13 research outputs found

    Datos y notas sobre el clima de Matacán (Salamanca) / por José Garmendia Iraundegui

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    Datos y notas sobre el clima de Matacán (Salamanca)

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    Comparación de la pluviosidad en dos localidades de la región cantábrica

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    Con los datos de la precipitación registrada en los observatorios meteorológicos de Gijón y San Sebastián -Monte Igueldo--, durante el período de 30 años comprendidos entre 1946 y 1975, ambos inclusive, se estiman para cada mes del año las probabilidades simples de día de lluvia o día seco así como las condicionadas al día precedente y a los dos días precedentes. Por otra parte, utilizando el modelo de Cadenas de Markov de 1.er orden se calcula la probabilidad de que llueva o sea seco un día n días después de un día seco o lluvioso

    Alcance territorial de un nuevo método predictor de descensos térmicos

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    Analizamos en este trabajo el alcance territorial del método de predicción cuantitativa de descensos de temperaturas mínimas propuesto por García Díez y Garmendia. El método es aplicable a los descensos de temperatura mínima que tienen lugar cuando irrumpe, de forma rápida, una masa de aire frío

    Datos y notas sobre el clima de Matacán (Salamanca)

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    Seeking cheap and submissive labor is a trend for transnational enterprises in the globalization era. As a robust economic body, Taiwan-based multinational enterprises follow the pattern and rearrange its business globally. When the transnational enterprises relocate in another country, only a few managerial personnel will transfer to the new locale. For employees in the host country, these foreigners’ decisions and organizational strategies decide their working condition and well-being. It is hard to deny that foreigners in these locales hold strategic positions in the host country. However, scholarly discussions of global factory tend to focus on the interaction between the global capital and the local culture. The studies mainly focus on how global capital shapes or manipulates the local culture to satisfy their purposes. Only a few briefly discuss the effects of managers’ background. This dissertation tries to fulfill the hole in the literature and discuss how work ethic and cultural values that are carried by foreign managerial personnel affect the daily operation of a maquiladora on the US-Mexico border city—Tijuana. The maquiladora I studied is owned and operated by a Taiwanese manager with several Chinese engineers. I examine their interaction with other Mexican employees and explore the reasons behind their behaviors and decision-making processes. Taiwanese manager follows the work ethic that he developed from previous working experience in Asia and directs the operation in Mexico accordingly. However, even in a power-unevenly-distributed environment such as a maquiladora, the Taiwanese manager still needs to negotiate with local employees. By delineating how the cultural that brought by the representatives of the multinational enterprise affect the operation and work arrangement, I try to emphasize that the importance of cultural values carried by these representatives should be treated more seriously in the studies of global production

    Datos y notas sobre el clima de Matacán (Salamanca)

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201