838 research outputs found

    Comparison of two non destructive tests in carbon/epoxy composites

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    An investigation of two nondestructive methods (ultrasounds and infrared thermography) is carried out. The defect detection by both methods is first examined. The determination of the position and dimensions are then studied. And finally, the feasibility and the time of the experimental protocol setting up is analysed. The aim is to compare two nondestructive methods: ultrasound and infrared thermography applied to composites samples. So, three different specimens are tested. It appears that the majority of the defects are detected very quickly with infrared thermography compared to ultrasounds method. However, certain defects are not visible by thermography IR

    Pinel-Hauterive – Hauterive

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    Identifiant de l'opĂ©ration archĂ©ologique : 025435 Date de l'opĂ©ration : 2008 (SU) Dans le cadre de l’agrandissement de l’usine de traitement des eaux du Lot, il a Ă©tĂ© mis au jour un certain nombre de structures romaines, dont un four ayant produit des piĂšces liĂ©es Ă  la construction romaine. Le site se trouve sur la berge alluvionnaire rĂ©cente dominant la rive droite du Lot en pied de falaise. Il y a une vingtaine d’annĂ©es, lors de travaux d’agrandissement prĂ©cĂ©dents, le site avait livrĂ© l’ext..

    Evaluation du contenu des rencontres de tutorat et de la fonction enseignante des tuteurs par les internes de médecine générale d'Angers (Etude quantitative auprÚs d'une promotion d'étudiants en fin de DES)

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    Le DĂ©partement de MĂ©decine GĂ©nĂ©rale de la FacultĂ© de mĂ©decine d Angers a mis en place le tutorat en 2004. Ce dispositif pĂ©dagogique est centrĂ© sur les apprentissages dans l objectif d amĂ©liorer les compĂ©tences des internes Ă  partir de rĂ©cits de situations cliniques authentiques (RSCA). Le but de notre Ă©tude Ă©tait d analyser le contenu des rencontres tuteur tutorĂ©, du point de vue des internes, au regard des objectifs pĂ©dagogiques du tutorat et de recueillir la perception des internes sur la fonction enseignante des tuteurs. Une Ă©tude transversale descriptive par questionnaire en ligne a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e de novembre 2012 Ă  janvier 2013 auprĂšs de 94 Angevins inscrits en 3Ăšme annĂ©e d internat de mĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale. 74% des questionnaires ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s. Les rencontres tuteur tutorĂ© Ă©taient structurĂ©es par la discussion des RSCA. Les recherches sur les rĂ©cits et leur discussion n Ă©taient pas systĂ©matiques, l analyse de la dĂ©marche rĂ©flexive amĂ©liorait la rĂ©solution d une situation similaire. Aborder les compĂ©tences en mĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale amĂ©liorait l autoĂ©valuation des internes. Un tiers des internes considĂ©rait leur tuteur comme un enseignant, 53 l estimaient comme un formateur compĂ©tent. Le tutorat individuel, fragilisĂ© par l augmentation des effectifs, semble Ă©voluer vers un suivi de groupe. En juillet 2013, des experts nationaux ont dĂ©fini et dĂ©crit les compĂ©tences gĂ©nĂ©riques transversales et les 11 familles de situations auxquelles les internes doivent ĂȘtre confrontĂ©es pendant le DES de mĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale. Le tutorat devra intĂ©grer ces Ă©lĂ©ments qui structurent la formation des mĂ©decins gĂ©nĂ©ralistes.The department of General Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of Angers set up a tutoring system in 2004. This teaching aid focuses on the learning procedure in order to improve the interns' skills, using stories of authentic clinical situations (RSCA). The aim of our study was to analyze the content of meetings between tutors and interns, from the intern s point of view, concerning the educational targets of the learning procedure and to have the interns perception on the educational skills of their tutor. A descriptive cross study, conducted from November 2012 to January 2013 via an online questionnaire, was submitted to 94 Angers interns in their third year of general practice internship. 74% of the questionnaires have been analyzed. The meetings between the intern and his tutor were based on the discussion of real clinical situations. Research pertaining to these stories and their discussion did not systematically occur. Analyzing the reflexive process has improved the ability to resolve a similar case. Addressing general practice related skills improves the self-evaluation of interns. One in three interns considers their tutor a teacher, 53 consider him a competent trainer. The tutorial system on its own, weakened by the augmentation of its size, seems to evolve to a group support form. In July 2013, national experts defined and described the generic cross skills and the 11 families of situations interns have to face during a general medicine internship. The tutoring must integrate these elements that structure the education of the general practitioners.ANGERS-BU MĂ©decine-Pharmacie (490072105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Diversity in Biorefinery : an interdisciplinary approachon Science, Business and "doubly green" Chemistry

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    International audienceThe word “biorefinery” was coined to describe an industrial process of cracking biomass resembling the industrial cracking of fossil carbon (Kamm and Kamm, 2005). But it can also be seen as an "Intermediary Object" (Vinck 2009) socially constructed by macroactors in European projects such as "Star-Colibri", with a view to developing a particular vision of the transition towards the use of renewable resources. Narrative approaches are mobilized by sociologists to describe the complexity of systemic change in a multilevel perspective (Grin, Rotmans and Schot, 2010). Narratives have also been used in Economics and Management of Technologies since the works of David (1985) to Dumez and Jeunemaitre (2005), to identify and describe various potential technological trajectories. We used a similar (analysis, cognitive process, method, procedure.) in the course of an interdisciplinary approach involving economists chemists and biochemists. Our "narrative approach" aims at highlighting the diversity of technological expectations. In the dominant vision of the biorefinery, large-scale units crack the biomass into a limited number (top 10 chemical intermediates) of standardized "small molecules", easily purified and introduced into the traditional petrochemical processes. Production of liquid fuels ("bio"-fuels) would enable economic operators to reach this large scale, while chemicals with high added value should ensure their economic balance (Bozell, Petersen 2010). However, other technical routes are worth considering: For example the intrinsic complexity and self-organization properties of biomass materials can be used as a way to introducing principles of green chemistry in processes operating more systematically on the macromolecular level ("one pot", whole plant, "reactive extrusion", modified starches, photochemistry and so on ..). They minimize fractionation steps and thus the use of energy or water. They can also entail smaller scale chemical units, which would not need to be stitched to the existing network of large-scale commodities production (of "bio"fuels,) and would be better rooted in local production areas. The discussion on the transition must therefore integrate the diversity of possible technical (ways) (routes) and examine how institutional policies support either of these solutions

    L’émergence d'une chimie doublement verte

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    On dĂ©crit, en s’appuyant sur une dĂ©marche narrative, l’émergence de la chimie doublement verte comme le produit d’actions collectives construisant un secteur nouveau, plus que celui d’innovations de ruptures portĂ©es par des acteurs individuels. Elle est initiĂ©e par les organisations agricoles et agro-industrielles qui cherchent Ă  substituer le pĂ©trole pour trouver des valorisations des produits agricoles. Celles-ci construisent des patrimoines productifs collectifs en assemblant des bases de connaissances et des ressources institutionnelles. Elles s’appuient pour mobiliser leur milieu sur le mythe rationnel du cracking de la plante, qui va se transformer en bioraffinerie afin d’intĂ©grer les principes de chimie verte, et de rendre soutenable le changement technologique.Using a narrative approach, we describe the emergence of a « Doubly Green Chemistry » more as the product of a collective action in building a new sector, than an innovation breakthrough brought by individual actors. This action is initiated by the agricultural and agroindustrial firms that seek to substitute oil-based products by finding new uses of agricultural products. These actors have built « community’s productive patrimonies » by assembling knowledge bases and institutional resources. In order to mobilize their communities, they use the « rational myth » of plant cracking, later transformed into biorefinerie by integrating the principles of green chemistry, to make the technological changes sustainable

    Multiframe Scene Flow with Piecewise Rigid Motion

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    We introduce a novel multiframe scene flow approach that jointly optimizes the consistency of the patch appearances and their local rigid motions from RGB-D image sequences. In contrast to the competing methods, we take advantage of an oversegmentation of the reference frame and robust optimization techniques. We formulate scene flow recovery as a global non-linear least squares problem which is iteratively solved by a damped Gauss-Newton approach. As a result, we obtain a qualitatively new level of accuracy in RGB-D based scene flow estimation which can potentially run in real-time. Our method can handle challenging cases with rigid, piecewise rigid, articulated and moderate non-rigid motion, and does not rely on prior knowledge about the types of motions and deformations. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real data show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art.Comment: International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), Qingdao, China, October 201

    DĂ©bat sur les perspectives Ă©conomiques Ă  court terme du 20 avril 2017

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    Le document sur nos prévisions préparé en vue de ce débat est de nature différente de celui des précédentes prévisions en raison des prochaines élections. La conjoncture dans les mois à venir dépendra du résultat des élections et des décisions du prochain gouvernement. Des prévisions plus précises pour la France seront donc développées en juillet, après les élections, à l'aide des premières mesures prises par le candidat vainqueur. (Premier paragraphe

    Extreme events in optics: Challenges of the MANUREVA project

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    International audienceIn this contribution we describe and discuss a series of challenges and questions relating to understanding extreme wave phenomena in optics. Many aspects of these questions are being studied in the framework of the MANUREVA project: a multidisciplinary consortium aiming to carry out mathematical, numerical and experimental studies in this field. The central motivation of this work is the 2007 results from optical physics [D. Solli et al., Nature 450, 1054 (2007)] that showed how a fibre-optical system can generate large amplitude extreme wave events with similar statistical properties to the infamous hydrodynamic rogue waves on the surface of the ocean. We review our recent work in this area, and discuss how this observation may open the possibility for an optical system to be used to directly study both the dynamics and statistics of extreme-value processes, a potential advance comparable to the introduction of optical systems to study chaos in the 1970s

    CD25 as a unique marker on human basophils in stable-mildly symptomatic allergic asthma.

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    BACKGROUND Basophils in acute asthma exacerbation are activated as evidenced by their increased expression levels of activation markers such as CD203c and CD63. However, whether basophils of allergic asthmatics who are in stable phase and have no asthma exacerbations display a specific and distinctive phenotype from those of healthy individuals has yet to be well characterized. OBJECTIVE We aimed to identify the phenotype of basophils from allergic asthmatics in the stable phase and investigate whether such a phenotype is affected by ex vivo allergen stimulation. METHODS We determined by flow cytometry, the expression of surface proteins such as CD25, CD32, CD63, CD69, CD203c, and CD300a and intracellular anti-apoptotic proteins BCL-2, BCL-xL, and MCL-1. We investigated these markers in blood basophils obtained from well-characterized patients with stable-mildly symptomatic form of allergic asthma with no asthma exacerbation and from healthy individuals. Moreover, we determined ex vivo CD63, CD69, and CD25 on blood basophils from stable-mildly symptomatic allergic asthmatics upon allergen stimulation. RESULTS In contrast to all tested markers, CD25 was significantly increased on circulating basophils in the patient cohort with stable-mildly symptomatic allergic asthma than in healthy controls. The expression levels of CD25 on blood basophils showed a tendency to positively correlate with FeNO levels. Notably, CD25 expression was not affected by ex vivo allergen stimulation of blood basophils from stable-mildly symptomatic allergic asthma patients. CONCLUSION Our data identifies CD25 as a unique marker on blood basophils of the stable phase of allergic asthma but not of asthma exacerbation as mimicked by ex vivo allergen stimulation

    Schweres Lungenemphysem: noch lange kein Endbahnhof!

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    Patienten mit fortgeschrittenem Lungenemphysem sind trotz Ausschöpfen der konservativen Massnahmen oft anhaltend symptomatisch. Eine operative oder ­interventionelle bronchoskopische Behandlung können Dyspnoe, LeistungsfĂ€higkeit, Lebens­qualitĂ€t sowie forcierte ErstsekundenkapazitĂ€t verbessern. Dieser Artikel gibt eine Übersicht ĂŒber die aktuell zur VerfĂŒgung stehenden Methoden
