19 research outputs found

    Energetics of an rf SQUID coupled to two thermal reservoirs

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    We study energetics of a Josephson tunnel junction connecting a superconducting loop pierced by an external magnetic flux (an rf SQUID) and coupled to two independent thermal reservoirs of different temperature. In the framework of the theory of quantum dissipative systems, we analyze energy currents in stationary states. The stationary energy flow can be periodically modulated by the external magnetic flux exemplifying the rf SQUID as a quantum heat interferometer. We also consider the transient regime and identify three distinct regimes: monotonic decay, damped oscillations and pulse-Type behavior of energy currents. The first two regimes can be controlled by the external magnetic flux while the last regime is robust against its variation. © 2015 Gardas et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credite

    Place of thyroglobulin antibodies assay in laboratory diagnostic of autoimmune thyroid diseases

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    Oznaczano poziom przeciwciał anty tyreoglobulinowych (anty-Tg) i anty- peroksydazowych (anty-TPO) u pacjentów z autoimmunologicznymi chorobami tarczycy, celem określenia przydatności oznaczania poziomu przeciwciał anty-tyreoglobulinowych w diagnostyce laboratoryjnej chorób autoimmunologicznych tarczycy. W grupie 109 pacjentów z chorobą Hashimoto przeciwciała anty-Tg wykryto u 85,53% a anty-TPO u 78,89%. Przeciwciała anty-Tg nie występowały u 14,67%, a anty-TPO u 21,1% pacjentów. U 1,83% pacjentów nie wykryto obydwu typów autoprzeciwciał. W grupie 79 pacjentów z chorobą Graves-Basedowa przeciwciała anty-Tg wykryto u 62,02%, a anty-TPO u 89,87%. Przeciwciała anty-Tg nie występowały u 37,97%, a anty-TPO u 10,12% pacjentów. Jeden pacjent z wytrzeszczem (1,26%) nie posiadał obydwu typów autoprzeciwciał. Nasze dane wskazują na celowość oznaczania poziomu autoprzeciwciał anty tyreoglobulinowych (anty-Tg) tylko u pacjentów z podejrzeniem wystąpienia choroby autoimmunologicznej tarczycy u których nie występują przeciwciała anty-peroksaydazowe (anty-TPO).Tyroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase antibodies have been estimated in patients with thyroid autoimmune diseases. In a group of 109 patients with Hashimoto’s thyroidities 85.53% and 78.89% were positive for Tyroglobulin antibodies and anti-TPO antibodies respectively. The anti-Tg antibodies has not been detected in 14.67% and anti-TPO in 21.1% patients. Both antibodies have not been detected in 1.83% of patients.In a group of 79 patients with Graves’ disease 62.02 and 91.13% were positive for anti-Tg and anti-TPO antibodies respectively. The anti-Tg antibodies has not been detected in 37.97% and anti-TPO in 8.66% patients. Both antibodies have not been detected in one patients with exophtalmos (1.26%). Our results indicate that anti-tyroglobulin antibodies should be estimated only in patients suspected for thyroid autoimmune disease and negative for thyroid peroxidase antibodies

    Parallel in time dynamics with quantum annealers

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    Recent years have witnessed an unprecedented increase in experiments and hybrid simulations involving quantum computers. In particular, quantum annealers. There exist a plethora of algorithms promising to outperform classical computers in the near-term future. Here, we propose a parallel in time approach to simulate dynamical systems designed to be executed already on present-day quantum annealers. In essence, purely classical methods for solving dynamics systems are serial. Therefore, their parallelization is substantially limited. In the presented approach, however, the time evolution is rephrased as a ground-state search of a classical Ising model. Such a problem is solved intrinsically in parallel by quantum computers. The main idea is exemplified by simulating the Rabi oscillations generated by a two-level quantum system (i.e. qubit) experimentally

    Stimulation of DNA synthesis in serum-starved NIL-8 cells by unilamellar liposomes

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    Iodine induced alteration in immunological and biochemical properties of thyroglobulin

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