21 research outputs found

    Tissue nitric oxide synthase activity in the oral cavity in atopic disease.

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    Background. Today there is a necessity for significant clinical and experimental studies considering the pathogenesis of atopic diseases development in view of their increasing frequency, including children. Objective. The aim of this study was to identify the activity of endothelial and inducible nitric oxide synthase (eNOs and iNOs) in soft tissues of the oral cavity of experimental animals in the simulation of atopic disease. Methods. Experimental study was performed with sensitization of animals by ovalbumin for modeling the atopic process. Histological and immunohistochemical studies were performed for detection the activity of eNOs and iNOs in soft tissue of oral cavity. Results. There is a pronounced uneven thickness of squamous layer with the presence of intraepithelial lymphocytes, eosinophils, focal erosion, areas of necrosis, proliferation of basal layer of the epithelium of oral cavity in animals with atopy. Formation of perivascular inflammatory infiltrates, diffuse distribution of eosinophils, swelling of connective tissue fibers are observed in the lamina propria. eNOs immunoreactivity is detected in altered and unaltered areas in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity with appearance of extravascular localization in atopic animals. Morphometric studies revealed that the level of activity of eNOs is not significantly different for vascular wall in different groups of animals, while extravascular localization of eNOs significantly higher in the group of experimental animals. The results of the iNOs detection in the group of animals with experimental atopy showed more pronounced intensity. There are areas with a diffuse and focal increase of immunopositive staining tissue. The presence of such zones can be attributed to the interaction of the immunomodulatory fraction of nitric oxide synthase and inflammatory cells. The most pronounced activity of iNOs is detected in the affected areas and associated with focal perivascular inflammatory infiltration and intensity of immunoreactivity associated with the quantitative and qualitative composition of the cell infiltration in tissues with atopy. Conclusion. It was established that in atopic processes in the oral cavity morphological picture is characterized by inflammatory, degenerative, dyscirculatory changes which are accompanied by disturbance of nitric oxide synthase metabolism. It is characterized by more than doubled increase in activity of inducible nitric oxide synthase and increased activity of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in the extravascular space

    Implementation and analysis of Babesia immunoassay testing

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    Lifelong withdrawal from the donor population of those who have been diagnosed with babesiosis must be used for transmission prevention. The aim of the study was a detection of Babesia antibodies level with the usage of experimental Babesia divergens whole-cell slide antigen and commercial B. microti immunofluorescence assay substrate slide (Fuller Laboratories, USA). Methods. Experimental B. divergens whole-cell slide antigen in addition to commercial B. microti IFA substrate slide was used to create a diagnostic kit for serum Babesia antibodies level detecting, as well as for a babesiosis serodiagnosis clinical trial of different origins blood samples (patients with Lyme disease, rheumatoid arthritis and toxoplasmosis; human blood donors; cattle). Results. Antibodies to B. divergens (5.4%) and B. microti (2.3%) were detected with higher (p <0.05) frequency at Lyme disease patients (16.7%) than at blood donors (1.7%). Diagnostically significant IgG titres (= 1:128) were found in 13.3% of blood samples from Lyme disease patients and 1.7% from blood donors. Specific IgM were also found in 13.3% blood samples from Lyme disease patients. Among blood samples from Lyme disease patients, in which diagnostically significant titres of Babesia antibodies were detected (16.7%), 60% of them were represented by IgG and IgM (rA= 0.63), and in 40% only one of them reached diagnostically significant titre. Conclusions. Advantages of babesiosis IFA diagnostics are combined with its significant disadvantages (principle of evaluation, low sensitivity in the initial period of the disease, probability of false positives, absence of validated test systems and research protocols for B. divergens and B. divergens-like species)

    Influence of metabolic syndrome on condition of microcirculatory bed of oral cavity

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    Metabolic syndrome (MS) can be characterized as the clustering of combination of impaired glucose regulation, metabolic disorders accompanied by abdominal obesity, hyperglycemia, high blood pressure and dyslipidemia. Detection of changes in microcirculatory bed (MCB) of oral cavity in metabolic syndrome could be important for completion of gap for developing of adequate therapeutical measure for prevention of pathological periodontal disorder that was the purpose of our study. We performed experimental investigation with modulation of MS (on white male rats 1.5-2 months of age) during 70 days using a diet in which the oral pork fat was daily administered orally (40% of the rat weight), and 10% fructose ad libitum solution was used also instead of drinking water. Obtained specimens of soft tissues of the oral cavity were stained with histological and histochemical methods. The microscopic study with statistical analysis was performed. As result of our work it is established that metabolic syndrome is realized in significant changes in the microcirculatory bed of the periodontal, which can underlie the pathogenesis of inflammatory changes. Microcirculation disorders are characterized by significant changes in microangioarchitecture with uneven congestion, reduced specific volume of MCB vessels, thickening of vascular walls. Specific density of MCB vessels is changed from 27.40±8.31 % to 13.16±1.94 % statistically. Growth of connective tissue is developed as result of hypoxia with presence of collagen fibers in all layers of oral mucosa lamina propria. Specific density of rough connective tissue is increased from 21.47±6.38 % to 39.87±5.39 %.Метаболический синдром (МС)можно охарактеризовать как кластеризацию комбинации нарушенной регуляции глюкозы, метаболических нарушений, сопровождающихся абдоминальным ожирением, гипергликемией, высоким кровяным давлением и дислипидемией. Выявление изменений в микроциркуляторном русле (МЦР) полости рта при МС позволит ликвидировать пробел в знаниях о патологии пародонта, что может быть использовано для разработки адекватных терапевтических мероприятий для профилактики патологии пародонта, что и явилось целью данного исследования


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    It has been established that in children with intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) a deficit of the heart weight, a decrease of the thickness of the left and right ventricular wall are marked. Morphofunctional changes are most pronounced in case of an asymmetric variant of IUGR in comparison with the symmetric one.Установлено, что у детей с задержкой внутриутробного развития (ЗВУР) отмечается дефицит массы сердца, снижение толщины стенки левого и правого желудочков. Морфофункциональные изменения наиболее выражены при асимметричном варианте ЗВУР по сравнению с симметричным.Установлено, що в дітей із затримкою внутрішньоутробного розвитку (ЗВУР) спостерігається дефіцит маси серця, зниження товщини стінки лівого та правого шлуночків. Морфофункціональні зміни найбільш виражені при асиметричному варіанті ЗВУР у порівнянні з симетричним

    Orchard performance of apple worsens as weed competition increases: a long-term field study under Mediterranean conditions

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    Crop-weed competition (CWC) for water and nutrients can negatively affect orchard performance, especially in high-density apple orchards. With this study, we compared the effects of three CWC levels: Weak, Moderate, and Strong for the orchard performance of apple in the Mediterranean area. The study was conducted at a ‘Golden Delicious’/M.9 orchard in a high-density formation (3.5 × 1 m spacing). Cumulative yield was greatest in Weak-CWC, and it decreased as CWC increased. Overall, Weak-CWC performed remarkable results for successful apple production under Mediterranean conditions

    Tenore fenolico e potenziale antiossidante in uva apirena a bacca nera prodotta con basso apporto di input colturali

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    Il lavoro analizza i contenuti fenolici ed il potenziale antiossidante nella bacca della cultivar apirena a maturazione precoce "Black Emerald", prodotta con basso apporto di input colturali, assenza di trattamenti ormonali, scarsi apporti irrigui. L’uva è stata raccolta a 5 livelli di maturità valutati attraverso il grado rifrattometrico del succo e corrispondenti, rispettivamente, a 14,5 -15 -16-17-22 °Brix. Oltre al grado rifrattometrico, ai parametri fenolici ed all'attività antiossidante, sono stati valutati anche i parametri carpometrici, l'acidità titolabile, il rapporto zuccheri/acidi e le proprietà sensoriali delle bacche. Dati i bassi input colturali, la bacca ha avuto accrescimento limitato, ma comunque il linea con quello atteso. In acini aventi stesso peso, il contenuto in polifenoli della buccia è risultato aumentare al crescere del livello glucidico del succo, mentre l’attività antiossidante della buccia è aumentata inizialmente, per poi decrescere in corrispondenza del massimo grado rifrattometrico. L’attività antiossidante di buccia più polpa ha mostrato un massimo a 16 °Brix, per poi decrescere in bacche più mature. Poiché ai composti fenolici si attribuisce influenza fondamentale sul potere antiossidante del frutto, una diversa evoluzione delle componenti fenoliche della buccia e di quelle della polpa è verosimilmente alla base della differenza osservata. Non sono emerse differenze sensoriali tra le bacche raccolte ai primi quattro livelli di maturità, nonostante il rapporto zuccheri/acidi sia variato da 26 a 37. Le bacche all’ultimo stadio di accumulo glucidico sono state invece percepite come molto più dolci. In "Black Emerald", nelle condizioni di prova, il livello di maturità corrispondente a 16 °Brix sembra riunire sia condizioni favorevoli al consumo, sia condizioni esaltanti il valore salutistico del frutto

    Anaplasmosis: experimental immunodeficient state mod

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    The recently described anaplasmosis infection is widespread but concerns to the insufficiently known group of diseases. The aim of our research is the development of uniform biological model for reproducing of artificial immunodeficient state by experimental anaplasmosis. Materials and methods: Algorithm of experimental anaplasmosis reproducing, consisted of such consecutive stages: 1) artificial forming of the immunodeficient state at nonlinear white mise (Mus musculus L.); 2) preparation of the tested biological material samples; 3) inoculation by prepared samples of the laboratory animals with the artificially formed immunodeficient state; 4) sampling from the dead or slaughtered (by the method of chloroformed anesthesia) experimental animals of sectional material (organs and targets tissues); 5) verification of aetiology by express detection of causative agents by the method of PCR in the selected samples of sectional material. Results: Biological model of experimental anaplasmosis have been created suitable for realization of both diagnostic and epidemiological, epizootic, ecobiological and other researches of different origin biological material samples, including samples of solid and liquid consistency material. Formed model realised in premature death of experimental animals in 17.4 % cases; resulted in an onset of disease clinical signs without death during the term of supervision in 43.8 % cases; coursed in the absence of the expressed symptoms of infection in 31.3 % cases. Conclusions: Developed biological model of experimental anaplasmosis consists in that as laboratory animals with the increased sensitiveness to the infection and accumulation of causative agent are used white nonlinear mice with the artificially formed immunodeficient state

    Seroprevalence of babesiosis in immunocompetent and immunocompromised individuals

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    Interest in Babesia species is gaining an increasing attention as an emerging tick-borne pathogen. Infection is primarily transmitted through Ixodes ticks, and alternatively by blood transfusions from asymptomatic donors. The aim of the study was detection of Babesia seroprevalence in different groups of population with the usage of experimental B. divergens whole-cell slide antigen and commercial B. microti immunofluorescence assay substrate slide. Materials and methods. Indirect immunofluorescence assay trial was performed by testing of 145 blood samples of different origins: healthy individuals (60 – blood donors), risk groups (30 – HIV-infected individuals, 30 – Lyme disease patients) and false-positive IFA controls (10 – seropositive rheumatoid arthritis patients, 15 – patients with toxoplasmosis). Results. The study revealed Babesia antibodies to B. divergens (6.9%) and B. microti (3.4%) that were detected with higher (p <0.05) frequency in HIV-infected individuals (26.7%) and in Lyme disease patients (16.7%) than at blood donors (1.7%). Diagnostically significant IgG titres were detected at 23.3% HIV-infected individuals, 13.3% Lyme disease patients and by 1.7% of blood donors and patients with seropositive latent toxoplasmosis. Specific IgM were detected at 20.0% HIV-infected individuals and 13.3% Lyme disease patients. 57.1% of diagnostically significant titres in HIV-infected and Lyme disease patients were represented by IgG and IgM. Conclusion. Immunofluorescence assay has a limited use in babesiosis: in acute form with negative microscopy or PCR; in chronic, asymptomatic and subclinical form with low level of parasitemia; and in retrospective and epidemiological studies of the population immune structure. Clinicians need to have increased awareness of babesiosis, and further studies are needed to clarify the optimal management of this infection in risk groups (including HIV-infected patients and blood donors)

    Diagnostic assessment and treatment of cherubism as prevention of ocular complication

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    This is an initiative study. Cherubism as a form of fibrous dysplasia of jaw bones is a congenital hereditary abnormality of osseous tissue maturation. Although the disease requires mostly maxillofacial surgery and orthodontic care, patients also have to be consulted by an ophthalmologist. The purpose of this study was to share our experience in the diagnostic assessment and treatment of cherubism, a rare form of fibrous dysplasia that is commonly misdiagnosed, which results in inadequate treatment and may lead to serious ocular complications. We present our experience of diagnostic assessment and treatment of four patients with cherubism for one to twenty years. The diagnosis of cherubism became evident after histological study of the material excised during surgery, because postoperative histology showed that changes were not cancerous (adamantinoma), but dysplastic. In addition, new foci developed or old foci recurred some time after surgery. Consequently, true jaw tumors must be correctly differentiated from dental cysts and from dysplastic bone lesions. Patients were followed up once every 6 months. Over the period of follow-up, ocular involvement was observed in the woman who had been diagnosed in childhood with congenital mixed astigmatism. Given our observations, one may make a conclusion that cherubism, a rare form of fibrous dysplasia, is a hereditary or familial disorder, and regresses after completion of puberty and puberty-related changes in hormonal milieu. Timely orthodontic care (and, if required, maxillofacial surgery care) will facilitate preventing the progression of the disease and its ophthalmological consequences. Special attention of ophthalmologists should be paid to cherubism patients with maxillary lesions