18 research outputs found

    dMyc Functions Downstream of Yorkie to Promote the Supercompetitive Behavior of Hippo Pathway Mutant Cells

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    Genetic analyses in Drosophila epithelia have suggested that the phenomenon of “cell competition” could participate in organ homeostasis. It has been speculated that competition between different cell populations within a growing organ might play a role as either tumor promoter or tumor suppressor, depending on the cellular context. The evolutionarily conserved Hippo (Hpo) signaling pathway regulates organ size and prevents hyperplastic disease from flies to humans by restricting the activity of the transcriptional cofactor Yorkie (yki). Recent data indicate also that mutations in several Hpo pathway members provide cells with a competitive advantage by unknown mechanisms. Here we provide insight into the mechanism by which the Hpo pathway is linked to cell competition, by identifying dMyc as a target gene of the Hpo pathway, transcriptionally upregulated by the activity of Yki with different binding partners. We show that the cell-autonomous upregulation of dMyc is required for the supercompetitive behavior of Yki-expressing cells and Hpo pathway mutant cells, whereas the relative levels of dMyc between Hpo pathway mutant cells and wild-type neighboring cells are critical for determining whether cell competition promotes a tumor-suppressing or tumor-inducing behavior. All together, these data provide a paradigmatic example of cooperation between tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes in tumorigenesis and suggest a dual role for cell competition during tumor progression depending on the output of the genetic interactions occurring between confronted cells

    dMyc Functions Downstream of Yorkie to Promote the Supercompetitive Behavior of Hippo Pathway Mutant Cells

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    Genetic analyses in Drosophila epithelia have suggested that the phenomenon of “cell competition” could participate in organ homeostasis. It has been speculated that competition between different cell populations within a growing organ might play a role as either tumor promoter or tumor suppressor, depending on the cellular context. The evolutionarily conserved Hippo (Hpo) signaling pathway regulates organ size and prevents hyperplastic disease from flies to humans by restricting the activity of the transcriptional cofactor Yorkie (yki). Recent data indicate also that mutations in several Hpo pathway members provide cells with a competitive advantage by unknown mechanisms. Here we provide insight into the mechanism by which the Hpo pathway is linked to cell competition, by identifying dMyc as a target gene of the Hpo pathway, transcriptionally upregulated by the activity of Yki with different binding partners. We show that the cell-autonomous upregulation of dMyc is required for the supercompetitive behavior of Yki-expressing cells and Hpo pathway mutant cells, whereas the relative levels of dMyc between Hpo pathway mutant cells and wild-type neighboring cells are critical for determining whether cell competition promotes a tumor-suppressing or tumor-inducing behavior. All together, these data provide a paradigmatic example of cooperation between tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes in tumorigenesis and suggest a dual role for cell competition during tumor progression depending on the output of the genetic interactions occurring between confronted cells

    The lethal giant larvae tumour suppressor mutation requires dMyc oncoprotein to promote clonal malignancy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Neoplastic overgrowth depends on the cooperation of several mutations ultimately leading to major rearrangements in cellular behaviour. Precancerous cells are often removed by cell death from normal tissues in the early steps of the tumourigenic process, but the molecules responsible for such a fundamental safeguard process remain in part elusive. With the aim to investigate the molecular crosstalk occurring between precancerous and normal cells <it>in vivo</it>, we took advantage of the clonal analysis methods that are available in <it>Drosophila </it>for studying the phenotypes due to <it>lethal giant larvae </it>(<it>lgl</it>) neoplastic mutation induced in different backgrounds and tissues.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We observed that <it>lgl </it>mutant cells growing in wild-type imaginal wing discs show poor viability and are eliminated by Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK)-dependent cell death. Furthermore, they express very low levels of dMyc oncoprotein compared with those found in the surrounding normal tissue. Evidence that this is a cause of <it>lgl </it>mutant cells elimination was obtained by increasing dMyc levels in <it>lgl </it>mutant clones: their overgrowth potential was indeed re-established, with mutant cells overwhelming the neighbouring tissue and forming tumourous masses displaying several cancer hallmarks. Moreover, when <it>lgl </it>mutant clones were induced in backgrounds of slow-dividing cells, they upregulated dMyc, lost apical-basal cell polarity and were able to overgrow. Those phenotypes were abolished by reducing dMyc levels in the mutant clones, thereby confirming its key role in <it>lgl</it>-induced tumourigenesis. Furthermore, we show that the <it>eiger</it>-dependent Intrinsic Tumour Suppressor pathway plays only a minor role in eliminating <it>lgl </it>mutant cells in the wing pouch; <it>lgl</it><sup>-/- </sup>clonal death in this region is instead driven mainly by dMyc-induced Cell Competition.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results provide the first evidence that dMyc oncoprotein is required in <it>lgl </it>tumour suppressor mutant tissue to promote invasive overgrowth in larval and adult epithelial tissues. Moreover, we show that dMyc abundance inside <it>versus </it>outside the mutant clones plays a key role in driving neoplastic overgrowth.</p

    First microsatellite loci of red mullet (Mullus barbatus) and their application to genetic structure analysis in transboundaries Adriatic shared stock

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    In order to study the genetic structure of the Adriatic shared stock of red mullet (Mullus barbatus), we developed a set of dinucleotide microsatellite markers. A dinucleotide-enriched genomic library was obtained, and 6 polymorphic dinucleotide loci were successfully optimized. The markers showed high expected heterozygosity (from 0.68 to 0.92) and allele number (from 12 to 33); thus they appear to be suitable for detecting genetic differences in the population of red mullet. Four Adriatic samples were subsequently analyzed for microsatellite variation, and the results showed subtle but statistically significant genetic differentiation, indicating that the Adriatic red mullet may group into local, genetically isolated populations. No correlation between geographic distance and genetic differentiation was observed. In addition, the evidence of recent bottlenecks in the Adriatic samples indicates that the observed population subdivision might reflect random local allelic variations, generated by reproductive success, survival rates, or fishing pressure