16 research outputs found

    Revalidação de Astyanax rupununi Fowler, 1914 (Teleostei, Characidae) e descrição de duas espécies novas para o gênero

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    A. rupununi Fowler, 1914, considerada sinônimo de A. bimaculatus (Linnaeus) por Eigenmann (1921) é revalidada e duas espécies novas são descritas: A. clavitaeniatus, do alto rio Branco, Roraima, Brasil, e A. siapae, da bacia do Casiquiare-Orinoco, Estados Amazonas e Apure, Venezuela. Essas três espécies apresentam o mesmo padrão básico de coloração: mancha umeral negra horizontalmente ovalada, mancha negra no pedúnculo caudal estendida à extremidade dos raios caudais medianos, duas barras verticais marrons (a primeira cruzando a mancha umeral e a segunda situada 23 escamas atrás) e característica faixa lateral negra em forma de clava. Os caracteres que distinguem as três espécies são discutidos e é apresentada uma chave de identificação para as três espécies.Astyanax rupununi Fowler, 1914, previously considered a junior synonym of A. bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758), is herein proposed as a valid species. The two species may be distinguished by the presence in A. rupununi of a single black club-shaped lateral stripe, the smaller body and caudal peduncle depths, and by the fewer teeth cuspids. Two new species, with the same basic color pattern of Fowler's species, are described: A. clavitaeniatus sp. n. from the upper Branco river, Roraima State, Amazonia, Brazil, and A. siapae sp. n. from the Casiquiare-Orinoco basin, Amazonas and Apure States, Venezuela. A key to the identification of Astyanax species sharing this color pattern is presented

    Lateral Migration Of Liposarcus Anisitsi (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) In The Preto River, Alto Parana Basin, Brazil

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    Volume: 88Start Page: 25End Page: 3

    Revalidação de Astyanax rupununi Fowler, 1914 (Teleostei, Characidae) e descrição de duas espécies novas para o gênero

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    A. rupununi Fowler, 1914, considerada sinônimo de A. bimaculatus (Linnaeus) por Eigenmann (1921) é revalidada e duas espécies novas são descritas: A. clavitaeniatus, do alto rio Branco, Roraima, Brasil, e A. siapae, da bacia do Casiquiare-Orinoco, Estados Amazonas e Apure, Venezuela. Essas três espécies apresentam o mesmo padrão básico de coloração: mancha umeral negra horizontalmente ovalada, mancha negra no pedúnculo caudal estendida à extremidade dos raios caudais medianos, duas barras verticais marrons (a primeira cruzando a mancha umeral e a segunda situada 23 escamas atrás) e característica faixa lateral negra em forma de clava. Os caracteres que distinguem as três espécies são discutidos e é apresentada uma chave de identificação para as três espécies.Astyanax rupununi Fowler, 1914, previously considered a junior synonym of A. bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758), is herein proposed as a valid species. The two species may be distinguished by the presence in A. rupununi of a single black club-shaped lateral stripe, the smaller body and caudal peduncle depths, and by the fewer teeth cuspids. Two new species, with the same basic color pattern of Fowler's species, are described: A. clavitaeniatus sp. n. from the upper Branco river, Roraima State, Amazonia, Brazil, and A. siapae sp. n. from the Casiquiare-Orinoco basin, Amazonas and Apure States, Venezuela. A key to the identification of Astyanax species sharing this color pattern is presented

    Astyanax xavante, a new species of characid from middle rio Araguaia in the Cerrado region, Central Brazil (Characiformes: Characidae)

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    Astyanax xavante is described from a creek of the middle rio Araguaia drainage located in the Cerrado region of the Brazilian Central Plateau. The new species is distinguished from congeners by the combination of pigmentation, morphometric, meristic, morphologic, and tooth features. Ecological notes for A. xavante are included

    Biologia reprodutiva de Apidoras fuscoguttatus (Siluriformes, Callichthyidae) em riacho de cabeceira da bacia do alto Rio Paran\ue1

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    The reproductive biology of Aspidoras fuscoguttatus Nijssen & Isbrücker, 1976 from a stream in São José do Rio Preto, northwestern São Paulo State, Brazil, was monthly investigated in the period of August 1999 to July 2000. Measurements of total length, body weight, gonadal weight and macroscopic assessment of gonadal maturation were performed. Environmental parameters were considered in order to verify associations with the reproductive period. Populational structure showed total length amplitude between 14.2 and 50.8 mm. Pronounced sexual dimorphism was verified. The largest mean values of gonadosomatic relation for females coincided with the rainy season (November to March). Mean length at first sexual maturity was different for males (30.5 mm) and females (37.1 mm). Fecundity varied between 51 and 166 oocytes. Gonadal maturation curve, frequency of maturation stages and size frequency distributions of oocytes in mature ovaries revealed a long reproductive period, suggesting fractional spawning