798 research outputs found

    Book Review: The Soft Voice of Reason

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    FREUD AS AN EXPERT WITNESS K. R. Eissler Madison, Connecticut, International Universities Press 1986, 449 pages

    Brief Remarks on Some Linguistic Features of Empathy and Sympathy

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    The use of words by an individual or culture is subject to the very same psychological forces that drive man\u27s other activities . Hence, the history of a word\u27s usage becomes a telling record of the mental processes of its creators and users, both conscious and unconscious. Etymology, as Freud has observed in his dreambook (1900), contributes significantly to our understanding of the deeper layers of the psyche . Let us take the word rival, for example, and see how we may make use of etymological data. It is derived from the Latin riva lis, I which originally meant one sharing a stream or neighbor, companion, aid (Oxford English Dictionary, 197 1; Shipley, 1984, p. 333). When Shakespeare has Bernardo say: If you do meet Horatio and Marcellus , The rivals of my watch , bid them make haste (Hamlet, Act 1, Sc. i, 11. 13- 14) rival is used in just this sense: companion, help meet, colleague. Yet this meaning is now obsolete. Today to declare someone a rival is to brand him or her a competitor, someone with whom one struggles, a foe, an enemy. The inevitable dark side of human relations is thus revealed: proximity implies danger, friends may betray, neighbors attack

    Psychoanalysis: Science or Fiction?

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    The completion of this paper comes coincidentally at a time when a book by a scholarly philosopher, Adolf Grunbaum, entitled The Foundations of Psychoanalysis:A Philosophical Critique, has just been published and purports to answer the question of the scientific status of analysis. This temporally follows Jeffrey Masson\u27s work (1) which accuses Freud of abandoning the so-called seduction hypothesis and by so doing laying unsound groundwork for the science that consumes Freud\u27s nearly limitless energies . In short, it is a period in which psychoanalysis finds itself condemned, but perhaps in a more vehement and visible fashion than usual

    A Brief Note on a Psychotherapeutic Technique Described by Glover and Its Application During Psychiatric Residency

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    Few would dispute the existence of a general tendency to blame psychological ailments on physical problems. For example, we often attribute changes in mood to the somatic effects of the weather, irritability to diet, apathy to physical exhaustion, etc. How many of us can deny at some time having attempted to explain to our spouses that an outburst of temper was really the fault of our indigestion, let us say? Of course, our spouses are rather skeptical. And as psychiatrists we too preserve a skepticism towards the explanations of this kind which our patients so often provide. This is not to say that we render meaningless the influence of somatic factors on the psyche, but only to acknowledge that unconscious processes operate in devious and wily ways, and that a psychological principle independent of these psychosomatic relations seems to be hard at work. In extreme cases, excessive and overriding concern for physical status is unequivocally indicative of a major psychiatric disturbance- and the processes of denial and displacement are observable in purer culture, as it were. But we must not ignore the attempt at self-cure inherent in such tendencies, the acknowledgment of which might lead to efficacious therapeutic interventions. Indeed, as resident psychiatrists, circumstances permit us to practice a type of brief psychotherapy which has long been utilized, albeit in an uncomprehending, intuitive manner. Glover (1931) had laid th e theoretic groundwork for the technique I am about to describe, in his brilliant and far-reaching paper on inexact interpretation (the perusal of which is strongly recommended to the reader), which consequently warrants a brief discussion

    In the Beginning...Phylogeny in Freud\u27s Overview of the Transference Neuroses: A Review-Essay

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    A PHYLOGENETIC FANTASY I. Grubrich-Simitis, editor A. Hoffer and P. T. Hoffer, translators Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 198

    Návrh systému chlazení pro nízkoteplotní sušicí jednotku určenou k úpravě těženého zemního plynu

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    This master’s thesis deals with the design of a cooling system for a low temperature drying unit for the treatment of natural gas. The theoretical part presents information about principles of natural gas, refrigeration cycles and heat exchangers. The practical part describes the methods and calculations to design the cooling system unit, selection of the compressor and thermal expansion valve, design of evaporator and design of condenser by comparing the use of refrigerant R404A and R449A. Lastly, it is shown the specified technical parameters and technical drawings.Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem chladícího systému určeného pro nízkoteplotní sušicí jednotku pro úpravu vlastností zemního plynu. Teoretická část se věnuje informacím ohledně principů úpravy zemního plynu, chladícím cyklům a výměníkům tepla. Praktická část se poté věnuje návrhům a výpočtům celého chladícího systému stejně tak jako jednotlivým částem, kterými jsou kompresor chladícího systému, expanzní ventil, výparník a kondenzátor. Návrhy a výpočty jsou zpracovány pro chladiva R404A a R449A. Práce obsahuje také specifikaci technických parametrů jednotlivých částí a výkresovou dokumentaci.361 - Katedra energetikyvýborn

    Propuesta de mejoramiento del sistema de agua potable del centro poblado Pichiu Quinhuaragra, Huari, Ancash- 2022

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    El objetivo general del siguiente proyecto de investigación es la propuesta de mejoramiento del estado actual de los componentes de agua potable en CP. Pichiu Quinhuaragra. El método utilizado de investigación práctica, un método cualitativo, un nivel de investigación descriptivo, no experimental, acorde con los principios básicos del saneamiento como la teoría de las instalaciones de agua potable operativa, teniendo en cuenta los factores, estructura, clasificación, requerimientos de calidad. La población de C.P.Pichiu Quinhuaragra está constituida de acuerdo a los componentes de agua potable donde la evaluación y estudio abarcara toda la población. De acuerdo a los elementos de agua potable son un total de 900 habitantes y 250 viviendas de pobladores de la zona del CP.Pichiu Quinhuragra. El proyecto de investigación se realizó recolectando información con ficha técnica y análisis de laboratorio (mecánica de suelo)- (calidad de agua). Donde se llegó a resultados y finalmente su concluyó la poca fluidez de caudal debido a las fallas de las componentes de agua potable por lo tanto se plantea una mejora del servicio mencionado