54,732 research outputs found

    Neutron Transfer reactions induced by 8Li on 9Be

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    Angular distributions for the elastic scattering of 8Li on 9Be and the neutron transfer reactions 9Be(8Li,7Li)10Be and 9Be(8Li,9Li)8Be have been measured with a 27 MeV 8Li radioactive nuclear beam. Spectroscopic factors for 8Li|n=9Li and 7Li|n=8Li bound systems were obtained from the comparison between the experimental differential cross section and finite-range DWBA calculations with the code FRESCO. The spectroscopic factors obtained are compared to shell model calculations and to other experimental values from (d,p) reactions. Using the present values for the spectroscopic factor, cross sections for the direct neutron-capture reactions 7Li(n,g)8Li and 8Li(n,g)9Li were calculated in the framework of a potential model.Comment: 24 pages, 8 Figures, submitted as regular article to PR

    K-causality and degenerate spacetimes

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    The causal relation K+K^+ was introduced by Sorkin and Woolgar to extend the standard causal analysis of C2C^2 spacetimes to those that are only C0C^0. Most of their results also hold true in the case of spacetimes with degeneracies. In this paper we seek to examine K+K^+ explicitly in the case of Lorentzian topology changing Morse spacetimes containing isolated degeneracies. We first demonstrate some interesting features of this relation in globally Lorentzian spacetimes. In particular, we show that K+K^+ is robust and that it coincides with the Seifert relation when the spacetime is stably causal. Moreover, the Hawking and Sachs characterisation of causal continuity translates into a natural expression in terms of K+K^+ for general spacetimes. We then examine K+K^+ in topology changing Morse spacetimes both with and without the degeneracies and find further characterisations of causal continuity.Comment: Latex, 23 pages, 4 figure

    The Algebraic Bethe Ansatz and Tensor Networks

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    We describe the Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for the spin-1/2 XXX and XXZ Heisenberg chains with open and periodic boundary conditions in terms of tensor networks. These Bethe eigenstates have the structure of Matrix Product States with a conserved number of down-spins. The tensor network formulation suggestes possible extensions of the Algebraic Bethe Ansatz to two dimensions

    High-order volterra model predictive control and its application to a nonlinear polymerisation process

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    Model Predictive Control (MPC) has recently found wide acceptance in the process industry, but the existing design and implementation methods are restricted to linear process models. A chemical process involves, however, severe nonlinearity which cannot be ignored in practice. This paper aims to solve this nonlinear control problem by extending MPC to nonlinear models. It develops an analytical framework for nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC), and also offers a third-order Volterra series based nonparametric nonlinear modelling technique for NMPC design which relieves practising engineers from the need for first deriving a physical-principles based model. An on-line realisation technique for implementing the NMPC is also developed. The NMPC is then applied to a Mitsubishi Chemicals polymerisation reaction process. The results show that this nonlinear MPC technique is feasible and very effective. It considerably outperforms linear and low-order Volterra model based methods. The advantages of the approach developed lie not only in control performance superior to existing NMPC methods, but also in relieving practising engineers from the need for deriving an analytical model and then converting it to a Volterra model through which the model can only be obtained up to the second order

    Supernova 1987A: Rotation and a Binary Companion

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    In this paper we provide a possible link between the structure of the bipolar nebula surrounding SN1987A and the properties of its progenitor star. A Wind Blwon Bubble (WBB) scenario is emplyed, in which a fast, tenuous wind from a Blue Supergiant expands into a slow, dense wind, expelled during an earlier Red Supergiant phase. The bipolar shapre develops due to a pole-to-equator density contrast in the slow wind (ie, the slow wind forms a slow torus). We use the Wind Compressed Disk (WCD) model of Bjorkman & Cassinelli (1992) to determine the shape of the slow torus. In the WCD scenario, the shape of the torus is determined by the rotation of the progenitor star. We then use a self-similar semi-analytical method for wind blown bubble evolution to determine the shape of the resulting bipolar nebula. We find that the union of the wind-compressed-disk and bipolar-wind-blown- bubble models allows us to recover the salient properties of SN1987A's circumstellar nebula. In particular, the size, speed and density of SN1987A's inner ring are easily reproduced in our calculations. An exploration of parameter space shows the the red supergiant progenitor must be been rotating at > 0.3 of its breakup speed. We conclude that the progenitor was most likely spun up by a merger with a binary companion. Using a simple model for the binary merger we find that the companion is likely to have had a mass > 0.5 M_sun.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figure
