38 research outputs found

    El profesor Juan Negrín

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    Bases fisiológicas del intelecto

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    Bloqueantes adrenérgicos y funcionalismo tiroideo

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    La participación del sistema adrenérgico en las manifestaciones clínicas del hipertiroidismo, ha sido señalada por di­versos autores (GOETSCHE, 1918; PRIESTLY y cols., 1931; ROSEN­BLUM y cols., 1933; SAWYER y BROWN, 1935; McDONAL y cols., 1935; BARKER y cols., 1936; SCHNECKLOTH y cols., 1953; BREWSTER, 1956; WURTMAN y cols., 1963; GOLDSTEIN y KILLIP, 1965; HARRISON, 1967; MORI, 1968; WADA, 1968). La primera sugerencia se debe a GOETSCHE (1918 ). Este autor observó que los efectos cardíacos de la adrenalina, en pacientes hipertiroideos, estaban aumentados, mientras que, en otros procesos que cursan con taquicardia -ansiedad- el aumento era menor..

    'Locus' de acción de la desipramina

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    La desipramina, medicamento de introducción relativamente reciente, pertenece al grupo de antidepresivos tricíclicos, tipo imipramina. En efecto, esta sustancia se comporta farmacológica y bioquímicamente de forma similar a la imipramina (GARATTINI y cols., 1962; BICKEL y BRODIE, 1964; GLOWINSKI y AXELROD, 1964; VAN ROS SUM, 1966), aunque experimentalmente, la primera resulta más potente y de acción más rápida (BRODIE y cols., 1961; SULSER y cols., 1962)

    Liberación de noradrenalina por reserpina II. Interacción con bretilio en conducto deferente de rata

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    Desde hace ya algunos años estudiamos en nuestro Departamento la interacción de la reserpina con distintas sustancias que actúan en la presinapsis adrenérgica (simpaticomiméticos indirectos, inhibidores de la MAO, etc.). El bretilio es un bloqueante de la conducción del impulso nervioso que actúa también a nivel presináptico. ..

    Liberación de noradrenalina por reserpina I. Interacción con anfetamina y con bretilio en bazo de gato

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    Continuando con experiencias anteriores ya presentadas en esta Asociación (PLANAS y cols., 1977) sobre la interacción de la reserpina con distintos fármacos, hemos estudiado en esta ocasión las posibles modificaciones del efecto de la reserpina cuando previamente se perfunde el bazo de gato in situ con anfetamina o bretilio. ..

    Laparoscopic versus open hemihepatectomy: comprehensive comparison of complications and costs at 90 days using a propensity method

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    Laparoscopic hemihepatectomy (LHH) may ofer advantages over open hemihepatectomy (OHH) in blood loss, recovery, and hospital stay. The aim of this study is to evaluate our recent experience performing hemihepatectomy and compare complications and costs up to 90 days following laparoscopic versus open procedures. Retrospective evaluation of patients undergoing hemihepatectomy at our center 01/2010-12/2018 was performed. Patient, tumor, and surgical characteristics; 90-day complications; and costs were analyzed. Inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) was used to balance covariates. A total of 141 hemihepatectomies were included: 96 OHH and 45 LHH. While operative times were longer for LHH, blood loss and transfusions were less. At 90 days, there were similar rates of liver-specifc and surgical complications but fewer medical complications following LHH. Medical complications that arose with greater frequency following OHH were primarily pulmonary complications and urinary and central venous catheter infections. Complications at 90 days were lower following LHH (Clavien-Dindo grade≥III OHH 23%, LHH 11%, p=0.130; Comprehensive Complication Index OHH 20.0±16.1, LHH 10.9±14.2, p=0.001). While operating costs were higher, costs for hospital stay and readmissions were lower with LHH. Patients undergoing LHH experience a signifcant reduction in postoperative medical complications and costs, resulting in 90-day cost equity compared with OHH

    Daily gridded datasets of snow depth and snow water equivalent for the Iberian Peninsula from 1980 to 2014

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    We present snow observations and a validated daily gridded snowpack dataset that was simulated from downscaled reanalysis of data for the Iberian Peninsula. The Iberian Peninsula has long-lasting seasonal snowpacks in its different mountain ranges, and winter snowfall occurs in most of its area. However, there are only limited direct observations of snow depth (SD) and snow water equivalent (SWE), making it difficult to analyze snow dynamics and the spatiotemporal patterns of snowfall. We used meteorological data from downscaled reanalyses as input of a physically based snow energy balance model to simulate SWE and SD over the Iberian Peninsula from 1980 to 2014. More specifically, the ERA-Interim reanalysis was downscaled to 10 km 10 km resolution using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The WRF outputs were used directly, or as input to other submodels, to obtain data needed to drive the Factorial Snow Model (FSM). We used lapse rate coefficients and hygrobarometric adjustments to simulate snow series at 100m elevations bands for each 10 km 10 km grid cell in the Iberian Peninsula. The snow series were validated using data from MODIS satellite sensor and ground observations. The overall simulated snow series accurately reproduced the interannual variability of snowpack and the spatial variability of snow accumulation and melting, even in very complex topographic terrains. Thus, the presented dataset may be useful for many applications, including land management, hydrometeorological studies, phenology of flora and fauna, winter tourism, and risk management. The data presented here are freely available for download from Zenodo (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.854618). This paper fully describes the work flow, data validation, uncertainty assessment, and possible applications and limitations of the database.Esteban Alonso-González is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BES- 2015-071466). This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness projects CGL2014-52599-P 10 (Estudio del manto de nieve en la montaña española y su respuesta a la variabilidad y cambio climatico) and CGL2017- 82216-R (HIDROIBERNIEVE) and (with additional support from the European Community funds, FEDER) CGL2013-48539-R (Impactos del cambio climático en los recursos hídricos de la cuenca del Duero a alta resolución). Also, the Regional Government of Andalusia has funded this research with the project P11-RNM-7941 (Impactos del Cambio Climático en la cuenca del Guadalquivir, LICUA)

    Acció de l'hormona alliberadora de la Tirotropina (TRH) damunt mecanismes andrenèrgics

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    Des de fa uns quants anys hom sospitava l'existencia de substàncies d'origen hipotalàmic amb acció reguladora de les secrecions anterohipo­fisàries; convencionalment eren denominades «factor d'alliberació» (re­leasing factors). Generalment hom substituïa el terme «factor» pel d'«hormona» tan aviat com aconseguia de determinar-ne l'estructura química. Aquest és el cas de l'hormona alliberadora de la tirotropina hipofisària (TRH: thyrotropin-releasing hormone), coneguda abans com a factor alliberador de la tirotropina (TRF: thyrorropin-releasing factor)