693 research outputs found

    CRISPR transcriptional repression devices and layered circuits in mammalian cells

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    A key obstacle to creating sophisticated genetic circuits has been the lack of scalable device libraries. Here we present a modular transcriptional repression architecture based on clustered regularly interspaced palindromic repeats (CRISPR) system and examine approaches for regulated expression of guide RNAs in human cells. Subsequently we demonstrate that CRISPR regulatory devices can be layered to create functional cascaded circuits, which provide a valuable toolbox for engineering purposes.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 5R01CA155320-04)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P50 GM098792)Korea (South). Ministry of Science, Information and Communication Technolgy. Intelligent Synthetic Biology Center of Global Frontier Project (2013M3A6A8073557

    Whole Genome Sequencing and Complete Genetic Analysis Reveals Novel Pathways to Glycopeptide Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus

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    The precise mechanisms leading to the emergence of low-level glycopeptide resistance in Staphylococcus aureus are poorly understood. In this study, we used whole genome deep sequencing to detect differences between two isogenic strains: a parental strain and a stable derivative selected stepwise for survival on 4 µg/ml teicoplanin, but which grows at higher drug concentrations (MIC 8 µg/ml). We uncovered only three single nucleotide changes in the selected strain. Nonsense mutations occurred in stp1, encoding a serine/threonine phosphatase, and in yjbH, encoding a post-transcriptional negative regulator of the redox/thiol stress sensor and global transcriptional regulator, Spx. A missense mutation (G45R) occurred in the histidine kinase sensor of cell wall stress, VraS. Using genetic methods, all single, pairwise combinations, and a fully reconstructed triple mutant were evaluated for their contribution to low-level glycopeptide resistance. We found a synergistic cooperation between dual phospho-signalling systems and a subtle contribution from YjbH, suggesting the activation of oxidative stress defences via Spx. To our knowledge, this is the first genetic demonstration of multiple sensor and stress pathways contributing simultaneously to glycopeptide resistance development. The multifactorial nature of glycopeptide resistance in this strain suggests a complex reprogramming of cell physiology to survive in the face of drug challenge

    The Alpha Linolenic Acid Content of Flaxseed is Associated with an Induction of Adipose Leptin Expression

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    Dietary flaxseed has cardioprotective effects that may be achieved through its rich content of the omega-3 fatty acid, alpha linolenic acid (ALA). Because ALA can be stored in adipose tissue, it is possible that some of its beneficial actions may be due to effects it has on the adipose tissue. We investigated the effects of dietary flaxseed both with and without an atherogenic cholesterol-enriched diet to determine the effects of dietary flaxseed on the expression of the adipose cytokines leptin and adiponectin. Rabbits were fed one of four diets: a regular (RG) diet, or a regular diet with added 0.5% cholesterol (CH), or 10% ground flaxseed (FX), or both (CF) for 8 weeks. Levels of leptin and adiponectin expression were assessed by RT-PCR in visceral adipose tissue. Consumption of flaxseed significantly increased plasma and adipose levels of ALA. Leptin protein and mRNA expression were lower in CH animals and were elevated in CF animals. Changes in leptin expression were strongly and positively correlated with adipose ALA levels and inversely correlated with levels of en face atherosclerosis. Adiponectin expression was not significantly affected by any of the dietary interventions. Our data demonstrate that the type of fat in the diet as well as its caloric content can specifically influence leptin expression. The findings support the hypothesis that the beneficial cardiovascular effects associated with flaxseed consumption may be related to a change in leptin expression

    Echoes from Ancient Supernovae in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    In principle, the light from historical supernovae could still be visible as scattered-light echoes even centuries later. However, while echoes have been discovered around some nearby extragalactic supernovae well after the explosion, targeted searches have not recovered any echoes in the regions of historical Galactic supernovae. The discovery of echoes can allow us to pinpoint the supernova event both in position and age and, most importantly, allow us to acquire spectra of the echo light to type the supernova centuries after the direct light from the explosion first reached the Earth. Here we report on the discovery of three faint new variable surface brightness complexes with high apparent proper motion pointing back to well-defined positions in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). These positions correspond to three of the six smallest (and likely youngest) previously catalogued supernova remnants, and are believed to be due to thermonuclear (Type Ia) supernovae. Using the distance and proper motions of these echo arcs, we estimate ages of 610 and 410 yr for the echoes #2 and #3.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. PDF format. Note: This paper has been accepted by Nature for publication as a letter. It is embargoed for discussion in the popular press until publication in Natur

    Genomic mining of prokaryotic repressors for orthogonal logic gates

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    Genetic circuits perform computational operations based on interactions between freely diffusing molecules within a cell. When transcription factors are combined to build a circuit, unintended interactions can disrupt its function. Here, we apply 'part mining' to build a library of 73 TetR-family repressors gleaned from prokaryotic genomes. The operators of a subset were determined using an in vitro method, and this information was used to build synthetic promoters. The promoters and repressors were screened for cross-reactions. Of these, 16 were identified that both strongly repress their cognate promoter (5- to 207-fold) and exhibit minimal interactions with other promoters. Each repressor-promoter pair was converted to a NOT gate and characterized. Used as a set of 16 NOT/NOR gates, there are >10[superscript 54] circuits that could be built by changing the pattern of input and output promoters. This represents a large set of compatible gates that can be used to construct user-defined circuits.United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Award FA9550-11-C-0028)American Society for Engineering Education. National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (32 CFR 168a)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Chronical of Lineage Indicative of Origins (N66001-12-C-4016)United States. Office of Naval Research (N00014-13-1-0074)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (GM095765)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center (SA5284-11210

    Modular construction of mammalian gene circuits using TALE transcriptional repressors

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    An important goal of synthetic biology is the rational design and predictable implementation of synthetic gene circuits using standardized and interchangeable parts. However, engineering of complex circuits in mammalian cells is currently limited by the availability of well-characterized and orthogonal transcriptional repressors. Here, we introduce a library of 26 reversible transcription activator–like effector repressors (TALERs) that bind newly designed hybrid promoters and exert transcriptional repression through steric hindrance of key transcriptional initiation elements. We demonstrate that using the input-output transfer curves of our TALERs enables accurate prediction of the behavior of modularly assembled TALER cascade and switch circuits. We also show that TALER switches using feedback regulation exhibit improved accuracy for microRNA-based HeLa cancer cell classification versus HEK293 cells. Our TALER library is a valuable toolkit for modular engineering of synthetic circuits, enabling programmable manipulation of mammalian cells and helping elucidate design principles of coupled transcriptional and microRNA-mediated post-transcriptional regulation.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 5R01CA155320-04)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P50GM098792)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 1R01CA173712-01

    A recurrent 16p12.1 microdeletion supports a two-hit model for severe developmental delay.

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    We report the identification of a recurrent, 520-kb 16p12.1 microdeletion associated with childhood developmental delay. The microdeletion was detected in 20 of 11,873 cases compared with 2 of 8,540 controls (P = 0.0009, OR = 7.2) and replicated in a second series of 22 of 9,254 cases compared with 6 of 6,299 controls (P = 0.028, OR = 2.5). Most deletions were inherited, with carrier parents likely to manifest neuropsychiatric phenotypes compared to non-carrier parents (P = 0.037, OR = 6). Probands were more likely to carry an additional large copy-number variant when compared to matched controls (10 of 42 cases, P = 5.7 x 10(-5), OR = 6.6). The clinical features of individuals with two mutations were distinct from and/or more severe than those of individuals carrying only the co-occurring mutation. Our data support a two-hit model in which the 16p12.1 microdeletion both predisposes to neuropsychiatric phenotypes as a single event and exacerbates neurodevelopmental phenotypes in association with other large deletions or duplications. Analysis of other microdeletions with variable expressivity indicates that this two-hit model might be more generally applicable to neuropsychiatric disease

    A Randomised Experiment Evaluating the Mindful Raisin Practice as a Method of Reducing Chocolate Consumption During and After a Mindless Activity

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    The present study investigated the impact of the mindful raisin exercise on overeating during and after the experiment while controlling for wellbeing. One-hundred and twenty-eight participants were recruited and completed a questionnaire on wellbeing (i.e. depression, anxiety and stress) and state mindfulness. Participants were randomly allocated to either the mindful raisin exercise or a newspaper reading control condition. The State Mindfulness Scale was then completed again, and participants watched a neutral video while exposed to chocolate for 10 min. For those 10 min, results showed that the mindfulness condition translated into lower food consumption during the mindless activity when compared to the control condition. Post experiment, participants were asked to wait for 5 min, and any extra chocolate consumption during this time was recorded. Post-consumption was non-significantly different between the two groups, with those in the mindfulness condition consuming 1.3 g less than those in the control group. Controlling for wellbeing did not alter the impact of the mindfulness intervention on consumption. Implications for future work and practical applications for weight regulation are discussed