9 research outputs found

    The Hydroxamate Siderophore Rhequichelin Is Required for Virulence of the Pathogenic Actinomycete Rhodococcus equi

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    We previously showed that the facultative intracellular pathogen Rhodococcus equi produces a nondiffusible and catecholate-containing siderophore (rhequibactin) involved in iron acquisition during saprophytic growth. Here, we provide evidence that the rhbABCDE cluster directs the biosynthesis of a hydroxamate siderophore, rhequichelin, that plays a key role in virulence. The rhbC gene encodes a nonribosomal peptide synthetase that is predicted to produce a tetrapeptide consisting of N(5)-formyl-N(5)-hydroxyornithine, serine, N(5)-hydroxyornithine, and N(5)-acyl-N(5)-hydroxyornithine. The other rhb genes encode putative tailoring enzymes mediating modification of ornithine residues incorporated into the hydroxamate product of RhbC. Transcription of rhbC was upregulated during growth in iron-depleted medium, suggesting that it plays a role in iron acquisition. This was confirmed by deletion of rhbCD, rendering the resulting strain R. equi SID2 unable to grow in the presence of the iron chelator 2,2-dipyridyl. Supernatant of the wild-type strain rescued the phenotype of R. equi SID2. The importance of rhequichelin in virulence was highlighted by the rapid increase in transcription levels of rhbC following infection and the inability of R. equi SID2 to grow within macrophages. Unlike the wild-type strain, R. equi SID2 was unable to replicate in vivo and was rapidly cleared from the lungs of infected mice. Rhequichelin is thus a key virulence-associated factor, although nonpathogenic Rhodococcus species also appear to produce rhequichelin or a structurally closely related compound. Rhequichelin biosynthesis may therefore be considered an example of cooption of a core actinobacterial trait in the evolution of R. equi virulence

    Characterization of the Role of the Pathogenicity Island and vapG in the Virulence of the Intracellular Actinomycete Pathogen Rhodococcus equi▿

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    Rhodococcus equi, a facultative intracellular pathogen of macrophages, causes severe, life-threatening pneumonia in young foals and in people with underlying immune deficiencies. R. equi virulence is dependent on the presence of a large virulence plasmid that houses a pathogenicity island (PAI) encoding a novel family of surface-localized and secreted proteins of largely unknown function termed the virulence-associated proteins (VapACDEFGHI). To date, vapA and its positive regulators virR and orf8 are the only experimentally established virulence genes residing on the virulence plasmid. In this study, a PAI deletion mutant was constructed and, as anticipated, was attenuated for growth both in macrophages and in mice due to the absence of vapA expression. Expression of vapA in the PAI mutant from a constitutive promoter, thereby eliminating the requirement for the PAI-encoded vapA regulators, resulted in delayed bacterial clearance in vivo, yet full virulence was not restored, indicating that additional virulence genes are indeed located within the deleted pathogenicity island region. Based on previous reports demonstrating that the PAI-carried gene vapG is highly upregulated in macrophages and in the lungs of R. equi-infected foals, we hypothesized that vapG could be an important virulence factor. However, analysis of a marked vapG deletion mutant determined the gene to be dispensable for growth in macrophages and in vivo in mice

    Identification of a VapA virulence factor functional homolog in Rhodococcus equi isolates housing the pVAPB plasmid.

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    Rhodococcus equi is a facultative intracellular bacterium of macrophages and is an important pathogen of animals and immunocompromised people wherein disease results in abcessation of the lungs and other sites. Prior work has shown that the presence of the major virulence determinant, VapA, encoded on the pVAPA-type plasmid, disrupts normal phagosome development and is essential for bacterial replication within macrophages. pVAPA- type plasmids are typical of R. equi strains derived from foals while strains from pigs carry plasmids of the pVAPB-type, lacking vapA, and those from humans harbor various types of plasmids including pVAPA and pVAPB. Through the creation and analysis of a series of gene deletion mutants, we found that vapK1 or vapK2 is required for optimal intracellular replication of an R. equi isolate carrying a pVAPB plasmid type. Complementation analysis of a ΔvapA R. equi strain with vapK1 or vapK2 showed the VapK proteins of the pVAPB-type plasmid could restore replication capacity to the macrophage growth-attenuated ΔvapA strain. Additionally, in contrast to the intracellular growth capabilities displayed by an equine R. equi transconjugant strain carrying a pVAPB-type plasmid, a transconjugant strain carrying a pVAPB-type plasmid deleted of vapK1 and vapK2 proved incapable of replication in equine macrophages. Cumulatively, these data indicate that VapK1 and K2 are functionally equivalent to VapA

    Genotypic Comparison of Invasive Neisseria meningitidis Serogroup Y Isolates from the United States, South Africa, and Israel, Isolated from 1999 through 2002▿

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    The proportion of meningococcal disease in the United States, South Africa, and Israel caused by Neisseria meningitidis serogroup Y (NmY) was greater than the worldwide average during the period 1999-2002. Genotypic characterization of 300 NmY isolates by multilocus sequence typing, 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and PorA variable region typing was conducted to determine the relationships of the isolates from these three countries. Seventy different genotypes were found. Two groups of ST-23 clonal complex isolates accounted for 88% of the U.S. isolates, 12% of the South African isolates, and 96% of the isolates from Israel. The single common clone (ST-23/16S-19/P1.5-2,10-1) represented 57, 5, and 35% of the NmY isolates from the United States, South Africa, and Israel. The predominant clone in South Africa (ST-175/16S-21/P1.5-1,2-2), and 11 other closely related clones made up 77% of the South African study isolates and were not found among the isolates from the United States or Israel. ST-175 was the predicted founder of the ST-175 clonal complex, and isolates of ST-175 and related sequence types have been described previously in other African countries. Continued active surveillance and genetic characterization of NmY isolates causing disease in the United States, South Africa, and Israel will provide valuable data for local and global epidemiology and allow monitoring for any expansion of existing clonal complexes and detection of the emergence of new virulent clones in the population

    Molecular Epidemiology of Neisseria meningitidis Isolates from an Outbreak of Meningococcal Disease among Men Who Have Sex with Men, Chicago, Illinois, 2003▿

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    We characterized five Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C isolates from a Chicago outbreak of meningococcal disease that occurred in 2003 among a community of men who have sex with men. Isolates from this outbreak were identical to each other but distinct from the clone that caused a similar outbreak in Canada in 2001

    What's in a Name for Memory Errors? Implications and Ethical Issues Arising From the Use of the Term "False Memory" for Errors in Memory for Details

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