118 research outputs found

    Acidentes de trabalho e exposições ocupacionais a material biológico entre trabalhadores de unidades básicas de saúde

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    Care for young victims of assault in public emergency services in 2011 : sex differences

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    O objetivo deste artigo é descrever as características das agressões entre jovens vítimas de violências atendidos em serviços de urgência e emergência, segundo sexos. Trata-se de estudo descritivo com dados do Sistema de Vigilância de Violências e Acidentes do Ministério da Saúde, realizado em 71 serviços localizados em 24 capitais brasileiras e no Distrito Federal, em 2011. Indivíduos do sexo masculino predominaram entre as vítimas (75,1%) e entre os agressores (83,1% e 69,7% dos casos de violência perpetrada contra vítimas do sexo masculino e feminino, respectivamente). Entre vítimas do sexo feminino, predominaram ocorrências no domicílio (43,6%). O agressor era um estranho em 49,7% dos casos entre vítimas dos sexos masculino e 26,8% do sexo feminino, enquanto era um parceiro ou ex-parceiro em 3,9% e 31,5% (p < 0,001). A maior gravidade das lesões entre os homens era consistente com a maior proporção de mortes nas primeiras 24 horas (2,1%) em comparação com as mulheres (0,2%) (p < 0,001). As características das agressões entre vítimas jovens revelaram-se substancialmente diferentes segundo o sexo. É evidenciada a necessidade da implementação de políticas públicas intersetoriais voltadas para a prevenção da violência, conforme previsto no Estatuto da Juventude.This article aims to describe the characteristics of assaults among youth victims of violence treated in Public Emergency Departments, according to sex. This is a descriptive study using data from the Brazilian Violence and Accidents Surveillance System based on a multicenter survey conducted by the Ministry of Health in 71 public emergency departments, located in 24 state capitals and the Federal District in 2011. Male subjects predominated among the victims (75.1%) and also among aggressors (83.1% and 69.7% of cases of violence against male and female victims, respectively). Among female victims, episodes of violence were more frequent at home (43.6%). The perpetrator was a stranger in 49.7% and 26.8% of cases among male and female victims, respectively, while the perpetrator was a partner or ex-partner in 3.9% and 31.5% cases, respectively (p < 0.001). Greater severity of injuries among men was consistent with the higher proportion of deaths in the first 24 hours (2.1%) compared to women (0.2%) (p < 0.001). The violence profile among youth victims treated in Public Emergency Departments was substantially different according to the sex of the victims. The results highlight the need to implement intersectoral policies, in line with the Brazilian Youth Statute

    Mortalidade de mulheres por agressões no Brasil: Perfil e estimativas corrigidas (2011-2013)

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    Violence against women is a problem of great magnitude and relevance in Brazil, which has death as its more extreme expression. This study aimed to estimate corrected female mortality rates due to assault and to describe the profile of these deaths in Brazil, in its macro-regions and Federative Units (UF) in the period 2011-2013. Data from the Mortality Information System (SIM), of the Secretariat of Health Surveillance, Brazilian Ministry of Health (SVS/MS) were used. In Brazil, in the period 2011-2013, there were estimated 17,581 deaths of women for assaults, which correspond to a corrected annual mortality rate of 5.87 deaths per 100,000 women. In the studied period, there were, on average, 5,860 deaths of women from assault each year, 488 every month 16.06 each day, or one every 1h30m. The study confirmed that the mortality of women by assault is high in Brazil and affects women of all ages, ethnicities and levels of education. The main victims were adolescents and young women (45% in the age group 10-29 years), women with black skin color (64%) and residents in the Midwest, Northeast and North regions. The death's profile, with high occurrence inside households (28.1%) and during weekends (35.7%) is suggestive of domestic violence against women. In addition to presenting current data on mortality of women due to assaults, the study contributes to unveil the relative invisibility of the problem of violence against women in Brazil and discusses the need for improvement of fatal violence monitoring, as well as targeted actions and policies to deal with the problem

    Motoristas adolescentes no Brasil: prevalência e fatores associados estimados a partir da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE 2012)

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Existem evidências de que a direção entre adolescentes pode representar riscos para os condutores, passageiros e sociedade em geral. OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência e os fatores associados à história de direção de veículo motorizado por adolescentes escolares (menores de 18 anos de idade) no Brasil, em 2012. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado com os dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE), realizada em 2012. Foram estimadas as prevalências da história (pelo menos uma vez nos últimos 30 dias) de dirigir veículo motorizado (carro, motos, barcos) por escolares com menos de 18 anos, assim como as razões de chance brutas e ajustadas, tendo a direção frequente (quatro vezes ou mais nos últimos 30 dias) como desfecho. RESULTADOS: Entre os 106.621 adolescentes entrevistados, 27,0% (IC95% 22,9 - 31,5) referiram ter dirigido veículo motorizado, e 12,9% (IC95% 10,0 - 16,5) referiram direção frequente (quatro vezes ou mais). Os fatores mais associados à direção frequente foram: maior idade, sexo masculino, maior escolaridade da mãe, residir em domicílio com menor número de moradores, nas regiões Nordeste e Norte, com alguém que possui carro e/ou moto em casa, estudar em escola no interior, consumir bebida alcoólica e não aderir ao uso do cinto de segurança. CONCLUSÃO: A alta prevalência e os fatores associados a essa prática podem munir gestores para priorizar políticas e reforçar a aplicação da legislação de trânsito em grupos específicos.INTRODUCTION: There is evidence that adolescent drivers can represent risks to themselves, to passengers and to society in general. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of history of driving among adolescent students (under the age of 18) and associated factors, in Brazil, in 2012. METHODS: This study analyzed data from the National Adolescent School-based Health Survey (PeNSE), held in 2012. The prevalence of history (at least once in the past 30 days) of driving motorized vehicles (cars, motorcycles or boats) by students aged less than 18 years old, as well as crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR) related to frequent driving (four or more times in the past 30 days) as the outcome, were estimated. RESULTS: Among the 106,621 interviewed students, 27.0% (95%CI 22.9 - 31.5) reported having driven a motorized vehicle, and 12.9% (95%CI 10.0 - 16.5) reported being a frequent driver (four or more times). Factors associated with frequent driving were: older age, male, mothers with higher schooling, living in a household with fewer members, living in the North and Northeast regions, living with someone who has a motorcycle or a car, when their school is not located in a state-capital, drinking alcohol and not wearing a seatbelt. CONCLUSION: The higher prevalence of history of driving among adolescent students in Brazil and the identified associated factors might help authorities to prioritize policies and to reinforce the adherence to traffic legislation among specific groups

    Mortalidade de ciclistas no Brasil : características e tendências no período 2000-2010

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    INTRODUCTION: In Brazil, bicycle use has been increasing. Accidents involving cyclists are important causes of morbidity and mortality. OBJECTIVE: To describe the mortality of cyclists injured in transport accidents in Brazil, the characteristics of the victims and of the occurrence, and to investigate its trends during the period between 2000 and 2010. METHODS: A descriptive study with data from the Mortality Information System (SIM) was conducted in the period of 2000 - 2010. Crude and age-standardized corrected mortality rates were calculated for Brazil, its macro-regions and states. Linear regression was used to study the trends. RESULTS: In the period of 2000 - 2010, 32,422 bicycle-related deaths were identified in Brazil. In 2010, there were, on average, 8.8 bicycle-related deaths per day. Age-standardized mortality rates for the country were 15.3 and 15.9 deaths per million inhabitants in 2000 and 2010, respectively (p = 0.725). During the whole period, the Center-Western region showed the highest rates, though stable, corresponding to 23.4 deaths per million inhabitants in 2010. Men accounted for 85.4% of deaths, with death risk 5 times higher than women. CONCLUSION: In spite of the stable rates for the country, there was an increase trend in the Northern and Northeastern regions, while a decreasing trend was observed in the Southern and Southeastern regions. The risk of death was higher among men, elderly, and people living in large cities and at the Center-Western region.INTRODUÇÃO: No Brasil, o uso da bicicleta tem sido crescente. Os acidentes envolvendo ciclistas são causas importantes de morbidade e mortalidade. OBJETIVO: Descrever a mortalidade de ciclistas traumatizados em acidentes de transporte, as características das vítimas e da ocorrência e investigar sua tendência no período 2000 - 2010. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo descritivo com dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM) no período 2000 - 2010. Foram calculadas taxas de mortalidade específicas corrigidas brutas e padronizadas por idade, para o Brasil, regiões e Unidades da Federação, além da mortalidade proporcional. Regressão linear simples foi empregada para estudo das tendências. RESULTADOS: No período 2000 - 2010, após correção, foram identificados 32.422 óbitos de ciclistas traumatizados em acidentes de transporte no Brasil. Em 2010, ocorreram em média 8,8 óbitos por dia. As taxas de mortalidade padronizadas para o país corresponderam a 15,3 e 15,9 óbitos de ciclistas por milhão de habitantes, em 2000 e 2010, respectivamente (p = 0,725). Em todo o período, a região centro-oeste apresentou taxas estáveis e mais elevadas que as demais regiões, equivalente a 23,4 óbitos por milhão de habitantes, em 2010. Os homens representaram 85,4% dos óbitos, com risco de morte cinco vezes superior às mulheres. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar da estabilidade das taxas no país, houve tendência de aumento nas regiões nordeste e norte e redução no sul e sudeste. O risco de morte foi mais elevado entre homens, pessoas idosas e residentes em municípios de grande porte e na região centro-oeste

    Factors associated with aggression perpetrated by unknown assailants among young males treated by the emergency services : a case-control study

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    O objetivo do estudo é analisar os fatores associados a agressões por desconhecidos entre homens jovens atendidos em serviços de urgência e emergência. Trata-se de estudo de casos e controles com dados do Sistema de Vigilância de Violências e Acidentes, conduzido, em 2014, em 86 serviços de urgência e emergência do país. Foram incluídos jovens do sexo masculino, de 15 a 29 anos de idade. Todas as vítimas de agressão por desconhecido foram incluídas como casos. Os controles foram selecionados aleatoriamente entre as vítimas de acidentes, na razão de 2:1. Regressão logística não condicional foi empregada para estimar as razões de chances (RC) brutas e ajustadas. Totalizaram 787 casos e 1.574 controles. Foram fatores de risco na análise ajustada não exercer atividade remunerada (RC 2,09; IC95% 1,66; 2,64), consumo de bebida alcoólica (RC 3,14; IC95% 2,36; 4,17) e ocorrência durante a noite (RC 3,39; IC95% 2,50; 4,61) ou madrugada (RC 5,31; IC95% 3,63; 7,75). Maior idade (25-29 anos) e escolaridade (5-8 anos de estudo) foram fatores de proteção. Evidencia-se a necessidade de ações efetivas para a prevenção da violência entre jovens, que considerem os fatores associados a este agravo, incluindo o enfrentamento ao consumo de álcool, e investimentos em ensino qualificado e emprego remunerado.This study aims to analyze the factors associated with aggression perpetrated by unknown assailants among young males treated by the emergency services. It is a case-control study with data from the Violence and Accident Surveillance System conducted in 2014 by 86 emergency services located in Brazilian State capitals. Young males between 15 and 29 years of age were included. All victims of assault perpetrated by unknown assailants were included as cases. Controls were randomly selected among those who had suffered accidental injuries in the ratio of 2:1. Unconditional logistic regression was used to estimate crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR), and 787 cases and 1,574 controls were included. Risk factors according to the adjusted analysis were: lack of paid work (OR 2.09; 95% CI; 1.66; 2.64), alcohol consumption (OR 3.14; 95% CI; 2.36; 4.17), occurrence at night (OR 3.39; 95% CI; 2.50; 4.61) or early morning (OR 5.31; 95% CI; 3.63; 7.75). Higher age (25-29 years) and schooling (5-8 years of study) were factors of protection. The results revealed the need for more effective and multisectoral actions to prevent violence among young males, which consider the factors associated with such aggression, including alcohol consumption, and investments in qualified education and paid employment

    Trends of main indicators of leprosy in Brazilian municipalities with high risk of leprosy transmission, 2001–2012

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    Background: Leprosy incidence has reduced in recent years in Brazil, although the disease still persists as a public health problem in some regions. To investigate the trends of selected leprosy indicators in Brazilian municipalities with high risk of transmission is essential to provide effective control of the disease, yet this area has not been investigated. Methods: This is an ecological time-series study with multiple groups using Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN) data. All 692 municipalities of the states of Mato Grosso, Tocantins, Rondônia, Pará and Maranhão were included. The incidence rates of leprosy were calculated, as well as incidence rates in children under 15 years per 100,000 inhabitants and rates of new cases presenting grade-2 disabilities per 100,000 inhabitants. Joinpoint Regression was used to analyse the time trends of the different indicators studied. The spatial distribution of temporal variations of the indicators in the period was presented. Results: Between 2001 and 2012, 176,929 leprosy cases were notified in the area studied, this being equivalent to 34. 6 % of total cases in Brazil. In the aggregate of municipalities, there was a reduction in incidence rate of leprosy from 89.10 to 56.98 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants between 2001 and 2012, with a significant reduction between 2003 and 2012 (APC: − 6.2 %, 95 % CI: −7.2 % to −5.2 %). The incidence rate in <15 years also reduced significantly between 2003 and 2012 (APC: −5.6 %; 95 % CI: −7.2 % to −4.1 %). The rate of new cases with grade 2 disability remained stable between 2001 and 2012 (APC: −1.3 %; 95 % CI: −2.6 % to 0.1 %). Conclusion: Despite the reduction in the leprosy incidence rate, strategies for controlling this disease need to be enhanced to enable early case detection, especially in hyperendemic municipalities, in order to prevent disability

    Analysis of the epidemiological situation of leprosy in an endemic area in Brazil : spatial distribution in the periods 2001 - 2003 and 2010 - 2012

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    Introdução: no Brasil, a distribuição espacial da hanseníase é heterogênea. Áreas com alta transmissão da doença permanecem nas regiões Norte, Centro-Oeste e Nordeste do país. Objetivo: descrever a distribuição espacial da hanseníase em municípios brasileiros com alto risco de transmissão, nos períodos 2001 - 2003 e 2010 - 2012. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo ecológico com dados do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN). Foram incluídos todos os municípios localizados nos Estados de Mato Grosso, do Tocantins, de Rondônia, do Pará e do Maranhão. Os seguintes indicadores de hanseníase foram calculados por 100.000 habitantes: taxa de incidência de hanseníase, taxa de incidência em menores de 15 anos e a taxa de casos novos com grau 2 de incapacidade (por 100.000 habitantes). A estatística espacial scan foi usada para detectar clusters significativos (p ≤ 0,05) na área de estudo. Resultados: no período 2001 - 2003, a estatística espacial scan identificou 44 clusters significativos para a taxa de incidência da hanseníase, e 42 clusters significativos no período 2010 - 2012. No período 2001 - 2003, foram identificados 20 clusters significativos para a taxa de incidência em menores de 15 anos, e 14 clusters significativos no período 2010 - 2012. Para a taxa de casos novos com grau 2 de incapacidade, a estatística scan identificou 19 clusters significativos no período 2001 - 2003, e 14 agrupamentos significativos no triênio 2010 - 2012. Conclusão: apesar da redução na detecção de casos de hanseníase, há uma necessidade de intensificar as ações de controle da doença, especialmente nos clusters identificados.Introduction: in Brazil, the spatial distribution of leprosy is heterogeneous. Areas with high transmission of the disease remain in the North, Center-west and Northeast. Areas with high transmission of the disease remain in the Northern, Central-Western and Northeastern regions of the country. Objective: to describe the spatial distribution of leprosy in municipalities with high risk of transmission, in the periods from 2001 - 2003 and 2010 - 2012. Methods: this was an ecological study using data from the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN). They included all municipalities in the states of Mato Grosso, Tocantins, Rondônia, Pará and Maranhão. The following leprosy indicators were calculated per 100,000 inhabitants: incidence rate of leprosy, incidence rate in children aged less than 15 years and rate of new cases with grade 2 disabilities. The spatial scan statistic was used to detect significant clusters (p ≤ 0.05) in the study area. Results: in the period 2001 - 2003, the scan spatial statistics identified 44 significant clusters for the leprosy incidence rate, and 42 significant clusters in the period 2010 - 2012. In the period 2001 - 2003, it was possible to identify 20 significant clusters to the incidence rate in children aged less than 15, and 14 significant clusters in the period 2010 - 2012. For the rate of new cases with grade 2 disability, the scan statistics identified 19 significant clusters in the period 2001 - 2003, and 14 significant clusters in the period 2010 - 2012. Conclusions: despite the reduction in the detection of leprosy cases, there is a need intensify disease control actions, especially in the clusters identified

    Condutas pós-exposição ocupacional a material biológico na odontologia

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a conformidade das condutas pós-exposição ocupacional a material biológico relatadas por cirurgiões-dentistas e auxiliares de consultório dentário com aquelas preconizadas pelas autoridades de saúde do Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado inquérito epidemiológico no município de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, em 2003. Os participantes (289 cirurgiões-dentistas e 104 auxiliares de consultório dentário) foram selecionados por meio de amostragem probabilística sistemática. Os dados foram coletados utilizando questionários auto-aplicáveis. RESULTADOS: A lavagem do local afetado foi a conduta mais adotada pelos dentistas (98,5%) e auxiliares (89,2%) após sofrerem lesão percutânea. Perguntar a situação sorológica ao paciente-fonte foi mais freqüente entre os dentistas que sofreram lesão percutânea (44,6%) do que entre aqueles que sofreram respingo (14,3%). A realização de quimioprofilaxia, a notificação do acidente e a solicitação de exames para os pacientes foram os procedimentos menos lembrados e adotados. Após sofrerem exposição ocupacional a material biológico, 10,8% dos dentistas e 2,7% dos auxiliares buscaram atendimento médico. CONCLUSÕES: Com base nas recomendações do Ministério da Saúde do Brasil, as condutas pós-exposição ocupacional a material biológico na população estudada foram consideradas insuficientes, especialmente entre os auxiliares.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether post-exposure measures referred by dentists and dental assistants are in line with those recommended by Brazilian health authorities. METHODS: An epidemiological survey was carried out in a city of Southern Brazil, in 2003. Subjects (289 dentists and 104 dental assistants) were selected through random systematic sampling. Data were collected through self-reported questionnaires. RESULTS: Washing the exposure site was the most common measure taken by dentists (98.5%) and assistants (89.2%) after sustaining a percutaneous injury. More dentists asked the patients if they carried blood-borne viruses after sustaining a percutaneous injury (44.6%) than a splash to a mucous membrane (14.3%). Taking post-exposure prophylaxis, notifying the accident and requesting blood tests to patients were the least remembered and taken measures by dentists and assistants. After sustaining an occupational exposure to potentially infectious materials, 10.8% of dentists and 2.7% of dental assistants sought medical care. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the Brazilian Ministry of Health recommendations, post-exposure management among the study population was considered, in general, inadequate, especially among dental assistants