8 research outputs found

    Doñana. Acta vertebrata. vol 12(1)

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    Contribución a la biometría y biología de la Bermejuela Rutilus arcasii (Steindch., 1866) del embalse de PinillaSistemática de iguanidae, sensu lato y de anolinae en Cuba (Repitilia, sauria)Nueva subespecie de Anolis isolepis (Lacertilia: Iguanidae) para CubaAlimentación del ratonero común (Buteo buteo,L. 1758) en el norte de España.Censo y datos sobre la biología del Halcón de Eleonor (Falco eleonorae Gené, 1839) en las Islas Canarias. Agosto-septiembre 1983Selección de hábitat en un grupo de aves forestales del norte de la Península Ibérica:Importancia de la estructura de la vegetación y competencia interespecíficaThe intersexual differentiation in the foraging behaviour of Oenanthe hispanica L. during the breeding seasonEtograma de Gazella dorcasAlgunos datos sobre el crecimiento y las dimorfometrías sexuales del esqueleto postcraneal de Mus spretus Lataste, 1883 (Rodentia: muridaeDistribución y taxonomía de Molossops temminckii (Chiroptera, Molossidae) en Venezuela.Estudio de una población rural de ratones (Mus musculus L.) II. Análisis comparativo de once estimadores del tamaño poblacional.Distribución de Hyla arborea L. (AMPHIBIA, ANURA, HYLIDAE) en el macizo ibérico septentrionaPresencia y nidificación de gavilán (Accipiter nisus granti Sharpe 1890) en la isla de el Hierro.Autumn food of the ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus Montin, 17776 in the spanish central pyreneesPollo atípico en nido de Hirundo rustica.Primera cita del chorlito social (Vanellus gragarius) en las marismas del GuadalquivirPeer reviewe

    Swift heavy ion induced recrystallization in cubic silicon carbide: New insights from designed experiments and MD simulations

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    3C-SiC single crystals have been initially irradiated in the nuclear energy loss regime with 100 keV Fe ions to fluences ranging from 4 × 1013 to 4 × 1014 cm−2 (i.e. 0.07-0.7 dpa). RBS/C measurements indicate that SiC rapidly becomes amorphous (at ∼0.4 dpa). Two damaged SiC crystals exhibiting a different defective structure have been subsequently irradiated in the electronic energy loss regime with 870 MeV swift heavy (Pb) ions (SHIs) up to a fluence of 4 × 1013 cm−2. Initially fully amorphous SiC layers showed a decrease in size after SHI irradiation with a recrystallization occurring at the amorphous-crystalline interface. On the contrary, partially amorphous crystals for which onset of amorphization just initiated at the damage peak recovered over the entire damage thickness. Variation of amorphous thickness or disorder level has been monitored as a function of Pb ion fluence, which allowed deriving recrystallization kinetics. Data have been fitted with the direct-impact model and recrystallization cross-sections and threshold values for recovery have been determined for both types of initially defective structures. Differences are qualitatively discussed in terms of nature and density of irradiation defects. All experimental trends have been successfully reproduced by molecular dynamics simulations that mimicked thermal spikes induced by SHIs