13 research outputs found

    The iron-sulfur helicase DDX11 promotes the generation of single-stranded DNA for CHK1 activation

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    The iron-sulfur (FeS) cluster helicase DDX11 is associated with a human disorder termed Warsaw Breakage Syndrome. Interestingly, one disease-associated mutation affects the highly conserved arginine-263 in the FeS cluster-binding motif. Here, we demonstrate that the FeS cluster in DDX11 is required for DNA binding, ATP hydrolysis, and DNA helicase activity, and that arginine-263 affects FeS cluster binding, most likely because of its positive charge. We further show that DDX11 interacts with the replication factors DNA polymerase delta and WDHD1. In vitro, DDX11 can remove DNA obstacles ahead of Pol δ in an ATPase- and FeS domain-dependent manner, and hence generate single-stranded DNA. Accordingly, depletion of DDX11 causes reduced levels of single-stranded DNA, a reduction of chromatin-bound replication protein A, and impaired CHK1 phosphorylation at serine-345. Taken together, we propose that DDX11 plays a role in dismantling secondary structures during DNA replication, thereby promoting CHK1 activation

    The CIA targeting complex is highly regulated and provides two distinct binding sites for client iron-sulfur proteins

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    The cytoplasmic iron-sulfur assembly (CIA) targeting complex is required for the transfer of an iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster to cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins, but how it engages with client proteins is unknown. Here, we show that the complex members MIP18 and CIAO1 associate with the C terminus of MMS19. By doing so, they form a docking site for Fe-S proteins that is disrupted in the absence of either MMS19 or MIP18. The Fe-S helicase XPD seems to be the only exception, since it can interact with MMS19 independently of MIP18 and CIAO1. We further show that the direct interaction between MMS19 and MIP18 is required to protect MIP18 from proteasomal degradation. Taken together, these data suggest a remarkably regulated interaction between the CIA targeting complex and client proteins and raise the possibility that Fe-S cluster transfer is controlled, at least in part, by the stability of the CIA targeting complex itself

    Human DNA polymerase delta requires an iron-sulfur cluster for high-fidelity DNA synthesis

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    Replication of eukaryotic genomes relies on the family B DNA polymerases Pol α, Pol δ, and Pol ε. All of these enzymes coordinate an iron-sulfur (FeS) cluster, but the function of this cofactor has remained largely unclear. Here, we show that the FeS cluster in the catalytic subunit of human Pol δ is coordinated by four invariant cysteines of the C-terminal CysB motif. FeS cluster loss causes a partial destabilisation of the four-subunit enzyme, a defect in double-stranded DNA binding, and compromised polymerase and exonuclease activities. Importantly, complex stability, DNA binding, and enzymatic activities are restored in the presence of proliferating cell nuclear antigen. We further show that also more subtle changes to the FeS cluster-binding pocket that do not abolish FeS cluster binding can have repercussions on the distant exonuclease domain and render the enzyme error prone. Our data hence suggest that the FeS cluster in human Pol δ is an important co-factor that despite its C-terminal location has an impact on both DNA polymerase and exonuclease activities, and can influence the fidelity of DNA synthesis

    Cancer-associated mutations in the iron-sulfur domain of FANCJ affect G-quadruplex metabolism

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    FANCJ/BRIP1 is an iron-sulfur (FeS) cluster-binding DNA helicase involved in DNA inter-strand cross-link (ICL) repair and G-quadruplex (G4) metabolism. Mutations in FANCJ are associated with Fanconi anemia and an increased risk for developing breast and ovarian cancer. Several cancer-associated mutations are located in the FeS domain of FANCJ, but how they affect FeS cluster binding and/or FANCJ activity has remained mostly unclear. Here we show that the FeS cluster is indispensable for FANCJ's ability to unwind DNA substrates in vitro and to provide cellular resistance to agents that induce ICLs. Moreover, we find that FANCJ requires an intact FeS cluster for its ability to unfold G4 structures on the DNA template in a primer extension assay with the lagging-strand DNA polymerase delta. Surprisingly, however, FANCJ variants that are unable to bind an FeS cluster and to unwind DNA in vitro can partially suppress the formation of replisome-associated G4 structures that we observe in a FANCJ knock-out cell line. This may suggest a partially retained cellular activity of FANCJ variants with alterations in the FeS domain. On the other hand, FANCJ knock-out cells expressing FeS cluster-deficient variants display a similar-enhanced-sensitivity towards pyridostatin (PDS) and CX-5461, two agents that stabilise G4 structures, as FANCJ knock-out cells. Mutations in FANCJ that abolish FeS cluster binding may hence be predictive of an increased cellular sensitivity towards G4-stabilising agents

    Remodeling of DNA replication structures by the branch point translocase FANCM

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    Fanconi anemia (FA) is a genetically heterogeneous chromosome instability syndrome associated with congenital abnormalities, bone marrow failure, and cancer predisposition. Eight FA proteins form a nuclear core complex, which promotes tolerance of DNA lesions in S phase, but the underlying mechanisms are still elusive. We reported recently that the FA core complex protein FANCM can translocate Holliday junctions. Here we show that FANCM promotes reversal of model replication forks via concerted displacement and annealing of the nascent and parental DNA strands. Fork reversal by FANCM also occurs when the lagging strand template is partially single-stranded and bound by RPA. The combined fork reversal and branch migration activities of FANCM lead to extensive regression of model replication forks. These observations provide evidence that FANCM can remodel replication fork structures and suggest a mechanism by which FANCM could promote DNA damage tolerance in S phase

    WRNIP1 Protects Reversed DNA Replication Forks from SLX4-Dependent Nucleolytic Cleavage

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    During DNA replication stress, stalled replication forks need to be stabilized to prevent fork collapse and genome instability. The AAA + ATPase WRNIP1 (Werner Helicase Interacting Protein 1) has been implicated in the protection of stalled replication forks from nucleolytic degradation, but the underlying molecular mechanism has remained unclear. Here we show that WRNIP1 exerts its protective function downstream of fork reversal. Unexpectedly though, WRNIP1 is not part of the well-studied BRCA2-dependent branch of fork protection but seems to protect the junction point of reversed replication forks from SLX4-mediated endonucleolytic degradation, possibly by directly binding to reversed replication forks. This function is specific to the shorter, less abundant, and less conserved variant of WRNIP1. Overall, our data suggest that in the absence of BRCA2 and WRNIP1 different DNA substrates are generated at reversed forks but that nascent strand degradation in both cases depends on the activity of exonucleases and structure-specific endonucleases

    The iron–sulphur cluster in human DNA2 is required for all biochemical activities of DNA2

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    The nuclease/helicase DNA2 plays important roles in DNA replication, repair and processing of stalled replication forks. DNA2 contains an iron-sulphur (FeS) cluster, conserved in eukaryotes and in a related bacterial nuclease. FeS clusters in DNA maintenance proteins are required for structural integrity and/or act as redox-sensors. Here, we demonstrate that loss of the FeS cluster affects binding of human DNA2 to specific DNA substrates, likely through a conformational change that distorts the central DNA binding tunnel. Moreover, we show that the FeS cluster is required for DNA2’s nuclease, helicase and ATPase activities. Our data also establish that oxidation of DNA2 impairs DNA binding in vitro, an effect that is reversible upon reduction. Unexpectedly, though, this redox-regulation is independent of the presence of the FeS cluster. Together, our study establishes an important structural role for the FeS cluster in human DNA2 and discovers a redox-regulatory mechanism to control DNA binding.ISSN:2399-364

    Single-molecule imaging reveals replication fork coupled formation of G-quadruplex structures hinders local replication stress signaling

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    Guanine-rich DNA sequences occur throughout the human genome and can transiently form G-quadruplex (G4) structures that may obstruct DNA replication, leading to genomic instability. Here, we apply multi-color single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) coupled with robust data-mining algorithms to quantitatively visualize replication fork (RF)-coupled formation and spatial-association of endogenous G4s. Using this data, we investigate the effects of G4s on replisome dynamics and organization. We show that a small fraction of active replication forks spontaneously form G4s at newly unwound DNA immediately behind the MCM helicase and before nascent DNA synthesis. These G4s locally perturb replisome dynamics and organization by reducing DNA synthesis and limiting the binding of the single-strand DNA-binding protein RPA. We find that the resolution of RF-coupled G4s is mediated by an interplay between RPA and the FANCJ helicase. FANCJ deficiency leads to G4 accumulation, DNA damage at G4-associated replication forks, and silencing of the RPA-mediated replication stress response. Our study provides first-hand evidence of the intrinsic, RF-coupled formation of G4 structures, offering unique mechanistic insights into the interference and regulation of stable G4s at replication forks and their effect on RPA-associated fork signaling and genomic instability

    The Fanconi anemia protein FANCM can promote branch migration of Holliday junctions and replication forks.

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    Fanconi anemia (FA) is a genetically heterogeneous cancer-prone disorder associated with chromosomal instability and cellular hypersensitivity to DNA crosslinking agents. The FA pathway is suspected to play a crucial role in the cellular response to DNA replication stress. At a molecular level, however, the function of most of the FA proteins is unknown. FANCM displays DNA-dependent ATPase activity and promotes the dissociation of DNA triplexes, but the physiological significance of this activity remains elusive. Here we show that purified FANCM binds to Holliday junctions and replication forks with high specificity and promotes migration of their junction point in an ATPase-dependent manner. Furthermore, we provide evidence that FANCM can dissociate large recombination intermediates, via branch migration of Holliday junctions through 2.6 kb of DNA. Our data suggest a direct role for FANCM in DNA processing, consistent with the current view that FA proteins coordinate DNA repair at stalled replication forks