2,926 research outputs found

    Cp2TiCl/D2O/Mn, a formidable reagent for the deuteration of organic compounds

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    Cp2TiCl/D2O/Mn is an efficient combination, sustainable and cheap reagent that mediates the D-atom transfer from D2O to different functional groups and can contribute to the synthesis of new deuterated organic compounds under friendly experimental conditions and with great economic advantages.The Spanish MICINN (Project CTQ2015-70724-R)University of Sevill

    Cp2TiCl/D2O/Mn, a formidable reagent for the deuteration of organic compounds

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    Cp2TiCl/D2O/Mn is an efficient combination, sustainable and cheap reagent that mediates the D-atom transfer from D2O to different functional groups and can contribute to the synthesis of new deuterated organic compounds under friendly experimental conditions and with great economic advantages.The Spanish MICINN (Project CTQ2015-70724-R)University of Sevill

    Affine semigroups having a unique Betti element

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    We characterize affine semigroups having one Betti element and we compute some relevant non-unique factorization invariants for these semigroups. As an example, we particularize our description to numerical semigroups.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. To appear in Journal of Algebra and its Application

    Analysis of the deep semiotic structure of Korea's propaganda messages

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    Este estudio exploratorio analiza y compara la propaganda en carteles de Surcorea y Norcorea. Para ello se utilizó el método de Elementos para una Teoría Comunicacional de la propaganda, un modelo de análisis semiótico, formulado por Pineda (2006), centrándonos en los propagados y propagandemas. Se encontró que la propaganda de Corea del Norte responde a la necesidad de defender el Estado; la exaltación al líder; y la influencia de China y la URSS. Por su parte, Corea del Sur basa su propaganda en la exaltación de los candidatos, la importancia del pueblo y en el marketing político de EEUU.The following exploratory study analyzes and compares the propaganda of South Korea and North Korea. To do so, we used the Elements for a Communication Theory of Propaganda model, which is a semiothic analysis model developed by Pineda (2006). We will be focusing on propagados and propagandemas. We found that North Korea's propaganda met the goals of defending the State, exalting the leader, and the influence of China and the Sovietic Union. South Korea, on the other hand, based their propaganda in USA's political marketing model and on exalting political candidates, as well as the importance of the people

    Influence of the Polarity of the Electric Field on Electrorheometry

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    Uniaxial extensional flow is a canonical flow typically used in rheological characterization to provide complementary information to that obtained by imposing simple shear flow. In spite of the importance of having a full rheological characterization of complex fluids, publications on the rheological characterization of mobile liquids under extensional flow have increased significantly only in the last 20 years. In the case of the rheological characterization of electrorheological fluids, the situation is even more dramatic, as the ERFs have been exclusively determined under simple shear flow, where an electrorheological cell is attached to the rotational rheometer generating an electric field perpendicular to the flow direction and that does not allow for inverting the polarity. The very recent work published by Sadek et al., who developed a new electrorheological cell to be used with the commercial Capillary Breakup Extensional Rheometer (CaBER), allows for the very first time performing electrorheometry under extensional flow. By means of the same experimental setup, this study investigates the influence of the polarity of the imposed electric field on the filament thinning process of a Newtonian and an electrorheological fluid. Results show that a polarity against the gravity results in filament thinning processes that live longer or reach a stable configuration at lower intensities of the applied electric field

    Affine convex body semigroups

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    In this paper we present a new kind of semigroups called convex body semigroups which are generated by convex bodies of R^k. They generalize to arbitrary dimension the concept of proportionally modular numerical semigroup of [7]. Several properties of these semigroups are proven. Affine convex body semigroups obtained from circles and polygons of R^2 are characterized. The algorithms for computing minimal system of generators of these semigroups are given. We provide the implementation of some of them