282 research outputs found

    Vivre la philosophie : les Mémoires comme œuvre philosophique

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    English Title “Living Philosophy: Beauvoir’s Memoirs as a philosophical ‘œuvre’”. This paper seeks to remedy the lack of philosophical analyses of the philosophical dimension of Beauvoir’s autobiographical work in using the existentialist link Beauvoir establishes between life and philosophy to make three points: first, her Memoirs constitute a crucial documentary resource to understand Beauvoir’s essays and the original philosophical stance she defends in them. Second, Memoirs show a two-way relationship between philosophy and life, on an epistemic and on a practical level. Third, autobiography is a way to overcome the inherent flaws of philosophy when it’s written in 3rd person: only a literary account allows to make appear a singular universal that displays the tension between situation and freedom in an authentic way

    ECOSSOCIOECONOMIA E TURISMO DE BASE COMUNITÁRIA (TBC): entrevista com Carlos Alberto Cioce Sampaio

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    A proposta desta entrevista é apresentar como o turismo de base comunitária se relaciona com o enfoque da ecossocioeconomia. A entrevista descrita abaixo foi baseada em artigos sobre o tema, produzidos pelo entrevistado como autor principal, e complementada por entrevista remota

    Masculinity as an Impasse

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    Précis de La Conversation des sexes

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    Dall’oppressione all’indipendenza. La filosofia dell’amore nel "Il Secondo sesso" di Simone de Beauvoir

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    The aim of the essay is to bring out the specificity of Simone de Beauvoir’s philosophy of love, starting from and going beyond the crucial question “what is woman?” that structures the argumentation of The Second Sex. It is intended to show how in the heterosexual love relationship the game of mutual recognition between individuals is played out, beyond sex differences. The essay also aims to outline the specificity of love with respect to friendship.The aim of the essay is to bring out the specificity of Simone de Beauvoir’s philosophy of love, starting from and going beyond the crucial question “what is woman?” that structures the argumentation of The Second Sex. It is intended to show how in the heterosexual love relationship the game of mutual recognition between individuals is played out, beyond sex differences. The essay also aims to outline the specificity of love with respect to friendship.The aim of the essay is to bring out the specificity of Simone de Beauvoir’s philosophy of love, starting from and going beyond the crucial question “what is woman?” that structures the argumentation of The Second Sex. It is intended to show how in the heterosexual love relationship the game of mutual recognition between individuals is played out, beyond sex differences. The essay also aims to outline the specificity of love with respect to friendship

    Réponses aux critiques de La Conversation des sexes

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    Thinking with Simone de Beauvoir Today

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    The influence of conception paradigms on data protection in E-Learning platforms::a case study

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    International audienceThe wide adoption of virtual learning environments such as Moodle in numerous universities illustrate the growing trend of e-learning development and diffusion. These e-learning environments alter the relationship between the students and academic knowledge and learning processes considerably stimulating the students' autonomy by making most of the course material freely available at any time while inducing a progressive reduction of physical student-teacher interactions with virtual ones. Recent advances, as proposed in the TeSLA project, even introduces an e-assessment environment. This entire virtual learning framework raises new concerns in terms of privacy, given that such environments are potentially able to track the students, profile their habits, and retrieve personal data. In this paper, we analyze the influence of conception paradigms of e-learning platforms on personal data protection, based on a classification of these platforms in two antagonistic approaches. We illustrate our analysis with a case study of the TeSLA project and examine how the design choices impact the efficiency and legal compliance of personal data protection means. We finally propose alternative designs that could lead to significant improvements in this matter

    Ecoenogastronomia – sustentabilidade e resgate cultural na produção de vinhos na Serra Gaúcha, Brasil

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    Com a evidência da crise ambiental e a necessidade de repensar os modelos de produção alimentar, emergem iniciativas de promoção da sustentabilidade em diversos setores, dentre eles o vitivinícola. O vinho é parte importante da cultura gastronômica brasileira, principalmente na Serra Gaúcha, região de colonização italiana e maior produtora de vinhos do país. Partindo do conceito de ecogastronomia, o presente trabalho dedica-se a analisar a relação entre sustentabilidade e resgate cultural na produção de vinhos no Brasil. Com a revisão da literatura, mapeamento e contato com vinícolas artesanais da Serra Gaúcha, é possível afirmar que há estreita relação entre as práticas de sustentabilidade e de resgate cultural nas produções artesanais em pequena escala. São experiências que promovem o vinho bom, justo e limpo, além de estarem ecologicamente incorporadas, valorizando a biocultura local e os ritmos naturais