1,379 research outputs found

    The noisy Hegselmann-Krause model for opinion dynamics

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    In the model for continuous opinion dynamics introduced by Hegselmann and Krause, each individual moves to the average opinion of all individuals within an area of confidence. In this work we study the effects of noise in this system. With certain probability, individuals are given the opportunity to change spontaneously their opinion to another one selected randomly inside the opinion space with different rules. If the random jump does not occur, individuals interact through the Hegselmann-Krause's rule. We analyze two cases, one where individuals can carry out opinion random jumps inside the whole opinion space, and other where they are allowed to perform jumps just inside a small interval centered around the current opinion. We found that these opinion random jumps change the model behavior inducing interesting phenomena. Using pattern formation techniques, we obtain approximate analytical results for critical conditions of opinion cluster formation. Finally, we compare the results of this work with the noisy version of the Deffuant et al. model for continuous-opinion dynamics

    Stochastic Cooperative Decision Approach for Studying the Symmetric Behavior of People in Wireless Indoor Location Systems

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    [EN] Nowadays, several wireless location systems have been developed in the research world. The goal of these systems has always been to find the greatest accuracy as possible. However, if every node takes data from the environment, we can gather a lot of information, which may help us understand what is happening around our network in a cooperative way. In order to develop this cooperative location and tracking system, we have implemented a sensor network to capture data from user devices. From this captured data we have observed a symmetry behavior in people's movements at a specific site. By using these data and the symmetry feature, we have developed a statistical cooperative approach to predict the new user's location. The system has been tested in a real environment, evaluating the next location predicted by the system and comparing it with the next location in the real track, thus getting satisfactory results. Better results have been obtained when the stochastic cooperative approach uses the transition matrix with symmetry.This work is supported by the "Universitat Politecnica de Valencia" through "PAID-05-12".Tomás Gironés, J.; García Pineda, M.; Canovas Solbes, A.; Lloret, J. (2016). Stochastic Cooperative Decision Approach for Studying the Symmetric Behavior of People in Wireless Indoor Location Systems. Symmetry (Basel). 8(7):1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym8070061S11387Gu, Y., Lo, A., & Niemegeers, I. (2009). A survey of indoor positioning systems for wireless personal networks. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 11(1), 13-32. doi:10.1109/surv.2009.090103Maghdid, H. S., Lami, I. A., Ghafoor, K. Z., & Lloret, J. (2016). Seamless Outdoors-Indoors Localization Solutions on Smartphones. ACM Computing Surveys, 48(4), 1-34. doi:10.1145/2871166Li, F., Zhao, C., Ding, G., Gong, J., Liu, C., & Zhao, F. (2012). A reliable and accurate indoor localization method using phone inertial sensors. Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing - UbiComp ’12. doi:10.1145/2370216.2370280Zheng, Y., Shen, G., Li, L., Zhao, C., Li, M., & Zhao, F. (2014). Travi-Navi. Proceedings of the 20th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking - MobiCom ’14. doi:10.1145/2639108.2639124Sendra, S., Lloret, J., Turró, C., & Aguiar, J. M. (2014). IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n short-scale indoor wireless sensor placement. International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 15(1/2/3), 68. doi:10.1504/ijahuc.2014.059901Farid, Z., Nordin, R., & Ismail, M. (2013). Recent Advances in Wireless Indoor Localization Techniques and System. Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, 2013, 1-12. doi:10.1155/2013/185138Jain, A. K., Duin, P. W., & Jianchang Mao. (2000). Statistical pattern recognition: a review. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 22(1), 4-37. doi:10.1109/34.824819Fitzek, F. H. P., & Katz, M. D. (Eds.). (2006). Cooperation in Wireless Networks: Principles and Applications. doi:10.1007/1-4020-4711-8Nosratinia, A., Hunter, T. E., & Hedayat, A. (2004). Cooperative communication in wireless networks. IEEE Communications Magazine, 42(10), 74-80. doi:10.1109/mcom.2004.1341264Ammari, H. M. (2010). Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey. Network Protocols and Algorithms, 2(2). doi:10.5296/npa.v2i2.276Hsiao-Wecksler, E. T., Polk, J. D., Rosengren, K. S., Sosnoff, J. J., & Hong, S. (2010). A Review of New Analytic Techniques for Quantifying Symmetry in Locomotion. Symmetry, 2(2), 1135-1155. doi:10.3390/sym2021135Nunes, B. A. A., & Obraczka, K. (2011). On the symmetry of user mobility in wireless networks. 2011 IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks. doi:10.1109/wowmom.2011.5986146Deng, Z., Yu, Y., Yuan, X., Wan, N., & Yang, L. (2013). Situation and development tendency of indoor positioning. China Communications, 10(3), 42-55. doi:10.1109/cc.2013.6488829Lloret, J., Tomas, J., Garcia, M., & Canovas, A. (2009). A Hybrid Stochastic Approach for Self-Location of Wireless Sensors in Indoor Environments. Sensors, 9(5), 3695-3712. doi:10.3390/s90503695Feng, C., Au, W. S. A., Valaee, S., & Tan, Z. (2012). Received-Signal-Strength-Based Indoor Positioning Using Compressive Sensing. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 11(12), 1983-1993. doi:10.1109/tmc.2011.216Wang, J., Hu, A., Liu, C., & Li, X. (2015). A Floor-Map-Aided WiFi/Pseudo-Odometry Integration Algorithm for an Indoor Positioning System. Sensors, 15(4), 7096-7124. doi:10.3390/s150407096Dhruv Pandya, Ravi Jain, & Lupu, E. (s. f.). Indoor location estimation using multiple wireless technologies. 14th IEEE Proceedings on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2003. PIMRC 2003. doi:10.1109/pimrc.2003.1259108Garcia, M., Sendra, S., Lloret, J., & Canovas, A. (2011). Saving energy and improving communications using cooperative group-based Wireless Sensor Networks. Telecommunication Systems, 52(4), 2489-2502. doi:10.1007/s11235-011-9568-3Garcia, M., & Lloret, J. (2009). A Cooperative Group-Based Sensor Network for Environmental Monitoring. Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering, 276-279. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-04265-2_41Patwari, N., Ash, J. N., Kyperountas, S., Hero, A. O., Moses, R. L., & Correal, N. S. (2005). Locating the nodes: cooperative localization in wireless sensor networks. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 22(4), 54-69. doi:10.1109/msp.2005.1458287Conti, A., Guerra, M., Dardari, D., Decarli, N., & Win, M. Z. (2012). Network Experimentation for Cooperative Localization. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 30(2), 467-475. doi:10.1109/jsac.2012.120227Xuyu Wang, Hui Zhou, Shiwen Mao, Pandey, S., Agrawal, P., & Bevly, D. M. (2015). Mobility improves LMI-based cooperative indoor localization. 2015 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). doi:10.1109/wcnc.2015.7127811Cooperative Decision Making in a Stochastic Environment (No. urn: nbn: nl: ui: 12-76799)http://EconPapers.repec.org/RePEc:tiu:tiutis:a84d779a-d5a9-48e9-bfe7-46dea6f1de69Krishnan, P., Krishnakumar, A. S., Ju, W.-H., Mallows, C., & Gamt, S. (2004). A system for LEASE: Location estimation assisted by stationary emitters for indoor RF wireless networks. IEEE INFOCOM 2004. doi:10.1109/infcom.2004.1356987WANG, H., & Jia, F. (2007). A Hybrid Modeling for WLAN Positioning System. 2007 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing. doi:10.1109/wicom.2007.537Roos, T., Myllymäki, P., Tirri, H., Misikangas, P., & Sievänen, J. (2002). International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, 9(3), 155-164. doi:10.1023/a:1016003126882Xie, H., Tanin, E., & Kulik, L. (2007). Distributed Histograms for Processing Aggregate Data from Moving Objects. 2007 International Conference on Mobile Data Management. doi:10.1109/mdm.2007.30Krishnamachari, B., & Iyengar, S. (2004). Distributed Bayesian algorithms for fault-tolerant event region detection in wireless sensor networks. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 53(3), 241-250. doi:10.1109/tc.2004.1261832Nguyen, X., Jordan, M. I., & Sinopoli, B. (2005). A kernel-based learning approach to ad hoc sensor network localization. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 1(1), 134-152. doi:10.1145/1077391.107739

    Elaboration of a multimedia book on the importance of statistics and presentation of the information for the statistical subjects taught at the FESC

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    [EN] Interactive digital book was produced on the topics importance of statistics and presentation of information, for the statistical subjects taught at the Faculty of Higher Studies Cuautitlán, the book was made with an interactive approach, that is, in most chapters there are HTML5 objects that students can access by connecting to the Internet from any mobile device or PC. The themes of this interactive book were statistics, variables and measurement levels, pie graph, bar graph, histogram, dot graph, stem and leaf graph, line graph and form. The interactive digital book contemplates that each chapter indicates prerequisites, learning objectives, written development of the topic in the form of questions and answers, videos with explanation, interactive exercises, widget (html 5, interactive galleries, interactive images, etc.) review questions, internet activities and resources.The interactive digital book will offer students a full-screen experience with galleries, videos, interactive diagrams, mathematical expressions and more, these books bring content to life in ways that a printed page cannot. Students will no longer be limited to static images illustrating traditional texts, but can now immerse themselves in an image with interactive captions, bringing an answer to life in a chapter review.They can flip through a book by simply sliding a finger on the screen. They can also highlight text, take notes, search for content, and find definitions in a glossary very easily. Plus, they can take them wherever they go, allowing students to learn not only within the classroom walls, but also in the virtual space that these books make up.Thanks to the PAPIME - 104420 project for the support in the realization of this work.Garcia, O.; Pineda, M.; Aguilar, A.; León, F. (2021). Elaboration of a multimedia book on the importance of statistics and presentation of the information for the statistical subjects taught at the FESC. En Proceedings INNODOCT/20. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 103-110. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2020.2020.11830OCS10311

    Multivariate statistical technique over QoS variables to analyze video quality metrics on IEEE 802.11ac networks

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    [EN] We present the results from a measurementbasedperformance evaluation of wireless networks basedon IEEE 802.11ac standard in an indoor environment, withthe aim to analyze their performance under high definitionstreaming video applications. We focus our study on analyzingthe highest performance of these standards using off-theshelfequipment as well as the behavior of Quality of Servicevariables and how they affect to the video quality. Thus, wehave analyzed and measured these variables and have applieda multivariate statistical technique, called Factor Analysis,and finally discuss their behavior.This work was supported by the Universitat de Valencia under the projects UV-INV-PRECOMP14-207134, UVINVAE15-339582, by the Generalitat Valenciana under the project GV-2016-002 and by the Ministry of Economy under the project BIA2016-76957-C3-1-RGarcía-Pineda, M.; Felici-Castell, S.; Segura-Garcia, J. (2018). Multivariate statistical technique over QoS variables to analyze video quality metrics on IEEE 802.11ac networks. En XIII Jornadas de Ingeniería telemática (JITEL 2017). Libro de actas. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 152-159. https://doi.org/10.4995/JITEL2017.2017.6572OCS15215

    Cloud media video encoding:review and challenges

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    In recent years, Internet traffic patterns have been changing. Most of the traffic demand by end users is multimedia, in particular, video streaming accounts for over 53%. This demand has led to improved network infrastructures and computing architectures to meet the challenges of delivering these multimedia services while maintaining an adequate quality of experience. Focusing on the preparation and adequacy of multimedia content for broadcasting, Cloud and Edge Computing infrastructures have been and will be crucial to offer high and ultra-high definition multimedia content in live, real-time, or video-on-demand scenarios. For these reasons, this review paper presents a detailed study of research papers related to encoding and transcoding techniques in cloud computing environments. It begins by discussing the evolution of streaming and the importance of the encoding process, with a focus on the latest streaming methods and codecs. Then, it examines the role of cloud systems in multimedia environments and provides details on the cloud infrastructure for media scenarios. After doing a systematic literature review, we have been able to find 49 valid papers that meet the requirements specified in the research questions. Each paper has been analyzed and classified according to several criteria, besides to inspect their relevance. To conclude this review, we have identified and elaborated on several challenges and open research issues associated with the development of video codecs optimized for diverse factors within both cloud and edge architectures. Additionally, we have discussed emerging challenges in designing new cloud/edge architectures aimed at more efficient delivery of media traffic. This involves investigating ways to improve the overall performance, reliability, and resource utilization of architectures that support the transmission of multimedia content over both cloud and edge computing environments ensuring a good quality of experience for the final user

    Soporte a los procesos organizacionales a través de machine learning

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    Machine learning is a data analysis method that automatically creates analysis models. It is a branch of artificial intelligence based on the idea that systems can learn from data, recognize patterns, and make decisions with minimal human intervention. The implementation of Machine Learning (ML) can improve decision making and transform an organization or business, however, taking advantage of its potential requires a change in mindset and culture.El aprendizaje automático es un método de análisis de datos que crea automáticamente modelos de análisis. Es una rama de la inteligencia artificial basada en la idea de que los sistemas pueden aprender de los datos, reconocer patrones y tomar decisiones con una mínima intervención humana. La implementación de Machine Learning (ML) puede mejorar la toma de decisiones y transformar una organización o negocio, sin embargo, aprovechar su potencial requiere un cambio de mentalidad y cultura

    Desing Thinking como herramienta de innovación y competitividad organizacional

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    Innovation and competitiveness are part of the continuous evolution of organizations in an environment of competition in the market, these two characteristics allow the organization to differentiate itself from competitors. The Desing Thinking tool promotes innovation and competitiveness in organizations, promoting organizational improvement.La gestión de compras es un proceso complejo inmerso dentro de la cadena de suministro, por sí mismo requiere especial tratamiento. Para garantizar una correcta gestión es necesario conocer los beneficios que este tipo de gestión, y como la organización puede adaptarse e incorporarla en sus procesos. En conclusión, la gestión de compras como estrategia aplicada al proceso de la cadena productiva permite impulsar la competitividad organizacional

    Balanced Scorecard, una alternativa de desarrollo en PYMEs

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    The SMEs are organizations that are framed in the need to achieve continuous development, through competitiveness, strategies and objectives. The purpose of the research is to demonstrate the potential of the Balance Scorecard tool as an alternative for the development of SMEs. The result obtained shows that the 4 pillars on which the Balance Scorecard is based are useful for small companies, as well as for industries. In conclusion, including the Balance Scorecard tool in the strategic planning of SMEs will allow them to lay solid foundations for their future growth and achieve competitiveness in the market and promote innovation as a differentiating factor.Las PYME son organizaciones que se ven enmarcadas en la necesidad de lograr un continuo desarrollo, a través de competitividad, estrategias y objetivos. El propósito de la investigación es evidenciar el potencial de la herramienta Balance Scorecard como alternativa para el desarrollo de las PYME. El resultado obtenido evidencia que los 4 pilares en los que se fundamenta el Balance Scorecard son de utilidad para empresas pequeñas, así como para industrias. En conclusión, incluir la herramienta de Balance Scorecard en la planificación estratégica de las PYMES les permitirá sentar bases sólidas para su futuro crecimiento y lograr la competitividad en el mercado y propiciar la innovación como factor diferenciador

    Potenciando la motivación mediante la diversificación de juegos y grupos

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    El uso de dinámicas de juego en el ámbito académico resulta generalmente motivador, pero la experiencia previa demuestra que no consigue involucrar a todos los estudiantes por igual y que algunos estudiantes se desconectan durante la actividad. Este trabajo presenta un conjunto de experiencias, aplicadas en diferentes materias de informática, donde la diversificación de juegos y agrupamientos ha demostrado ser altamente motivadora. Se propone una competición en la que se desarrollan diferentes juegos, algunos de preguntas de opción múltiple con diferentes formatos y también un pequeño Escape Room. La composición de los grupos va cambiando para los diferentes juegos, de manera que los estudiantes van interactuando con compañeros diferentes, y donde el tamaño de los grupos decrece progresivamente, empezando por un juego que enfrenta a dos mitades del grupo y siguiendo por juegos con equipos cada vez más reducidos que van promoviendo la participación más activa de cada integrante. La experiencia se ha evaluado mediante una encuesta sobre aspectos como la mejora del aprendizaje, implicación y motivación. Los datos revelan un alto grado de aceptación, incluyendo un incremento en el porcentaje de estudiantes motivados en los casos en que se ha podido comparar con actividades de gamificación anteriores.The use of game dynamics in the academic environment is generally motivating, but previous experience shows that it fails to involve all students equally and that some students disconnect during the activity. This work presents a set of experiences, applied in different computer science subjects, where the diversification of games and groupings has proven to be highly motivating. A competition is proposed in which different games are developed, some with multiple choice questions in different formats and also a small Escape Room. The composition of the groups changes for the different games, then the students interact with different classmates, and the size of the groups progressively decreases, starting with a game that divides the class in two groups facing each other. and it continues with games with increasingly smaller groups that promote a more active participation of each member. The experience has been evaluated through a survey on aspects such as learning improvement, involvement and motivation. The data reveal a high degree of acceptance, including an increase in the percentage of motivated students in cases where it has been possible to compare with previous gamification activities.Este trabajo ha sido posible con la ayuda del Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa de la Universitat de València al proyecto PID-2079749

    Incorporación de Internet de las Cosas (IoT) en la docencia universitaria en dos etapas: hardware y software

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    [EN] IoT is a concept referred to a network of common objects interconnected through the Internet. This is one of the main areas with growing interest and also necessary for the Telecommunication and Telematics Engineering students. The main constraints which face the students with IoT are the integration of the hardware as well as the need for management systems to handle the amount of data they generate by specific software. This work shows some experiences done by a group of students in the Telematics Engineering Degree and the Master of Telecommunications.[ES] IoT es un concepto que hace referencia a una red de objetos cotidianos interconectados a través de Internet. Esta es una de las áreas de creciente interés y necesario conocimiento para los estudiantes de Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones/Telemática. Los principales obstáculos a los que se enfrentan los estudiantes con IoT son por un lado la integración del hardware, así como la necesidad de disponer de sistemas de gestión para manejar el volumen de datos que generan. Este trabajo muestra unas experiencias realizadas con un grupo de estudiantes en el grado de ingeniería telemática y en el máster de telecomunicación.Proyecto financiado por la Universitat de València UV-SFPIE RMD17-587626Felici Castell, S.; Segura Garcia, J.; Pérez Solano, J.; García Pineda, M.; Soriano Asensi, A. (2018). Incorporación de Internet de las Cosas (IoT) en la docencia universitaria en dos etapas: hardware y software. En IN-RED 2018. IV Congreso Nacional de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 898-907. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2018.2018.8752OCS89890