116 research outputs found
Análisis de daños por eliminación de contrafuertes en una iglesia del siglo XVII
Las intervenciones que en multitud de circunstancias y épocas se han desarrollado sobre edificios históricos o en su entorno, con objeto de cubrir las necesidades puntuales que pudieron aparecer en su momento para el normal desarrollo de sus actividades funcionales diarias, llevó a que se realizaran actuaciones sin criterios técnicos que afectaron, no ya solo a la estética o funcionalidad del edificio, sino también, y lo que es más grave, a su comportamiento estructural. Claro ejemplo de lo antedicho es la ejecución del convento aledaño al templo de la Iglesia de las Tres Ave Marías de los Hermanos Menores Capuchinos en Totana (Murcia) en el que, hacia 1950, se eliminaron total o parcialmente los contrafuertes del lado derecho para poder adosar el convento, dando como resultado que se han venido produciendo daños en forma de fisuras, tanto en la clave y en los riñones de la iglesia, como en otras zonas menos significativas, como pueda serlo el solado
Mechanical behaviour of metal ties for security nets and IPE's
Comunicación presentada en XXXVII IAHS World Congress on Housing, Santander, 26-29 Octubre 2010.Compliance with the current Spanish and European legislation on fall protection from heights in the different phases of civil engineering or construction projects ensures that workers will perform their jobs in a safe environment. However, although the rules clearly regulate the features of individual protective equipment (IPE) -such as fall arrest devices, fastening systems or harnesses-, they do not account for the elements that must yield the appropriate static and dynamic mechanical behaviour of different systems, i.e. the anchors of both nets and IPE. This study attempts to define the necessary conditions that must govern the implementation of tests for the different types of anchoring, examining the material used in safety devices
Subsidence damage assessment of a Gothic church using differential interferometry and field data
The Santas Justa and Rufina Gothic church (fourteenth century) has suffered several physical, mechanical, chemical, and biochemical types of pathologies along its history: rock alveolization, efflorescence, biological activity, and capillary ascent of groundwater. However, during the last two decades, a new phenomenon has seriously affected the church: ground subsidence caused by aquifer overexploitation. Subsidence is a process that affects the whole Vega Baja of the Segura River basin and consists of gradual sinking in the ground surface caused by soil consolidation due to a pore pressure decrease. This phenomenon has been studied by differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry techniques, which illustrate settlements up to 100 mm for the 1993–2009 period for the whole Orihuela city. Although no differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry information is available for the church due to the loss of interferometric coherence, the spatial analysis of nearby deformation combined with fieldwork has advanced the current understanding on the mechanisms that affect the Santas Justa and Rufina church. These results show the potential interest and the limitations of using this remote sensing technique as a complementary tool for the forensic analysis of building structures.Roberto Tomás is supported by a Generalitat Valenciana fellowship BEST-2011/225. The European Space Agency (ESA) Terrafirma project has funded all the SAR data processing with the SPN technique. Additionally, this study has been partially financed by the projects: TEC-2008-06764, TEC2011-28201-C02-02 ACOMP/2010/082, VIGROB-157, and 15224/PI/10
Definición de ensayos a realizar sobre anclajes de seguridad en redes y EPI’s
El cumplimiento de la actual normativa española [1] y europea que conforman el ordenamiento sobre protección contra caídas en altura en las distintas fases de la obra civil o de la edificación, asegura que los trabajadores puedan desplazarse y trabajar en un entorno seguro tanto para la obra como para la propia persona. Sin embargo, aunque en las normas se haga especial hincapié en la caracterización de los distintos equipos de protección individual (EPI) -tales como dispositivos anticaída, sistemas de sujeción o arneses-, no constan referencias sobre aquellos elementos que deben asegurar el correcto comportamiento mecánico estático y dinámico de los diferentes sistemas de protección, esto es, de los puntos de anclaje tanto de las redes como de EPIs. Este estudio pretende definir las condiciones en que se deben llevar a cabo los ensayos de caracterización de diferentes tipos de anclaje, considerando el material sobre el que se va a llevar a cabo la fijación de los dispositivos de seguridad
Factors Influencing the Retreat of the Coastline
One of the main problems of coastlines around the world is their erosion. There are many studies that have tried to link coastal erosion with different parameters such as: maritime climate, sediment transport, sea level rise etc. However, it is unclear to what extent these factors influence coastal erosion. For example, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has predicted an increase in sea level at a much faster rate than that experienced in the first part of this century, reaching 1 m of elevation in some areas. Another factor to consider is the lack of sediment supply, since currently the contribution of new sediments from rivers or ravines is interrupted by anthropic activities carried out in their basins (dams, channelling, etc.). The big storms, increasingly frequent due to climate change, also should be considered, since they produce an off-shore sediments transport, so that these cross the depth of clo- sure, causing nonreturn of the sediment to the beach. Also, the sediment undergoes a process of wear due to various reasons such as the dissolution of the carbonate fraction and/or breakage and separation of the components of the particles. All these elements, to a greater or lesser extent, lead to the retreat of the coastline. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyse the different factors causing the retreat of the coastline, in order to determine the degree of involvement of each of them and, therefore, be able to pose different proposals to reduce the consequences of coastal erosion.This research has been partially funded by Universidad de Alicante through the project ‘Estudio sobre el perfil de equilibrio y la profundidad de cierre en playas de arena’ (YGRE15-02)
Alicante Beach-City Sustainable Development
Our research is focused on the city of Alicante (Spain). In concrete, the sunken area studied is placed at the south of Alicante Port, being the point of entry from the airport to the city. There are two important reasons that have generated that depressed area. Firstly, the development of the city has led to a change in the use of the soil, and secondly, the extension of Alicante Port. This area used to be a metallurgical industrial zone, but during the last 40 years, it has overcome an urban growth. The European Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM), the most modern Film Studio in Europe ‘Ciudad de la luz’, a desalination plant and residential complexes and offices have settled down there. Unfortunately, all this development has occurred without taking into account the coastal needs. Regarding to that, several elements that contribute to the deterioration of the area can be found along the coast, that is the mouth of a rift called ‘Barranco de las Ovejas’ at north, the ‘Agua Amarga’ rift at south and the desalination sewage pipe. Besides, there is a merchandise train line adjoining the Maritime-Terrestrial Public Domain that provides service to the port, but hinders the way for pedestrians going to the beach
The effects of the anthropic actions on the sandy beaches of Guardamar del Segura, Spain
There are many activities and uses in the coastal environment, which has historically attracted the humans. This attraction has led to many anthropic actions that have generated imbalances, more important as the human pressure increases. This research focuses on the effects of these pressures along of 11 km of the coastline of Guardamar del Segura, a high-value environmental area where is the Segura River mouth and one of the last dune systems of the southeast of Spain. The historic evolution of the shoreline position has been analysed using 60 years of aerial images from 1950s to 2014, the seabed depth changes, the maritime climate, the distribution of the sediment grain size and the anthropic actions such as urban development or the channelling of the river. All data were integrated and processed using a Geographic Information System (GIS). The results show that the lack of sediment supply by Segura River and the cut-off in the longshore transport due to the breakwaters and others anthropic actions has led into an increase in the beaches erosion rates, with a loss of > 3.2 million m3 of sand in the last 58 years (≈ 55,200 m3/year). The conclusions of this research could be useful to the coastal managers at the moment of making the decisions of action and/or conservation on a coastal system to achieve positive results in the medium and long term.This research has been partially funded by Universidad de Alicante through the project “Estudio sobre el perfil de equilibrio y la profundidad de cierre en playas de arena” (GRE15-02)
Modified Soil Tests for Scour Analysis on Offshore Windfarm Foundations
The analysis of the scour processes following the pile driving procedures in offshore wind platforms is one of the major problems associated with this new form of clean energy generation. At present there are no scaled studies carried out analyzing the mechanical and deformational behavior of both the material of which the pile supporting the engine and the wind shovels is made (large steel hollow piles with a diameter of 8 m and a thickness of 15–20 cm) as well as the soil where the pile is driven. Usually these elements are installed on a very low granulometry sand displaced from the limits of dry beach– wet beach towards the offshore limits and where, due to this, it cannot return back to its natural state in its previous location. In addition, the few scaled studies carried out on dry soil similar to the existing one in the area of installation of the turbines has not considered a fundamental aspect such as the presence of seawater. This paper presents results obtained from tests to analyze the behavior of the base material on which the turbines are installed (degraded sands). These tests are the direct shear testing and a modification of the California bearing ratio (CBR) test to be carried out on completely submerged samples. The objective is to compare the results with those obtained in standard tests and analyze their suitability for field studies in offshore windfarms
Hydrogeological characterization of heterogeneous volcanic aquifers in the Canary Islands using recession analysis of deep water gallery discharge
Aquifers constitute the main freshwater supply of oceanic islands. Maintaining groundwater quantity and quality is of critical concern as demographic and climatic changes place additional pressures on already fragile water resources systems. Islands with heterogeneous volcanic aquifers pose additional difficulties in assessing their water resources. This work proposes an approach for improving the hydrogeological characterization of heterogeneous volcanic aquifer systems by making use of recession coefficients from deep water gallery discharge. To demonstrate the usefulness of this approach, hydrographs and recession curves from groundwater discharge of 30 water galleries on La Palma (Canary Islands) were evaluated. This analysis allowed us to obtain the main hydrogeological parameters of a volcanic aquifer system, in terms of hydraulic diffusivity. A Maillet-Boussinesq model with an exponential decay law was adopted, according to field observations of drainage discharge. The alpha coefficients of recession values ranged between 10−3 and 4·10−4 day−1 and showed significant spatial correlation with insular geology. Additionally, hydraulic diffusivity values of island hydrogeological domains were obtained from recession coefficients using the Rorabaugh-Singh method. Weighted storage coefficients for volcanic materials were in the range of 3% to 7%, with an average transmissivity in the range of 15 to 150 m2·day−1. The methodology proposed has demonstrated its usefulness in coping with local uncertainty in hydraulic characterization of insular aquifers associated with volcanic heterogeneity. This is an improvement compared to standard pumping tests, thus providing hydraulic parameters prior to numerical analysis for water management planning.This research was partially supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 101037424, project ARSINOE (Climate resilient regions through systemic solutions and innovations), and the Spanish Research Agency (project SAGE4CAN PID2020-114218RA-100)
Implementación del contenido de las asignaturas del Máster de Ingeniería Geológica
La adaptación al espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) del título de Ingeniería Geológica que se imparte actualmente en la Universidad de Alicante consistirá en la implantación el próximo curso 2014/15 del Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Geológica. La Universidad de Alicante ha decidido, al menos por el momento, no implantar el correspondiente título de grado, apostando por la continuidad de esta rama de la Ingeniería a través de la estructura de un máster. Máster que vendría a sustituir lo que en la actualidad es el segundo ciclo de la titulación de Ingeniería Geológica. Durante el curso 2012/13 la red denominada “Desarrollo curricular del máster universitario oficial en Ingeniería Geológica”, formada por un equipo multidisciplinar de profesores y una alumna de la antigua titulación, trabajó en la confección de los criterios a seguir para una correcta confección de las guías docentes de la titulación. La actual red docente, en base al trabajo anteriormente realizado, ha desarrollado, durante el presente curso académico, las fichas de las asignaturas de este nuevo título, siendo éste el objetivo principal del trabajo realizado. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo una labor de coordinación entre los integrantes de la red, que representan los principales ámbitos de conocimiento implicados en la titulación, con el fin de dar forma al desarrollo curricular del Máster Universitario Oficial en Ingeniería Geológica. La metodología empleada para tal fin ha abarcado desde reuniones de la red al completo, reuniones de mesas sectoriales por tipo de materia y conversaciones bilaterales entre representantes de asignaturas dependientes. Estas reuniones han sido tanto presenciales como virtuales, a través de la herramienta Skype, así como conversaciones telefónicas
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