4 research outputs found

    Emotional characteristics of sportsman students engaged in bullying and cyberbullying in relation to migrant students

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    The goal of this paper was to find a way to predict cyberbullying based on an assessment of the emotional insensitivity of university and college students. In addition, the goal was to study the intermediate mechanisms of regulating the relationship of emotional insensitivity and cyberbullying. The fundamental basis of this study was the assessment of emotional insensitivity using the method of "Determining the signs of emotional insensitivity". This assessment was made using a questionnaire that included three parts: callousness, indifference, and lack of emotion. This research has shown that empathy mitigates the adverse effects of emotional insensitivity on the processes of justification of immorality and according to the correlation analysis, there is a negative effect of the justification of immorality on cyberbullying. This study is an important step in revealing the emotional characteristics of students who are inclined to engage in cyberbullying. It is shown that the phenomenon of justification of cyberbullying is one of the potential mechanisms by which emotional features begin to affect the ability of students to engage in cyberbullying. Attention to the phenomenon of justification of cyberbullying reveals the relationship of emotional characteristics and cyberbullying. The conclusions of this study can be the basis for successful psychocorrection of students engaged in cyberbullying. The scientific novelty of this research is to reveal the mechanisms of interaction of emotional insensitivity, empathy and justification of immoral behaviour of students engaged in cyberbullying

    Wikipedia as one of the Tools Of Information War And Influence On The Educational System

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    The article analyzes Wikipedia as one of the problem components of national information security of different countries, and as a factor of influence on the educational system. We considered all components of this problem. We proposed ways to solve this problem. Wikipedia should be politically indifferent. The true encyclopedia is an encyclopedia of timeless and eternal knowledge, and the present is not yet encyclopedic and controversial. Something that is being established should not be the basis for Wikipedia content (political topics, etc.). How can we make it so that Wikipedia is just a collection of truths, rather than a site of conflicts and disputes, particularly interethnic ones

    Postmodern psychology of personality

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    This article provides an analysis of the postmodern psychology of personality and outlines its main contours formed by means of textual, nomadological, schizoanalytical, narratologic, simulative and synergistic approaches. On the basis of the analysis of a great number of works, we show that the majority of the studied psychological mechanisms are secondary reconstructions induced by the main vector of psychical dynamics, which has barely been studied in psychology. As we show, to achieve a more effective psycho-correction of an addicted person, it is necessary to take into account the fundamental unpredictability and paradoxical character of this person’s future semantic processes.Este artículo proporciona un análisis de la psicología posmoderna de la personalidad y delinea sus principales contornos formados mediante enfoques textuales, nomadológicos, esquizoanalíticos, narratológicos, simulativos y sinérgicos. Sobre la base del análisis de un gran número de trabajos, mostramos que la mayoría de los mecanismos psicológicos estudiados son reconstrucciones secundarias inducidas por el principal vector de dinámica psíquica, que apenas ha sido estudiado en psicología. Como mostramos, para lograr una psicoterapia más efectiva de una persona adicta, es necesario tener en cuenta la imprevisibilidad fundamental y el carácter paradójico de los procesos semánticos futuros de esta persona