125 research outputs found


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    The malfunctioning of one or more fans in an array of fans that are housed in a server rack results in, among other things, insufficient cooling and customer dissatisfaction, followed by fan replacement, and in some cases the replacement of an entire product. Occasionally during a malfunction case, the speed of the remaining working fans may be boosted to their highest speed to cool a device until a failed fan may be replaced. However, such boosted speed create a significant amount of noise and thus trigger severe customer dissatisfaction. To address these types of challenges, techniques are presented herein that support, among other things, the selective rotation and speed adjustment of one or more fans to allow a device to carry on with the same expected product performance. Aspects of the presented techniques employ an adapter plate and an adapter housing that has a built-in gear and pivot arrangement that allow a fan to be manually rotated about its pivot, through preset angular increments, by means of a small ergonomic lever. Application of the presented techniques allows the equipment to work, without any replacement needed, even with one failed fan (as the remaining working fans -- with their directions changed and their speeds increased somewhat -- will cover the area) yielding tangible benefits including cost savings, increased reliability, and improved customer satisfaction

    Statistical Mechanics of DNA unzipping under periodic force: Scaling behavior of hysteresis loop

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    A simple model of DNA based on two interacting polymers has been used to study the unzipping of a double stranded DNA subjected to a periodic force. We propose a dynamical transition, where without changing the physiological condition, it is possible to bring DNA from the zipped/unzipped state to a new dynamic (hysteretic) state by varying the frequency of the applied force. Our studies reveal that the area of the hystersis loop grows with the same exponents as of the isotropic spin systems. These exponents are amenable to verification in the force spectroscopic experiments.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    An Optimized Input Sorting Algorithm

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    One of the fundamental issues in compute science is ordering a list of items. Although there is a huge number of sorting algorithms, sorting problem has attracted a great deal of research, because efficient sorting is important to optimize the use of other algorithms. Sorting involves rearranging information into either ascending or descending order. This paper presents a new sorting algorithm called Input Sort. This new algorithm is analyzed, implemented, tested and compared and results were promising

    Dynamical phase transition of a periodically driven DNA

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    Replication and transcription are two important processes in living systems. To execute such processes, various proteins work far away from equilibrium in a staggered way. Motivated by this, aspects of hysteresis during unzipping of DNA under a periodic drive in non-equilibrium conditions are studied. A steady state phase diagram of a driven DNA is proposed which is experimentally verifiable. As a two state system, we also compare the results of DNA with that of an Ising magnet under an asymmetrical variation of magnetic field.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Accepted version in PR

    A sheet-like structure in the proximity of compact DNA

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    We determine the phase diagram of DNA with inter- and intra-strand native-pair interactions that mimic the compaction of DNA. We show that DNA takes an overall sheet-like structure in the region where an incipient transition to a compact phase would have occurred. The stability of this phase is due to the extra entropy from the folding of the sheet, which is absent in the remaining polymer-like states of the phase diagram.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Stretching of a single-stranded DNA: Evidence for structural transition

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    Recent experiments have shown that the force-extension (F-x) curve for single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) consisting only of adenine [poly(dA)] is significantly different from thymine [poly(dT)]. Here, we show that the base stacking interaction is not sufficient to describe the F-x curves as seen in the experiments. A reduction in the reaction co-ordinate arising from the formation of helix at low forces and an increase in the distance between consecutive phosphates of unstacked bases in the stretched state at high force in the proposed model, qualitatively reproduces the experimentally observed features. The multi-step plateau in the F-x curve is a signature of structural change in ssDNA.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Adsorption of Cadmium (II) and Chromium (VI) from Aqueous Solution by Waste Marigold Flowers

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    In this work, waste marigold flowers from Temple were used as adsorbent to remove cadmium (II) and chromium (VI) ions from aqueous solutions. Influences of initial heavy metal concentrations, contact time, adsorbent dose, temperature and initial pH on removal of cadmium (II) and chromium (VI) ions were studied under batch mode of operation. Both the adsorption process of cadmium (II) and chromium (VI) followed pseudo-second order kinetics. Adsorption isotherm parameters of cadmium (II) and chromium (VI) on dried marigold flower were determined using Langmuir and Freundlich models. Thermodynamic parameters depicted that the process was spontaneous and exothermic under experimental conditions. The maximum removal efficiency of cadmium (II) was obtained as 83% at contact time 75 min and pH 5. The maximum removal efficiency of chromium (VI) was found as 96% at contact time 105 min and pH 3. Dried marigold flower showed active reusability characteristics upto three consecutive adsorption-desorption cycles

    Small bowel obstruction due to subserosal endometriosis: an elusive condition

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    The bowel is involved in 3.8 to 37% of women with endometriosis, out of which nearly 1% present with signs of bowel obstruction to the surgeon. This report describes a case of acute small bowel obstruction in a 23 years old woman. The patient gave a history of intermittent episodes of pain abdomen and abdominal distension for the past 1 year with significant loss of weight. The menstrual cycles were normal. Although there was no history of Tuberculosis, a positive history of contact was present. The clinical and biochemical picture was suggestive of peritonitis. CECT of the abdomen revealed a long segment distal ileal stricture. With a provisional diagnosis of Tubercular Ileo-Caecal stricture perforation, a midline exploratory laparotomy was performed. The procedure consisted of right limited hemicolectomy and primary ileo-ascending anastomosis with a proximal loop ileostomy. Ileostomy was done to allow the healing of distal anastomosis and closure was done after 4 weeks. Histopathology of the resected segment of ileum revealed subserosal endometriosis. Postoperatively, the patient was not given any hormonal therapy and recovery has been uneventful over the past 1 year of follow up

    Avances recientes en la terapia dirigida al cáncer con el ácido hialurónico como adyuvante potencial

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    Introduction. The non-sulfated natural compound, Hyaluronic acid (HA), is a mucopolysaccharide that has an essential role in cellular biology; it is a fundamental element of the living cell. HA plays an essential role in targeted drug delivery; it has recently acquired much attention because of various advantages like biocompatibility, biodegradability, non-immunogenicity, and non-toxicity. Methods. This narrative review is based on the literature searched with keywords Hyaluronic acid, Hyaluronic acid in cancer therapy, Hyaluronic acid in cancer targeting, Hyaluronic acid in drug targeting, was done on PubMed and Elsevier database from January to May 2021. Research published in the last five years was considered; however, no such timeline is followed in cross-referencing. Results. From the literature, it is found that HA can recognize distinct receptors that are abnormally revealed in large numbers on the outer surface of cancerous tissues or cells; hence can be used for conjugation with anticancer drugs, facilitating their enhanced therapeutic activity over the cancer cells than normal cells. It is also found that HA-based systems also provide increased stability and solubility of anticancer agents in biological surroundings. Based on these findings and advantages, HA is conjugated with various delivery systems like micelles, liposomes, hydrogels, nanoparticles, etc. As per recent research, the HA-based system provides immunotherapy, gene therapy, targeted chemotherapy, and combination therapy with enormous applications in the evolution of highly efficacious and cost-effective therapy for the ministration of cancer. Conclusion. In this context, various literatures on HA as adjuvant for drug delivery system for cancer targeting represents the HA as a potential adjuvant for cancer treatment.Introducción: El compuesto natural no sulfatado, el ácido hialurónico (HA), es un mucopolisacárido que tiene un papel esencial en la biología celular, es un elemento fundamental de la célula viva. Ha juega un papel esencial en la administración dirigida de medicamentos, recientemente ha adquirido mucha atención debido a varias ventajas como la biocompatibilidad, la biodegradabilidad, la no inmunogenicidad y la no toxicidad. Métodos: Esta revisión narrativa se basa en la literatura buscada en PubMed y la base de datos de Elsevier desde enero a mayo de 2021 utilizando las siguientes palabras clave: “Hyaluronic acid”, “Hyaluronic acid in cancer therapy”, “Hyaluronic acid in cancer targeting”, “Hyaluronic acid in drug targeting”. Se consideraron las investigaciones publicadas en los últimos cinco años, sin embargo, en las referencias cruzadas, no se siguió tal línea de tiempo. Resultados: A partir de la literatura, se encuentra que HA puede reconocer distintos receptores que se revelan anormalmente en grandes cantidades en la superficie exterior de tejidos o células cancerosas; por lo tanto, se puede usar para la conjugación con fármacos contra el cáncer, lo que facilita su actividad terapéutica mejorada sobre las células cancerosas que las células normales. También se encuentra que los sistemas de administración de fármacos basados en HA proporcionan mayor estabilidad y solubilidad de los agentes anticancerígenos en entornos biológicos. Con base a estos hallazgos y ventajas, el HA se ha investigado abundantemente como un biomaterial prometedor para la evolución de varios sistemas de administración como micelas, liposomas, hidrogeles, nanopartículas, etc. Según investigaciones recientes, el sistema basado en HA proporciona inmunoterapia, terapia génica, quimioterapia dirigida y terapia combinada con enormes aplicaciones en la evolución de una terapia altamente eficaz y rentable para el tratamiento del cáncer. Conclusión: Esta revisión evalúa y resume los enfoques y estrategias recientes para diseñar y evolucionar diversos sistemas de administración de fármacos basados en la HA para el tratamiento del cáncer