79 research outputs found

    Workers’ observation of uncivil leadership: Is tolerance for workplace incivility a gendered issue?

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    In the context of organizational psychology, this study aimed to examine workers’ gender biases in tolerance when observing leaders’ incivility in the workplace. Based on role congruity theory, this paper proposes analyzing the gender differences in workers’ evaluations of awareness and tolerance of workplace incivility considering the gender of a leader who commits different incivility behaviors against an employee. Moreover, we posit that the type of incivility is also gendered. A sample of 547 workers (male and female) randomly played the roles of observers whereby they rated a scenario describing a leader (male or female) who publicly humiliates and openly doubts an employee’s judgment (overt incivility—agentic), or leaves out and pays little attention (covert incivility— communal) to an employee. The results indicate that male workers tolerated incivility less when role incongruence occurred, such as when male leaders used covert incivility. In contrast, female workers were consistently less tolerant when role congruence occurred with the leader’s gender, such as when male leaders were overtly uncivil. Furthermore, compared to males, female workers were more aware and less tolerant of incivility when a female leader was overtly or covertly uncivil. This paper provides empirical insights and fulfills an identified need to study how gender bias in workplace incivility can be enabled in organizations. The implications for practice can drive the development of prevention strategies within the field of management and human resources.This research was funded by the Research Program of the University of Jaén, 2019–2020, grant number EI-SEJ7-201

    Psychometric analysis of Hardy Personality Scale (HPS) adapted to Chilean students

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas de una adaptación de la Escala de Personalidad Resistente (EPR) al contexto universitario chileno. En el estudio participaron 900 estudiantes universitarios de diferentes carreras de licenciatura. Se adaptó el instrumento a las condiciones de los estudiantes. Se realizaron análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC). Se analizaron los estadísticos descriptivos y examinaron diferencias a partir del sexo de los estudiantes. Se estimó la fiabilidad a través de análisis de correlación ítem-total corregido y alpha de Cronbach. Finalmente, se examinaron otros tipos de validez con variables teóricamente relacionadas (satisfacción vital, engagement académico y rasgos de personalidad). Se concluye que la EPR es una escala fiable y válida para medir el constructo de personalidad resistente en estudiantes universitarios chilenos.The objective of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of an adaptation of the Hardy Personality Scale (HPS) in the Chilean university context. The study involved 900 college students from different undergraduate careers. The instrument was adapted for the student’s conditions. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were performed. Descriptive statistics were analyzed and sex differences from students was examined. Reliability was estimated through analysis of corrected item total correlation and Cronbach’s alpha. Finally, other types of validity with theoretically related variables were examined (life satisfaction, academic engagement and personality traits). It is concluded that the adapted HPS is a reliable and valid scale to measure the construct of hardiness in Chilean college studentsO objetivo de este estudo foi analisar as propriedades psicométricas de uma adaptação da Escala de Hardiness ou Personalidade Resistente (EH) no contexto universitário chileno. No estudo participaram 900 estudantes universitários de diferentes cursos de licenciatura. Adaptou-se o instrumento às condições dos estudantes. Realizaramse; análise fatorial exploratório (AFE) e análise fatorial confirmatório (AFC). Analisaramse as estatísticas descritivas e examinaramse diferenças a partir do sexo dos estudantes. Foi estimada a confiabilidade através de análise de correlação item-total corrigido e alpha de Cronbach. Finalmente, se examinaram outros tipos de validação com variáveis teoricamente relacionadas (satisfação vital, engagement a cadêmico e traços de personalidade). Concluise que a EH é uma escala confiável e válida para medir o construto de personalidade resistente em estudantes universitários chileno

    Occupational health and well-being: incorporation of positive models to the understanding and the prevention of psychosocial risk

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    Actualizaciones y revisiones[ES]Las variables de personalidad positiva del trabajador tienen una función decisiva en el desarrollo de los recursos personales que ayudan a los trabajadores a orientarse a la salud y el bienestar, y al óptimo desarrollo laboral. Desde esta perspectiva, se trata de exponer algunas de las teorías más representativas que intentan ofrecer una aproximación y explicación de los mecanismos implicados e intervinientes. Potencialmente, se pretende explorar y ofrecer un recorrido sobre cómo los aspectos positivos organizacionales y personales pueden tener una vinculación concluyente con la productividad, creatividad, y calidad del trabajo realizado, esto es, con los resultados organizacionales. Desde esta configuración, se va más allá de la clásica línea de prevención de los riesgos laborales y se intenta comprender cuáles son los factores organizacionales, laborales y personales que promueven la salud y el bienestar en las organizaciones, tanto para los trabajadores como para los usuarios del servicio prestado. Por último, se muestran algunos ejemplos que desde estas perspectivas pueden contribuir en la realización de buenas prácticas laborales. [EN] Workers’ positive personality variables have a crucial role in the development of personal resources which help workers to provide guidance to health and well-being, and optimum employment development. From this perspective we have exposed  some of the most representative theories that try to offer an approximation and explanation of the mechanisms involved. Potentially, we aim to explore and offer a general view on how organizational and personal strengths may have a conclusive linkage with productivity, creativity, and quality of work, that is, with the organizational results. From this configuration, we go beyond the classic line of occupational risks prevention trying to understand the organizational, work and personal factors that promote health and well-being in organizations, both for workers and the users of the service provided. As a final point, some examples are discussed which can help in the realization of good labour practices.N

    Desarrollo y validación del Cuestionario Ocupacional de Resistencia

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    One of the most traditional approaches to the positive study of personality has been the research on Hardiness or Hardy Personality. However, studies about this construct have systematically suffered from a lack of suffi cient psychometric guarantees of the measures. Method: This paper presents the Occupational Hardiness Questionnaire (OHQ), the result of a research line on the subject and its measurement with a total sample of 1,647 participants. Results: Four studies show the results of exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confi rmatory factor analysis (CFA), consistency, temporal reliability and construct validity. Conclusions: Results indicate that the OHQ has satisfactory psychometric characteristics and can be used in the study of Occupational Health and in the area of Positive PersonalityUno de los enfoques más clásicos en el estudio positivo de la personalidad ha sido la investigación acerca de Hardiness o Personalidad Resistente. Sin embargo, los estudios con el constructo han adolecido sistemáticamente de falta de medidas con sufi cientes garantías psicométricas. Método: en este trabajo se presenta el Cuestionario de Resistencia Laboral (CRL), resultado de una línea de investigación sobre el tema y su medida con una muestra total de 1.647 participantes. Resultados: se presentan los resultados en cuatro estudios en los que se indican los resultados del análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE), análisis factorial confi rmatorio (AFC), consistencia, fiabilidad temporal y validez de constructo. Conclusiones: los resultados encontrados indican que el CRL tiene características psicométricas satisfactorias y que puede utilizarse tanto en el estudio de la salud laboral como en el enfoque de la personalidad positiv

    Job resources and recovery experiences to face difficulties in emotion regulation at work: a diary study among nurses

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    The present study examines the role of daily difficulties in emotion regulation at work in nurse’s daily well-being and how certain job resources and recovery experiences influence this relationship. We hypothesized that daily difficulties to regulate emotions at work would be significantly and positively related to emotional exhaustion at work in the afternoon, and to fatigue and negative affect at home at night. Moreover, we hypothesized that co-worker and supervisor support, as well as psychological detachment and relaxation, would buffer the negative impact of these difficulties on the outcomes. Seventy-four nurses from various Spanish hospitals and primary health care centres completed a general questionnaire and a diary booklet over 5 consecutive workdays at two different moments, after work and at night (N = 74 participants and N = 370 observations). The results of multilevel analyses showed that nurses’ daily difficulties in emotion regulation have a direct effect on daily emotional exhaustion at work, and on fatigue and negative affect at home at night. We also found that co-worker support, psychological detachment and relaxation minimize the unfavourable effects on well-being of difficulties in emotion regulation. Limitations and implications for nursing and other health occupations are mentionedThis research was supported by a grant Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU) from the Spanish Ministry of Education and by a project from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FEM2012-34692

    Elucidating the role of recovery experiences in the Job Demands-Resources Model

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    Subject to file availability and provided the posting includes a prominent statement of the full bibliographical details, a copyright notice in the name of the copyright holder (Cambridge University Press or the sponsoring Society, as appropriate), and a link to the online edition of the Journal at Cambridge Journals Online.Based on the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model, the current study examined the moderating role of recovery experiences (i.e., psychological detachment from work, relaxation, mastery experiences, and control over leisure time) on the relationship between one job demand (i.e., role conflict) and workand health-related outcomes. Results from our sample of 990 employees from Spain showed that psychological detachment from work and relaxation buffered the negative impact of role conflict on some of the proposed outcomes. Contrary to our expectations, we did not find significant results for mastery and control regarding moderating effects. Overall, findings suggest a differential pattern of the recovery experiences in the health impairment process proposed by the JD-R model.El estudio que aquí se presenta se fundamenta en el modelo de Demandas-Recursos Laborales y se centra en el análisis de las experiencias de recuperación distanciamiento psicológico, relajación, búsqueda de retos y ocio) como moderadoras de la relación entre las demandas laborales (conflicto de rol) y la salud relacionada con el trabajo. Los resultados obtenidos con una muestra laboral española de 990 trabajadores muestra que el distanciamiento psicológico y la relajación median el impacto negativo del conflicto de rol en las medidas propuestas. Contrariamente a los resultados esperados, no se encontraron resultados significativos para las variables de recuperación, mastery y ocio. En general, los resultados sugieren un patrón diferencial de las experiencias de recuperación en el proceso de salud propuesto por el modelo de Demandas-Recursos Laborales

    Work intensification and its effects on mental health: The role of workplace curiosity

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    Work intensification is a psychosocial risk that has been increasing in recent decades and may have been accentuated after the COVID-19 pandemic. Its effects on health are negative, but they can be moderated by contextual and personal factors. The aim of this study was twofold: to analyze the effect of work intensification on workers’ stress, anxiety, and depression and to explore the role of workplace curiosity in these relationships. The study design was cross-sectional, and a total of 766 Spanish workers (58.9% female) with different occupations completed the survey. The results showed that work intensification was associated with the symptomatology of stress, anxiety, and depression, with a medium effect size. Women workers showed higher work intensification, but its association with mental health was equally strong for both genders. Workers with higher levels of the workplace curiosity dimension “stress tolerance” showed less impaired mental health in the presence of work intensification. However, workers with higher levels of the workplace curiosity dimension “deprivation sensitivity” showed more symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression when faced with high work intensification. The results were discussed in terms of their contributions to the field of study of work intensification, the future research they could inspire, and the prevention and intervention measures they could motivateThis study was funded by the Ministerio de Universidades de España within the framework of the Programa Estatal de Promoción del Talento y su Empleabilidad en I+D+i, Subprograma Estatal de Movilidad, del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017-2020 [ref. CAS21/00113], and by I+D+I National Project of Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación [PID2019-106368GB-I00] AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    Effects of co-worker and supervisor support on nurses’ energy and motivation through role ambiguity and psychological flexibility

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    One of the job resources most strongly associated with nurses' well-being and motivation is social support. However, the psychosocial mechanisms that would explain this relationship have not been sufficiently researched. Thus, the main aim of this study was analyze whether this relationship could be mediated by two variables: Role ambiguity and psychological flexibility. A total of 196 nurses from various Spanish hospitals and primary health care centers participated in this cross-sectional study. A multiple mediation analysis was run using the PROCESS macro script in SPSS 23.0. The results showed that co-worker support was related to higher levels of vigor and vitality through role ambiguity (Estimate =.158, 95% CI [.050,.298], and Estimate =.212, 95% CI [.076,.390], respectively). The same applied to supervisor support, (Estimate =.197, 95% CI [.059,.378], and Estimate =.212, 95% CI [.076,.390], respectively). Co-worker support was also related to higher levels of vigor and vitality through psychological flexibility, (Estimate =.132, 95% CI [.048,.271], and Estimate =.216, 95% CI [.086,.394], respectively). The same applied to supervisor support (Estimate =.092, 95% CI [.024,.208], and Estimate =.157, 95% CI [.035,.333], respectively). However, in the relationships between co-worker, supervisor support and exhaustion, only psychological flexibility played a mediating role. In conclusion, social support in nursing is a job resource that is associated with high levels of energy and motivation among nurses through the mediating role of certain job demands and personal resources.This research was supported by a project from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (PSI2015-68011-R

    Spanish adaptation of the Intensified Job Demands Scale (IDS)

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    Background: The Intensification of Job Demands Scale (IDS) is a multidimensional instrument designed to capture the phenomenon of work intensification that characterizes modern Western societies. However, in Spain the instrument has not been validated to assess this phenomenon. The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the IDS adaptation with a heterogeneous sample of Spanish workers. Method: The sample consisted of 722 Spanish workers (57.8% female, 42.2% male) who completed a survey between January and April 2022. Results: A five-factor correlated model, as in the original IDS, had an optimal fit with 15 items, and displayed invariance across gender, level of education, and organizational tenure. Reliability coefficients were all satisfactory, and scale adaptation showed evidence of convergent, discriminant, and incremental validity. Conclusions: The Spanish adaptation of the IDS is a valid, reliable measure for analyzing the phenomenon of work intensification and intensified job demands in SpainThis study was funded by the Ministerio de Universidades de España. Subprograma Estatal de Movilidad, del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017- 2020 [ref. CAS21/00113], and by an I+D+I National Project of Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2019-106368GB-I00) AEI/10.13039/50110001103