2,294 research outputs found

    Negative fluctuation-dissipation ratios in the backgammon model

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    We analyze fluctuation-dissipation relations in the Backgammon model: a system that displays glassy behavior at zero temperature due to the existence of entropy barriers. We study local and global fluctuation relations for the different observables in the model. For the case of a global perturbation we find a unique negative fluctuation-dissipation ratio that is independent of the observable and which diverges linearly with the waiting time. This result suggests that a negative effective temperature can be observed in glassy systems even in the absence of thermally activated processes.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figures. Accepted in PR

    Effects of friction on cosmic strings

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    We study the evolution of cosmic strings taking into account the frictional force due to the surrounding radiation. We consider small perturbations on straight strings, oscillation of circular loops and small perturbations on circular loops. For straight strings, friction exponentially suppresses perturbations whose co-moving scale crosses the horizon before cosmological time tμ2t_*\sim \mu^{-2} (in Planck units), where μ\mu is the string tension. Loops with size much smaller than tt_* will be approximately circular at the time when they start the relativistic collapse. We investigate the possibility that such loops will form black holes. We find that the number of black holes which are formed through this process is well bellow present observational limits, so this does not give any lower or upper bounds on μ\mu. We also consider the case of straight strings attached to walls and circular holes that can spontaneously nucleate on metastable domain walls.Comment: 32 pages, TUTP-93-

    Zero-th law in structural glasses: an example

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    We investigate the validity of a zeroth thermodynamic law for non-equilibrium systems. In order to describe the thermodynamics of the glassy systems, it has been introduced an extra parameter, the effective temperature which generalizes the fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT) to off-equilibrium systems and supposedly describes thermal fluctuations around the aging state. In particular we analyze two coupled systems of harmonic oscillators with Monte Carlo dynamics. We study in detail two types of dynamics: sequential dynamics, where the coupling between the subsystems comes only from the Hamiltonian; and parallel dynamics where there is another source of coupling: the dynamics. We show how in the first case the effective temperatures of the two interacting subsystems are different asymptotically due to the smallness of the thermal conductivity in the aging regime. This explains why, in structural glasses, different interacting degrees of freedom can stay at different effective temperatures, and never thermalize.Comment: 10 pages. Contribution to the Proceedings of the ESF SPHINX meeting `Glassy behaviour of kinetically constrained models' (Barcelona, March 22-25, 2001). To appear in a special issue of J. Phys. Cond. Mat

    Moments in graphs

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    Let GG be a connected graph with vertex set VV and a {\em weight function} ρ\rho that assigns a nonnegative number to each of its vertices. Then, the {\em ρ\rho-moment} of GG at vertex uu is defined to be M_G^{\rho}(u)=\sum_{v\in V} \rho(v)\dist (u,v) , where \dist(\cdot,\cdot) stands for the distance function. Adding up all these numbers, we obtain the {\em ρ\rho-moment of GG}: M_G^{\rho}=\sum_{u\in V}M_G^{\rho}(u)=1/2\sum_{u,v\in V}\dist(u,v)[\rho(u)+\rho(v)]. This parameter generalizes, or it is closely related to, some well-known graph invariants, such as the {\em Wiener index} W(G)W(G), when ρ(u)=1/2\rho(u)=1/2 for every uVu\in V, and the {\em degree distance} D(G)D'(G), obtained when ρ(u)=δ(u)\rho(u)=\delta(u), the degree of vertex uu. In this paper we derive some exact formulas for computing the ρ\rho-moment of a graph obtained by a general operation called graft product, which can be seen as a generalization of the hierarchical product, in terms of the corresponding ρ\rho-moments of its factors. As a consequence, we provide a method for obtaining nonisomorphic graphs with the same ρ\rho-moment for every ρ\rho (and hence with equal mean distance, Wiener index, degree distance, etc.). In the case when the factors are trees and/or cycles, techniques from linear algebra allow us to give formulas for the degree distance of their product

    Universality of Fluctuation-Dissipation Ratios: The Ferromagnetic Model

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    We calculate analytically the fluctuation-dissipation ratio (FDR) for Ising ferromagnets quenched to criticality, both for the long-range model and its short-range analogue in the limit of large dimension. Our exact solution shows that, for both models, X=1/2X^\infty=1/2 if the system is unmagnetized while X=4/5X^\infty=4/5 if the initial magnetization is non-zero. This indicates that two different classes of critical coarsening dynamics need to be distinguished depending on the initial conditions, each with its own nontrivial FDR. We also analyze the dependence of the FDR on whether local and global observables are used. These results clarify how a proper local FDR (and the corresponding effective temperature) should be defined in long-range models in order to avoid spurious inconsistencies and maintain the expected correspondence between local and global results; global observables turn out to be far more robust tools for detecting non-equilibrium FDRs.Comment: 14 pages, revtex4, published version. Changes from v1: added discussion of refs [16,36,37], other observables and local correlation/response in short-range mode

    Second Order Perturbations of a Macroscopic String; Covariant Approach

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    Using a world-sheet covariant formalism, we derive the equations of motion for second order perturbations of a generic macroscopic string, thus generalizing previous results for first order perturbations. We give the explicit results for the first and second order perturbations of a contracting near-circular string; these results are relevant for the understanding of the possible outcome when a cosmic string contracts under its own tension, as discussed in a series of papers by Vilenkin and Garriga. In particular, second order perturbations are necessaary for a consistent computation of the energy. We also quantize the perturbations and derive the mass-formula up to second order in perturbations for an observer using world-sheet time τ\tau . The high frequency modes give the standard Minkowski result while, interestingly enough, the Hamiltonian turns out to be non-diagonal in oscillators for low-frequency modes. Using an alternative definition of the vacuum, it is possible to diagonalize the Hamiltonian, and the standard string mass-spectrum appears for all frequencies. We finally discuss how our results are also relevant for the problems concerning string-spreading near a black hole horizon, as originally discussed by Susskind.Comment: New discussion about the quantum mass-spectrum in chapter

    Fast and adaptive fractal tree-based path planning for programmable bevel tip steerable needles

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    © 2016 IEEE. Steerable needles are a promising technology for minimally invasive surgery, as they can provide access to difficult to reach locations while avoiding delicate anatomical regions. However, due to the unpredictable tissue deformation associated with needle insertion and the complexity of many surgical scenarios, a real-time path planning algorithm with high update frequency would be advantageous. Real-time path planning for nonholonomic systems is commonly used in a broad variety of fields, ranging from aerospace to submarine navigation. In this letter, we propose to take advantage of the architecture of graphics processing units (GPUs) to apply fractal theory and thus parallelize real-time path planning computation. This novel approach, termed adaptive fractal trees (AFT), allows for the creation of a database of paths covering the entire domain, which are dense, invariant, procedurally produced, adaptable in size, and present a recursive structure. The generated cache of paths can in turn be analyzed in parallel to determine the most suitable path in a fraction of a second. The ability to cope with nonholonomic constraints, as well as constraints in the space of states of any complexity or number, is intrinsic to the AFT approach, rendering it highly versatile. Three-dimensional (3-D) simulations applied to needle steering in neurosurgery show that our approach can successfully compute paths in real-time, enabling complex brain navigation

    Solutions to the cosmological constant problems

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    We critically review several recent approaches to solving the two cosmological constant problems. The "old" problem is the discrepancy between the observed value of Λ\Lambda and the large values suggested by particle physics models. The second problem is the "time coincidence" between the epoch of galaxy formation tGt_G and the epoch of Λ\Lambda-domination t_\L. It is conceivable that the "old" problem can be resolved by fundamental physics alone, but we argue that in order to explain the "time coincidence" we must account for anthropic selection effects. Our main focus here is on the discrete-Λ\Lambda models in which Λ\Lambda can change through nucleation of branes. We consider the cosmology of this type of models in the context of inflation and discuss the observational constraints on the model parameters. The issue of multiple brane nucleation raised by Feng {\it et. al.} is discussed in some detail. We also review continuous-\L models in which the role of the cosmological constant is played by a slowly varying potential of a scalar field. We find that both continuous and discrete models can in principle solve both cosmological constant problems, although the required values of the parameters do not appear very natural. M-theory-motivated brane models, in which the brane tension is determined by the brane coupling to the four-form field, do not seem to be viable, except perhaps in a very tight corner of the parameter space. Finally, we point out that the time coincidence can also be explained in models where Λ\Lambda is fixed, but the primordial density contrast Q=δρ/ρQ=\delta\rho/\rho is treated as a random variable.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figures, two notes adde