35 research outputs found

    Beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) vocalizations and call classification from the eastern Beaufort Sea population

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    Funding was provided by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management under InterAgency Agreement M09PG00016. E.C.G. was supported by a National Research Council (National Academy of Sciences) Postdoctoral Fellowship.Beluga whales, Delphinapterus leucas, have a graded call system; call types exist on a continuum making classification challenging. A description of vocalizations from the eastern Beaufort Sea beluga population during its spring migration are presented here, using both a non-parametric clas- sification tree analysis (CART), and a Random Forest analysis. Twelve frequency and duration measurements were made on 1019 calls recorded over 14 days off Icy Cape, Alaska, resulting in 34 identifiable call types with 83% agreement in classification for both CART and Random Forest analyses. This high level of agreement in classification, with an initial subjective classification of calls into 36 categories, demonstrates that the methods applied here provide a quantitative analysis of a graded call dataset. Further, as calls cannot be attributed to individuals using single sensor pas- sive acoustic monitoring efforts, these methods provide a comprehensive analysis of data where the influence of pseudo-replication of calls from individuals is unknown. This study is the first to describe the vocal repertoire of a beluga population using a robust and repeatable methodology. A baseline eastern Beaufort Sea beluga population repertoire is presented here, against which the call repertoire of other seasonally sympatric Alaskan beluga populations can be compared.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Reproductive tactics in baleen whales

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    Funding: FE is supported by a University of St Andrews School of Biology Ph.D. scholarship and a Royal Society Research Fellows Enhancement Award (RGF\EA \180213 to ECG), ECG is funded by a Royal Society University Research Fellowship (UF160081 & URF\R\221020), and ELC is funded by a Rutherford Discovery Fellowship from the Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.While a variety of reproductive tactics are readily witnessed in the odontocetes, such behaviors can be far more elusive, and in some cases, are yet to be observed, in baleen whales. This leads researchers to employ a variety of research methods, some of which have improved greatly in recent decades, to study reproductive behaviors in mysticetes. Genetics and genomics tools can provide invaluable information on maternity, paternity, age, diversity, and kinship, while acoustic tools can provide new insights into the function of sexual displays such as song. In this chapter, we explore what is known about the reproductive strategies and tactics of baleen whales, with a particular focus on the comparatively well-studied right whales (Eubalaena spp.) and humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). Finally, we showcase that by integrating multiple data types, we can explore the interactions between anatomy, physiology, reproductive success, age, population dynamics, and acoustic displays to better understand the mating systems of baleen whales.Publisher PD

    Phylogenetically controlled life history trait meta-analysis in cetaceans reveals unexpected negative brain size and longevity correlation

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    Funding: ELC was supported by a Rutherford Discovery Fellowship from the Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi and EG was supported by a University Research Fellowship from the Royal Society of London.The identification of patterns in trait evolution is essential to understand the interaction of evolutionary forces, and provides useful information for species management. Cetaceans are a phylogenetically well-resolved infraorder that exhibit distinct trait variation across behavioural, molecular and life history dimensions, yet few researchers have applied a meta-analytic or comparative approach to these traits. To understand cetacean trait evolution, we used a phylogenetic generalised least squares approach to examine the cognitive buffer hypothesis (CBH). A large brain should buffer individuals against environmental challenges through increasing survival rates, and a longer lifespan should buffer individuals against the cost of extended development for larger brains according to the CBH, leading to an expected positive correlation between brain size and lifespan. In contrast to this expectation, previously observed in taxa including primates, we found a negative correlation between brain size and lifespan in cetaceans. This suggests cetaceans experience selective pressures different from most other mammals in these traits but may be more similar to some social mammalian carnivores that display alloparenting. We also provide a comprehensive dataset to explore additional aspects of trait evolution but which would greatly benefit from studies on behavioural ecology across cetaceans and increased focus on data deficient species.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Global cultural evolutionary model of humpback whale song

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    Funding: ECG is funded by a Royal Society University Research Fellowship (UF160081). RFL and LZ are funded by the BBSRC (BB/R008736/2). LL was supported by a Leverhulme Trust Grant to Luke Rendell (among other recipients; grant reference RPG-2013-367)Humpback whale song is an extraordinary example of vocal cultural behaviour. In northern popula-tions, the complex songs show long-lasting traditions that slowly evolve, while in the South Pacific, pe-riodic revolutions occur when songs are adopted from neighbouring populations and rapidly spread. In this species, vocal learning cannot be studied in the laboratory, learning is instead inferred from the songsā€™ complexity and patterns of transmission. Here, we used individual-based cultural evolutionary simulations of the entire Southern and Northern Hemisphere humpback whale populations to formalise this process of inference. We modelled processes of song mutation and patterns of contact among popu-lations and compared our model with patterns of song theme sharing measured in South Pacific popula-tions. Low levels of mutation in combination with rare population interactions were sufficient to closely fit the pattern of diversity in the South Pacific, including the distinctive pattern of West-to-East revolu-tions. Interestingly, the same learning parameters that gave rise to revolutions in the Southern Hemi-sphere simulations gave rise to evolutionary patterns of cultural evolution in the Northern Hemisphere populations. Our study demonstrates how cultural evolutionary approaches can be used to make infer-ences about the learning processes underlying cultural transmission and how they might generate emergent population-level processes.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Humpback whale song revolutions continue to spread from the central into the eastern South Pacific

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    Funding: COCIBA grants of USFQ National Geographic Society - W396-15; NERC Sea Mammal Research Unit - NE/R015007/1; Project CETACEA Ecuador Royal Society - NF140667, UF160081; Rufford Foundation.Cultural transmission of behaviour is an important aspect of many animal communities ranging from humans to birds. Male humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) sing a repetitive, stereotyped, socially learnt and culturally transmitted song display that slowly evolves each year. Most males within a population sing the same, slow-evolving song type; but in the South Pacific, song ā€˜revolutionsā€™ have led to rapid and complete replacement of one song type by another introduced from a neighbouring population. Songs spread eastwards, from eastern Australia to French Polynesia, but the easterly extent of this transmission was unknown. Here, we investigated whether song revolutions continue to spread from the central (French Polynesia) into the eastern (Ecuador) South Pacific region. Similarity analyses using three consecutive years of song data (2016ā€“2018) revealed that song themes recorded in 2016ā€“2018 French Polynesian song matched song themes sung in 2018 Ecuadorian song, suggesting continued easterly transmission of song to Ecuador, and vocal connectivity across the entire South Pacific Ocean basin. This study demonstrates songs first identified in western populations can be transmitted across the entire South Pacific, supporting the potential for a circumpolar Southern Hemisphere cultural transmission of song and a vocal culture rivalled in its extent only by our own.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A pan-cetacean MHC amplicon sequencing panel developed and evaluated in combination with genome assemblies

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    This study was funded by a Royal Society Research Grants for Research Fellows (RGF\R1\181014) to E.C.G. E.C.G. is funded by a Royal Society University Research Fellowship (UF160081 & URF\R\221020). F.E. is supported by a University of St Andrews School of Biology Ph.D. scholarship and a Royal Society Research Fellows Enhancement Award (RGF\EA\180213 to E.C.G). E.L.C. is funded by a Rutherford Discovery Fellowship from the Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a highly polymorphic gene family that is crucial in immunity, and its diversity can be effectively used as a fitness marker for populations. Despite this, MHC remains poorly characterised in non-model species (e.g., cetaceans: whales, dolphins and porpoises) as high gene copy number variation, especially in the fast-evolving class I region, makes analyses of genomic sequences difficult. To date, only small sections of class I and IIa genes have been used to assess functional diversity in cetacean populations. Here, we undertook a systematic characterisation of the MHC class I and IIa regions in available cetacean genomes. We extracted full-length gene sequences to design pan-cetacean primers that amplified the complete exon2 from MHC class I and IIa genes in one combined sequencing panel. We validated this panel in 19 cetacean species and described 354 alleles for both classes. Furthermore, we identified likely assembly artefacts for many MHC class I assemblies based on the presence of class I genes in the amplicon data compared to missing genes from genomes. Finally, we investigated MHC diversity using the panel in 25 humpback and 30 southern right whales, including four paternity trios for humpback whales. This revealed copy-number variable class I haplotypes in humpback whales, which is likely a common phenomenon across cetaceans. These MHC alleles will form the basis for a cetacean branch of the Immuno-Polymorphism Database (IPD-MHC), a curated resource intended to aid in the systematic compilation of MHC alleles across several species, to support conservation initiatives.Peer reviewe

    Demographic and physiological signals of reproductive events in humpback whales on a southwest pacific breeding ground

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    The field of marine mammal conservation has dramatically benefited from the rapid advancement of methods to assess the reproductive physiology of individuals and populations from steroid hormones isolated from minimally invasive skin-blubber biopsy samples. Historically, this vital information was only available from complete anatomical and physiological investigations of samples collected during commercial or indigenous whaling. Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) are a migratory, cosmopolitan species that reproduce in warm, low-latitude breeding grounds. New Caledonia is seasonally visited by a small breeding sub-stock of humpback whales, forming part of the endangered Oceania subpopulation. To better understand the demographic and seasonal patterns of reproductive physiology in humpback whales, we quantified baseline measurements of reproductive hormones (progesterone ā€“ P4, testosterone - T, and 17Ī²-estradiol ā€“ E2) using an extensive archive of skin-blubber biopsy samples collected from female humpback whales in New Caledonia waters between 2016-2019 (n = 194). We observed significant differences in the P4, T, and E2 concentrations across different demographic groups of female humpback whales, and we described some of the first evidence of the endocrine patterns of estrus in live free-ranging baleen whales. This study is fundamental in its methodological approach to a wild species that has a global distribution, with seasonally distinct life histories. This information will assist in monitoring, managing, and conserving this population as global ecological changes continue to occur unhindered.Peer reviewe

    Culturally transmitted song exchange between humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the southeast Atlantic and southwest Indian Ocean basins

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    Funding: E.C.G. was funded by a Royal Society Newton International Fellowship and Royal Society University Research Fellowship.In migratory marine species, investigating population connectivity and structure can be challenging given barriers to dispersal are less evident and multiple factors may influence individual movement patterns. Male humpback whales sing a song display that can provide insights into contemporary connectivity patterns, as there can be a cultural exchange of a single, population-wide shared song type with neighbouring populations in acoustic contact. Here, we investigated song exchange between populations located on the east and west coasts of Africa using 5 years of concurrent data (2001ā€“2005). Songs were qualitatively and quantitatively transcribed by measuring acoustic features of all song units and then compared using both Diceā€™s similarity index and the Levenshtein distance similarity index (LSI) to quantitatively calculate song similarity. Song similarity varied among individuals and potentially between populations depending on the year (Dice: 36ā€“100%, LSI: 21ā€“100%), suggesting varying levels of population connectivity and/or interchange among years. The high degree of song sharing indicated in this study further supports genetic studies that demonstrate interchange between these two populations and reinforces the emerging picture of broad-scale connectivity in Southern Hemisphere populations. Further research incorporating additional populations and years would be invaluable for better understanding of fine-scale, song interchange patterns between Southern Hemisphere male humpback whales.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Management of acoustic metadata for bioacoustics

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    Recent expansion in the capabilities of passive acoustic monitoring of sound-producing animals is providing expansive data sets in many locations. These long-termdata sets will allowthe investigation of questions related to the ecology of sound-producing animals on time scales ranging fromdiel and seasonal to inter-annual and decadal. Analyses of these data often span multiple analysts from various research groups over several years of effort and, as a consequence, have begun to generate large amounts of scattered acoustic metadata. It has therefore become imperative to standardize the types of metadata being generated. A critical aspect of being able to learn from such large and varied acoustic data sets is providing consistent and transparent access that can enable the integration of various analysis efforts. This is juxtaposed with the need to include new information for specific research questions that evolve over time. Hence, a method is proposed for organizing acoustic metadata that addresses many of the problems associated with the retention of metadata from large passive acoustic data sets. A structure was developed for organizing acoustic metadata in a consistent manner, specifying required and optional terms to describe acoustic information derived from a recording. A client-server database was created to implement this data representation as a networked data service that can be accessed from several programming languages. Support for data import froma wide variety of sources such as spreadsheets and databases is provided. The implementation was extended to access Internet-available data products, permitting access to a variety of environmental information types (e.g. sea surface temperature, sunrise/sunset, etc.) fromawide range of sources as if they were part of the data service. This metadata service is in use at several institutions and has been used to track and analyze millions of acoustic detections from marine mammals, fish, elephants, and anthropogenic sound sources.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Migratory convergence facilitates cultural transmission of humpback whale song

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    E.C.G. was supported by a Royal Society Newton International Fellowship and a Royal Society University Research Fellowship. L.R. was supported by the MASTS pooling initiative (The Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland) and their support is gratefully acknowledged. MASTS is funded by the Scottish Funding Council (grant reference HR09011) and contributing institutions.Cultural transmission of behaviour is important in a wide variety of vertebrate taxa from birds to humans. Vocal traditions and vocal learning provide a strong foundation for studying culture and its transmission in both humans and cetaceans. Male humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) perform complex, culturally transmitted song displays that can change both evolutionarily (through accumulations of small changes) or revolutionarily (where a population rapidly adopts a novel song). The degree of coordination and conformity underlying song revolutions makes their study of particular interest. Acoustic contact on migratory routes may provide a mechanism for cultural revolutions of song, yet these areas of contact remain uncertain. Here, we compared songs recorded from the Kermadec Islands, a recently discovered migratory stopover, to multiple South Pacific wintering grounds. Similarities in song themes from the Kermadec Islands and multiple wintering locations (from New Caledonia across to the Cook Islands) suggest a location allowing cultural transmission of song eastward across the South Pacific, active song learning (hybrid songs) and the potential for cultural convergence after acoustic isolation at the wintering grounds. As with the correlations in humans between genes, communication and migration, the migration patterns of humpback whales are written into their songs.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe