439 research outputs found

    L?mites y alcances para la evaluaci?n de la pol?tica p?blica de deserci?n escolar caso: Pol?tica p?blica de educaci?n 2010-2014 en Ibagu? (Tolima)

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    107 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEntre los a?os 2010-2014 en Colombia se da el proceso de implementaci?n y ejecuci?n de la Pol?tica P?blica de Educaci?n Nacional implementado y desarrollado bajo el gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos Calder?n. Esta pol?tica educativa se enfoca en aspectos como: la deserci?n escolar, cobertura, calidad educativa, acceso y permanencia de los estudiantes en el sistema educativo entre otros. As?, la presente investigaci?n se propone proporcionar al lector una mirada sobre los l?mites y alcances que tuvo dicha pol?tica p?blica educativa en lo que corresponde al municipio de Ibagu?, usando como herramienta principal algunos enfoques de evaluaci?n del campo de la pol?tica p?blica. El ejercicio se realiz? desde una perspectiva cualitativa y cuantitativa de an?lisis descriptivo y documental, en la que se propuso relacionar la informaci?n obtenida en funci?n de los enfoques de la investigaci?n. Palabras Clave: Pol?tica- Pol?tica P?blica - Educaci?n- Deserci?n EscolarBetween 2010-2014 in Colombia the process of implementation and execution of the Public Policy of National Education is implemented and developed under Juan Manuel Santos Calder?n government. This educational policy focuses on aspects such as: School dropout, coverage, educational quality, access and permanence of students in the education system among others. The aims of this investigation are to provide the reader both a look to the limits and the significance especially in Ibague and highlighting some assessment process of Public Educational Policy. This exercise attempts to demonstrate a quantitative and qualitative perspective with a descriptive analysis documentary in order to focus the data obtained into the research approaches. Keywords: Politics- Public Policy- Education- School Dropou

    Influence of Gas Pressure and Blowing Agent Content on the Formation of Aluminum Alloy Foam

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    Apart from density and alloy composition, the structure of solid metallic foams determines their mechanical performance. Herein, the effect of ambient pressure on the foaming behavior of AlSi6Cu4 precursors is studied. In situ X ray radioscopy is applied while foaming in a furnace chamber pressurized up to 40 amp; 8201;bar. The content of the blowing agent TiH2 is varied for each of the pressures chosen. The foam density and morphology are analyzed quantitatively using time resolved X ray radioscopy sequences and postsolidification X ray tomography data. The optimal content of blowing agent as well as the pore sizes and distributions is found to depend strongly on the ambient pressure. At high pressures very small, round, and uniformly distributed pores are formed and crack formation is avoided during the gas nucleation stage, which helps to prevent structural defects. Adjusting the ambient pressure allows for better control of the foam structure and density, which is relevant for commercial production and applicatio

    El entorno, una herramienta did?ctica para desarrollar el pensamiento y la competencia cient?fica en los ni?os y ni?as de 5 a 7 a?os

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    214 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente trabajo investigativo se llev? a cabo en una instituci?n educativa del municipio de Pereira, en donde se observaron e intervinieron ni?os y ni?as de 5 a 7 a?os desde el desarrollo del pensamiento cient?fico, partiendo de una caracterizaci?n de los estudiantes, evidenciando que los estudiantes no se planteaban, ni les planteaban propuestas para que ellos construyeran sus propios conceptos partiendo de la experiencia; falencia que se ten?a en los procesos de construcci?n de pensamiento por parte de los ni?os, que buscan el conocimiento de su entorno a trav?s del m?todo experimental. La meta del proyecto es favorecer a los educandos en su proceso de formaci?n, partiendo de los conocimientos previos e involucrarlos en la construcci?n del pensamiento cient?fico, en donde se pretende potencializar las habilidades y competencias que les brinde la capacidad de saber, saber hacer y poder hacer en su entorno y este se d? a trav?s de la investigaci?n acci?n-participaci?n, por medio del cual se dio origen a un Proyecto Pedag?gico de Aula, cuyo eje articulador de todo el proceso de formaci?n cient?fica fue el mariposario escolar, generando un espacio de aprendizaje significativo en el que los ni?os est?n en la posibilidad de hacer ciencia mediante la manipulaci?n, experimentaci?n, hip?tesis y conclusiones que obtiene de ser actor protagonista de su propio proceso. Uno de los prop?sitos del trabajo es organizar un ambiente de aprendizaje que fuera significativo para los educandos basado en la observaci?n, formulaci?n de hip?tesis, experimentaci?n y la conclusi?n, es decir el pensamiento cient?fico permitiendo a su vez buscar la manipulaci?n de elementos del entorno, vivencias y aplicaci?n de saberes previos, para poder as? generar una comunicaci?n asertiva donde las conclusiones se dieran a partir de los procesos desarrollados. Palabras Clave: entorno, pensamiento cient?fico, m?todo cient?fico, creatividad, experimentaci?n, conocimiento com?n, conocimiento cient?fico.Pedagogical project in a classroom took place in an institution educational of the municipality of Pereira, where is observed e intervened children and girls from 5 to 7 years from the development about scientific thought, starting of a characterization of them students where is showed the flaw that is had in them processes of construction of thought from the children in the knowledge about their environment through the medium experimental i.e. not raised proposals so that they build their own concepts based on their experience. The project?s goal is to assist learners in their learning process on the basis of previous knowledge and engage them in the construction of scientific thinking where is intended to enhance the skills and competencies that to deliver the ability to know, do, and can do in their environment and this is given through the action - participation research whereby gave rise to the school butterfly as the articulator axis of the entire training process scientific, generating a space of learning significant in which them children are in the possibility of make science through the manipulation, experimentation, hypothesis and conclusions that obtains of be actor protagonist of its own process. Also it had got organize an environment significant of learning, based us in observation, formulation, hypothesis, experimentation and finally the conclusion, to its time it manipulation of elements of this environment, experiences and knowledge previous, reaching thus to generate a communication assertive where each an of them parts presents their questions and their conclusions starting from them processes developed. KeyWords: environment, scientific, thinking, scientific method, creativity, experimentation, common knowledge, scientific knowledge

    Effect of antiseptic gels in the microbiologic colonization of the suture threads after oral surgery

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    Three different bioadhesive gels were evaluated in a double-blind randomized clinical trial in which microbial growth in the suture thread was assessed following post-surgical application of the aforementioned gels. Also assessed in this trial were, the intensity of post-surgical pain as well as the degree of healing of the patients' surgical wounds. A total of 21 patients (with 42 wisdom teeth) participated in this trial. Chlorhexidine gel, chlorhexidine-chitosan gel, and hyaluronic acid gel were evaluated, with a neutral water-based gel serving as the control agent. The aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacterial recovery on blood agar was lower in the placebo group than in the experimental groups. The most significant difference (p = 0.04) was observed in the chlorhexidine-chitosan group. in which the growth of Blood Agar and Mitis Salivarius Agar was significantly higher than in the placebo group. The intensity of post-surgical pain was very similar among all the groups. Significantly better healing rates were observed in the patients treated with chlorhexidine-chitosan gel when compared with those who used the placebo gel (p = 0.03), and in particular when compared with those patients who used hyaluronic acid gel (p = 0.01). Through our microbiological analyses, we were able to conclude that none of the bioadhesive gels tested resulted in beneficial reductions in the bacterial/fungal populations. However, the healing rates of patients who were treated with chlorhexidine-chitosan were better than those of the patients who used either the placebo gel or the hyaluronic acid gel

    Short Range Ordered Aluminum Foams

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    Ordering the bubbles of closed cell aluminum foams can contribute to decorative esthetics and create directional mechanical properties that disordered foams do not have. High porosity gt;80 aluminum foams prepared by the traditional static gas injection method usually have large and polyhedral cells, which do not form an ordered stacking. Aluminum foams with relatively uniform and small cells cell size amp; 8776;1.2 amp; 8201;mm have been recently obtained by gas injection through a nozzle rotating at high speed. Herein, the stacking of aluminum foams with different cell sizes and a monodisperse aqueous foam are characterized by X ray tomography and compared with an ideal face centered cubic FCC structure. The aluminum foam featuring the smallest cells has a concentrated distribution of cell coordination number with a peak of 12 and the first peaks of the radial distribution function are found to be consistent with those of the monodisperse aqueous foam and an ideal FCC structure. Furthermore, many aligned bubble chains with more than five bubbles are observed on cross sectional images. Therefore, aluminum foam can become short range ordered whenever the cell size is uniform enough and reduced to around 1.2 amp; 8201;mm. Methods for further improving the order of aluminum foam are discusse

    Visualisation of stabilising particles at the gas solid interface of metal foams

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    In this article, we demonstrate a technique to visualise the stabilising particles at the gas solid interface of metal foams by employing metallographic etching. This technique is easy to perform and can be applied on a relatively large sample size. The particles present at the gas solid interface of five different types of foams were investigated. Information on the type of particles and the particle coverage could be obtained from this stud

    In situ investigations on stress and microstructure evolution in polycrystalline Ti C,N alpha Al2O3 CVD coatings under thermal cycling loads

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    The stress behavior and the associated microstructure evolution of industrial Ti C,N amp; 945; Al2O3 coatings subjected to thermal cycling are investigated by in situ energy dispersive synchrotron X ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Temperature dependent stresses and changes in microstructural parameters domain size and microstrain are analyzed by in situ measurements at different temperatures between 25 and 800 C, both in the heating up and cooling down step, including several thermal cycles. Transmission electron microscopy is used to evaluate defects before and after the thermal treatment. The introduction of high compressive stresses in amp; 945; Al2O3 by top blasting is connected to a high defect density at the basal planes of the alumina layer. The stress relaxation of the alumina layer at high temperatures is associated with a successive annihilation of defects until a reversible temperature dependent stress condition is set. Top blasting does not change the initial microstructure and residual stress of the Ti C,N layer. Ti C,N shows a cyclic stress behavior associated with the heat treatment and an elastic deformation behavior in the temperature range investigate
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