. Menstrual bleeding status was recorded. The video of the hysteroscopic examination was analyzed by an independent reviewer, who assessed uterine cavity access and visualization of the cornua and tubal ostia as well as characterized adhesions on the basis of the criteria by March et al. An independent reviewer also subjectively assessed whether Pipelle endometrial biopsy or intrauterine device placement would be feasible. Uterine cavity access was achieved in 90% (63/70) of subjects. Among subjects with cavity access, the cornua and ostia were visualized in 79% (50/63) and adhesions were absent in 75% (47/63), with only 2 women having severe adhesions (3%, 2/63). Biopsy was projected to be feasible in 86% (62/70) and intrauterine device placement in 60% (42/70) of all subjects. The subjects’ bleeding statuses were not correlated with uterine cavity access. The results were consistent for subjects with large uterine cavities and International Federation of Gynecologic and Obstetrics type II to VI myomas ≤4 cm. Conclusion: Water vapor endometrial ablation preserved an accessible uterine cavity and visualization of the ostia in most subjects, with minimal incidence of severe adhesions, a mean of 4 years after the ablation procedure

    Identifying and Evaluating End-Users and Distribution Channels in the Baltic Countries and Poland

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    Gaining market share and increasing revenue stream are important aspects to every company. In order to reach these goals, sometimes companies have a need to explore foreign markets that can provide new business opportunities for their product solutions. However, there might be many barriers to achieving these goals, for example lack of access and information from the targeted end-users and differences in languages and culture too. The objective of this thesis is to develop a framework for identifying potential end-users and how to target them, that is, how to find suitable distribution channel partners that have access to the targeted market segments that can resell the products to them. To answer these research objectives, the theoretical framework proposes a model for identifying and segmenting the market and for evaluating and selecting an appropriate distribution channel partner. The main results of the research indicate that there is potential for both products studied. In the case of the Standard Price Pylon, it was observed that there are approximately 6.716 fuel stations in Poland and around 47 per cent of them are owned by independent gas station owners, who can be considered as potential end-users for this product solution. The potential distribution channel partners selected are two companies that are distributors of gas station equipment such as gas pumps, hoses and guns. They, too, can provide additional value added services such as the construction and restoration of fuel stations. These companies operate in Poland and they are PetroNova and Fortis. In the case of the LED-line, it was more challenging to identify potential end-users because this solution depends more on the value added perceived by its potential end-user which is relative to their own perception. However, there are several interesting potential distribution channels that operate in the Baltic countries and Poland. The company to be considered the best channel alternative is Onninen. /Kir1

    Estudio de la Inestabilidad Cromosómica y de la Actividad Transcripcional (18s y 28s) en Pacientes con Cáncer Cervicouterino

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    El cáncer cervicouterino (CaCU) en nuestro país es la enfermedad neoplásica más frecuente yresponsable aproximadamente del 36% de todos los cánceres que se presentan en el sexofemenino. De acuerdo a las entidades federativas el primer lugar lo ocupa el Distrito Federal con3,711 casos anuales seguido por el estado de Nuevo León con 1,093 casos. Estudios citogenéticossugieren que la inestabilidad cromosómica y la actividad transcripcional, debido a su estrecharelación con eventos mutagénicos y actividad proliferativa, pudieran estar relacionados con elriesgo de desarrollar cáncer, y con la progresión del tumor. El presente trabajo evaluó lainestabilidad cromosómica, y la actividad transcripcional 18S y 28S en mujeres con distintos gradosde avance de lesión neoplásica cervicouterina. Se obtuvieron muestras de frotis de epiteliocervical, y de sangre periférica de 45 mujeres canalizadas a la consulta de Ginecología Oncológicadel Hospital Regional de Especialidades No. 23 del IMSS (Monterrey, N.L.). La inestabilidadcromosómica fue evaluada mediante las pruebas de Intercambio de Cromátides Hermanas (ICH), yMicronúcleos (MN), y la actividad transcripcional 18S y 28S mediante la prueba de RegionesOrganizadoras del Nucléolo (NOR's). Los resultados obtenidos revelaron un incrementosignificativo (ANOVA p<0.05) de ICH, MN, y NORs en mujeres con carcinoma invasor, respecto alcontrol. Además, se observó un incremento significativo, y una correlación positiva de MN y NORs"atípicos" en epitelio cervical de acuerdo al desarrollo neoplásico. Estos resultados demuestran unainestabilidad cromosómica y un aumento de la actividad transcripcional 18S y 28S en pacientescon lesiones neoplásicas cervicouterinas, y sugieren la utilidad de estas metodologías comocomplemento de las pruebas citológicas convencionales para la detección oportuna del cáncercervicouterino y seguimiento de la evolución de esta enfermedad.AbstractThe cancer cervicouterino (CaCU) in our country it is approximately the neoplastic illness morefrequent and more responsible of 36% of all the cancers that are presented in the feminine sex.According to the federative entities the first place occupies it the Federal District with 3,711 annualcases continued by the state of New León with 1,093 cases. Cytogenetic studies suggests that thechromosomic inestability and the transcription activity, due to its narrow relationship with mutagenicevents and activity, they could be related with the risk of developing cancer, and with theprogression of the tumor. The present work evaluated the choromosomic inestability, and thetranscription activity 18S and 28S in women with different degrees of advance of lesion neoplasticcervix uteri. Samples of smear of cervical epithelium were obtained, and of 45 women's outlyingblood Not channeled to the consultation of Ginecology Oncolgy of the Regional Hospital ofSpecialties. 23 of the IMSS (Monterrey, N.L.). The chromosomic inestability was evaluated bymeans of the tests of sister chromatid exchange (SCE), and Micronuclei (MN), and the transcriptionactivity 18S and 28S by means of the test of Organizing Regions of the Nuclei (NOR's). Theobtained results revealed a significant increment (ANOVA p <0.05) of SCE, MN, and NORs inwomen with carcinoma invader, regarding the control. Also, it was observed a significant increment,and a positive correlation of MN and atypical NORs in cervical epithelium according to theneoplastic development. These results demonstrate an chromosomic inestability and an increase ofthe transcription activity 18S and 28S in patient with neoplastic cervix uteri lesions, and theysuggest the utility of these methodologies like complement of the citology conventional tests for theopportune detection of the cancer of cervix uteri and pursuit of the evolution of this illness.Palabras clave: cáncer, cervicouterino, inestabilidad, cromosómica, actividad, transcripciónal, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México, cancer, cervix uteri, inestability, chromosomic, activity, transcription


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    Los Papilomavirus (PV) son pequeños virus de DNA de la familia Papovaviridae queinfectan una gran variedad de vertebrados incluyendo al hombre. Miden 50 nm dediámetro, carecen de membrana, y su cápside tiene forma icosahédrica compuesta por72 capsómeros (Ver Figura 1).Figura 1. Microscopia electrónica del Papilomavirus HumanoA pesar de su amplia distribución, muestran un alto grado de tropismo celular, es decirúnicamente infectan epitelios secos (piel) y mucosas (orales y genitales) induciendo laformación de lesiones benignas (verrugas o papilomas), y en asociación con ciertoscofactores (1) pueden producir carcinomas.Zur Hausen H. en 1976 (2) fue el primero en relacionar y estudiar al PapilomavirusHumano (PVH) y su participación en carcinogénesis, posteriormente diversos estudiosclínicos, epidemiológicos y moleculares lo establecen como el principal agenteetiológico del cáncer Cervicouterino (CaCU). Recientemente se ha demostrado que másdel 95% de las mujeres con carcinoma cervical están infectadas con algún tipo de PVH(3