961 research outputs found

    The child's body without fluid: mother's knowledge and practices about hydration and rehydration in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

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    Background: The aim of this article was to anthropologically analyse knowledge and practices about hydration and rehydration in a specific ethnographic context, where diverse therapies are combined to treat and take care of child diarrhoea as part of a wider social process that circumscribes transactions between self-care and biomedicine. Methods: Ethnographic data from a qualitative study in the neighbourhood of Nova Constituinte (Salvador, Bahia) which was part of an interdisciplinary project aimed at epidemiologically evaluating an environmental sanitation programme. These data results from a series of in-depth interviews of 29 interviewees and field observations collected over two stages (1997/1998-2003/2004). Results: Knowledge about hydration and rehydration is practical knowledge that demonstrates some of the cultural limits of dehydration in terms of the normality or pathology criteria related to child diarrhoea. This knowledge belongs to local interpretations, treatment experiences and the care that mothers provide in relation to their child's diarrhoea. We observed a process of medicalisation in the discourse about hydration and self-care. Conclusions: Unlike rehydration, hydration is structural to self-care processes. While the former constitutes a way of alleviating diarrhoea, the latter is a type of care centred on healing. The difference between these practices does not lie in the type of remedies used but in the meaning attributed to them and the way they are combined

    Body Representations of Internal Pollution: The Risk Perception of the Circulation of Environmental Contaminants in Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women in Spain

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    In this article, we analyze how pregnant and breastfeeding women perceive the inside of their bodies as well as their thoughts regarding the accumulation and elimination of chemical compounds present in food, and how these are then transmitted to the fetus. We explore different social perceptions of risk regarding the circulation of chemical compounds inside the body using qualitative research based on the technique of body mapping, comprised of women's figures of their bodies in combination with comments on the figures, food diaries and narratives from in-depth interviews. We examine how these 41 women (21 pregnant and 20 breastfeeding) perceive the body's internal mechanisms during the stages of pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as the circulation of chemical contaminants within it. The body mapping technique allowed us to analyze participants' knowledge of internal pollution, a little-understood process in society. Thanks to these pregnant and breastfeeding women, who made an effort to represent and reflect on these new risks, this study shows that scientists and obstetricians need to collaborate with women in order to better understand and publicize the risks of internal pollution

    Trust and distrust in relation to food risks in Spain: An approach to the socio-cultural representations of pregnant and breastfeeding women through the technique of free listing

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    In this paper, we explore the socio-cultural representations of trust and distrust in relation to food risks among pregnant and breastfeeding women. We have conducted a study based on an analysis of cultural domains in order to understand how mothers incorporate different social meanings and explore the most important categories they use when talking about trust/distrust in relation to food. We use the technique of free listings to analyse the main shared items or elements regarding trust and distrust in food among these mothers. Through an analysis of cultural domains that refers to concepts and themes related to trust and distrust of foods that are important to these women, and through the study of shared knowledge about these domains, we examine their socio-cultural representations related to health and diet of the 65 free listings on trust and the 64 on distrust collected from mothers. The pregnant and breastfeeding women who participated in the free listings cite foods they trust or distrust based on the specific properties they perceive them to have or other characteristics related to their origin, their handling, processing and distribution. Additionally, trust/distrust often depends on the qualities they attribute to the product. This paper shows aspects of the socio-cultural representations of food risks in periods in the life cycle of women -pregnancy and breastfeeding-characterized by a risk discourse where the precautionary principle is frequently used to manage uncertainty. These results might help the development of public health campaigns as well as adapting the messages of the health authorities to the general population

    ECG, an essential tool to guide arrhythmic mitral valve prolapse diagnosis

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    A 35-year-old man was referred for cardiac check-up because of suspected reflex syncope. He underwent a tilt-test challenge without syncope provocation. The electrocardiography (ECG) showed sinus rhythm with polymorphic premature ventricular contractions (PVC), with right bundle branch block morpholog

    Tumor necrosis factor alpha gene expression and the response to interferon in chronic hepatitis C

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    Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) is a cytokine with pleiotropic properties that is induced in a variety of pathological situations including viral infections. In this work, we analyzed the expression of TNF-alpha gene in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Serum TNF-alpha levels were found to be elevated in all chronic hepatitis C patients including those cases presenting sustained biochemical remission of the disease after interferon therapy. Untreated patients with chronic hepatitis C showed increased TNF-alpha messenger RNA (mRNA) levels in the liver and mononuclear cells as compared with healthy controls. After completion of treatment with interferon, patients experiencing sustained complete response showed values of TNF-alpha mRNA, both in the liver and in peripheral mononuclear cells, within the normal range, significantly lower than patients who did not respond to interferon and than those with complete response who relapsed after interferon withdrawal. Pretreatment values of TNF-alpha mRNA were lower in long-term responders to interferon than in cases who failed to respond to the treatment. Values of TNF-alpha mRNA in the liver or in mononuclear cells were higher in specimens with positive hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA than in those samples where the virus was undetectable. Neither the intensity of the liver damage nor the amount of HCV RNA in serum or in cells showed correlation with the levels of TNF-alpha transcripts in peripheral mononuclear cells but it was found that high TNF-alpha values were associated with genotype 1b. In conclusion, there is an enhanced expression of TNF-alpha in HCV infection. High levels of this cytokine may play a role in the resistance to interferon therapy

    Medición, Caracterización y Modelamiento del Rango de Frecuencias Asignado a un Servicio Fijo- Móvil (698 - 960MHZ) de la Banda UHF del Espectro Electromagnético en la FIEC, Campus Prosperina

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    El trabajo de investigación presente se lo realizó en la Facultad de Ingeniería en Electrónica y Computación, situada en el Campus Gustavo Galindo, Km 30.5 Vía Perimetral en la ciudad de Guayaquil. Se determinó la ocupación del Espectro Electromagnético para todo el rango asignado (698-960 MHz) de la banda UHF. Con la antena situada en la parte superior del edificio de la FIEC, y el analizador de espectro conectada a dicha antena, se logró obtener las mediciones a lo largo de una semana, desde el lunes 29 de diciembre del 2014 al lunes 5 de enero del 2015. Los datos obtenidos reflejan la potencia de la señal en el rango asignado. Después de la observación y un análisis óptimo se decidió dividir el rango de frecuencias, y se obtuvo que la fracción del espectro que tiene el servicio celular (824–894 MHz) es la única que presenta niveles elevados y cambios en sus potencias. Se obtiene un porcentaje de uso del 0% aproximadamente para frecuencias menores (698–824 MHz), y para frecuencias mayores (894–960 MHz), excepto por una pequeña banda de servicios troncalizados (932–937MHZ) donde el porcentaje de ocupación es mínimo. El servicio celular se divide en banda “Uplink” y “Downlink”, el modelo para la primera banda fue una derivación del modelo de Markov, donde la probabilidad de que exista un nivel elevado de potencia es completamente aleatoria, mientras que para la segunda banda, la probabilidad de que exista un nivel elevado de potencia es del 100%The present research work is done in the area of the FIEC, located in the Campus Gustavo Galindo. The occupation of the electromagnetic spectrum was determined for all the assigned range (698-960 MHz) in the UHF band. With the antenna located in the roof of the building, and connected to the spectrum analyze, it was accomplished obtaining the measurements in one week, since Monday, December 29th of 2014, until Monday, January 5th of 2015. The obtained data show the signal power in the assigned range. After observations and an optimal analysis, it was decided dividing the range of frequencies and it was found that the fraction of the spectrum that has cellular service (824-894 MHz) is the only one that presents high levels and has changes on its power. It is also obtained an approximated 0% for percentage of use for frequencies below (698-824 MHz), and for higher frequencies (894-960 MHz), except for a small band of trunked services (932-937 MHZ) where the occupation percentage is minimal. The cellular service is divided in “Uplink” and “Downlink” band, the model for the first one was a derivation ok Markov’s model, where the probability of existing a high level of power is completely random, while for the second band, the probability of existing a high level of power is 100%

    Peru-China international trade and its effect on inclusive economic growth in Peru 2000-2019

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    From 2000 to 2019, trade between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Peru grew at an average annual rate of 22%, however, income and wealth inequality in Peru remained the same. The aim of this study is to understand the effect of trade between Peru and China on the inclusive economic growth of Peru from 2000 to 2019. The method used was the correlation of variables, and a linear regression between Peru and China trade and several indicators of inclusive economic growth in the Peruvian economy was performed using the Ordinary Least Squares model. The results suggest that there is sufficient statistical evidence to support that inclusive economic growth may depend on increased trade between Peru and China; the study show that if trade growth between Peru and China fluctuates by 1millionperyear,laborincomewillincreaseby1 million per year, labor income will increase by 10.3 per capita in the Economically Active Population (EAP). Moreover, for every 1% increase in trade between Peru and China, GDP per capita increases by 0.1057% and labor productivity increases by 0.0681740%. The variables poverty, vulnerable employment, GINI index and life expectancy at birth were not significant factors

    Cossos tòxics. Etnoepidemiologia sociocultural de la contaminación interna per compostos tòxics persistents (CTP) a Espanya

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    El principal objectiu és crear una línia de recerca etnoepidemiològica centrada en l'anàlisi dels discursos i les pràctiques socioculturals sobre l'experiència corporal de la contaminació humana i de la contaminació interna per compostos tòxics persistents (CTP) a Espanya

    ¿Sabemos lo que comemos? Percepciones sobre el riesgo alimentario en Cataluña, España

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    En este artículo se describen y analizan las percepciones sociales sobre el riesgo alimentario en Cataluña (España), que inciden en qué alimentos son percibidos como peligrosos, pero también en cómo, cuándo, dónde, por qué y de qué manera se concibe este riesgo a partir de las narrativas de los informantes. A través de un estudio cualitativo, se ha explorado cómo se construyen y gestionan los discursos legos, que conforman imaginarios diversos sobre el riesgo alimentario que no siempre coinciden con la mirada biomédica. Se señala que el riesgo sobre los alimentos no siempre se asocia a los peligros del progreso o la industrialización, ni se centra necesariamente en el debate dicotómico 'alimento industrializado' versus 'alimento natural', sino en un conjunto de posibilidades que tienen que ver también con el contexto de su producción, distribución, preparación y/o consumo

    Factores de incumplimiento en la recaudación tributaria del impuesto a la renta de primera categoría en los contribuyentes del distrito de Chiclayo, periodo 2019

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal determinar los factores de incumplimiento que predominan en la recaudación tributaria del impuesto a la renta de primera categoría en los contribuyentes del distrito de Chiclayo, periodo 2019. La investigación fue de tipo aplicada, nivel explicativo y diseño no experimental. Se consideró una muestra de 167 contribuyentes con domicilio fiscal en el distrito de Chiclayo que generan actividades dentro del ámbito de aplicación y alcance de las rentas de primera categoría. Los instrumentos utilizados en la recolección de los datos fueron el análisis documental, la entrevista y la encuesta aplicada a los contribuyentes; así como el juicio a expertos dentro del campo de la tributación. Dentro de los principales resultados podemos mencionar que el 82.89% confirmaron estar en desacuerdo y totalmente en desacuerdo que se desarrollen de forma adecuada y correcta los factores institucionales, socioeconómicos, tecnológicos y políticos y que estos sin duda afectan el nivel de cumplimiento de las obligaciones tributarias por parte de los contribuyentes del impuesto a la renta de primera categoría; asimismo se ha evidenciado una disminución del impuesto a la renta en la región Lambayeque y de manera general el impuesto a la renta de primera categoría si bien es cierto representa el 1% de la recaudación respecto a las diferentes categorías de renta pero ello no exime del nivel de cumplimiento que deben reportar los contribuyentes afectos dentro de su ámbito de aplicación; considerando que la entidad recaudadora debe fortalecer los mecanismos de control u de atención oportuna ante las situaciones presentadas respecto a este impuesto. Finalmente, en base a la opinión de los expertos y al análisis de la normativa, así como de la información recopilada en el presente estudio nos ha permitido establecer mecanismos que consideramos van a contribuir de manera positiva en mejorar el nivel de recaudación de este impuesto no sólo a nivel de los contribuyentes de la ciudad de Chiclayo que fueron objeto de estudio para el presente informe sino a nivel nacional