12 research outputs found

    A preconditioned nullspace method for liquid crystal director modelling

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    We present a preconditioned nullspace method for the numerical solution of large sparse linear systems that arise from discretizations of continuum models for the orientational properties of liquid crystals. The approach effectively deals with pointwise unit-vector constraints, which are prevalent in such models. The indefinite, saddle-point nature of such problems, which can arise from either or both of two sources (pointwise unit-vector constraints, coupled electric fields), is illustrated. Both analytical and numerical results are given for a model problem

    Bifurcation analysis of the twist-Freedericksz transition in a nematic liquid-crystal cell with pre-twist boundary conditions

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    Motivated by a recent investigation of Millar and McKay [Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 435, 277/[937]-286/[946] (2005)], we study the magnetic field twist-Fr´eedericksz transition for a nematic liquid crystal of positive diamagnetic anisotropy with strong anchoring and pre- twist boundary conditions. Despite the pre-twist, the system still possesses Z2 symmetry and a symmetry-breaking pitchfork bifurcation, which occurs at a critical magnetic-field strength that, as we prove, is above the threshold for the classical twist-Fr´eedericksz tran- sition (which has no pre-twist). It was observed numerically by Millar and McKay that this instability occurs precisely at the point at which the ground-state solution loses its monotonicity (with respect to the position coordinate across the cell gap). We explain this surprising observation using a rigorous phase-space analysis

    Bifurcation analysis of the twist-Fréedericksz transition in a nematic liquid-crystal cell with pre-twist boundary conditions

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    Motivated by a recent investigation of Millar and McKay [Director orientation of a twisted nematic under the influence of an in-plane magnetic field. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst 435, 277/[937]–286/[946] (2005)], we study the magnetic field twist-Fréedericksz transition for a nematic liquid crystal of positive diamagnetic anisotropy with strong anchoring and pre-twist boundary conditions. Despite the pre-twist, the system still possesses z_2 symmetry and a symmetry- breaking pitchfork bifurcation, which occurs at a critical magnetic-field strength that, as we prove, is above the threshold for the classical twist-Fréedericksz transition (which has no pre-twist). It was observed numerically by Millar and McKay that this instability occurs precisely at the point at which the ground-state solution loses its monotonicity (with respect to the position coordinate across the cell gap). We explain this surprising observation using a rigorous phase-space analysis.peerreviewe

    A renormalized Newton method for liquid crystal director modeling

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    We consider the nonlinear systems of equations that result from discretizations of a prototype variational model for the equilibrium director field characterizing the orientational properties of a liquid crystal material. In the presence of pointwise unit-vector constraints and coupled electric fields, the numerical solution of such equations by Lagrange-Newton methods leads to linear systems with a double saddle-point form, for which we have previously proposed a preconditioned nullspace method as an effective solver [A. Ramage and E. C. Gartland, Jr., SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 35 (2013), pp. B226–B247]. Here we propose and analyze a modified outer iteration (“Renormalized Newton Method”) in which the orientation variables are normalized onto the constraint manifold at each iterative step. This scheme takes advantage of the special structure of these problems, and we prove that it is locally quadratically convergent. The Renormalized Newton Method bears some resemblance to the Truncated Newton Method of computational micromagnetics, and we compare and contrast the two. This brings to light some anomalies of the Truncated Newton Method