7,382 research outputs found

    On the Determination of Leptonic CP Violation and Neutrino Mass Ordering in Presence of Non-Standard Interactions: Present Status

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    We perform a global analysis of neutrino data in the framework of three massive neutrinos with non-standard neutrino interactions which affect their evolution in the matter background. We focus on the effect of NSI in the present observables sensitive to leptonic CP violation and to the mass ordering. We consider complex neutral current neutrino interactions with quarks whose lepton-flavor structure is independent of the quark type. We quantify the status of the "hints" for CP violation, the mass-ordering and non-maximality of θ23\theta_{23} in these scenarios. We also present a parametrization-invariant formalism for leptonic CP violation in presence of a generalized matter potential induced by NSI.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    Employment descentralisation: polycentric compaction or sprawl? The case of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region 1986-1996

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    The Barcelona Metropolitan Region (BMR) has been repeatedly characterised as a polycentric-type urban system. The aim of this study is to corroborate this affirmation by making use of a methodology that enables the identifying of employment subcentres and valuing of the degree of polycentrism of the BMR in 1986 and 1996. The results obtained in the two years confirm the existence and extension of the polycentrism.Employment subcentres, identification, descentralisation, sprawl, compaction, polycentrism.

    Traduccions del rus : Els dotze i altres poemes, d'Aleksandr Blok (1986)

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    En la col·lecció «Poesia del Segle xx», Edicions del Mall publicà només un llibre de poesia russa, Els dotze i altres poemes, d'Aleksandr Blok, en traducció de Guillem Nadal. Recuperava així un traductor del qual amb prou feines es coneixia el vessant rus, i feia visible la poesia d'undels poetes russos principals del segle xx, Blok, del qual fins aleshores s'havien fet molt poques traduccions al català, totes indirectes. Malgrat que és l'única obra poètica traduïda del rus al Mall, un repàs als llibres publicats en altres col·leccions i als llibres que es volien editar mostral'interès dels editors per difondre la literatura russa en català.In their collection Poesia del Segle xx, Edicions del Mall published just one book of Russian poetry Els dotze i altres poemes by Alexander Blok, translated by Guillem Nadal. This way they recovered a translator, Russian facet of whose work was hardly known and visualised thepoetry of one of the leading Russian writers of the 20th century, Blok, who had been very scarcely translated into Catalan until then (all translations were indirect). Although it is the only poetic work translated from Russian by Edicions del Mall, a review of the books published inother collections and books that were to be published shows the interest of the publishers to promote Russian literature in Catalan

    La traducció d'Els germans Karamàzov de Joan Sales : les notes a peu de pàgina

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    Joan Sales va fer una traducció indirecta d'Els germans Karamàzov l'any 1961, seguint els propis criteris editorials i literaris que havia imposat al Club dels Novel·listes. Aquests criteris i certs aspectes ideològics de les creences de Sales es veieren reflectits en la traducció d'aquesta novel·la. Un dels elements que ajuda a comprendre com Sales interpretà el text i com la seva ideologia personal influí en la traducció són les notes a peu de pàgina. L'article estudia les notes des d'aquest punt de vista.Joan Sales made an indirect translation of The Brothers Karamazov in 1961 following his own editorial and literary criteria that he had imposed on El Club dels Novel·listes. These criteria and other ideological aspects of Sales' convictions were reflected in the translation of this novel. The footnotes are one of the elements that help to understand how Sales interpreted the text and how his personal ideology influenced the translation

    Toward Polarization Encoding Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution in Free-Space

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    Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) allows two trusted parties the ability to exchange a secret cryptographic key with unconditional security guaranteed by the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics. The transmission and measurement of sequences of quantum bits, or qubits, between two parties is the underlying mechanism in QKD. Security proofs, theoretically assume ideal single-photon sources and perfect single-photon detectors.In practice, imperfections in the state preparation of qubits or those in single-photon detectors may be exploited to expose security loopholes. A relatively new protocol, Measurement-Device-Independent QKD (MDI-QKD), has been proposed which is immune to detector side-channel attacks, thus eliminating the need to have trusted single-photon detectors. However, in MDI-QKD near-perfect state preparation by the two parties is required to prove security in postprocessing.This thesis outlines a proof-of-principle demonstration of polarization-encoded MDI-QKD using attenuated weak coherent pulses and investigate imperfections to the state preparation of qubits from certain parameters

    Poor infant feeding practices and high prevalence of malnutrition in urban slum child care centres in nairobi: a pilot study

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    Little is known about the style and quality of feeding and care provided in child day-care centres in slum areas. This study purposively sampled five day-care centres in Nairobi, Kenya, where anthropometric measurements were collected among 33 children aged 6–24 months. Mealtime interactions were further observed in 11 children from four centres, using a standardized data collection sheet. We recorded the child actions, such as mood, interest in food, distraction level, as well as caregiver actions, such as encouragement to eat, level of distraction and presence of neutral actions. Of the 33 children assessed, with a mean age of 15.9 ± 4.9 months, 14 (42%) were female. Undernutrition was found in 13 (39%) children with at least one Z score <−2 or oedema (2): height for age <−2 (11), weight for age <−2 (11), body mass index for age <−2 (4). Rates of undernutrition were highest (9 of 13; 69%) in children aged 18–24 months. Hand-washing before the meal was lacking in all centres. Caregivers were often distracted and rarely encouraged children to feed, with most children eating less than half of their served meal. Poor hygiene coupled with non-responsive care practices observed in the centres is a threat to child health, growth and development