7 research outputs found

    The importance of the Facebook Usage in the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship

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    [EN] The subject of the paper is to examine the importance of the use of the social network Facebook in women's entrepreneurship with the aim of encouraging the development or improvement of existing business of women entrepreneurs engaged in SMEs, through the use of this modern interactive and marketing tool. The paper is of a general and overview character and aims to inform all interested parties about the importance and manner of using the social network Facebook in the development of entrepreneurial business, by undertaking marketing and promotional activities and by the possibility of establishing cooperation, participation, collaborations and interactions with different partners in their everyday business environment. In the era of digital technologies, social media marketing has a wide development, offering entrepreneurs cooperation and connection with customers. Social media platform is a vital channel for reaching customers for businesses. Facebook is a kind of public space where all initiatives are welcome. Its technology relaxes all the entry barriers for all entrepreneurs, because starting a small business on Facebook does not require digital or legal expertise, entry costs or even a high level of digital literacy. Women's entrepreneurship refers to women or groups of women who discover new economic opportunities and activities, by actively running and managing a business. Using Facebook as a marketing tool to achieve goals, allows women entrepreneurs to gain greater visibility and popularization in the market, while also avoiding facing business inequality. Through the content analysis, the paper points out the attractiveness of the social network Facebook, as a modern digital communication space, which provides fast and viral dissemination of information for various purposes, and thus women entrepreneurs can find their way to their customers or other partners, to promote and sell their products or services, with the ultimate goal of surviving and improving their business.Gardašević, J.; Carić, M.; Brkanlić, S. (2022). The importance of the Facebook Usage in the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship. En Proceedings INNODOCT/21. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 9-18. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2021.2021.1329691

    International and national frameworks of equal economic independence for women and men

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    Economic independence enables individuals to have control over their own life for the purpose of personal and professional prosperity. The principle of equal pay and equality in work engagement is included in the EU treaties, respectively the equality is one of five values on which the European Union has been founded. In this paper we tried to answer the question whether 'equal pay for work of equal value' is applied in practice? For that reason, the subject of our research is the analysis of the problem of gender inequality in order to point out the differences in employment rates and salaries in Serbia as well as in the EU countries. We analyzed the key documents, proposed some measures and pointed out the strategies that aim to support and address issues of gender inequality. In order to build an economically and socially developed society, Serbia, being on its path of European integrations, should pay particular attention to the issue of gender equality, further amending the legal framework and ensuring the inclusion of all aspects of gender equality in development policies

    Marketing Mix Instruments as Factors of Improvement of Students’ Satisfaction in Higher Education Institutions in Republic of Serbia and Spain

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    This paper explores the impact of marketing mix instruments on the students’ satisfaction in faculties in the Republic of Serbia and Spain, with the aim of determining how significant the effects of each marketing mix tool and their combinations are in relation to satisfaction of students in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The detailed literature review is provided in the theoretical part, which contributes to a better understanding of terms like marketing in higher education, marketing mix instruments in higher education and students’ satisfaction. Data were collected from 896 respondents, who are all students at the faculties in Serbia and Spain, and were obtained using the questionnaire purposefully composed for this research. The methods used to highlight any gaps in this marketing mix practice and the relative customer–student satisfaction in HEIs are statistical analyses (descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and t-independent samples tests), leading to the general conclusions regarding the following: by improving marketing mix instruments (service, distribution, human factor, physical evidence, service process) we can, and by improving (price, promotion) we cannot, improve students’ satisfaction in higher education institutions. The general conclusions clearly highlight what needs to be improved in practice in higher education institutions to improve students’ satisfaction, especially students’ loyalty, students’ choices, students’ satisfaction with the quality of the marketing mix instruments at the faculty, students’ satisfaction with expectation which they had upon enrolment and student satisfaction with the public image of the faculty, which is the main goal of these institutions


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    Rezime:Međunarodno poslovanje uopšte, a pogotovo međunarodni marketing predstavlja ne samo ekonomski već i socio – kulturni fenomen.Svrha ovog rada jeste da teorijski prikaže sve aspekte kulture koji su esencijalno važni za poslovne ljude i kompanije, počevši od problema jezika i sporazumevanja, estetskih vrednosti,stavova i verovanja, religije do elemenata materijalne kulture. Kultura jednog društva obuhvata kako nematerijalne aspekte – verovanja, ideje, i vrednosti koji čine sadržaj jedne kulture tako i materijalne aspekte – objekte, simbole ili tehnologiju kroz koju se sadržaj kulture izražava. Uticaj kulture na međunarodni marketing i na donošenje marketing odluka sve više uzima maha, pogotovo u vremenu u kome živimo, a koje karakteriše visok stepen liberalzacije trgovine, širenja tržišta, globalizacije,ekonomskih integracija, međunarodnog poslovanja marketinški orijentisanih preduzeća koje svoje odluke usklađuju sa zahtevima krajnjeg potrošača. Ukoliko je krajnji potrošač, bilo da govorimo o pojedincu ili nekom ekonomskom subjektu iz internacionalnog okruženja, neophodno je poznavati kulturu iz koje potiče kako bi se lako mogle odrediti i definisati njegove potrebe i zahtevi, te na osnovu toga i pristupiti kreiranju adekvatne markting strategije. Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na izuzetno veliki značaj poznavanja kultureinternacionalnogpodručja na kome kompanija želi da posluje

    Understanding the motives for using social networks in the function of improving communication with consumers

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    Today, modern communication in the business world cannot be imagined without the use of the Social Networks. They also play an important role in modern marketing activity and are an inevitable tool in modern marketing communication. The subject of this paper is reflected in the research for the answer to the question why do consumers use the Social Networks? More precisely, what are they motives for using Social Networks? The significance of the knowledge of the motives for using Social Networks is reflected in their necessity for the clarity in the perception and creation of the overall marketing strategy undertaken by the marketers from the companies on the Social Networks in order to communicate adequately with their consumers. The aim of this paper is to present the main motives for the using of Social Networks through the review of previous research papers in order to help marketers to create more successful marketing campaigns for consumers that will be further the most effective for achieving the ultimate company's goals. The results of the research presented in this paper, on the one hand, can be used as a basis for the further empirical research but also for the improvement of marketing practice and communication on Social Networks

    Green urban policies –the case of Belgrade [Tenth International Landscape Architecture Exhibition]

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    Рад студената мастер програма је био усмерен на боље разумевање теме ''политике, као намере да се нешто заиста учини'', и као део савремених напора на пољу повезивања и планирања са реалним изворима финансирања, који су утврђени мерама, како УН и ЕУ политика (Париски договор, Циљеви одрживог развоја, Нова ЕУ Кохезиона политика 2021-27, Зелени договор за Западни Балкан), националним и локалним политикама урбаног развоја (Стратегија развоја Града Београда, Стратегија пошумљавања Града Београда, План одрживе урбане мобилности, Акциони план за одрживу енергију и климу за Град Београд, Акциони план за зелени град). Фокус је био на пројектима које Град реализује у сарадњи са међународним програмима и банкама, уз подршку националних институција, градске управе, организација и установа, невладиних организација. Приказ мапираних пројеката није коначан. У питању је модел за приказивање, праћење реализације и евалуацију пројеката од значаја за урбани развој урбаних насеља. Анализа указује на значајан број реализованих пројеката у домену Зелене агенде - заштите животне средине и климатских промена.The work of the master's students was aimed at better understanding the topic of "policy as an intention to actually do something", as part of contemporary efforts to connect planning with real sources of funding outlined in UN and EU policy (Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goals, New EU Cohesion Policy 2021-27, Green Deal for the Western Balkans), as well as national and local urban development policies (Development Strategy of the City of Belgrade, Afforestation Strategy of the City of Belgrade, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, Action Plan for Sustainable Energy and Climate for the City of Belgrade, Action Plan for a Green City). The focus was on projects that the city implements through cooperation with international programs and banks, with the support of national institutions, city administration, organizations and institutions, and non- governmental organizations. The display of mapped projects is not final, and it represents a model for presenting, monitoring the implementation and evaluating projects of importance for the urban development of urban settlements. The analysis indicates a significant number of implemented projects in the field of the Green Agenda - environmental protection and climate change