2,316 research outputs found

    Sistemas de carga y transporte del tomate para industria

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    En el cultivo de las hortalizas para industria, la fase de post-cosecha, entendiendo como tal las operaciones que hay que realizar desde que el producto es recolectado hasta que entra en las líneas de fabricación, reviste una importancia capital puesto que influye directamente sobre la calidad de la materia prima con la que se elaborarán las conservas. En el caso del tomate para industria la importancia de la post-cosecha se deriva de la fragilidad del fruto que ha de ser manipulado y del gran volumen de frutos que ha de ser transportado (en algunas industrias hasta 2.000 t/día), lo que obliga a organizar una infraestructura de transporte complicada y cara

    Metamagnetic transition in Tb2MnCoO6

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    The magnetic properties of the double perovskite Tb2MnCoO6 have been studied. The refinement of neutron pattern reveals antisite defects in the ordered array of Mn4+ and Co2+ cations. The temperature dependence of dc magnetization exhibits a magnetic transition at ~100 K with a strong irreversibility between ZFC and FC conditions. The ac magnetic susceptibility curve shows a strong peak at the same temperature whose position and intensity slightly depends on the field frequency. These features are typical of a spin-glasslike phase but neutron diffraction shows the onset of a ferromagnetic contribution at the same temperature. Ferromagnetism in this sample is associated to superexchange interaction between Mn4+ and Co2+ cations. The most striking property of Tb2MnCoO6 is the presence of field induced transitions. This is observed in the magnetic hysteresis loops below 100K. The metamagnetic transition was studied by powder neutron diffraction at different temperatures and magnetic fields. At low temperature, the magnetic field induces a long range magnetic ordering of Tb3+ moments in the ab-plane. The magnetic peaks of Tb moments at 30 kOe vanish at 60 K. Above this temperature, the metamagnetic transition is ascribed to the field induced transition from short to long range ferromagnetic ordering in the Mn-Co sublattice

    Antiagregación y anticoagulación en síndromes coronarios agudos: niveles de evidencia

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    Management of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) has moved rapidly in parallel with our understanding of the pathophysiological basis of the disease. In the eighties, the demonstration of the pivotal role of coronary thrombosis in the etiology of a ACS led to administration of aspirin and unfractionated heparin. In recent years, new medical and invasive therapies have been developed: anti-platelets (thienopyridines and glycoprotein Ilb/IlIa inhibitors), antithrombins (low molecularweight heparins) and most recently, factor Xa inhibitors (pentasaccharides). As new treatments are rapidly added, clinicians are constantly challenged to incorporate new information and guidelines into their practices in a timely fashion

    Tratamiento del síndrome antifosfolípido

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    The antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is a disorder of recurrent thrombosis and/or pregnancy loss associated with the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies and persistently positive lupus anticoagulant, anticardiolipin or anti beta2-glycoprotein1. Oral anticoagulants are the best available and most effective treatment for the secondary prevention of recurrent venous or arterial thrombosis. Patients with APS are treated with long-term therapy to prolong the INR to 2.0-3.0. Low-molecular-weight heparin in combination with low-aspirin dose is a reasonable strategy to avoid pregnancy loss in women with this syndrome

    Diagnóstico y tratamiento de la trombosis venosa profunda

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    Deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) is a common condition that can lead to complications such as postphlebitic syndrome, pulmonary embolism and death. Currently, an algorithm strategy combining pretest probability, D-dimer testing and compression ultrasonography imaging allows for safe and convenient estimation of suspected lower-limb thrombosis. The mainstay of treatment is anticoagulation therapy. The use of low-molecular-weight heparin or pentasaccharide (fondaparinux) allows for outpatient management of most patients with DVT. The duration of anticoagulation depends on whether the primary event was idiopathic or secondary to a transient risk factor. Interventions such as thrombolysis and placement of inferior vena cava filter are reserved for special situations

    FDG-PET: a new diagnostic approach in hip prosthesis infection

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    Infection following hip arthroplasties can present a diagnostic challenge. No test is 100 % sensitive and 100 % specific; this prospective study was undertaken to evaluate the utility of FDG-PET imaging for diagnosing infected joint replacements. 24 hip joint replacements were studied prospectively and we have complete diagnoses with clinical signs and symptoms, laboratory test, radiography, joint aspiration, radionuclide imaging including FDG-PET, and histopathologic examination. 11 of 24 prostheses were infected. The sensitivity and specificity of PET for detecting infection associated with prostheses were 64,3 % and 64,7 % respectively, in our hands. FDG imaging is not useful in patients with suspected prosthetic infection like a screening tes

    Boosting the activity of transition metal carbides towards methane activation by nanostructuring

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    The interaction of methane with pristine surfaces of bulk MoC and Mo2C is known to be weak. In contrast, a series of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) experiments, combined with thermal desorption mass spectroscopy (TDS), for MoCy (y = 0.5-1.3) nanoparticles supported on Au(111)¿which is completely inert towards CH4¿show that these systems adsorb and dissociate CH4 at room temperature and low CH4 partial pressure. This industrially-relevant finding has been further investigated with accurate density functional theory (DFT) based calculations on a variety of MoCy supported model systems. The DFT calculations reveal that the MoCy/Au(111) systems can feature low C-H bond scission energy barriers, smaller than the CH4 adsorption energy. Our theoretical results for bulk surfaces of Mo2C and MoC show that a simple Brønsted-Evans-Polanyi (BEP) relationship holds for C-H bond scission on these systems. However, this is not the case for methane activation on the MoCy nanoparticles as a consequence of their unique electronic and chemical properties. The discovery that supported molybdenum carbide nanoparticles are able to activate methane at room temperature paves the road towards the design of a new family of active carbide catalysts for methane activation and valorisation, with important implications in climate change mitigation and carbon cycle closure

    Lowering the background level and the energy threshold of Micromegas x-ray detectors for axion searches

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    Axion helioscopes search for solar axions by their conversion in x-rays in the presence of high magnetic fields. The use of low background x-ray detectors is an essential component contributing to the sensitivity of these searches. In this work, we review the recent advances on Micromegas detectors used in the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) and proposed for the future International Axion Observatory (IAXO). The actual setup in CAST has achieved background levels below 106^{-6} keV1^{-1} cm2^{-2} s1^{-1}, a factor 100 lower than the first generation of Micromegas detectors. This reduction is based on active and passive shielding techniques, the selection of radiopure materials, offline discrimination techniques and the high granularity of the readout. We describe in detail the background model of the detector, based on its operation at CAST site and at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (LSC), as well as on Geant4 simulations. The best levels currently achieved at LSC are low than 107^{-7} keV1^{-1} cm2^{-2} s1^{-1} and show good prospects for the application of this technology in IAXO. Finally, we present some ideas and results for reducing the energy threshold of these detectors below 1 keV, using high-transparent windows, autotrigger electronics and studying the cluster shape at different energies. As a high flux of axion-like-particles is expected in this energy range, a sub-keV threshold detector could enlarge the physics case of axion helioscopes.Comment: Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics (TIPP 2014

    Involvement of the subthalamic nucleus in impulse control disorders associated with Parkinson’s disease

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    Behavioural abnormalities such as impulse control disorders may develop when patients with Parkinson’s disease receive dopaminergic therapy, although they can be controlled by deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus. We have recorded local field potentials in the subthalamic nucleus of 28 patients with surgically implanted subthalamic electrodes. According to the predominant clinical features of each patient, their Parkinson’s disease was associated with impulse control disorders (n = 10), dyskinesias (n = 9) or no dopaminergic mediated motor or behavioural complications (n = 9). Recordings were obtained during the OFF and ON dopaminergic states and the power spectrum of the subthalamic activity as well as the subthalamocortical coherence were analysed using Fourier transform-based techniques. The position of each electrode contact was determined in the postoperative magnetic resonance image to define the topography of the oscillatory activity recorded in each patient. In the OFF state, the three groups of patients had similar oscillatory activity. By contrast, in the ON state, the patients with impulse control disorders displayed theta-alpha (4–10 Hz) activity (mean peak: 6.71 Hz) that was generated 2–8mm below the intercommissural line. Similarly, the patients with dyskinesia showed theta-alpha activity that peaked at a higher frequency (mean: 8.38 Hz) and was generated 0–2mm below the intercommissural line. No such activity was detected in patients that displayed no dopaminergic side effects. Cortico-subthalamic coherence was more frequent in the impulsive patients in the 4–7.5 Hz range in scalp electrodes placed on the frontal regions anterior to the primary motor cortex, while in patients with dyskinesia it was in the 7.5–10 Hz range in the leads overlying the primary motor and supplementary motor area. Thus, dopaminergic side effects in Parkinson’s disease are associated with oscillatory activity in the theta-alpha band, but at different frequencies and with different topography for the motor (dyskinesias) and behavioural (abnormal impulsivity) manifestations. These findings suggest that the activity recorded in parkinsonian patients with impulse control disorders stems from the associative-limbic area (ventral subthalamic area), which is coherent with premotor frontal cortical activity. Conversely, in patients with L-dopa-induced dyskinesias such activity is recorded in the motor area (dorsal subthalamic area) and it is coherent with cortical motor activity. Consequently, the subthalamic nucleus appears to be implicated in the motor and behavioural complications associated with dopaminergic drugs in Parkinson’s disease, specifically engaging different anatomo-functional territories