1,229 research outputs found

    Gamay grapevine peroxidase: Its role in vacuolar anthocyani(di)n degradation

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    The oxidation of anthocyani(di)ns by Gamay grapevine vacuolar peroxidases was studied. The results suggest that, unlike their glycosides, Gamay anthocyanins aglycones are degraded by peroxidases, the carbinol pseudobase probably being the true substrate, the oxidation of which was strictly dependent on H2O2. Only a weak substrate specificity was found in the H2O2-dependent degradation of peonidin, delphinidin and cyanidin. These results are discussed in the light of the subcellular localization of Gamay peroxidase, and of the possible involvement of this enzyme in anthocyanin turnover and degradation in planta.Rebperoxidase von Gamay: Ihre Rolle beim vakuolären Abbau von Anthocyani(di)nen.Die Oxidation von Anthocyani(di)nen durch vakuoläre Peroxidasen der Rebsorte Gamay wurde untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß - im Gegensatz zu ihren Glykosiden - die Anthocyanin-Aglykone durch Peroxidasen abgebaut werden, wobei wahrscheinlich die Carbinol-Pseudobase das eigentliche Substrat ist, dessen Oxidation von H2O2 abhängt. Beim H2O2-abhängigen Abbau von Päonidin, Delphinidin und Cyanidin wurde nur eine geringe Substratabhängigkeit gefunden. Die Ergebnisse werden im Zusammenhang mit der zellulären Lokalisierung der Gamay-Peroxidase und mit ihrer möglichen Rolle beim Anthocyaninmetabolismus in der Pflanze diskutiert

    Epigenetic control of extracellular auxin catabolism in grapevine cells cultured in suspension

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    The several factors which control extracellular auxin catabolism were studied in grapevine (Vitis vinifera cv. Gamay), using cells cultured in suspension as a model system. From the results, it is concluded that, contrarily to previous observations with cultured cells, auxin catabolism in the spent medium depends on a massive sequential secretion of both basic and acidic isoperoxidases. It also depends on the secretion of phenolic compounds, characterized as of an 'auxin protector' nature, which modulate the IAA-oxidase activity of the extracellular isoperoxidases throughout the culture period. Thus, unlike observations of peroxidase activities, IAA-oxidase activities are expressed mainly during the beginning of the post-exponential growth phase of the cultured cells, giving to this highly compartmentalized catabolic process an apparent central role in the depletion of the IAA content, once the cultured cells have stopped growing

    The specific expression of isoperoxidases in grapevine cells cultured in suspension in relation to vacuolar development

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    Die spezifischen Veränderungen der Isoperoxidasen in suspensionskultivierten Rebenzellen in Beziehung zur Entwicklung der ZellvakuoleAus wachsenden Beeren der Rotweinsorte Gamay (Vitis vinifera) wurden Zellsuspensionskulturen hergestellt. Diese dienten als Modellsystem, um die spezifischen Veränderungen der Enzymaktivität von Guajakol-Peroxidase und Indolyl-3-Essigsäure(IAA-)Oxidase während des Zellwachstums in Beziehung zur Entwicklung der Zellvakuole zu verfolgen. Der Entwicklungszustand der Vakuole wurde anhand des Verhältnisses monomere Anthocyane : Protein festgestellt. Die Untersuchungen zeigten, daß sich die Aktivität von Guajakol-Peroxidase während der exponentiellen Phase des Zellwachstums in Beziehung zum Entwicklungszustand der Vakuole veränderte. Andererseits wurde im Verlauf des Zellwachstums nie IAA-Oxidaseaktivität nachgewiesen, wahrscheinlich weil in den kultivierten Zellen höhere Konzentrationen von "Auxinprotektoren" vorhanden waren.Dieser Befund steht im Widerspruch zu der Beobachtung, daß die Zunahme der Gesamtperoxidasenaktivität in den Zellen in erster Linie auf den Anstieg der basischen Isoperoxidasen zurückzuführen ist. Aufgrund der Tatsache, daß der IAA-Abbau hauptsächlich durch basische Isoperoxidasen bewirkt wird, wird ferner die anerkannte physiologische Rolle der basischen Isoperoxidasen in suspensionskultivierten Zellen in Frage gestellt. Eine alternative Rolle, welche die basischen Isoperoxidasen im intensiven oxidativen Stoffwechsel der Phenole bei roten Rebsorten spielen könnten, wird diskutiert

    Influencia del riego deficitario controlado precosecha sobre la calidad de la cereza ´Prime Giant`

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    El uso de redes de sensores para el manejo del riego deficitario controlado (RDC) en cerezo puede incidir en la mejora de la productividad del agua, calidad de la fruta y en su comportamiento poscosecha, al permitir el conocimiento y control del estado hídrico del suelo y árbol en todo momento. En el primer año de ensayo, el riego deficitario aplicado en precosecha para satisfacer el 85% de las necesidades máximas del cultivo (ETcg) permitió un ahorro de agua del 17% (380 m3 ha-1) respecto al tratamiento control, que se regó al 110% de la ETcg. Este déficit hídrico ligero no afectó a la producción (16,13 t ha-1) e incluso mejoró la calidad del fruto. Así, en el momento de la cosecha (t0) los frutos bajo déficit ligero presentaron matices más rojos y mayor acidez que los de riego completo. Esta mayor acidez no afectó al índice de madurez debido a la compensación por sólidos solubles totales (SST). El carácter de mayor acidez perduró tras 30 días de conservación en frio (t1) y 5 días de simulación de las condiciones de comercialización (t2). Igualmente, los frutos bajo déficit hídrico presentaron una tendencia a menores pérdidas de peso por deshidratación a finales de los periodos de conservación en frio y de simulación de la comercialización.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2013-49047-C2-1

    Geodetic Research on Deception Island and its Environment (South Shetland Islands, Bransfield Sea and Antarctic Peninsula) During Spanish Antarctic Campaigns (1987-2007)

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    Since 1987, Spain has been continuously developing several scientific projects, mainly based on Earth Sciences, in Geodesy, Geochemistry, Geology or Volcanology. The need of a geodetic reference frame when doing hydrographic and topographic mapping meant the organization of the earlier campaigns with the main goals of updating the existing cartography and of making new maps of the area. During this period of time, new techniques arose in Space Geodesy improving the classical methodology and making possible its applications to other different fields such as tectonic or volcanism. Spanish Antarctic Geodetic activities from the 1987/1988 to 2006/2007 campaigns are described as well as a geodetic and a levelling network are presented. The first network, RGAE, was designed and established to define a reference frame in the region formed by the South Shetlands Islands, the Bransfield Sea and the Antarctic Peninsula whereas the second one, REGID, was planned to control the volcanic activity in Deception Island. Finally, the horizontal and vertical deformation models are described too, as well as the strategy which has been followed when computing an experimental geoid

    Evaluación del seguimiento de niños con hallazgo de hipertransaminasemia

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    Introduction: Although changes in liver function tests can be non-specific in numerous clinical conditions, they can be the first sign of a potentially serious disease in an asymptomatic patient. Material and methods: Retrospective cohort study, performed by reviewing the records of children of a reference hospital central laboratory with alanine aminorransferase enzyme (ALT) elevation during a 6 month aleatory period. Results: 572 blood tests with serum ALT elevation corresponding to 403 patients had been assessed during the period studied. 98 patients were excluded for presenting abnormal liver test before the study period of comorbidity that could produce ALT elevation. The remaining 305 patients, 22.6% were diagnosed with a medical condition during the first blood test that explained the ALT elevation, although only 33.3% of them were followed up until verifying their normalization. Final study sample consists of 236 patients with abnormal liver test without apparent liver disease. Adequate follow-up was found only in 29% of them. From this group, 9 patients (13%) were diagnosed with liver disease. The rest of the sample were not properly monitored. In patients with higher serum ALT levels, follow-up was early and more appropiate. Conclusions: In our area, most children without apparent liver disease are no properly monitored. Therefore, an opportunity to diagnosis and treat a potential liver disease was lost in a great number of children. All children with unexplainedhypertransaminasaemia must be studied

    Probing the innermost regions of AGN jets and their magnetic fields with RadioAstron II. Observations of 3C 273 at minimum activity

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    RadioAstron is a 10 m orbiting radio telescope mounted on the Spektr-R satellite, launched in 2011, performing Space Very Long Baseline Interferometry (SVLBI) observations supported by a global ground array of radio telescopes. With an apogee of about 350 000 km, it is offering for the first time the possibility to perform {\mu}as-resolution imaging in the cm-band. We present observations at 22 GHz of 3C 273, performed in 2014, designed to reach a maximum baseline of approximately nine Earth diameters. Reaching an angular resolution of 0.3 mas, we study a particularly low-activity state of the source, and estimate the nuclear region brightness temperature, comparing with the extreme one detected one year before during the RadioAstron early science period. We also make use of the VLBA-BU-BLAZAR survey data, at 43 GHz, to study the kinematics of the jet in a 1.5-year time window. We find that the nuclear brightness temperature is two orders of magnitude lower than the exceptionally high value detected in 2013 with RadioAstron at the same frequency (1.4x10^13 K, source-frame), and even one order of magnitude lower than the equipartition value. The kinematics analysis at 43 GHz shows that a new component was ejected 2 months after the 2013 epoch, visible also in our 22 GHz map presented here. Consequently this was located upstream of the core during the brightness temperature peak. These observations confirm that the previously detected extreme brightness temperature in 3C 273, exceeding the inverse Compton limit, is a short-lived phenomenon caused by a temporary departure from equipartition. Thus, the availability of interferometric baselines capable of providing {\mu}as angular resolution does not systematically imply measured brightness temperatures over the known physical limits for astrophysical sources.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    The TORCH time-of-flight detector

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    AbstractThe TORCH time-of-flight detector is being developed to provide particle identification between 2 and 10GeV/c momentum over a flight distance of 10m. TORCH is designed for large-area coverage, up to 30m2, and has a DIRC-like construction. The goal is to achieve a 15ps time-of-flight resolution per incident particle by combining arrival times from multiple Cherenkov photons produced within quartz radiator plates of 10mm thickness. A four-year R&D programme is underway with an industrial partner (Photek, UK) to produce 53×53mm2 Micro-Channel Plate (MCP) detectors for the TORCH application. The MCP-PMT will provide a timing accuracy of 40ps per photon and it will have a lifetime of up to at least 5Ccm−2 of integrated anode charge by utilizing an Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) coating. The MCP will be read out using charge division with customised electronics incorporating the NINO chipset. Laboratory results on prototype MCPs are presented. The construction of a prototype TORCH module and its simulated performance are also described